Coal Geology of the Paleocene-Eocene Calvert Bluff Formation (Wilcox Group) and the Eocene Manning Formation (Jackson Group) in east-central Texas
Edited by P.D. Warwick and S.S. Crowley
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-595
Figure 2a. Palynomorph profile of 20 common taxa
from the middle seam and overlying marine argillaceous sandstone.
A stratigraphic section of the middle seam appears to the left
with seam thickness measured in cm from the top of the seam (0).
Yancey (this volume) gives a detailed, complete stratigraphic
section of the spillway outcrop. A layer dominated by fern
spores, Cicatricosisporites and Laevigatosporites,
occurs at the base of the seam. Momipites coryloides
predominates throughout most of the rest of the seam; Cupuliferoipollenites
spp. and M. coryloides predominate in the burrowed
upper 10 cm of this seam.
Figure 2b. Palynomorph profile of 20 common
grains from the middle seam. A stratigraphic section of the lower
seam appears to the left with seam thickness measured in cm from
the top of the seam (0). A layer dominated by fern spores, Cicatricosisporites
and Laevigatosporites, occurs at the base of the
seam. Momipites coryloides predominates throughout most
of the rest of the seam; however Cupuliferoipollenites spp.
replaces M. coryloides in the burrowed upper 10 cm of
this seam.
Figure 2c. Palynomorph profile of 20 common taxa
from a replicate sample of the upper burrowed layer, the variable
claystone and the underlying lignite of the middle seam. Momipites
coryloides predominates throughout most of the rest of the
seam; however Cupuliferoipollenites spp. replaces M.
coryloides in the burrowed upper 10 cm of this seam.
Figure 2d. Palynomorph profile of 20 common taxa from a replicate sample of the upper burrowed layer, the variable claystone and the underlying lignite of the middle seam. Momipites coryloides predominates in most of this samples; however Cupuliferoipollenites spp. replaces M. coryloides in the burrowed upper 10 cm of this seam.
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