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Tables--because of their small font size the numbers identifying the sites referred to in the tables are not distinguishable on the web image versions of Plate 1. Please refer to the paper print of Plate 1 (included with the report) or download a high resolution version of Plate 1 (available in postscript and Arc/Info formats) from this site at "".

Table 1B- Measurements from debris-flow channels in Madison County, Virginia. Sample 
locations (ID) are shown on Plate 1.  EROSION/DEPOS (E/D) indicates whether erosion or 
deposition is predominant at this site.  BLDR AVE and BLDR MAX are visual estimates of the 
average and maximum sized boulders deposited.  MAX FLOW DEPTH is an estimate of the 
height of the debris-flow front as it passed this location based on deposits, mud lines, or damaged 
vegetation. SUPPORT (S/E/P) refers to whether the larger boulders were supported (S) by 
matrix, in edge to edge contact (E) or partially supported by matrix (P).

                                                BLDR    BLDR    MAX FLOW   SUPPORT
ID      GRADIENT  WIDTH         EROSION/        AVE     MAX     DEPTH      S/E/P
        (DEGREES) (FT)           DEPOS          (FT)    (FT)    (FT)

W-3                             D                       5.74    4.92        S
W-4     7.5     114.80          D                               6.56
W-5     11.0                    D/E                             3.28
W-6     13.0                    E                               11.48       S
W-7     18.0    65.60                                           3.28
W-13    8.0     82.00           D               1.15    6.56    6.56
W-14    7.5     32.80           D               1.15    6.56    8.20
W-15    10.0    49.20           E                       3.28
W-16    11.5    49.20           E
W-19    29.0    65.60           E
W-26    20.0    49.20           E                               9.84
W-27a   12.0    65.60           D               2.46    8.20    4.10
W-27b   13.0    75.44           D                               4.92
W-29a   10.0    32.80           E                               3.28
W-29b   8.0     32.80           E/D             0.98
W-29c   10.0    49.20           E
W-30a   8.0     65.60           D               0.82    2.46    4.92            S
W-32a   12.5    65.60           D/E             3.28    8.20    14.76           S
W-33a   16.0    32.80           E                               13.12
W-34    10.0    246.00          D               1.31    6.56    6.56            S
W-34d   11.0    49.20           D               3.28    6.56    5.74            S
W-35a                                                                           carbon sample
W-36    9.0                                                                     E
W-36c   12.0    82.00           E/D             1.15    3.28    3.28            S
W-37    10.0    82.00           D                               6.56
W-37a   10.5                                            3.28
W-38    15.0    157.44          E
W-41    15.0    98.40           E                               9.84
W-43    12.0                    D                               2.46            S
W-47    9.0     196.80          E                               9.84
W-48    12.0    157.44          E               0.98    3.28    9.84
W-49    15.0                    E               1.15    3.28    9.84
W-50    22.0    78.72           E                       2.46

W-51b   20.0    19.68           E                       2.30    13.12
W-61    18.0    98.40           E                       4.10    44.28
W-62    12.0    49.20           D               1.64    6.56    18.04
W-63    12.0    49.20           E                               19.68
W-65    15.0    55.76           E               1.31            22.96
W-66    13.0    52.48           E/D                     3.28    9.84            S
W-67    9.5     65.60           E                               6.56
W-68    13.0    65.60           E                               8.20
W-69    8.5     157.44          D               1.31    4.92    8.20
W-70    8.0     98.40           D                               4.92
W-73    13.0                    E               0.82    3.28
W-78    5.0     57.40           D               1.31    3.28    6.56
W-80    6.0     78.72           D               0.33            1.64
W-81    8.0                     E                               6.56
W-82    6.5     65.60           D                       3.28    6.56
W-91    15.0    16.40                           0.82            3.28            S
W-92    18.0    22.96           D                       1.31    3.28
W-93    10.0    26.24           E
W-94b                                                                           2 carbon samples
W-95    5.0     49.20           D               0.49    1.31    1.64
W-96                                                            1.64            S
W-168   20.0    29.85           E                       4.92    15.09

O-15    15.0    65.60           D               0.98    6.56    11.48           S
O-18    20.0    196.80          E                               3.28
O-19a   12.0    39.36           E                               8.20
O-19b   12.0    19.68           E                               1.97
O-20    12.0    24.60           E                       6.56
O-21    22.0                    E
O-22    31.0    65.60           E                               6.56
O-25    24.0    98.40           E                               11.48
O-27    18.0    98.40           E                       16.40   13.12
O-28    13.0    75.44           E                               11.48
O-30    7.0     118.08          E                               9.84
O-33    12.0    49.20           D               0.49    1.97    3.28            S
O-36    7.0     26.24           D               0.49            3.28            S
O-38    8.0     196.80          D               0.66    1.97    3.28            S
O-39    12.0    19.68           E                               9.84
O-40    20.0    16.40           E                               8.20
O-42    15.0    26.24           E                               6.56
O-47a   18.0    19.68           E                               3.28
O-47b   16.0    19.68           E                               9.84
O-46    15.0    19.68           E                               6.56
O-48    12.0    39.36           E                               6.56
O-49    10.0    59.04           D               0.98    3.28    4.92            S

O-52    6.0     39.36           D               0.98    3.28    6.56            S
O-53    10.0    19.68           E                               6.56
O-56    29.0    78.72           E                               9.84
O-59    26.0    59.04           E                               4.92
O-61    4.0     19.68           D               0.98    3.28    6.56            S
O-62    8.0     78.72           D                       13.12   4.92
0-63    7.0     49.20           E                               8.20
O-64a   6.0     98.40           D               0.98    8.20    3.28
O-64b   14.0    39.36           E                               6.56
O-64c   8.0     68.88           E                               8.20
O-65    20.0    147.60          E                               6.56
O-66a   8.0     78.72           E                               8.20
O-66b   21.0    78.72           E                               6.56
O-66c   18.0    78.72           E                               8.20
O-69    24.0    147.60          E                               6.56
O-73    16.0    11.48           E                               3.28
O-76    13.0    49.20           E                               3.28
O-77    15.0    49.20           E                               3.28

B-109           13.12           E               3.28                            E
B-110   15.0    16.40           E
B-111   11.0                    E               0.33    4.92                    E
B-112                           E                               0.98            P
B-74                            E                       16.40   0.98            P
B-119   15.0                    D                               4.92            E
B-120   17.5    60.02           E                       3.28    4.92            E
B-121                                                           3.28
B-122   22.5                    E

M-2     5.5                                             0.82                    S
M-4                                                     3.28                    E
M-5     17.5                    E                               3.28
M-10            49.20           E
M-12                                                    3.28                    S
M-15    6.5                     D               0.82    3.28                    S
M-16    5.5                     D                       6.56                    S
M-17    7.0     131.20          D                       3.28
M-18    14.5                    D                       3.28
M-41    13.0                    E               1.64    9.84                    E
M-50    6.0     150.88          E
M-51            13.12           E
M-52    14.0    26.24           E
M-53    16.0    78.72           E
M-54    10.0                    E
M-66    8.0     78.72           E

M-67    29.0    45.92           E
M-69    17.0                    E                       0.82                    S
M-70    28.0                    E
M-71    32.0    52.48           D               1.64                            S
M-76    30.0    19.68           E
M-77    10.0    36.08           E                       6.56
M-81    5.0     29.52           D               0.82    1.64    1.64            S
M-82    5.0     55.76           D               0.82    1.64    1.64            S
M-83    8.0                     D               0.82    3.28    13.12           S
M-84    7.0     29.52           E
M-86            26.24           E
M-88    26.0
M-93    15.0    26.24           E                       6.56
M-99    8.0                     D               3.28    9.84    6.56            S
M-100   10.0                    E                       13.12
M-101   23.0                    E                       3.28
M-102   15.0    36.08           E                       3.28
M-123   32.0                    E
M-129   6.0     39.36           E
M-130                           E               1.64    3.28                    E
M-131   15.0    32.80           E               0.82    3.28                    E
M-134   9.0                     E               1.64    2.20
M-148   8.0     82.00           E
M-149   25.0                    D               1.64    6.56    9.84
M-153   22.0    124.64          D               0.82    6.56    3.28            S
M-156           114.80          E
M-172   17.0                    E                       6.56
M-173   15.0    157.44          E/D             3.28    9.84

AVERAGE 13.75   66.17                           1.32    5.05    7.32
MEDIAN  12.00   54.12                           0.98    3.28    6.56
STD DEV 6.52    46.13                           0.83    3.41    5.62

MAX     32.00   246.00                          3.28    16.40   44.28
MIN     4.00    11.48                           0.33    0.82    0.98 logo