HOBACK FORMATION--Interbedded drab and gray sandstone and claystone. Locally con- tains thick red and gray conglomerate. Th DEVILS BASIN FORMATION--Light-gray sandstone interbedded with green and gray claystone; sparse coal and carbonaceous shale. Tdb HANNA FORMATION--Brown and gray sandstone, shale, conglomerate, and coal; giant quartzite boulders near Medicine Bow Mountains. Tha FORT UNION FORMATION Northwest, southwest, and central Wyoming--Brown to gray sandstone, gray to black shale, and thin coal beds. Tfu East Wyoming--Light-colored massive sandstone, drab shale, and thick coal beds. Tfu Tongue River Member--Thick beds of yellow sandstone interbedded with gray and black shale and many coal beds. Tftr, Tftl Lebo Member--Dark-gray clay shale and concretionary sandstone. Tfl, Tftl, Tflt Tullock Member--Soft gray sandstone, gray and brown carbonaceous shale, and thin coal beds. Tft, Tflt