by William J. Wolfe and Donald E. League
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Surface-water stage, ground-water elevations, rainfall, and streamflow were monitored at or near four wetland sites at Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee. Sinking Pond and Westall Swamp contain sinkholes with internal relief greater than 7 feet. Tupelo Swamp and Goose Pond are shallow depressions with less than 5 feet internal relief. Stage rose and fell abruptly in the two sinkhole wetlands. Water depths ranged from 0 to 11.4 feet in Sinking Pond and from 0 to 8.5 feet in Westall Swamp. Water levels in wells adjacent to the sinkhole wetlands also rose and fell abruptly, corresponding closely to surface-water elevations throughout periods of high stage. The two shallow depressions filled and drained more gradually, but remained flooded longer than the sinkhole wetlands. The maximum recorded water depths were 3.5 feet in Tupelo Swamp and 2.3 feet in Goose Pond. Water levels in nearby wells remained lower than surface-water elevations in the shallow depressions throughout the study period.
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