We thank many members of the Limnological Institute, Irkutsk, directed by M.A. Grachev, especially the captain and crew of the R.V. Vereshchagin for their invaluable help during the field expeditions. We also thank P.P. Hearn, III, D.F. Williams, and E.B. Karabanov, who served as co-chief scientists during one or more of the expeditions. D.R. Nichols, A.A. Bardardinov, J.K. O'Toole, and K.E. Parolski were primarily responsible for collecting the data. T.F. O'Brien and V.A. Cross performed the digitizing of the analog water-gun data.


Colman, S.M., Karabanov, E.B., Williams, D.F., Hearn, P.P. Jr., King, J.W., Orem, W.H., Bradbury, J.P., Shanks, W.C. III, Jones, G.A., and Carter, S.J., 1992, Lake Baikal paleoclimate project, southeastern Siberia: Initial dating and paleoenvironmental results: IPPCCE Newsletter, n. 6, p. 30-39.

Colman, S.M., Hutchinson, D.R., Scholz, C.A., and Golmshtok, A.J., 1993, Interaction between deltaic sedimentation and tectonics in a large rift: Selenga Delta, Lake Baikal, Siberia: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 74, p. 587.

Colman, S.M., Karabanov, E.B., Nelson, C.H. III, and Bardardinov, A.A., in press, Stratigraphy and depositional environments of sediments in Lake Baikal from high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles, in Mats, V. and Hutchinson, D.R., eds., The Geology of Lake Baikal: Cambridge University Press, London.

Hutchinson, D.R., Golmshtok, A.J., Zonenshain, L.P., Moore, T.C., Scholz, C.A., and Klitgord, K.D., 1992, Depositional and tectonic framework of the rift basins of Lake Baikal from multichannel seismic data: Geology, v. 20, p. 589-592.

Lake Baikal Paleoclimate Project Members, 1992, Initial results of the joint Russian-American project on the paleoclimatic record of Lake Baikal, southeastern Siberia: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 73, p. 457-462.

Levi, K.J. et al., 1992, The map of active faults of Baikal: Abstracts, 29th International Geological Congress, Kyoto, Japan, v. 1, p. 127.

Wong, H.K., Liebzeit, G., Anton, K., and von Haugwitz, W., 1990, Unpublished cruise report, on file at Limnological Institute, Irkutsk, Russia.

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