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Possible Continuous-Type (Unconventional) Gas Accumulation in Lower Silurian "Clinton" Sands, Medina Group, and the Tuscarora Sandstone in the Appalachian Basin: A Progress Report of 1995 project activities

Robert T. Ryder, Kerry L. Aggen, Robert D. Hettinger, Ben E. Law, John J. Miller, Vito F. Nuccio, William J. Perry, Jr., Stephen E. Prensky, John R. SanFilipo, and Craig J. Wandrey

Open-File Report 96-42


Selected bibliography of the geology and oil and gas resources of the Lower Silurian "Clinton" sands, Medina Group sandstones, and Tuscarora Sandstone, Appalachian basin of New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia (as of October 1, 1995)


Avary, K.L., in press, Play Sts: The Lower Silurian Tuscarora Sandstone fractured anticlinal play, in Roen, J.B. and Walker, B., eds., Atlas of major Appalachian gas plays: U.S. Department of Energy, Gas Research Institute, and Appalachian Oil and natural Gas Research Consortium.

Berg. T.M., McInerney, M.K., Way, J.H., and MacLachlan, D.B., 1983, Stratigraphic correlation chart of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey General Geology Report 75, 1 plate.

Boswell, R., Pool, S., Pratt, S., and Matchen, D., 1993, Appalachian basin low permeability sandstone reservoir characterizations: Report 94CC-R91-003, U.S. Department of Energy Contract DE-AC21-90MC26328, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, West Virginia, 73 p.

Burn, T., 1993, Clinton Medina wells pay off for Atlas Resources on long term gas contracts: Northeast Oil and Gas World, October 1993, p. 9-11.

Castle, J.W., 1991, Sequence stratigraphy and depositional systems of the Lower Silurian Medina Group, Appalachian basin (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 8, p. 1380.

Cate, A.S., 1961, Stratigraphic studies of the Silurian rocks of Pennsylvania, part 1, stratigraphic cross sections of Lower Devonian and Silurian rocks in western Pennsylvania and adjacent areas: Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Special Bulletin 10, 3 p, 5 plate.

__________, 1965, Stratigraphic studies of the Silurian of Pennsylvania, part 2, Subsurface maps of Silurian rocks of western Pennsylvania and adjacent areas: Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Special Bulletin 11, 8 p., 9 plates.

Charles, J.G., Hydock, K.D., Udick, T.H., and Hall, D.R., 982, Stimulation evaluation in the Appalachian tight gas sands: Eastern Region meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, paper SPE Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, paper SPE 11257, p. 45-47, 7 figs.

Cotter, E., 1982, Tuscarora Formation of Pennsylvania, in Guidebook for Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Eastern Section Field Trip, 105 p.

__________1983, Shelf, paralic, and fluvial environments and eustatic sea-level fluctuations in the origin of the Tuscarora Formation (Lower Silurian) of central Pennsylvania: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 53, no. 1, p. 25-50.

Ensign, J. 1991, Geologic observations of the Whirlpool Sandstone in western Warren County, Pennsylvania (abs,): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 8, p. 1382.

Finley, R.J., 1984, Tuscarora Sandstone, Appalachian basin, in Geology and engineering characteristics of selected low-permeability gas sandstones: A national survey: Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations 138, 220 p.

Grunau, J.C., 1962, NW Pennsylvania, SW New York promise success to driller: The Oil and Gas Journal, April 2, 1962, p. 204-208.

Hamak, J.E. and Gage, B.D., 1992, Analyses of natural gases, 1991: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular IC 9318, 97 p.

Hamak, J.E. and Sigler, S., 1991, Analyses of natural gases, 1986-1990: U.S. Bureau of Mines Circular IC 9301, 315 p.

Harper, J.A., 1989, Effects of recurrent tectonic patterns on the occurrence and development of oil and gas resources in western Pennsylvania: Northeaster Geology, v. 11, no. 4, p. 225-245.

Harper, J.A., Laughrey, C.D., and Lytle, W.S., 1982, Oil and gas fields of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Map 3, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.

Houseknecht, D.W., 1988, Intergranular pressure solution in four quartzose sandstones: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 58, no. 2, p. 228-246.

Jennings, A.R., Jr. and Darden, W.G., 1979, Gas well stimulation in the eastern United States, in 1979 SPE symposium on low-permeability gas reservoirs (May 20-22, 1979, Denver, CO) proceedings, paper SPE 7914, p. 49-54

Kelley, D.R., 1966, The Kastle Medina gas field, Crawford County, in Lytle, W.S., Goth, J.H., Jr., kelley, D.R., McGlade, W.G., and Wagner, W.R., Oil and gas developments in Pennsylvania in 1965: Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Progress Report 172, p. 30-44.

Kelley, D.R. and McGlade, W.G., 1969, medina and Oriskany production of Lake Erie, Pierce field, Erie County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geologic Survey, 4th Series, Mineral Resource Report 60, 38 p.

Laughrey, C.D., 1984, Petrology and reservoir characteristics of the Lower Silurian Medina Group sandstones, Athens and Geneva fields, Crawford County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Mineral Resource Report 85, 126 p.

Laughrey, C.D. and Baldassare, F., 1992, Isotope geochemistry of antural gases in Pennsylvania, in Harper, J.A. and Cozart, C.L., Oil and gas developments in Pennsylvania in 1990 with ten-year review and forecast: Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Progress Report 204, p. 30, 35-36.

Laughrey, C.D. and Harper, J.A., 1986, Comparisons of Upper Devonian and Lower Silurian tight formations in Pennsylvania-- Geological and engineering characteristics, in Spencer, C.W. and Mast, R.F., eds., Geology of tight gas reservoirs: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geology 24, p. 9-43.

Lutz, S.S., Zink, K.P., and Cosey, B.K., 1992, Application for Medina tight formation extension (Beaver, Butler, Lawrence Counties, Pennsylvania): Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Association report to Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey, 350+ p.

McCaslin, J.C., 1983, Rare Tuscarora wells to probe Appalachia: Oil and Gas Journal, June 27, 1983, p. 113-114.

Moore, B.J., 1982, Analyses of natural gases, 1917-1980: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Information Circular 8870, 1055 p.

Murphy, T.B., 1984, Diagenesis and porosity reduction of the Tuscarora Sandstone, central Pennsylvania: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Missouri, Columiba, Missouri, 104 p.

Northeast Oil and Gas World, 1993, North Coast begins drilling in Allegheny Forest: Northeast Oil and Gas World, v. 13, no. 8, p. 6.

O'Neil, Cl, 1985, Characterization of northwesterly trending lineaments, French Creek, northwestern Pennsylvania: unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 53 p.

Pees, S.T., 1983, Model area desribes NW Pennsylvania's Medina play (parts I and II): Oil and Gas Journal, v. 81, no. 21 and 22, p. 55-60, p.98-102

__________, 1986, Geometry and petroleum geology of the Lower Silurian Whirlpool Formation, portion of NW Pennsylvania and NE Ohio: Northeastern Geology, v. 8, no. 4, p. 171-200.

__________, 1987, Mapping Medina (Clinton) play by lumping clean sandstones: Oil and Gas Journal, v. 85, no. 10, p. 42-45.

__________, 1989, Geological methodology illustrated via a hypothetical Medina Group horizontal well, in The 20th Annual Appalachian Basin Petroleum Symposium: West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey and West Virginia University Department of Geology and Geography, p. 50-55.

__________, 1194, Silurian Medina gas revitalizing Pennsylvania's historic Oil Creek: Oil and Gas Journal, October 17, 1994, p. 116-121.

Pees, S.T. and Burgchardt, C.R., 1985, In Pennsylvania/New York--What to expect from a typical Medina gas well: World Oil, v. 200, no. 2, p. 37-40, 65.

Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Association--Gas Advocacy Committee, 1982(?), Application for recommendation that certain portions of the Medina sandstone be designated as a tight formation pursuant to the regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Erie, Crawford, Warren, Mercer, Venango Counties, Pennsylvania): Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Association--Gas Advocacy Committee report to Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey 500+ p.

Petroleum Information Corporation, 1994, Atlas completes 500th well in Pennsylvania's Mercer County: Appalachian Basin Report: Petroleum Information Coporation, Denver, v. 33, no. 13, p. 1.

Piotrowski, R.G., 1981, Geology and natural gas production of the Lower Silurian Medina Group and equivalent rock units in Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Mineral Resource Report 82, 21 p., 11 plates.

Rodgers, M.R. and Anderson, T.H., 1984, Tyrone-Mt. Union cross-strike lineament of Pennsylvania: A major Paleozoic basement fracture and uplift boundary: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 68, no. 1, p. 92-105.

Schweinfurth, S.P., deWitt, W., Jr. and Girol, V.P., 1983, Mineral resource potential of the Allegheny front and Hickory Creek Roadless areas, Warren county, Pennsylvania: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1442B, 14 p.

Siegel, D.I., Szustakowski, R.J., and Frape, s., 1990, Regional appraisal of brine chemistry in the Albion Group sandstones (Silurian) of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio: Bulletin of the Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists: v. 6, no. 1, p. 66-77.

Star, I., 1983, Gas reserves in the Medina Group of northwestern Pennsylvania as related to fracture porosity and stratigraphic control: unpublished M.S. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, 100 p.

Tatlock, D.B. and Briggs, R.P., 1983, Estimates of undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources in Pennsylvania: prepared for Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Association and Pennsylvania Natural Gas Associates, 35 p., 12 plates.

Westcott, W.A., 1982, Nature of porosity in Tuscarora Sandstone (Lower Silurian) in the Appalachian basin: Oil and Gas Journal, Aug. 23, 1982, p. 159-160, 165, 167-168, 170, 173.

Yeakel, L.S., Jr., 1962, Tuscarora, Juniata, and Bald Eagle paleocurrents and paleogeography in the central Appalachians: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 73, p. 1515-1540.

Young, K.G., Waite, B.A., and Moody, J.L., 1991, Oil and gas well pollution abatement project: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Report ME 81495, pts. A and B, Meadville, PA, 12 p.

Zagorski, W.A., 1988, Exploration concepts and methodology for deep Medina sandstone reservoirs in northwestern Pennsylvania (abs.): AAPG Bulletin, v. 72, no. 8, p. 976.

__________, 1991, Trapping models for the Lower Silurian Medina Sandstone Group--A comparison of trapping styles and exploration methodology for both "deep" and "shallow" Medina plays in the Appalachian basin(abs): AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, no. 8, p. 1392.

__________, 1991, Model of local and regional hydrocarbon traps in the Lower Silurian Medina Sandstone Group, Cooperstown gas field, Crawford, and Venango Counties, Pennsylvania: unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 132 p.

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