by Robert A. Miller and Barbara H. Balthrop
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This volume will provide a convenient and much-needed compilation of standards for the design of illustrations for authors of Survey reports produced in the Southeastern Region. While it presents very little that is new, it does draw material together under one cover for easy reference. Material is incorporated from the following sources:
WRD Publications Guide (blue cover)
Cartographic Technical Standards, Publications Division
Branch of Technical Standards, Technical Standards Section
Branch of Technical Standards, Instruction Series
Specimens of Type Faces for Maps, Branch of Printing, Publications Division
WRD Publications Guide, Volume 1, Publications Policy and Text Preparation, 1986 Edition (green cover)
The editors and several Regional and District people are to be commended for conceiving, compiling, and implementing this volume, which is designed to bridge the gap between obsolete or widely dispersed references and a new national standards guide for illustrations planned for the future . This volume itself will be obsolete when the new guide is issued, but until that time, I urge all authors, reviewers, and cartographers in the Southeastern Region to use the standards presented herein.
Illustrations as well as writing standards promulgated by the Geological Survey are, to many, voluminous, stringent, and laboriously detailed. Yet, familiarity with these standards brings the realization that they are the blueprint to good writing and the pathway to effective communications. I have made arrangements for a copy of this volume to he given to each hydrologist, editor, and cartographer in the Southeastern Region in an effort to maximize our communications skill. I request that each of you implement this thrust by becoming familiar with, and applying, these standards.
James L. Cook
Regional Hydrologist
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