Rainfall, Streamflow, and Water-Quality Data for Five Small Watersheds, Nashville, Tennessee, 1990-92

U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 94-68

by G.S. Outlaw, A.B. Hoos, and J.T. Pankey

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Rainfall, streamflow, and water-quality data were collected during storm conditions at five urban watersheds in Nashville, Tennessee. These data can be used to build a database for developing predictive models of the relations between stormwater quality and land use, storm characteristics, and seasonal variations. The primary land use and mix of land uses was different for each watershed. Stormwater samples were collected during three storms at each watershed and analyzed for selected volatile, acidic and base/neutral organic compounds; organic pesticides; trace metals; conventional pollutants; and several physical properties. Storm loads were computed for all constituents and properties with event mean concentration above the minimum reporting level.

None of the samples contained acidic organic compounds at concentrations above the minimum reporting levels. Several constituents in each of the other categories, however, were present at concentrations above this level. For 21 of these, water-quality criteria have been promulgated by the State of Tennessee. For only 8 of the 21 did the value exceed the most restrictive of the criteria: pyrene, dieldrin, and mercury concentrations and counts of fecal * coliform exceeded the criteria for recreational use, copper and zinc concentrations and p value exceeded the criteria for fish and aquatic life, and lead concentrations exceeded for domestic supply.

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