Water-resources investigations in Tennessee: Programs and activities of the USGS, 1992-1994

U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 94-498

by Barbara H. Balthrop, Harold C. Mattraw Jr.

Table of Contents

A message from the District Chief

Hydrologic data collection

Surface-water monitoring network

Real-time data-collection network

Water-quality network

Suspended-sediment data collection

Ground-water level network

Participation in the National Atmospheric Deposition Program

National baseline network

Monitoring at Arnold Engineering and Development Center for the

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

Hydrologic investigations

Low-flow and flow-duration characteristics for streams in Tennessee

Flood investigations

Monitoring of depth to water in aquifers in the Memphis area, Tennessee

Statewide water-use program

Estimates of future demand for selected water-service areas in the upper Duck River basin, Middle Tennessee

Appalachian Valleys-Piedmont regional aquifer-system analysis

Hydrogeology of Cave Springs basin, near Chattanooga, Tennessee, as part of the Appalachian-Piedmont RASA study

Ground-water resources of Hamilton County, Tennessee

Ground-water resources of Mill Hole Spring and the adjacent carbonate aquifer in the Valley and Ridge Province, East Tennessee

Hydrogeology of the Cascade Springs area, Tennessee

Study of the hydrogeology near the 54 test cell at the Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee

Hydrogeologic investigation of the Fort Campbell Military Reservation, Kentucky

Investigation of the hydrogeology of the Naval Air Station-Memphis near Millington in Shelby County, Tennessee

Potential for interaquifer leakage in the Memphis area, Tennessee

Geology and hydrology of deeper rocks in west-central Tennessee

Upper Tennessee river basin study unit of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program

Effects of contaminants from an abandoned wood-preserving plant site on the quality of ground water and surface water at Jackson, Tennessee

Investigation of water-quality changes at Davis well field in Memphis, Tennessee

Ground-water quality of the upper Knox aquifer, Middle Tennessee

Occurrence of bacteria in ground water near Lebanon, Tennessee

Quality of ground water in Grainger County, Tennessee

Water quality of an intermittent stream near Bristol, Tennessee

Water-quality variability in the Clinch-Powell Rivers in East Tennessee

Evaluation of agricultural nonpoint-source pollution in the Beaver Creek drainage basin, West Tennessee

Quality of storm water in relation to land use for urban areas in Tennessee

Validation of factor-adjustment procedure in weighting regional models of urban-runoff quality with local data

Application of the distributed routing rainfall runoff model, DR3M to Bear Branch watershed, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Seepage and spring inventory reconnaissance and base-flow measurements at the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Urban hydrology for Johnson City, Tennessee

Hydrologic regime of wetlands at Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee

Wetlands monitoring at Spring City, Tennessee

Wetland restoration studies, West Tennessee

Assessment of scour at bridges

Debris accumulation at bridges

Sedimentation and surface-water flow patterns near the Tigrett Wildlife Management area, Dyer County, Tennessee

Digital data acquisition and development of geographic information system coverages for wells and springs used for public supply in Tennessee

Conversion of geologic quadrangle maps to geologic coverages

Tennessee coordinated ground-water data base

Other Activities


Geophysical logging

District drilling capabilities

Geographic information system capabilities

Recent publications


1. Active recording surface-water stations in Tennessee as of 9/30/94

2. Active ground-water network in Tennessee as of 9/30/94

3. Water-quality and suspended-sediment stations





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