Water-quality, discharge, and biologic data for streams and springs in the Highland Rim escarpment of Southeastern Bedford County, Tennessee

U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 95-732

by E.F. Hollyday and Thomas D. Byl

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From November 1994 through April 1995, streams and springs in 9 drainage basins were observed and sampled at 176 sites to obtain information on environmental quality near the Quail Hollow landfill, Bedford County, Tennessee. Reconnaissance data were collected to establish a regional pattern. Water samples from 26 seepage sites were analyzed to determine water-quality conditions. During the reconnaissance, conductivity ranged regionally from 17 to 617 microsiemens per centimeter (us/cm). The greatest biologic diversity was in Bennett Branch, followed by Daniel Hollow, Prince, Powell and Renegar, County Line, and Anthony Branches, Hurricane Creek, and Anderton Branch, respectively. In general, conductivity was less than 5O us/cm at and upstream of the Chattanooga Shale but increased downstream to between 200 and 300 us/cm. Of the constituents and properties analyzed, only pH and four metals at six sites had values that were not within the limits set by the State of Tennessee for drinking water. Chloride and dissolved manganese concentrations were highest for a spring and a seep adjacent to the landfill. Scans indicated the presence of about 37 unidentified organic compounds at these same two sites.

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