(last revision 2/7/95) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLICATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE BRANCH OF COAL GEOLOGY, OFFICE OF ENERGY AND MARINE GEOLOGY, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, JANUARY 1, 1985 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 by Margaret S. Ellis Open-File Report 95-65-B 5 pages and 2 3 1/2-inch disks (Open-File Report 95-65-A Paper copy only) This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature. Any use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this program has been used by the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of the program and related program material, nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith. 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Bibliographic database and software 2 Instructions 3 Software, database files, and documentation are on 2 3 1/2-inch disks: Disk 1 of 2 README (this document, last revision date on title page) BCGBIB.EXE (self-extracting compressed database files) PAPR.DOC (bibliographic software documentation) Disk 2 of 2 README (this document, last revision date on title page) PAPZIP.EXE (self-extracting compressed Papyrus Retriever bibliographic software) BIBASC.EXE (self-extracting compressed file containing Open-File Report 95-65-A in ASCII format) BIBWORD.EXE (self-extracting compressed file containing Open-File Report 95-65-A in Microsoft Word ver. 6.0 format) BIBWP.EXE (self-extracting compressed file containing Open-File Report 95-65-A in WordPerfect ver. 5.1 format) INTRODUCTION The Branch of Coal Geology in the Office of Energy and Marine Geology, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), is made up of approximately 80 workers split between offices in Reston, Virginia and Denver, Colorado. The following bibliography is part of our computerized bibliographic database of publications by Branch members. In 1985 there was a change in programs within the Coal Branch. For that reason it was determined that a publication containing products since 1985 would reflect "recent" publications. Information on earlier publications by the Branch of Coal Geology can be obtained by calling one of the main offices of the Branch (Reston--703 648-6407 or Denver--303 236-7726). This bibliography consists of a total of 1,725 publications by members of the U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Coal Geology, from January 1, 1985 to September 30, 1994. The bibliographic database was compiled in 1993 and 1994. This bibliography is as complete and correct as possible, however, the bibliography may not contain all publications by former Branch members (not employed by the Branch in 1993 or 1994). Reports prepared for internal use or for use by other government agencies (administrative reports) are not included in this bibliography. Over 12 percent of the reports prepared by Branch members are administrative in nature. Abstracts and other non-U.S. Geological Survey publications are included in the bibliography. This database, identified as BCGBIB, has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. Open-File Report 95-65-B is also available to be downloaded via 'anonymous ftp' from a USGS system named greenwood.cr.usgs.gov ( The files are located in a directory named /pub/open-file-reports/ofr-95-65-b. The database manager is: Margaret S. Ellis (303) 236-7775 mellis@dncrds0.cr.usgs.gov U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046, Mail Stop 972 Denver, CO 80225 The Branch of Coal Geology bibliographic database could not have been compiled without the generous cooperation of Linda Bragg, Bob Finkelman, Deanne Sorahan, Connie Gilbert, Judy Tucker, and other members of the Branch of Coal Geology. For more information on areas of expertise of Branch members or on the studies described in these publications, you may contact one of the Branch offices or the authors (see Appendix in Open-File Report 95-65-A for addresses and phone numbers). BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASE AND SOFTWARE The Branch of Coal Geology currently is using Papyrus bibliographic software from Research Software Design to store and retrieve references. A pared-down version of this software, Papyrus Retriever, is legal software designed for public use to access databases that are distributed by licensed users. The Papyrus Retriever bibliographic software (compressed in the PAPZIP.EXE file), documentation for the software (PAPR.DOC), the bibliographic database (data files to be used with the software, compressed in BCGBIB.EXE), and Open-File Report 95-65-A (document that contains the references and appendix) in ASCII, Microsoft Word ver. 6.0, and WordPerfect ver. 5.1 formats (compressed in the BIBASC.EXE, BIBWORD.EXE, and BIBWP.EXE files, respectively) are included on two 3 1/2-inch 1.44-MB disks in this report. To use the software provided you must have an IBM-compatible personal computer (I recommend a 386 or higher) running DOS version 3.3 or later and a hard drive with at least 6 MB of free disk space. When the files are uncompressed they will take up about 0.8 MB for the Retriever software, 0.08 MB for the Retriever documentation, 3.7 MB for the database files, and 0.7 MB for the Open-File Report 95-65-A document (in the format you have chosen). If you have a copy of Papyrus you can use the uncompressed database files as they are, and will not need to install the Retriever software. The Retriever software will allow you to search for references in several ways (such as by author, year, or subject). You can list and/or print the references in different formats. Retriever gives you options of listing references to the screen, a printer, or a file (to be accessed through whatever word processing package you are using). You can also use the Retriever software to search for references that you are interested in, create lists of the references in specific formats (saved to files) and import the references into another bibliographic software package. Formats that I have included in the database are: brief, standard, AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists), Endnote, GSA (Geological Society of America), Nature, Papx (Papyrus import format), Science, Silver Geo1, Silver Geo2, Silver Geo3, and Silver Geo4 (Silver Platter import formats), USGSimp (U.S. Geological Survey import format), USGSkwdk (U.S. Geological Survey format with keywords and key numbers), and USGSlst (U.S. Geological Survey format with no keywords or numbering). Detailed instructions for using the files on the disks are shown below. To uncompress the files provided, create a directory in your computer, move to the new directory, and copy all of the files from the disks into the directory. You must uncompress the database files before the software is uncompressed. Type BCGBIB to uncompress the data files. This will result in the creation of 8 files with the extension .BIB. When you have created these files you can delete the BCGBIB.EXE file from your directory. To uncompress Open-File Report 95-65-A type BIBASC for the ASCII file (which will create BIBASC.TXT), type BIBWORD for the Microsoft Word file (which will create BIBWORD.DOC) or type BIBWP for the WordPerfect file (which will create BIBWP.DOC). You can then delete the BIBASC.EXE, BIBWORD.EXE, and BIBWP.EXE files. Open-File Report 95-65-A is 198 pages long. Print the PAPR.DOC file for detailed instructions on how to install and use Papyrus Retriever. The Papyrus Retriever documentation is 44 pages long. To install the Retriever software, type PAPZIP, which will create the file PAPR.EXE. You can then delete the PAPZIP.EXE file from your directory. DO NOT UNINTENTIONALLY DELETE PAPR.EXE, because this is the file containing the Retriever software. Please read the documentation to find out the most effective way to use this software. To use the software, type PAPR. INSTRUCTIONS Type what is shown after the >, not including the parentheses and text in the parentheses. These instructions assume that your A drive will accommodate a 3 1/2-inch disk. If not, you will have to substitute the "b" for "a" or whatever other drive you will copy the files from. Make a new directory: C:\>mkdir pap (for Papyrus Retriever, or whatever name for the directory you prefer) Move into the new directory: C:\>cd pap Copy the files from the disks to the new directory: Place disk 1 in your A drive. C:\PAP>copy a:\*.* Place disk 2 in your A drive. C:\PAP>copy a:\*.* Uncompress the database files: C:\PAP>bcgbib Delete the compressed database files (to save space): C:\PAP>del bcgbib.exe Uncompress the Open-File Report 95-65-A document (198 pages): C:\PAP>bibasc (if you want an ASCII file) or C:\PAP\>bibword (if you want a Microsoft Word file) or C:\PAP\>bibwp (if you want a WordPerfect file) Delete the compressed files (to save space): C:\PAP>del bibasc.exe C:\PAP>del bibword.exe C:\PAP>del bibwp.exe To install and use the Papyrus Retriever software, begin by printing out the Papyrus Retriever documentation (44 pages): Type whatever command you use to go into your word processing software. Retrieve or open the file PAPR.DOC. This file is in DOS format (ASCII with line breaks) and will be converted when you open it. The document looks best if your font is 12 cpi, 12 point, or smaller. Print the PAPR.DOC file. Read the document to find out more about the Papyrus Retriever software, how to install it, and how to use it. To install the Papyrus Retriever software uncompress the file containing the software: C:\PAP>papzip Delete the file that contained the compressed software (to save space): C:\PAP>del papzip.exe (DO NOT DELETE PAPR.EXE, this is the Papyrus Retriever software. To access Papyrus Retriever type PAPR.)