The files contained in this \PF directory constitute the U.S. Geological Survey Potential-Field Software Package, version 2.2 for the PC. The software is contained in three self-extracting archive files. Pf22bin.exe is a 10-megabyte DOS-executable file containing the basic software package in the form of binary executables, ASCII documentation files, and test data files. Pf22src.exe is a 4-megabyte file containing the optional source code files. Pf22bndy.exe is a 2-megabyte file containing the optional state boundary files used by program CONTOUR. Upload the files you want to the top (\) directory of the local hard disk drive (drive C:) on your PC. Delete or rename any existing \PF directory structure on the hard drive, then execute the files to create the new \PF directory and its subdirectories. Basic subdirectories include: \PF\BIN - contains all executable programs \PF\HELP - contains ascii documentation files \PF\TEST - contains test data sets (see /PF/HELP/1TESTDAT.HLP) Optional subdirectories include: \PF\SOURCE - contains source code files \PF\NEWSRC - contains newer source code files that use the ASK and IOSYS subroutine libraries \PF\WDB2 - contains state boundary files for program CONTOUR To use these programs on a PC, edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to add the \PF\BIN directory to your PATH variable, then execute AUTOEXEC.BAT or reboot the computer. Within DOS, go to the directory containing your data files, and execute PFMENU or PFHELP. See also \PF\HELP\1BASICS.HLP and \PF\HELP\1OFR9218.TXT. DISCLAIMER Although the potential-field programs in this package have been used by the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of the programs and related program material, nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith. Registered trade names such as Microsoft, MS-DOS, MS-Fortran, WordPerfect, etc., are used for reference in context and do not necessarily imply endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey.