Standards for Illustrations in Reports of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division

U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 95-415

by Robert A. Miller and Barbara H. Balthrop

Table of Contents

I. Graphs

1.01 Types

1.02 Diagrams

1.03 Construction

1.04 Preparation

1.05 Axis captions

1.06 Data points

1.07 Data lines

1.08 Color

1.09 Example usage

1.10 Plotting

1.11 Explanations

1.12 Computer generated

II. Maps

2.01 Base maps

2.02 Base features

2.03 Land grids

2.04 North arrow and magnetic declination

2.05 Scales

2.06 Base credit

2.07 Mapping credit

2.08 Explanation

2.09 Lineweights

2.10 Index map

2.11 Biangle screens

2.12 Hydrologic explanations

2.13 Geohydrologic symbols

2.14 Geologic symbols and patterns

2.15 Type placement

2.16 Color

III. Geologic sections

3.01 Construction

3.02 Composition

3.03 Labeling

3.04 Type placement

3.05 Correlation of geologic sections and map

3.06 Columnar sections

3.07 Color

IV. Cross sections

V. Format

5.01 Abbreviations

5.02 Capitalization

5.03 Layout

5.04 Bureau series title

5.05 Marginal information

5.06 Sea level

5.07 Photographs

VI. Camera-ready copy

6.01 Covers

6.02 Pagination

6.03 Illustrations

6.04 Titles

6.05 Preparation

VII. Supplemental information

7.01 Lineweights

7.02 Original artwork

7.03 Type examples

7.04 Map report mock-up

7.05 Illustration examples

7.06 Reduction table




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