U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SEISMOTECTONIC MAPS IN THE VICINITY OF NEW MADRID, MISSOURI DATABASE digitally compiled by Susan Rhea (USGS, MS 966, Denver, CO, 80225) Open-File Report 95-0574 This report is preliminary and has not be en reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This database, identified as mf2264, has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although the database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. The database may be downloaded via the internet from a USGS web server named pubs.usgs.gov. The files are located in a directory at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/ofr-95-0574/download/). The database manager is: Susan Rhea 303/273-8639 rhea@gldvxa.cr.usgs.gov U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046, MS 966 Denver, CO 80225 This digital map database consists of the ESRI ARC/INFO Version 7.0.3 coverages used to generate the maps in Map Series MF-2264 A to E (Rhea and Wheeler, 1994a,b, Rhea and others, 1994, Wheeler and Rhea, 1994, Wheeler and others, 1994) and I-2521 (Rhea and Wheeler, 1995). Total database size is 4.5Mb. Base-data are from 1:100,000-scale Digital Line Graph (DLG) data (roads, railroads, streams, water bodies, and state and county boundaries). Original source and scale for other data are described in the coverage entries below. All coverages contain attribute information beyond the usual ARC/INFO attributes, and some covers contain annotation subclasses. The ARC/INFO generated attributes include area and perimeter for polygon coverages, and internal control numbers and id numbers for point, arc, and polygon covers. The projection used is Albers Equal-Area, with central meridian at 900W, and standard parallels at 29030' N and 45030' N. Latitude of the projection's origin is at 230N. The scale of the published (printed) Miscellaneous Field Maps and the Investigations Map is 1:250,000. The EXPORT command was used to create the data.e00 files, using full compression. The IMPORT command will generate the ARC/INFO coverages for your use. I recommend importing the coverages and using the DESCRIBE command to display information on available features for each coverage. A brief description of each coverage follows (description of reflection and refraction coverages are grouped after descriptions of more general coverages): 2x2grat: graticule for the map; 35-370N, 89-910W arc attributes: NEATCODE = 1 for yes, 0 for no MJRULCODE at .50 intervals MNRULCODE at .1250 intervals polygon attributes: none 2x2grattic: point cover of all the .1250 interval tics in the 2x2grat area point attribute: TICCODE for interior and exterior tics axgrav: axial gravity anomaly (Langenheim, 1995) arc attributes: CODE = plotting symbol GEO = type of data, i.e. psmag = pseudomag polygon attributes: CODE = plotting symbol GEO = type of data, i.e. psmag = pseudomag basehyd: selected hydrography, selected on the basis of significant ground-shaking or liquefaction potential. arc attributes: DLG attributes annotation subclass: anno.names (river and lake names) bhlin_24k: Bootheel Lineament as observed on low-altitude photos and transferred to 1:24,000 scale topographic maps (Schweig and others 1992) arc attribute: CODE = type of lineament; R1 and R2 are less prominent, B1 and B2 are more prominent, oldstm is not a tectonic feature bhlin_ls: Bootheel Lineament as observed on landsat images. cities: selected cities point attributes: none annotation subclass: anno.cities cnty: state and county borders in the map area arc attributes: BNDYTYPE = 1 for states and 2 for counties annotation subclass: anno.map (names in map units) anno.states (state names only) enrgcen: locations of probable subsurface ruptures of the 1811-12 earthquakes, as defined by sandblow distribution (Obermeier, 1989). Obermeier describes the zones as 'energy centers' of those earthquakes, rather than the more spatially limited concept 'epicenter' arc attributes: ID = date of earthquake assigned by Obermeier epri: damaging earthquakes (moment magnitude ? 5.0) since 1811-12 as defined by EPRI (Johnston, 1994) point attributes: YEAR, MONTH, DAY, and MAG (magnitude) anntation subclass: anno.shta (year as printed on Map A) anno.date (year as printed on Map E) eqk_slu: earthquakes located by the St. Louis University from July 1974 to December 1992, Taylor and others (1991) point attributes: all locational values and parameters as determined by the network operator and published in their annual reports including such items as latitude, longitude, and depth of epicenter, magnitude, RMS faults: locations of faults identified by geologic observation arc attributes: CODE= plotting symbol REF = reference annotation subclass: anno.zone (names of a few fault zones) anno.name (named faults, direction of fault movement) gpspts: locations of Global Positioning System monuments. There are three classes of monuments, one a permanent system, and two deployed by universities for graduate studies projects point attributes: ID = identifying code AGENCY = operator LAT, LONG, HEIGHT = location DECLIN = declination COMMENTS = comments PLOT = plot symbol annotation subclass: anno.id (monument name/identifier) gravstr: structures identified from gravity-field data (Langenheim,1995) arc attributes: CODE = plotting symbol GEO = geological name polygon attributes: CODE = plotting symbol GEO = geological name intended to be used with axgrav,intcom,and magstr gwanom: locations of ground-water anomalies (Brahana and Mesko, 1994) intcom: intrusive complexes defined by aeromagnetic studies (Hildenbrand and Hendricks, 1995). hrvpdeep: P-velocity contours for depths 5 - 14 km (Al-Shukri and Mitchell, 1987) arc attributes: DEPTH = depth identifier, 14 VELOC = velocity CODE = plotting symbol hrvpshal: P-velocity contours for depths 0 - 5 km (Al-Shukri and Mitchell, 1987) arc attributes: DEPTH = depth identifier, 5 VELOC = velocity CODE = plotting symbol landslide: landslides along the Chickasaw Bluffs, mapped by Jibson and Keefer (1988) at 1:62,500 scale polygon attributes: CODE = coded as in reference indicating probable cause of landslide and level of certainty annotation subclass: anno.id (labels on selected features) magdep: depth to magnetic basement (Hildenbrand and Hendricks, 1995) arc attributes: DEPTH (km below sea level) to the nearest 1/2 km CODE = plotting symbol polygon attributes: DEPTH (km below sea level) to the nearest 1/2 km labeled at 1/4 and 3/4 intervals misspoly: polygon coverage of the Mississippi River extracted from basehyd miscenters: Fischer and Schumm's (1995) locations of historical centerlines of the Mississippi River from 1765 to 1960 arc attributes: YEAR = year for which location was determined annotation subclass: anno.year misshores: Fischer and Schumm's (1995) locations of historical shorelines of the Mississippi River from 1765 to 1960 arc attributes: YEAR = year for which location was determined annotation subclass: anno.year mtstr: Reelfoot Graben structures interpreted from magnetotelluric data (Stanley and Rodriguez, 1992) arc attributes: NAME = rift margin or arch trough annotation subclass: anno.line (modelling lines in map units) anno.page (same, in map units for page-size printing) pzcon: paleozoic surface depth contours from Dart (1995) arc attributes: DEPTH annotation subclass: anno.arch (label for Lake County Arch) anno.label (labels on small contours) pzconpts: control points for defining the paleozoic surface from Dart (1995) pzsub: subcrop contacts on the paleozoic surface from Dart (1995) arc attributes: none annotation subclass: anno.name (subcrop formation names) anno.page (same, in map units for page-size printing) qd24k: polygons of the 1:24000 scale topographic maps in the area polygon attributes: LONG, LAT at center of quad NAME STATE railrds: railroads on the 100k DLG's arc attributes: defined by National Mapping Division rds: class 1 and 2 roads (major 4-lane and principle 2-lane roads) arc attributes: defined by National Mapping Division reflstr: structures identified in seismic reflection research; NOTE: one fault, unnamed, trending southwest-northeast approximately 10km northwest of New Madrid (Zoback and others, 1980), was left off MF-2264-D and I-2521 but is included in this database polygon attributes: NAME = Blytheville arch (this is the only polygon) arc attributes: GEO = arch or 6 letters of fault name CODE = plotting symbol REF = reference of publication showing feature annotation subclass: anno.fault (named faults, in map units) anno.line (Blytheville Arch, in map units) anno.page (same, in units for page-size prining) rivanom: river anomalies throughout the New Madrid region identified by Fischer and Schumm (1995) arc attributes: DRAW = plotting index polygon attributes: INSIDE = plotting index annotation subclass: anno.code (index to table on MF-2264-E) anno.orange (same as code, symbol for orange text) sblows: outlines of Obermeier's (1989) definitions of areas covered by greater than 1% and greater than 25% sandblows from the 1811-12 earthquakes polygon attributes: CODE = 1 or 25 to correspond with respective areas selwell: selected wells from Dart (1992) point attributes: described in Dart (1992) and include, for example, location, owner, id, depth to various formations, and thickness of various formations annotation subclass: anno.id (four character well id) sfcstr: significant structures visible at the surface in the vicinity of New Madrid polygon attributes: NAME = Lake County uplift, Crowleys Ridge, Ridgely Ridge, Sikeston Ridge, and Tiptonville Dome annotation subclass: anno.names (same as polygon names) anno.embay (Mississippi Embayment text only) seissta: locations of seismograph stations that have operated in the New Madrid region since July 1974 point attributes: location coordinates, station name, start date, and stop date if available. states: arcs from cnty with bndytype = 1; see cnty for description annotation subclass: anno.states (state names) stresspts: stress orientations either from borehole breakouts or earthquake focal mechanism solutions updated in Ellis (1994) point attributes: $ANGLE = 3600 - stress direction; needed for plotting the stress symbol in the correct direction DIRECTION TYPE = b for borehole, e = earthquake QUALITY = Zoback and Zoback (1989) rating MARK = plotting symbol LAT, LONG = location FOCMEC = plotting symbol strmot: strong motion seismometers point attributes: NAME, OWNER, CITY (nearest), and STATE trench: trenches examined for prehistoric earthquakes and a report has been published point attributes:ID = identifiying code REF = reference abbreviation annotation subclass: anno.id well: wells from Dart (1992) in the map area. See selwell for wells used in MF-2264 point attributes: described in Dart (1992) and include, for example, location, owner, id, depth to various formations, and thickness of various formations Discussion of reflection and refraction coverages (see MF-2264-C for references and locations of surveys): 2x2cocorp: COCORP lines in map area arc attributes: LINE = line number or name annotation subclass: anno.line cocorp: same as 2x2cocorp, except ends of lines extend outside New Madrid area rivrefl: airgun survey of Mississippi River from north of Hickman to south of Osceola point attributes:MILE = river mile number SHPT = shotpoint number SHPT500 = code for every 500th shpt WRITE = plotting code sexton80: 1978 - 1986 shallow seismic reflection surveys by Sexton; lines included are: AM1, JL1, JL2, LDC1, LDC2, T6-2, CWG-1 point attributes:LINE = line name or number ORIENT = orientation for line labeling, 90 for vertical labels on east-west lines, 0 for horizontal labels on north-south lines annotation subclass: anno.line anno.page (pagesize annotation, larger than 'line') anno.black (black text symbol instead of red) sexton90: 1990 shallow seismic reflection surveys by Sexton; lines included are: C1, S1, K1, K2, K3, NM1, B1, B2, B3 point attributes:LINE = line name or number ORIENT = orientation for line labeling, 90 for vertical labels on east-west lines, 0 for horizontal labels on north-south lines annotation subclass: anno.line anno.page (pagesize annotation, larger than 'line') anno.black (black text symbol instead of red) sosie82: 1982 shallow seismic reflection surveys by USGS; lines included are: 101, 201, 301, 401, 601, 801, 1001, 1101, 1201, 1401, 1601 arc attributes: LINE = line number annotation subclass: anno.line anno.black (black text symbol instead of red) sosie90: 1990 shallow seismic reflection surveys by USGS; lines included are: BS-1 thru 9, GL-1 thru 9 and 11 thru 17 point attributes:LINE = line name or number SOSIE90-ID = shotpoint number arc attributes: LINE = line name or number annotation subclass: anno.line anno.black (black text symbol instead of red) sosie91: 1991 shallow seismic reflection surveys by USGS; lines included are: JO-1, B-25, LK-1, LK-3, BS-10,11,12,13, RV-1 thru 12, GL-19, 20, 21, 23, 24,25,26,28 thru 34 point attributes:LINE = line name or number SOSIE90-ID = shotpoint number arc attributes: LINE = line name or number annotation subclass: anno.line anno.black (black text symbol instead of red) usgs83: 1983 refraction survey arc attributes: REF = reference point attributes: LONG, LAT, STA = endpoints of modeling lines usgs83_2x2: clip of usgs83 annotation subclass: anno.shpt anno.black (black text symbol instead of red) usgs91: 1991 refraction survey arc attributes: REF = reference point attributes:LONG, LAT, SHPT, ELEV= endpoints of modeling lines LINE = modelling line identifier usgs91_2x2: clip of usgs91 annotation subclass: anno.shpt anno.black (black text symbol instead of red) usgs91rec: 1991 refraction survey receiver locations point attributes:SHPT = shotpoint number LINE = line number X-COORD, Y-COORD = long, lat of shotpoint vib76: 1976 vibroseis surveys by USGS; lines included are: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R1 point attributes:LINE = line number VIB76-ID = shotpoint number arc attributes: LINE = line number annotation subclass: anno.id (line number, bold symbol) anno.small (same, size for page-size printing) anno.line (same, regular text symbol) vib78: 1976 vibroseis survey by USGS; lines included are: D1-3, S1-13 point attributes:LINE = line label SHPT = shotpoint number ORIENT = line orientation; east-west or north-south arc attributes: LINE = line label annotation subclass: anno.line vib78_2x2: clip of vib78 vib83pub: 1983 purchase of industry vibroseis lines by USGS; lines included are: K, L, M, O, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, AA, BB, CC, DD, GG point attributes:LINECODE = line label SHPT = shotpoint number ORIENT= line orientation; east-west or north-south arc attributes: LINECODE = line label annotation subclass: anno.coded vib90pub: 1990 purchase of industry vibroseis lines by USGS; lines included are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, X, Y, Z, EE, FF point attributes:LINECODE = line label SHPT = shotpoint number ORIENT= line orientation; east-west or north-south arc attributes: LINECODE = line label annotation subclass: anno.coded vib91pub: 1991 purchase of industry vibroseis lines by USGS; lines included are: I, J, N, P point attributes:LINECODE = line label SHPT = shotpoint number ORIENT= line orientation; east-west or north-south arc attributes: LINECODE = line label annotation subclass: anno.coded