U.S. Geological Survey National Computer Technology Meeting: Program and Abstracts, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 10-15, 1994

U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 94-52

Compiled by Barbara H. Balthrop and Eva G. Baker

Table of Contents


Program listing

Demonstration of a digital compact disc containing Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation data for use in schools to teach remote sensing

Managing relational data bases using Ingres

Administering Internet Network News (INN), the Netnews server

Telecommunications infrastructure of the US Geological Survey

Developing graphical applications using a very-high-level language

Implementation of the Administrative Information System, first release, in the Water Resources Division, US Geological Survey-results an recommendations

Software development for remote entry of water-use data Parallel virtual machine: capturing the cycles

Design and use of the data report subsystem of the US Geological Survey National Water Information System-II

Automatic editing and graphical postprocessing of output from the MODular Finite Element (MODFE) model

Development of a 14digit hydrologic coding scheme and boundary data set for New Jersey

Generation of digital base maps for preparation of thematic maps

A vendor-independent fourth-generation language for data manipulation and analysis

The US Geological Survey data base for US Department of Defense Environmental Contamination projects

The hydrologic models summary (HYMS): making software information accessible through the Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS software

Interoperability of computer systems with dissimilar architecture: a case study

The effect of data generalization on the prediction of hydrologic response

Overview of the paperless report project of the US Geological Survey

Computer-based, three-dimensional visualization of observed solute distributions during the Cape Cod tracer test, Massachusetts

Using a geographic information system to derive urban land use from population data

A site verification program using ARC/INFO geographic information system software

Development of a platform-independent Paperless Time and Attendance system

The development of tools for construction of interactive information systems

Automating regression and performance testing of National Water Information System-II software

Comprehensive approach to production of map illustrations by computer

A user's map of the data in the US Geological Survey National Water Information System

Use of remotely sensed data to characterize vegetation in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota

Activities of the US Geological Survey Hydrologic Analysis Support Section

Use of conditional text and hypertext in the user's manual for the US Geological Survey National Water Information System-II

A microcomputer-based personnel system demonstration using TouchScreen Technology

An information-request management and accounting system

Microlink/FFS (Federal Financial System) for UNIX and US Geological Survey Administrative Information System

Implementation of a UNIX-based inventory application at the Rocky Mountain Mapping Center

Administrative business process re-engineering

Scientific visualization at Flagstaff Image Processing Facility, US Geological Survey: Past, Present, and Future

A centralized configuration management board in the US Geological Survey

Slide making in a multiplatform environment

GEONET II Internet routing

Digital mapping of the national rivers inventory

Use of wide-area information server software to support the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse

The use of compact disc-read only memory (CD-ROM) for the storage of data and related programs for UNIX computer operating systems

Implementation of the US Department of the Interior electronic acquisition system (IDEAS)

Automounting daemon program

An application for the graphical editing and analysis of hydrologic data

Guidelines for creating user documentation for software in the US Geological Survey

Computer networking of US Geological Survey field offices in the DIS-II environment as an alternative to leased communication lines

Data-base logging and joumaling systems

Ingres performance issues involving the logging and locking systems

Incorporating electronic maps into US Geological Survey reports

Statistical and geographic information system analysis of Earth-science information for decisionmaking

Computer-science guest-lecture series at Langston University sponsored by the US Geological Survey

Development of digital hydrogeologic map symbols for the US Geological Survey

Reference lists for the US Geological Survey National Water Information System-B

Laboratory analytical data system

Parallelization of a coastal circulation and transport computer model

Applications of geographic information systems and statistics software to a large data base for producing publication-quality figures

Real-time monitoring of a hydrologic sensor network

US Department of the Interior hazardous-waste sites geographic information system

A collaborative approach to electronic report production

Author index





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