U.S. Geological Survey National Computer Technology Meeting: Program and Abstracts, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 10-15, 1994

U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 94-52

Compiled by Barbara H. Balthrop and Eva G. Baker

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The Distributed Information System-II (DIS-II) is actively in use in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to support the USGS mission of providing the hydrologic information and understanding needed for the optimum use and management of the Nation's water resources. Initial plans are being made for augmenting DIS-II with new procurements for additional hardware and software to maintain state-of-the-art computer technology to support our mission. The 7th National Computer Technology Meeting (NCTM '94), which was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in April 1994, included presentations on the current use of DIS-II hardware and software to solve scientific, administrative, and management problems. NCTM '94 also provided a forum for identifying additional immediate and future needs for enhancements in hardware and software to continue to meet the USGS mission.

This report contains abstracts of technical papers and demonstrations of newly developed software running in the DIS-II computing environment that were presented at the NCTM '94 meeting. Several panel discussions at the meeting provided an exchange of information on issues concerning the use of Internet for scientific purposes, the administration of a relational data base system in support of the hydrologic and administrative data bases, and the use of a paperless report process.

Training continued to be a major part of the NCTM '94. Short courses in system administration, programming languages, network use and analysis, computer security, application software, and data-base techniques were conducted.

Colleen A. Babcock
Technical Coordinator

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