Collection of Short Papers on the Beaver Creek Watershed Study in West Tennessee, 1989-94

U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 95-156

Compiled by W. Harry Doyle, Jr., and E.G. Baker

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Sections available in pdf:

Section 1 -- 2.12 MB

Assessment of agricultural nonpoint-source pollution and best management practices for the Beaver Creek watershed, West Tennessee: an overview

Evaluation of biomonitoting techniques used in assessing agricultural nonpoint source pollution


Section 2 -- 2.53 MB

Transport and degradation of aldicarb in the soil profile: a comparison of conventional tillage and non-tillage

Relation between nitrate concentrations and potential nitrate sources for water-table aquifers in the Beaver Creek watershed, West Tennessee: a statistical analysis

Fate and transport of nitrogen in an agricultural watershed

Suspended-sediment yield and channel evolution in a small agriculturaJ catchment

Mechanistic evaluation of pesticide temporal patterns for a first-order stream

Research and monitoring needs for the implementation of the USDA water quality HUA program: the Beaver Creek watershed project




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