Tables--because of their small font size the numbers identifying the sites referred to in the tables are
not distinguishable on the web image versions of Plate 1. Please refer to the paper print of Plate 1 (included
with the report) or download a high resolution version of Plate 1 (available in postscript and Arc/Info formats)
from this site at "".
Table 1C- Measurements from debris-flow fans in Madison County, Virginia. Sample locations
(ID) are shown on Plate 1. FLOW DEPTH indicates estimate of thickness of deposit established
by remaining deposits, mudlines, or damaged vegetation. BLDR AVE and BLDR MAX are
visual estimates of the average and maximum boulders moved and deposited by the debris flow.
SUPPORT (S/E/P) refers to whether the larger boulders were supported (S) by matrix, in edge to
edge contact (E) or partially supported by matrix (P).
W-1 6.5 2.46 0.49 E
W-2 5.5 1.64
W-8A 6.0 6.56 3.28 S
W-8B 4.0 498.56 1.08 3.28 S
W-9 5.0 537.92 3.28 0.82 4.92 S
W-10 6.0 157.44 0.66 4.92
W-11 6.0 298.48 6.56 0.98 6.56 S
W-12 6.0 160.72 4.92 0.98 6.56 S
W-16-z 4.0 600.24 3.94 0.82 3.28 S/E
W-30B 8.0 118.08 3.28 0.82 6.56
W-31 7.5 49.20 1.64 0.98 3.28 E
W-32 5.0 498.56 6.56 2.07 9.02
W-33 5.0 400.16 2.46 8.86
W-43C 3.5 65.60 9.84 0.82 1.31 S
W-44 7.5 4.92 1.31 3.28 E
W-46 8.0 1.64 0.82 3.28 E
W-71 5.0 32.80 0.49 1.64 S
W-72 5.0 1.64 0.49 3.28
W-75 2.5 275.52 1.15 3.28 S/E
W-76 2.5 57.40 3.28
W-79 6.0 98.40 8.20 2.46 6.56 S
W-92 15.0 16.40 0.98 S/E
W-98 6.5 98.40 0.82 1.64 S
W-99 6.0 157.44 0.82 S
W-100 9.0 3.28 10.17 S
W-102 10.0 3.28 S
O-7 3.0 98.40 19.68 3.28 S
O-8 7.0 98.40 4.92 0.66 3.28 S
O-13 8.0 98.40 9.84 1.97 6.56 S
O-14 12.0 98.40 13.12 1.64 6.56 S
O-16 10.0 196.80 19.68 1.97 6.56 S
O-29 5.0 196.80 3.28 0.49 1.97 E
O-31 5.0 196.80 6.56 0.98 6.56 S
O-32 4.0 75.44 3.28 0.49 1.97 S
O-35 6.0 98.40 3.28 0.49 2.62 S
O-51 5.0 9.84 1.97 0.49 1.97 S
O-60 4.0 246.00 9.84 3.28 13.12 S
B-71C 10.0 0.66 3.28 E
B-72 5.0
B-88 5.0
B-113 7.0 E
B-118 7.0 3.28 E
B-133 8.0 6.56 2.46 6.56 S
M-1 4.0 6.56 1.64 P
M-13 5.0 3.28 1.64 S
M-14 5.0 98.40 3.28 3.28 S
M-33 7.0 32.80 E
M-34 7.0 6.56 1.25 S
M-35 10.0
M-36 6.0
M-37 7.0 3.28 16.40 S
M-38 6.0
M-39 7.0 6.56 3.28 3.28 S
M-40 6.0 3.28 4.92 S
M-43 4.0 65.60 1.64 0.82 3.28 S
M-44 5.0 1.64 0.82 3.28 S
M-45 5.0 6.56 1.64 4.92 S
M-46 6.56 1.64 4.92 S
M-47 6.0 0.82 3.28 S
M-48 1.64
M-49 5.5 13.12 1.64 6.56 S
M-64 8.0 213.20 4.92 2.46 9.84 E
M-65 5.0 213.20 0.82 3.28 E
M-78 5.0 213.20 3.28 0.82 4.92 S
M-79 5.0 1.64 0.33 0.82 S
M-80 5.0 2.46 0.43 1.64 S
M-94 8.0 42.64 3.28 1.64 3.28 S
M-95 6.0 1.64 6.56 S
M-96 5.0 524.80 4.92 1.64 4.92 S
M-97 5.0 1.64 3.28 S
M-112 5.0 36.08 1.25 1.64 S
M-113 5.0 164.00 3.28 1.64 1.64 S
M-114 4.0
M-115 5.5
M-116 5.0 16.40 9.84
M-128 7.0 65.60 3.28 1.64 3.28 S
M-133 7.0 213.20 9.84 4.92 6.56 S
M-134 4.0 0.33 1.08 E
M-145 5.0 213.20 3.28 0.82 2.46 E
M-146 5.0 3.28 1.64 3.28 E/S
M-147 8.0 82.00 6.56 1.64 2.89 E/S
M-154 7.0 213.20 3.28 1.64 E
M-155 5.0 0.82 3.28
M-164 5.0 98.40 9.84 14.76 S
M-167 7.0 150.88 3.28 8.20 S
M-173 8.0 118.08 0.82
AVERAGE 6.10 179.58 5.76 1.46 5.05
MEDIAN 5.75 134.48 4.43 1.15 3.28
STD DEV 2.00 146.63 4.23 0.95 4.63
MAX 15.00 600.24 19.68 4.92 32.80
MIN 2.50 9.84 1.64 0.33 0.49