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Coal Geology of the Paleocene-Eocene Calvert Bluff Formation (Wilcox Group) and the Eocene Manning Formation (Jackson Group) in east-central Texas

Edited by P.D. Warwick and S.S. Crowley

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-595

  As Be Cd Cr Hg Mn Ni Pb Se U

Calvert Mine, A1 bed

Wtd. Avg. 1.5 1.3 0.17 15 0.17 148 7 8 9 2.6

Lignites of the Wilcox Group, East Central Texas

Geo. mean 2.5 1.7 0.52 18 0.12 92 11 7.6 4.3 2.1
No. of samples 81 98 69 113 65 99 91 64 96 82

Table 4. Comparison of wighted averages of the HAPs elements for samples from the A1 bed (Calvert mine) to mean levels reported by Tewalt (1986) for lignites of the Wilcox Group in east-central Texas. [All elemental values are in parts per million on a whole-coal basis; Wtd. Avg. = weighted average, No. of samples = number of samples; Geo. mean = geometric mean.]


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