1_README.TXT Geometeorological data collected by the USGS Desert Winds Project at Gold Spring, Great Basin Desert, northeastern Arizona, 1979 - 1992 By Paula J. Helm(1), Carol S. Breed(2), Richard Tigges(3), and P.A. Garcia(1) Open-File Report 95-78 1995 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (1) U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Ariz. (2) Sedona, Ariz. (3) U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. PURPOSE OF DATA ACQUISITION: The primary purpose of the Desert Winds Project (DWP) is to obtain high resolution meteorological data and related surface geological and vegetation data for natural (e.g., uncultivated) desert sites where wind is or has been a major erosive or depositional force. The objectives are twofold: (1) to provide the detailed field measurements needed to carry out quantitative studies of wind as an agent of surface geologic change; and (2) to establish a baseline for defining the "normal" range of climatic conditions that can be expected to occur on a decadal time scale, in areas considered representative of the major American deserts. The Gold Spring locality was selected to represent that part of the Great Basin Desert that extends into northeastern Arizona. The long-term goal for acquiring and analyzing the Desert Winds Project data is to use them to address problems of land resource degradation by wind, whether resulting from climatic variation (aridification) or human activities (desertification), or both (see techinfo.doc). CD-ROM CONTENTS: The DWP Gold Spring CD-ROM contains meteorological data files pertaining to the Gold Spring Geomet research site. Documentation files and data-accessing display software are also included. The meteorological data are: wind speed peak gust wind direction precipitation air temperature soil temperature barometric pressure humidity CD-ROM DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: The directory structure on the CD-ROM is shown as follows: | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | | | docfiles software data | gs | | | DOCFILES DIRECTORY: The docfiles directory contains the following documentation files: - authors.doc lists the names of authors, CD-ROM production personnel, software programmer, and acknowledgements. - acknowl.doc acknowledges the funding sources for the Desert Winds Project and the DWP CD-ROM. - contacts.doc lists the name, phone number, address, and e-mail address of people to contact for additional information about the CD-ROM. - disclaim.doc contains the Government's disclaimer for this CD-ROM. - register.doc contains a registration form by which a user can elect to receive announcements of new DWP CD-ROM releases. This form also provides a vehicle for suggestions and feedback to the USGS about the current disc. - techinfo.doc provides an overview of the Desert Winds Project Gold Spring Geomet site and in-depth technical information on the data contained on the disc. Information on data collection methods, sensors, and procedures is included. Individual data elements are defined and coded values are explained. - getstart.unx explains step-by-step how to access software and data on the CD-ROM. Once this brief tutorial exercise has been completed, the user should have a good working knowledge of how to select, display, and output data from this CD-ROM. - doycal.ps is a postscript file that provides a complete doylpyr.ps day-of-the-year calendar (perpetual and leap year) to help the user find the proper three digit day-of-the-year code used to name the data files (see below). - hardware.dwn lists the dates when data are missing due to station failures, tranmission failures, or sensor failures. SOFTWARE DIRECTORY: The software directory contains the following software: geomet -- windowing software to access the meteorological data; source code and executable Geomet -- application-defaults file for 'geomet' software Makefile.sun - make file for compiling the software on a Sun SPARCstation 2 geomet.hlp -- documentation for using the software 'geomet' on a Sun SPARCstation 2 computer Non-windowing software for the Sun plus preliminary data-accessing software for other computers may be available. Contact Peter Schweitzer for details. (see contacts.doc) DATA DIRECTORY: The data directory contains the gs (Gold Spring) subdirectory which contains the year subdirectories (named with the last two digits of the year). Each year subdirectory includes month subdirectories, designated by a two-digit numeral for each month. The daily data files reside in the month subdirectories and are named gsyyddd.dat where gs = Gold Spring yy = last 2 digits of the year ddd = 3-digit number for day-of-the-year (see doycal.ps) For example, the daily data files for Gold Spring for July, 1985 are in \data\gs\85\07 and are named: gs85182.dat through gs85212.dat data | | gs | | ______________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 | | _________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 | | _________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | gs85182.dat gs85183.dat gs85184.dat gs85185.dat ... gs85212.dat DATA FILES: The daily data files are written in ASCII with a carriage return and line feed at the end of each row (UNIX command 'more' will not work on these data files). Each row is associated with the time that the data were recorded in the data collection platform (see techinfo.doc) at the Gold Spring site. Each column is associated with a sensor. Spaces are used as delimiters in the ASCII files. The software 'geomet' allows the user to select different delimiters for the data files (see /software/geomet.hlp). The first row in the data file contains a four letter code used by the software 'geomet', and the second row contains the latitude and longitude for the Gold Spring site. The rows containing the data follow. For most of the period-of-record, all the sensors were sampled at the same sampling interval (6-minute); after August 9, 1992, the data were sampled at different time intervals depending on the sensor (see hardware.dwn). Below are two examples of data files: one shows the file format when all sensors were sampled at the same time interval (6-minute), and the other shows the file format when sensors were sampled at different time intervals. The headings define the sensor associated with the column of data and are NOT headings in the ASCII files. The software 'geomet' will write a heading with the sensor name for each column to a user-selected file (see /software/geomet.hlp). Example 1: gs85185.dat (This example shows an actual data file which is 100 characters wide.) DATE: yyddd where yy is the last two digits of the year ddd is the 3-digit number for day-of-the-year (see doycal.ps) TIME: hours and minutes since midnight (24-hour clock) HUM: relative humidity [percent] PPT: precipitation [inches-cumulative yearly] BP: barometric pressure [inches of mercury] WD: wind direction [degrees] WS(6.1): average wind speed measured at 6.1 m height [mph] PG(6.1): peak gust measured at 6.1 m height [mph] WS(2.7): average wind speed measured at 2.7 m height [mph] (-77.00 means not yet installed) WS(1.2): average wind speed measured at 1.2 m height [mph] (-77.00 means not yet installed) PG(1.2): peak gust measured at 1.2 m height [mph] (-77.00 means not yet installed) AT(6.1): air temperature measured at 6.1 m height [Celsius] (-77.00 means not yet installed) AT(1.2): air temperature measured at 1.2 m height [Celsius] ST(12.7): soil temperature measured at 12.7 cm depth [Celsius] ST(10): soil temperature measured at 10 cm depth [Celsius] (-77.00 means not yet installed) ST(20): soil temperature measured at 20 cm depth [Celsius] (-77.00 means not yet installed) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE TIME HUM PPT BP WD WS PG WS WS PG AT AT ST ST ST (6.1) (6.1) (2.7) (1.2) (1.2) (6.1) (1.2) (12.7) (10) (20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWa0 351200 1113700 85185 0001 26.28 1.68 30.088 49.15 5.90 5.90-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 21.77 28.44-77.00-77.00 85185 0007 26.28 1.68 30.061 47.04 5.51 5.90-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 22.16 28.05-77.00-77.00 85185 0013 25.89 1.68 30.088 49.15 5.11 5.90-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 22.16 28.05-77.00-77.00 85185 0019 25.49 1.68 30.061 49.15 5.11 5.51-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 22.16 28.05-77.00-77.00 85185 0025 25.49 1.68 30.061 47.04 5.51 5.90-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 21.77 28.05-77.00-77.00 85185 0031 25.49 1.68 30.061 47.04 5.90 6.29-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 21.77 27.65-77.00-77.00 85185 0037 25.10 1.68 30.088 49.15 5.90 5.90-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 21.77 27.65-77.00-77.00 85185 0043 25.10 1.68 30.088 47.04 5.90 6.29-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 22.16 27.65-77.00-77.00 85185 0049 25.10 1.68 30.061 53.36 5.90 5.90-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 22.16 27.65-77.00-77.00 85185 0055 25.10 1.68 30.088 51.26 6.29 6.29-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 21.77 27.26-77.00-77.00 85185 0101 25.10 1.68 30.061 44.93 7.87 8.26-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 20.99 27.26-77.00-77.00 85185 0107 25.10 1.68 30.088 42.82 6.69 7.87-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 21.38 27.26-77.00-77.00 85185 0113 25.10 1.68 30.061 53.36 7.08 7.08-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 21.38 26.87-77.00-77.00 85185 0119 25.89 1.68 30.061 51.26 6.69 7.08-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 20.20 26.87-77.00-77.00 85185 0125 26.28 1.68 30.088 49.15 6.69 6.69-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.81 26.87-77.00-77.00 85185 0131 26.28 1.68 30.061 61.80 6.29 6.29-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.81 26.48-77.00-77.00 85185 0137 26.28 1.68 30.088 59.69 6.69 7.47-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.81 26.48-77.00-77.00 85185 0143 26.67 1.68 30.061 57.58 7.08 7.47-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.81 26.48-77.00-77.00 85185 0149 26.67 1.68 30.088 59.69 6.69 7.08-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.42 26.48-77.00-77.00 85185 0155 27.06 1.68 30.061 57.58 6.69 7.47-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.02 26.08-77.00-77.00 85185 0201 27.06 1.68 30.061 61.80 6.29 6.69-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.42 26.08-77.00-77.00 85185 0207 27.06 1.68 30.061 66.02 6.29 7.08-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.42 26.08-77.00-77.00 85185 0213 27.06 1.68 30.061 61.80 6.29 7.87-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.42 26.08-77.00-77.00 85185 0219 27.06 1.68 30.061 57.58 6.69 7.47-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.42 25.69-77.00-77.00 85185 0225 27.06 1.68 30.061 53.36 5.11 7.08-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.42 25.69-77.00-77.00 85185 0231 27.06 1.68 30.061 28.06 5.11 5.90-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.81 25.69-77.00-77.00 85185 0237 27.06 1.68 30.061 352.20 5.51 8.26-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 19.81 25.69-77.00-77.00 85185 0243 27.06 1.68 30.088 276.28 5.51 7.87-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 18.63 25.30-77.00-77.00 85185 0249 27.06 1.68 30.088 246.75 1.57 6.29-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 18.63 25.30-77.00-77.00 85185 0255 27.45 1.68 30.088 177.16 0.79 1.18-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 17.85 24.91-77.00-77.00 85185 0301 27.45 1.68 30.061 168.72 0.79 1.18-77.00-77.00-77.00-77.00 17.85 24.91-77.00-77.00 Example 2: gs91030.dat (This example shows an actual data file which is 100 characters wide.) DATE: yyddd where yy is the last two digits of the year ddd is the 3-digit number for day-of-the-year (see doycal.ps) TIME: hours and minutes since midnight (24-hour clock) HUM: relative humidity [percent] (1-hour) (-99.00 means sensor down or failure) PPT: precipitation [inches-cumulative yearly] (12-minute) BP: barometric pressure [inches of mercury] (1-hour) WD: wind direction [degrees] (6-minute) WS(6.1): average wind speed measured at 6.1 m height [mph] (6-minute) PG(6.1): peak gust measured at 6.1 m height [mph] (6-minute) WS(2.7): average wind speed measured at 2.7 m height [mph] (6-minute) WS(1.2): average wind speed measured at 1.2 m height [mph] (6-minute) PG(1.2): peak gust measured at 1.2 m height [mph] (6-minute) AT(6.1): air temperature measured at 6.1 m height [Celsius] (-77.00 means not yet installed) AT(1.2): air temperature measured at 1.2 m height [Celsius] (12-minute) ST(4): soil temperature measured at 4 cm depth [Celsius] (1-hour) ST(10): soil temperature measured at 10 cm depth [Celsius] (-77.00 means not yet installed) ST(20): soil temperature measured at 20 cm depth [Celsius] (-77.00 means not yet installed) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE TIME HUM PPT BP WD WS PG WS WS PG AT AT ST ST ST (6.1) (6.1) (2.7) (1.2) (1.2) (6.1) (1.2) (4) (10) (20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWa0 351200 1113700 91030 0001 0.20 27.70 4.10 4.50 3.30 2.80 3.40-77.00 -9.00 91030 0007 32.20 3.40 4.20 2.80 2.30 2.90 91030 0013 0.20 28.70 3.00 3.30 2.60 2.00 2.60-77.00 -8.00 91030 0019 12.10 2.80 3.50 2.90 2.30 2.70 91030 0025 -99.00 0.20 30.140 34.10 3.10 3.60 3.00 2.40 2.70-77.00 -8.00 -1.00-77.00-77.00 91030 0031 51.10 3.00 3.40 2.50 2.10 2.40 91030 0037 0.20 72.50 3.10 4.10 2.40 2.70 3.10-77.00 -9.00 91030 0043 84.50 3.50 4.30 2.40 2.20 3.10 91030 0049 0.20 63.10 3.30 3.50 2.80 2.50 2.90-77.00 -9.00 91030 0055 44.40 3.30 3.80 3.40 2.80 3.40 91030 0101 0.20 44.50 2.70 3.00 2.60 2.00 2.60-77.00 -9.00 91030 0107 50.40 3.60 4.20 3.30 2.60 3.00 91030 0113 0.20 37.50 3.60 4.10 3.40 2.80 3.20-77.00 -9.00 91030 0119 41.70 4.60 5.10 4.30 2.60 3.40 91030 0125 -99.00 0.20 30.150 38.80 4.70 5.20 4.40 2.90 3.90-77.00 -9.00 -2.00-77.00-77.00 91030 0131 38.70 5.10 5.40 4.70 3.20 3.90 91030 0137 0.20 33.30 5.40 5.80 4.90 3.40 4.10-77.00 -8.00 91030 0143 34.80 6.30 6.70 5.30 3.80 4.20 91030 0149 0.20 32.10 7.20 8.00 5.40 3.50 4.20-77.00 -8.00 91030 0155 29.20 7.40 8.20 5.50 3.80 5.00 91030 0201 0.20 22.70 6.50 7.10 4.70 3.30 3.90-77.00 -8.00 91030 0207 23.40 5.80 6.80 4.40 3.30 4.20 91030 0213 0.20 25.70 5.30 6.30 3.90 2.90 3.70-77.00 -8.00 91030 0219 34.90 4.70 6.00 3.70 3.00 3.80 91030 0225 -99.00 0.20 30.160 25.90 5.30 5.70 3.90 2.70 3.50-77.00 -9.00 -2.00-77.00-77.00 91030 0231 25.50 3.60 5.20 2.80 2.30 3.00 91030 0237 0.20 18.70 3.90 4.90 3.10 2.50 3.10-77.00 -9.00 91030 0243 15.70 3.60 4.40 3.30 2.70 3.20 91030 0249 0.20 31.80 2.40 2.90 2.80 2.40 2.80-77.00 -9.00 91030 0255 54.30 2.90 3.40 3.10 2.40 2.70 91030 0301 0.20 47.90 3.70 4.40 3.50 2.90 3.50-77.00-10.00 91030 0307 61.80 2.70 3.50 2.50 2.20 2.70 COMPUTER SPECIFICATIONS: The DWP Gold Spring CD-ROM was produced in accordance with the ISO 9660 standard, and can be accessed by any computer system that has the appropriate software to read ISO 9660 discs. This CD-ROM is Sun(UNIX) supported only, and the software 'geomet' has been tested on Sun SPARCstation 2 with the following hardware specifications: - SunOS4.1.3 - OpenWindows vs.3 - 16 Mbyte memory - 21 SPECmarks - 19-inch Sun color monitor (1152 pixels by 900 pixels) - ancii C compiler (acc) Sun sc 2.0.1 - external hard disk - IS0 9660 standard CD-ROM drive The full data set requires 106 Mbytes of disk space to store. Individual data files are slightly larger than 24 kbytes in size, 242 lines long, and 100 characters (16 data columns) wide. Now the user will want to read /docfiles/getstart.unx for instructions on how to access the data manually and how to run the data-accessing display software 'geomet'.