National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
Corrections are by Michael Koterba, August 14, 1996
Change from:
Vs = [(Lp x Cp) + (Le x Ce)] + [Csp x Vsp] where Vs is storage volume, in gallons Lp is length of pump-line segement being cleaned, in feet Le is length of extension lines, in feet Cp (or Ce) = 0.023 gallons per foot for 3/8-inch internal- diameter (ID) line or = 0.041 gallons per foot for a 1/2-inch ID line Csp = 0.264 gallons per Liter Vsp is volume of solution needed to fill standpipe to minimal level required to operate pump, in liters.1
Vs = [(Lp x Cp) + (Le x Ce) + Vsp] x Csp where Vs is storage volume, in gallons Lp is length of pump-line segement being cleaned, in feet Le is length of extension lines, in feet Cp (or Ce) = 0.023 Liters per foot for 3/8-inch internal- diameter (ID) line or = 0.041 Liters per foot for a 1/2-inch ID line Vsp is volume of solution needed to fill standpipe to minimal level required to operate pump, in liters.1 Csp = 0.264 gallons per Liter
Table 24, Under "Examples" Item (3) -- (Correction by Mike Koterba 3/25/97)
Change from:
Lsp; that the minimum volume of solution required in the standpipe to operate the pump is 0.8 liter.
Vsp; that the minimum volume of solution required in the standpipe to operate the pump is 0.8 liter.
Table 24, Under "Examples" Item (A)
Change from:
Vs=[(100 x 0.041) + (20 x 0.023)] + [0.264 x 0.8] = 4.87 gallons
Vs=[(100 x 0.041) + (20 x 0.023) + 0.8] x 0.264 = 1.4 gallons
Table 24, Footnote 3
Change from:
0.2 (=[(100+10)x(0.1/20)] gallons (4 L) of DIW
1.1 (=[(100+10) x (0.1/10)]) gallons (4.2 L) of DIW
Change from:
This implies a total of about 6.1 (= 4.9 + 1.2) gallons (24 L)
This implies a total of about 2.5 (= 1.4 + 1.1) gallons (9.6 L)
To be consistent with the rest of the examples (pages 99 through 102, and pages 106 through 112) CHANGE THE LOCATION of the parameter codes (PC) of the form 9910X, X = 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, or 8, and the corresponding numeric values for these codes, on the Analytical Service Request Form examples on pages 103, 104, and 105:
The "FIELD VALUES" Section of each form
Corrections are by Michael Koterba, June 1, 1996
Change from: Position of percent numbers (80, 60, 40, 20)
to: align with the "hash" marks that actually reflect
these values.
Column 3 change from:
1, FU, 250-mL, clear ...
1, FU, 500-mL, clear ...
Column 3 change from:
1, RU, 500-mL, clear ...
1, RU, 250-mL, clear ...
Change from: 72008
Corrections are by Michael Koterba, January 24, 1996
"For assistance with (1) isotope, radiochemical, and other specialized equipment, contact the NAWQA Quality Assurance Specialist;"
"For assistance with (1) deuterium-oxygen isotopes, and quality-assured sample bottles and caps for these isotopes, contact Tyler Coplen, Isotope Fractionation, USGS National Research Program, MS 431, Reston, Va. (via; for assistance with tritium isotopes, and quality-assured sample bottles and caps for these isotopes, contact Robert Michel, Isotope Tracers, MS 434, USGS National Research Program, Menlo Park, Calif. (via;"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Team Member A | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Sample type (SC, LC) |Collect, by |Quality-assurance | |and order of collection|filling |checks or measures | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |o Tritium isotopes |1, 1.0-L, clear, prerinsed poly|Verify DIW is still in bottle from| | |bottle, filled to top after 3, |office prerinse before use, other | | |25-mL rinses (include cap |wise replace bottle. Leave no | | |with conical insert) |headspace in bottle | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |o Deuterium-Oxygen |1, 125-ml, glass, amber |Leave no headspace in bottle | | |bottle to top after 3, 25-ml | | | isotopes |rinses (include cap with | | | |conical insert) | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Team Member A | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Sample type (SC, LC) |Collect, by |Quality-assurance | |and order of collection|filling |checks or measures | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |o Tritium isotopes |1, 1.0-L, dry, high-density- |To reduce breakage of glass | | |poly (preferred) or glass |bottles caused by samples freez- | | |bottle, without prerinsing, |ing during shipment, pour out | | |until it overflows, and seal |sample until the water level is at| | |with a cap with conical insert|the bottle shoulder seam. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |o Deuterium-Oxygen |1, 60-mL, dry, clear, glass |To reduce breakage of glass | | |(preferred) or poly bottle, |bottles caused by samples freez- | | isotopes |without prerinsing, until it |ing during shipment, pour out | | |overflows, and seal with a cap |sample until the water level is at| | |with conical insert |the bottle shoulder seam. Sam- | | | |ples collected in poly bottles are| | | |sent immediately for analysis, | | | |and are unsuitable for archiving. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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