geomet: U.S. Geological Survey extraction tool for Geomet data This program permits the user to extract selected (or all) meteorological data collected by USGS Desert Winds Project Geomet stations for a user-chosen time period (see techinfo.doc). The program then allows the user to select an output format for use with commercial software. GENERAL PROCEDURE Select a Geomet station (Gold Spring only for this CD-ROM). Select sensors from the list of available sensors. Enter the desired time interval as beginning date and time and ending date and time. Specify the directory path and file name of the output file. Choose the format for the output file. Click on the Extract button to write the values to the output file. A confirmation box will appear with a listing of the choices made and a listing of problems or clarifying information. Click OK if the information is correct. Click Cancel if the information is not what you desired or expected. SPECIFIC PROCEDURE Selecting a Geomet station name: To see the list of station names: (Gold Spring only for this CD-ROM) Place cursor on station name box . Press the left mouse button and hold. To select a station: Place cursor on box. Press left mouse button and hold. Drag cursor to station name desired and release mouse button. Selecting from available sensors: To get information about a sensor: Highlight the sensor by clicking on the name in the list of available sensors. Click on the button Get Info to see more information about the highlighted sensor. For dates when the sensor was operational, see hardware.dwn and techinfo.doc. Click on OK to dismiss the information box and return. To select a sensor for inclusion in your output file: Highlight the sensor by clicking on the name in the list of available sensors. Click on the Add button to add it to the list of selected sensors. To include data from all sensors in your output file: Click on the Add All button. Modifying the list of selected sensors: To remove a sensor from the list of selected sensors: Highlight the sensor by clicking on the name in the list of selected sensors. Click on the Remove button to take it off the list of selected sensors. To clear the list of selected sensors: Click on the Remove All button. Designating output information: To set the beginning date and time: Place the cursor in the Beginning date text box. Delete unnecessary text by placing cursor at the end of text and using the delete key. Type the desired beginning date in Beginning date box. Dates may be in one of two forms: 1) YYMMDD, where YY is the last two digits of the year, MM is the number of the month, and DD is the number of the day. Leading zeros are required for January (01) through September (09) and for days less than 10. Examples: January 1, 1980 is 800101 December 31, 1992 is 921231 February 29, 1984 is 840229 2) YYDDD, where DDD is the day of the year (1-365) Similarly, type the desired beginning time in time box Time is always four digits of the form HHMM where HH is the hours, 00 to 23 MM is the minutes, 00 to 59 Examples: Midnight is 0000 Noon is 1200 3:30 pm is 1530 Set the ending date and time in the same manner. To designate the name of the output file: Place cursor in the appropriate text box. Delete unnecessary text. Type the full name of the file (directory path and file name) where you want the selected sensor data to be written. To choose the format of the output file: Place the cursor in box and hold to see the list of options. Drag cursor to format desired and release. To extract the selected data: Click on the Extract button. A confirmation box with a listing of the choices made and a listing of the problems or clarifying information will appear. If the information is correct, click OK. If the information is incorrect, click Cancel and go back to the appropriate step to modify the information.