Suggested citation and version history for Wentworth, C.M., Fisher, G.R., Levine, Paia, and Jachens, R.C., 1995, revised 2012, The surface of crystalline basement, Great Valley and Sierra Nevada, California; a digital map database: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-96, v. 1.11, 18 p. and database (Available at Version 1.11 June 22, 2012 - fixed a significant problem in the map figure (fig. 1) in the two PDF files (a critical seismic reflection line was missing). November 1, 2007 - changed text description of the projection of ArcInfo coverages to match the correct projection already stored in the coverage .prj files. - added pdf version of postscript well list as ccb_wells.pdf. - added pdf version of page-sized map (fig. 1) prepared in color from ccb_fig.pdf (no change to - added shape file equivalents in geographic projection (decimal degrees, NAD27) for all the coverage data files. - revised text to reflect the above changes, removed or replaced outdated computer instructions, and made other minor improvements. - replaced text file ccbsmt.text as revised and added postscript and pdf equivalents and ccbsmt.pdf (latter includes fig. 1, others do not). - migrated report to Version 1.0 1995 Initial release online at