USGS Open-File Report 96-294 USGS logo

Sediment Magnetic, Paleomagnetic, and Geochemical Data from Lacustrine Sediment in a Core from Grass Lake , Siskiyou County, California

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-294

By Patti J. Best1, Richard L. Reynolds1, Joseph G. Rosenbaum1, John Drexler2, David P. Adam3

1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado
2 University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
3 U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California

This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U. S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


As part of the U.S. Geological Survey's Global Change and Climate History Program, sediment magnetic, paleomagnetic and geochemical results have been obtained from lacustrine sediments recovered in a 30- meter core taken by rotary drilling methods at Grass Lake, Siskiyou County, California. The data, presented in five tables here, have been analyzed and interpreted in terms of environmental change in the Grass Lake catchment over the past ca. 100,000 years for a Master's thesis by Best ( 1996). Volcanic activity in the catchment was identified as a factor that influenced the magnetic mineralogy and geochemical properties of the sediment. The magnetic and geochemical results will further be compared to detailed pollen analysis, currently undertaken by Katherine Hakala ( University of Pittsburgh) and Prof. Cathy Whitlock (University of Oregon), to test the possibility that variations in the magnetic mineralogy are related to paleoclimatic change and associated watershed processes. This report also describes the methods used to obtain the magnetic and geochemical results. The site, drilling procedure, and core lithology are described by Adam et al. (1994).


Sampling (Table 1): Samples used for paleomagnetic directions, magnetic susceptibility, and laboratory induced magnetizations were taken approximately every 5 cm. The majority of the core was soft, and a cube with a volume of 3.2 cm3 oriented with respect to the top of the core could be inserted directly into the sediment. The cube was then carved out of the core and sealed. To sample drier sections of core, a pedestal of sediment was carved over which the cube could be inserted. Each cube was assigned a sample number and a sample box number. Sediment displaced during sampling was placed into vials and assigned a unique vial number. Approximately every 100 cm, a 10 to 20 cm interval of sediment was collected and stored in bags for magnetic mineral separations.

Paleomagnetic Directions (Table 2): Natural Remanent Magnetization (NRM) was measured on oriented samples using a 90-Hz spinner magnetometer with a sensitivity better than 10-5 A/m. Samples were demagnetized in steps through alternating-field (AF) demagnetization with peak fields of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60 and 80 milliTeslas (mT). Declination and inclination were calculated from a best fit line of the demagnetization data displayed as orthogonal vector diagrams as described in Kirschvink (1980).

Magnetic Susceptibility (Table 3): Volume susceptibility (MS) was measured using a susceptometer with a sensitivity better than 10-5 volume SI. Samples were measured in a 0.1 mT induction at a low frequency of 600 Hz (MSlf) and high frequency of 6000 Hz (MShf). For each sample, the MS value was determined as the mean of four measurements. Frequency dependent susceptibility was calculated as:


Laboratory induced magnetization (Table 3): After the paleomagnetic analysis, anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) and isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) experiments were conducted. Magnetizations were measured with a high speed spinner magnetometer. ARM was imparted in a decreasing AF from a peak induction of 100 mT and a DC bias of 0.1 mT. IRM magnetizations were generated at room temperature using an impulse magnetizer. First IRM was imparted in a 1.2T induction (IRM1.2T). The samples were then magnetized in the opposite direction using an induction of 0.3T (IRM-0.3T). Hard isothermal remanent magnetization (HIRM) and the S-parameter were calculated as follows (King and Channel, 1991):



Elemental Abundance (Tables 4 and 5): Elemental abundances were determined on selected samples using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis at the University of Colorado's Department of Geological Sciences. Contents of Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Rb, Sr, Ti, V, Y, Zn and Zr were measured. Organic carbon was determined on selected samples as the difference between total and inorganic carbon. Sample splits were combusted in oxygen for 5 minutes at 960°C. Total CO2 was measured using a coulometer. Inorganic carbon was then determined through acidification with perchloric acid and measured with a coulometer (Engleman et al., 1985).


TABLE 1. Sample Numbers and Depths
Grass Lake Sample no.: A unique sample number assigned regardless of sample type.

Sample box no.: A unique sample number assigned to samples put into plastic cubes for magnetic mineral studies. The volume of each cube is 3.2 cubic centimeters.

Vial no.: A unique sample number assigned to sediment sample put into vials.

Drive no.: Identifies location in the core. The core was divided into drives numbered sequentially starting with 1 at the top. Some drives have been further divided into slugs indicated by letters, starting with A at the top of the drive.

Drive depth: The depth in meters of the top of the drive from the top of the core. Taken from Adam et al. (1994).

Depth interval of sample: The depth range of the sample within the drive.

Sample depth within drive (cm): Midpoint of the depth interval in centimeters.

Sample depth within drive (m): Midpoint of depth interval in meters.

Sample depth in core (m): Sample depth within drive (m) plus depth of drive from top of core.

Sample density (kg/m3): Density of sample calculated from the mass of the dried box samples used in magnetic mineral studies.

TABLE 2. Paleomagnetic Data
Sample Box no.: A unique sample number assigned to samples put into plastic cubes for magnetic mineral studies. The volume of each cube is 3.2 cubic centimeters.

Sample Depth: Depth of sample in meters from top of core.

Declination: Declination of the characteristic magnetization, clockwise from geographic north.

Inclination: The inclination of the characteristic magnetization.

NRM: Natural Remanent Magnetization in Am2/kg.

Demag. Interval: The demagnetization interval over which both Declination and Inclination were calculated.

Number of Points used in linear fit: Number of points used to create best fit line.

Subjective quality: A subjective grade (a is best, c the worst) given to the orthogonal vector diagrams from which the best fit line was calculated. NR indicates that the sample was not rated.


TABLE 3. Sediment Magnetic Data

Sample Box no.: A unique sample number assigned to samples that are placed into plastic cubes for magnetic mineral studies. The volume of each cube is 3.2 cubic centimeters.

Sample depth.: Depth of sample in meters from top of core.

MSLF: Low-frequency magnetic susceptibility in m3/kg.

FDMS: Frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility in percent.

ARM: Anhysteretic remanent magnetization in Am2/kg.

IRM (1.2T): Isothermal remanent magnetization from induction in a 1.2 tesla field at room temperature. Expressed in Am2/kg.

IRM (-.3T): Isothermal remanent magnetization from induction in a -0.3 tesla field at room temperature. Expressed in Am2/kg.

HIRM: Hard isothermal remanent magnetization: HIRM is calculated as:

[IRM(1.2T)+IRM(-0.3T)]/2 and expressed in Am2/kg.

S: (S Ratio) calculated as IRM(-0.3T)/IRM(1.2T).

TABLE 4. Elemental Abundance from X-ray Fluorescence

Vial no.: A unique sample number assigned to sediment samples placed in vials.

Sample depth: Depth of sample in meters from top of core.

Paired sample box no.: Sample box number which corresponds in depth to vial number.

Elements: The elements analyzed are listed below. The units are either weight percent (Wt%) or parts per million (ppm).

symbol element unit
Cr Chromium ppm
Cu Copper ppm
Fe Iron Wt%
Mn Manganese ppm
Mo Molybdenum ppm
Nb Niobium ppm
Ni Nickel ppm
Rb Rubidium ppm
Sr Strontium ppm
Ti Titanium Wt%
V Vanadium ppm
Y Yttrium ppm
Zn Zinc ppm
Zr Zirconium ppm

TABLE 5. Carbon Contents

Grass Lake Sample No.: A unique sample number assigned to samples regardless of type.

Vial No.: A unique sample number assigned to sediment put into vials.

Sample Depth: Depth of sample in meters from top of core.

Paired Sample Box no.: Sample box number which corresponds in depth to vial number.

Total Carbon: Percent of carbon (both organic and inorganic) in sample.

Carbonate Carbon: Percent of inorganic carbon in sample.

Organic Carbon: Percent of organic carbon in sample. Calculated as total carbon minus carbonate carbon.

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