USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 96-24

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TABLE 1. Summary of 1993 VOLCANIC ACTIVITY in Alaska (this includes actual eruptions, possible eruptions, and unusual increases in fumarolic activity as determined at the time of the report). Location of volcanoes shown in Figure 1.
Date of Activity
Type of Activity
Mount Veniaminof
7-30-931 to ?
strombolian eruption; steam and ash bursts < 1km (3,280 ft) over caldera; lava flows within the summit caldera
Shishaldin Volcano
minor phreatic activity; reports of vigorous steaming with possible ash
Makushin Volcano
minor phreatic activity; reports of strong sulfur smell north of Dutch Harbor; vigorous fumarolic activity; ash-covered snow
Seguam (Pyre Peak)
12-27-92 to 8-932
fissure eruption with lava flow and ash plume to 3 km ASL; activity intermittent and poorly observed
Kanaga Volcano
2-17-933 to ??
increased steaming from summit area; probably precursory activity to 1994 eruption (see Neal and others, 1995)
earliest known eruptive activity recorded at AVO; possible increased steaming at the intracaldera cinder cone noted in mid-February
exact date of eruption cessation unknown
first known sighting of increased steaming; first magmatic activity noted in early January, 1994. Note: Neal and others (1995) report the first observation of increased steaming incorrectly as April, 1993.

? eruption continues intermittently into 1995

?? eruption continued intermittently until ~10-13-94 as interpreted from satellite imagery (Neal and others, 1995)

TABLE 2. Summary of FALSE ALARMS in 1993. A false alarm is a report of eruption or possible eruption that requires response but subsequently is determined to be normal or enhanced fumarolic activity, weather-related phenomena, or a non-volcanic event. Location of volcanoes shown in Figure 1.
Date of Activity
Type of Activity
Mount Churchill
4-5-93 to 4-6-93
false alarm; tectonic aftershock sequence located near volcano
Mount Sanford
4-5-93 to 4-8-93
false alarm; visible plume(s) probably from snow/rock avalanche(s)
Mount Spurr/Crater Peak
false alarm; 1 hr. of increased seismicity beneath Crater Peak in response to regional earthquake
Mount Spurr/Crater Peak
false alarm; glacial outburst produces tremor-like seismicity
false alarm; sulfur smell and fumarolic activity noted after moderate local earthquake

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