USGS - science for a changing world

Open-file Report 95-839

Table 3: Analyses and methodologies employed for sediment chemistry.

Total Solids E160.3
Nitrogen, Ammonia E350.1
Sulfide E376.2
Acid Digestion, Total Metals (ICP) SW3010
Acid Digestion, Total Metals (Furnace) SW3020
Acid Digestion, Total Metals (As, Se) SW3020
Arsenic, Furnace SW7060
Cadmium, Furnace SW7131
Chromium, Total, Furnace SW7191
Copper, ICP SW6010
Lead, Furnace SW8015
Mercury SW7471
Nickel, ICP SW6010
Selenium, Furnace SW7740
Silver, Furnace SW7761
Zinc, ICP SW6010
Diesel Range Organics SW8015
Sonication Extraction (Method 8015) SW3550
Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs SW8080
Sonication Extraction (Method 8080) SW3550
Semivolatile Organics (GC/MS) Capillar SW8270
Sonication Extraction (Method 8270) SW3550
Total PCDDs Screen (C1-4 through C1-8) SW8280
Total Cyanide SW9012
Total Organic Carbon SW9060
PCB Congeners E680 (Modified)
Organic Tin Compounds Unger
Particle Size Distribution ASTM D422
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons SW8270/SIM
