Georgia Water Science Center
This report is available online in pdf format (1.4 MB): USGS OFR 95-455 ()
Timothy C. Stamey
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-455, 11 pages (Published 1996)
Flow durations, low-flow and mean-flow analyses of daily mean discharges are compiled for 12 streamflow stations in southwestern Georgia, southeastern Alabama, and northwestern Florida for three selected periods. The selected periods include pre-Lake Seminole (1929-53); post-Lake Seminole and pre-irrigation (1958-70); and post-Lake Seminole and post-irrigation (1976-93); or as noted for partial periods. The analyses yield information on how inflowto and outflow from Lake Seminole and flows for three tributary streams varies over the three selected periods.
Streamflow characteristics for two of the tributary streams—Ichawaynochaway Creek and Milford, Ga., and Chipola River near Altha, Fla.—vary similarly from the period 1944-53 to 1958-70, with mean-low flows decreasing by about 12 percent and 2 percent, respectively. This decreasing trend continued from the period 1958-70 to 1976-93—mean-low flows decreased by about 30 percent at Ichawaynochaway Creek and decreased at Chipola River by about 5 percent. Mean-low flows at Spring Creek near Iron City, Ga., show only a slight increase from the period 1944-53 to 1958-70.
Streamflow characteristics for inflow to and outflow from Lake Seminole vary similarly from the period 1929-53 to 1958-70 to 1976-93. Mean 30-day low-flows for inflow and outflow of Lake Seminole increases by about 24 to 11 percent, respectively, from the period 1929-53 to 1958-70; and then returns to near 1929-53 low-flow values for the 1976-93 period.
Purpose and scope
Streamflow station numbering system
Streamflow data compilations
Streamflow characteristics
Comparison of tributary streamflow characteristics
Comparison of inflow to and outflow from Lake Seminole
Selected references
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