OFR 97-492: On-Line Manual

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National Geochemical Database—Reformatted Data from the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) Program

By Steven M. Smith
Version 1.40 (2006)

A Manual for Interpreting USGS-Reformatted NURE HSSR Data Files


Listed below is a field-by-field explanation of the USGS-Reformatted NURE HSSR data files. Fields are listed in database order. To find a specific field name, use the Alphabetical Index. Following each field name is an indication of which datasets contain this field (sediment, water, or both), the type of field, and the width and precision.

Eight acronyms are used extensively throughout this document:

The significance of the different laboratories is explained in History of NURE HSSR Program.

REC_NO Both Text 8

Record Number: A sequential number assigned to each record during the reformatting process to insure a unique number for every record. This number has no relationship to the actual sample. If more than one record was entered for the same sample, those records have different REC_NO values. (Top)  (Index)

PRIME_ID Both Text 9

Primary Laboratory Sample Identification Number: This field contains the final reported sample identification number that was assigned to each sample by the responsible DOE laboratory. These are the values that should be used to identify or label samples within the NURE HSSR database. This 'calculated' field was populated with the identification numbers found in the LASLID, ORNLID, SRLID, or LLLID fields based upon the value in the DOELAB field (except for samples originally collected by LLL that later became the responsibility of SRL).

Notes on the uniqueness of identification numbers: Unfortunately, these identification numbers are not unique for each sample or sample location in the database since each of the four DOE laboratories used different sample identification number schemes with some overlap. In addition, replicate samples or samples of different material were often collected at the same location and given the same sample identification number. The combination of values from the PRIME_ID field and the DOELAB field should identify every unique sample location in the database. Unique samples can be distinguished by using the combination of values from the PRIME_ID, REPLC, and SAMPTYP fields. (Top)  (Index)

REPLC Both Text 3

Replicate Code: A numerical or letter code used to distinguish between replicate samples of the same sample type collected from the same site.

LLL A 3-digit duplicate code: The first digit indicates sample type (1 = sediment, 2 = water, 4 = rock), the second identifies the field duplicate (0 = original sample, 1 = first field duplicate), and the third identifies analytical splits (0 = original sample, 1 = first analytical split). Values of 000 represent samples collected by LLL that later became the responsibility of SRL.
LASL A sequential number assigned to indicate a multiple sample of a single sample type from a single location: The initial sample is coded 0, subsequent multiple samples are numbered beginning with 1.
ORGDP Replicate code: A single letter was occasionally used in this field but the significance of the different letters is unclear. The REPLC field is blank for most ORGDP samples.
SRL-E Replicate code: SRL did not include records for replicate samples. All SRL-E samples have a REPLC value of 000.
SRL-W Replicate code: SRL did not include records for replicate samples. All SRL-W samples have a REPLC value of 000.

(Top)  (Index)

SAMPTYP Both Text 2

Sample Type: A 2-digit code identifies the source, medium, and treatment of the sample. No SAMPTYP value was reported in most of the original ORGDP records. SAMPTYP values for blank ORGDP records were added based on OSAMPTYP, SEDCOND, and published NURE GJBX documents. The information in this field has also been broken out into four 'calculated' fields for the sediment dataset (SMPMEDIA, SAMPSRC, SEDCOND, and SIZEFRXN) and two fields for the water dataset(SAMPSRC and SMPTREAT).

01 Untreated spring water sample. Used by LASL and ORGDP. NOTE: ORGDP 01 samples were often filtered through a 0.45 micron filter later in the lab before analysis.
02 Untreated stream water sample. Used by LASL and ORGDP. NOTE: ORGDP 02 samples were often filtered through a 0.45 micron filter later in the lab before analysis.
03 Untreated well water sample. Used by LASL and ORGDP. NOTE: ORGDP 03 samples were often filtered through a 0.45 micron filter later in the lab before analysis.
04 Untreated natural-pond water sample. Used by ORGDP. NOTE: ORGDP 04 samples were often filtered through a 0.45 micron filter later in the lab before analysis.
05 Untreated artificial-pond water sample. Defined but apparently not used.
06 Spring water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter and acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LLL, LASL, and ORGDP.
07 Stream water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter and acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LLL and LASL.
08 Well water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter and acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LLL, LASL, and ORGDP.
09 Natural-pond water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter and acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LLL and LASL. NOTE: LLL 09 samples may include reservoir water samples that would be equivalent to SAMPTYP 10.
10 Artificial-pond water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter and acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LASL.
11 Wet spring sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
12 Wet stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL and ORGDP.
13 Wet natural-pond (or lake in Alaska) sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL and ORGDP.
14 Wet artificial-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
15 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL and ORGDP.
16 Wet spring sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
17 Wet stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
18 Wet natural-pond (or lake in Alaska) sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
19 Wet artificial-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Defined but apparently not used.
20 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
21 Spring water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter. Used by LLL and LASL.
22 Stream water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter. Used by LLL and LASL.
23 Well water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter. Used by LLL, LASL, and ORGDP.
24 Natural-pond water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter. Used by LLL. NOTE: LLL 24 samples may include reservoir water samples that would be equivalent to SAMPTYP 25.
25 Artificial-pond water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter. Defined but apparently not used.
26 Spring water sample acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LASL.
27 Stream water sample acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LASL.
28 Well water sample acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LASL and ORGDP.
29 Natural-pond (or lake in Alaska) water sample acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LASL.
30 Artificial-pond water sample acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. Used by LASL.
31 Wet spring sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -40 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
32 Wet stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -40 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
33 Wet natural-pond (or lake in Alaska) sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -40 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
34 Wet artificial-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -40 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Defined but apparently not used.
35 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -40 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
36 Wet spring sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -80 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
37 Wet stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -80 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
38 Wet natural-pond (or lake in Alaska) sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -80 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
39 Wet artificial-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -80 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Defined but apparently not used.
40 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -80 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
41 Wet spring sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 and +170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL in the Boulder Batholith Pilot Study.
42 Wet stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 and +170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL in the Boulder Batholith Pilot Study.
43 Wet natural-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 and +170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL in the Boulder Batholith Pilot Study.
44 Wet artificial-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 and +170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Defined in the LASL Boulder Batholith Pilot Study but apparently not used.
45 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -100 and +170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL in the Boulder Batholith Pilot Study.
46 Wet spring sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 and +230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL in the Boulder Batholith Pilot Study.
47 Wet stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 and +230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL in the Boulder Batholith Pilot Study.
48 Wet natural-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 and +230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL in the Boulder Batholith Pilot Study.
49 Wet artificial-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 and +230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Defined in the LASL Boulder Batholith Pilot Study but apparently not used.
50 Stream sediment sample from flowing stream, sieved to less than 149 micron (-100 mesh) and dried at less than or equal to 110°C. Used by LLL, SRL-E, and SRL-W.
51 Stream water sample filtered through a 0.8 micron filter at the site. Used by SRL-E and SRL-W.
52 Well water sample filtered through a 0.8 micron filter at the site. Used by SRL-E and SRL-W.
53 Spring water sample filtered through a 0.8 micron filter at the site. Used by SRL-E and SRL-W.
54 Lake water sample filtered through a 0.8 micron filter at the site. Used by SRL-E and SRL-W.
55 Lake sediment sample. Used by SRL-W.
56 Stream water sample filtered the following day through a 0.45 micron membrane filter and acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. SAMPTYP 56 was redefined during the reformatting process for certain LASL samples originally reported as SAMPTYP 98. SAMPTYP 56 was originally defined as a Glacial till sample but apparently was never used.
57 Marsh water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter and acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. SAMPTYP 57 was redefined during the reformatting process for certain LASL samples originally reported as SAMPTYP 98. SAMPTYP 57 was originally defined as a Peat sample but apparently was never used.
58 Soil sample sieved to greater than 149 micron (+100 mesh) but less than 1,000 micron (-18 mesh). Used by SRL-E and SRL-W.
59 Soil sample sieved to less than 149 micron (-100 mesh). Used by ORGDP, SRL-E, and SRL-W.
60 Stream sediment sample from dry stream, sieved to greater than 149 micron (+100 mesh) but less than 1,000 micron (-18 mesh), and dried (if necessary) at less than or equal to 110°C. Used by SRL-W.
61 Stream sediment sample from dry stream, sieved to less than 149 micron (-100 mesh), and dried (if necessary) at less than or equal to 110°C. Used by SRL-E and SRL-W.
62 Talus sample. Used by SRL-W.
63 Volcanic neck sample. Used by SRL-W.
64 Playa sediment sample. Used by SRL-W.
65 Hot-springs sinter sample. Used by SRL-W.
66 Stream sediment sample from flowing stream. Sample treatment is most probably as follows; sieved to greater than 149 micron (+100 mesh) but less than 1,000 micron (-18 mesh), and dried at less than or equal to 110°C. Used by SRL-W.
67 Wet stream sediment sample dried at 110°C and sieved to -100 mesh (less than 150 micron). SAMPTYP 67 was defined during the reformatting process for LLL samples with this specified sample source and size fraction. These samples were originally included in SAMPTYP 70.
68 Lake or reservoir sediment sample dried at 110°C and sieved to -100 mesh (less than 150 micron). SAMPTYP 68 was defined during the reformatting process for LLL samples with this specified sample source and size fraction. These samples were originally included in SAMPTYP 71.
69 Dry stream sediment sample dried at 110°C and sieved to -100 mesh (less than 150 micron). SAMPTYP 69 was defined during the reformatting process for LLL samples with this specified sample source and size fraction. These samples were originally included in SAMPTYP 72.
70 Wet stream sediment sample dried at 110°C and sieved to -18 and +35 mesh (less than 1000 and greater than 500 micron). SAMPTYP 70 was redefined during the reformatting process for LLL samples with this specified sample source and size fraction. Some samples originally reported as SAMPTYP 70 were reassigned to SAMPTYP 67.
71 Lake or reservoir sediment sample dried at 110°C and sieved to -18 and +35 mesh (less than 1000 and greater than 500 micron). SAMPTYP 71 was redefined during the reformatting process for LLL samples with this specified sample source and size fraction. Some samples originally reported as SAMPTYP 71 were reassigned to SAMPTYP 68.
72 Dry stream sediment sample dried at 110°C and sieved to -18 and +35 mesh (less than 1000 and greater than 500 micron). SAMPTYP 72 was redefined during the reformatting process for LLL samples with this specified sample source and size fraction. Some samples originally reported as SAMPTYP 72 were reassigned to SAMPTYP 69.
73 Playa sediment sample collected with a hand auger over the reported depth, dried at less than or equal to 100°C, and crushed to a fine powder. (No reported depths were found associated with these sample data records). Used by LLL.
74 Rock sample crushed and sieved to less than 250 micron (-60 mesh). Used by LLL and SRL.
75 Sediment sample collected from stream bank, dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL only in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles.
76 Sediment sample collected from stream bank, dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -40 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 76 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 71.
77 Sediment sample collected from stream bank, dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -80 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 77 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 72.
78 Sediment sample collected from stream bank, dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 78 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 73.
79 Sediment sample collected from stream bank, dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 79 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 74.
80 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -170 and +230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 80 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Boulder Batholith Pilot Study originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 50.
81 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -10 and +35 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL only in the Grants Special Study Area, New Mexico.
82 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -35 and +60 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL only in the Grants Special Study Area, New Mexico.
83 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -60 and +100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL only in the Grants Special Study Area, New Mexico.
84 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -100 and +230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL only in the Grants Special Study Area, New Mexico.
85 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and sieved to -230 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL only in the Grants Special Study Area, New Mexico.
86 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and separated by sedimentation/centrifugation techniques to less than or equal to 62.5 micron and greater than 2.0 micron. Used by LASL only in the Grants Special Study Area, New Mexico.
87 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C (if necessary) and separated by sedimentation/centrifugation techniques to less than or equal to 2.0 micron. Used by LASL only in the Grants Special Study Area, New Mexico.
88 Wet spring sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 88 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 51.
89 Wet stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 89 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 52.
90 Wet natural-lake sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 90 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 53.
91 Dry stream sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -170 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 91 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the Dixon Entrance and Prince Rupert Quadrangles originally reported as an alternate SAMPTYP 55.
92 Rock sample. Field scintillometer and gamma spectrometer readings. Used by ORGDP.
93 Rock sample crushed and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 93 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL samples in the San Andres-Oscura Mountains Special Study, New Mexico originally reported as SAMPTYP 99.
94 Playa lake water sample filtered through a 0.45 micron membrane filter and acidified to a pH of less than or equal to 1 with reagent-grade nitric acid. SAMPTYP 94 was defined during the reformatting process for certain LASL samples in the Estancia Valley Pilot Study originally reported as SAMPTYP 98.
95 Dry spring sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. SAMPTYP 95 was defined during the reformatting process for LASL spring sediment samples originally reported as SAMPTYP 99.
96 Dry natural-pond sediment sample dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
97 Dry artificial-pond sediment sample (or lake in the Estancia Valley Pilot Study) dried at less than or equal to 100°C and sieved to -100 mesh through stainless steel sieves. Used by LASL.
98 Other water sample. Assigned by the reformatting process to water sample records with missing SAMPTYP values and with no other information present to distinguish sample source and treatment.
99 Other sediment or rock sample. Assigned by the reformatting process when SAMPTYP was unknown and to SRL sediment sample records with missing SAMPTYP values but with a SSAMPTYP of A (other sediment - includes mine tailings).

(Top)  (Index)

REC_CNT Both Integer 1

Multiple Record Counter: Used to identify additional records in the database when multiple records were necessary to preserve overlapping data for a single sample. No value judgments about the quality of data are implied by the order of multiple records. (Top)  (Index)

LAT Both Real 10.4

Latitude: The latitude at a sample site given in decimal degrees. Positive numbers are north latitudes and negative numbers are south latitudes. Latitude values are assumed to be based upon the 1927 North American Datum (NAD27) and the Clarke 1866 Ellipsoid. (ORGDP records commonly give the latitude values with only 3 decimal places instead of the more common usage of 4 decimal places. This means that the location has a possible error of plus or minus 183 feet or 55 meters). Missing or problematic LAT values identified during the reformatting process were replaced with a value of 0 (zero) and the original values (even when known to be wrong) are preserved in the COORDPRB comment field. (Top)  (Index)

LONG Both Real 10.4

Longitude: The longitude at a sample site given in decimal degrees. Positive numbers are east longitudes and negative numbers are west longitudes. Longitude values are assumed to be based upon the 1927 North American Datum (NAD27) and the Clarke 1866 Ellipsoid. (ORGDP records commonly give the longitude values with only 3 decimal places instead of the more common usage of 4 decimal places. This means that the location has a possible error of plus or minus 183 feet or 55 meters. Samples from other labs that were analyzed by ORGDP were reported with a LONG value rounded to 3 places. When possible, the original longitude value was used instead of the the rounded values reported by ORGDP). Missing or problematic LONG values identified during the reformatting process were replaced with a value of 0 (zero) and the original values (even when known to be wrong) are preserved in the COORDPRB comment field. (Top)  (Index)

DOELAB Both Text 5

DOE Laboratory: The Department of Energy (DOE) laboratory responsible for collecting the sample: Each laboratory used different sampling note forms and procedures to collect and record information at each sample site. Site information should be more consistent for records having the same DOELAB value. NOTE: When the DOELAB value was missing in the original data, the appropriate value was added during the reformatting process based upon published NURE documents. Although not differentiated in the original NURE HSSR files, the single DOELAB value for Savannah River Laboratory was separated into two values (SRL-E and SRL-W) that represent different sampling and analytical protocols.

LLL Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
LASL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
ORGDP Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant
SRL-E Savannah River Laboratory (Eastern Region protocol)
SRL-W Savannah River Laboratory (Western Region protocol)

(Top)  (Index)

LASLID Both Text 6

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Site Identification Number: A site or sample identifier assigned to each sample collected by LASL or LASL subcontractors.

LASL site numbers come in two types: Sites and samples were initially assigned a 6-digit integer generally according to the following criteria (with exceptions for some special studies). The actual archived samples from LASL are usually labeled with this number only.

000001 - 099999 New Mexico
100001 - 199999 Colorado
200001 - 299999 Wyoming
300001 - 399999 Montana
400001 - 499999 Alaska

After the DOE-required reporting format was changed from a state or study area basis to a quadrangle basis in 1977, LASL sites were given a new 1-letter+5-digit number by the laboratory using the following criteria. (These numbers are most commonly found in the original data files and reports).

N00001 - N99999 Principally New Mexico
C00001 - C99999 Principally Colorado
W00001 - W99999 Principally Wyoming
M00001 - M99999 Principally Montana
A00001 - A99999 Alaska
L00001 - L99999 Areas beyond the original western boundary of LASL's established region
O00001 - O99999 Areas beyond the original eastern boundary of LASL's established region

Many of the early LASL files have the 6-digit integer LASLID numbers. Later files that list the same samples often only have the 1-letter+5-digit number LASLID. Whenever possible, the 1-letter+5-digit number site identification number was saved in LASLID. When the corresponding 6-digit site number could be determined from sample number translation key lists, field maps, or corresponding data records, this number was saved in the SITE field. Although both sets of numbers were usually assigned sequentially, they do not correspond one to one with each other; (100001 does not equal C00001, etc.). (Top)  (Index)

ORNLID Both Text 7

Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant Sample Number (also known as the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Sample Number): A site or sample identifier assigned to each sample collected by ORGDP or ORGDP subcontractors. NOTE: Samples analyzed by ORGDP but collected by another laboratory were also assigned an ORNLID. Records for these samples will have an ORNLID plus a SRLID or LASLID. The sample site information for these records are based on the procedures used by the lab responsible for collection (See DOELAB) and not those used by ORGDP. (Top)  (Index)

SRLID Both Text 9

Savannah River Laboratory Sample Number: A site or sample identifier assigned to each sample collected by SRL or SRL subcontractors. Different sample number coding schemes were used in the SRL Eastern and Western areas.

SRL-E numbers were assigned based on the state, county, and sample type. For example: OHHL508R; OH = Ohio; HL = Holmes County; 508 is a locality number that is sequential by county. Numbers 501-999 refer to ground water sites and numbers 001-499 refer to surface water and sediment sites; R = water resin sample, S0 or S1 = sediment sample (Generally an S1 fraction is finer than 149 micron [-100 mesh] and an S0 refers to a fraction from 420 to 1000 micron [-18/+40 mesh]). Note that OHHL003R and OHHL003S1 represent a water sample and sediment sample taken at the same site. Tables that list state and county codes can be found in the NURE GJBX publications pertinent to each area.

SRL-W numbers were assigned based on a quadrangle system. The first set of 2 letters identify the 2° quadrangle; the second 2 letter set are a matrix code that identify the relative 15' quadrangle from which the sample was collected. The first letter (A-H) identifies the west-east position and the second letter (A-D) identifies the north-south position of the 15' quadrangle within the 2° sheet. The northwest 15' quadrangle = AA, northeast 15' quadrangle = AH, southwest 15' quadrangle = DA, and southeast 15' quadrangle = DH (See figure below). Numbers 501-999 refer to ground water sites and numbers 001-499 refer to surface water and sediment sites; R = water resin sample, S0 or S1 = sediment sample (Generally an S1 fraction is finer than 149 micron [-100 mesh] and an S0 refers to a fraction from 420 to 1000 micron [-18/+40 mesh]). Note that ADDA003R and ADDA003S1 represent a water sample and sediment sample taken at the same site within the southwest 15' quadrangle of the Adel 2° sheet. A table listing all quadrangle codes can be found in GJBX-57(82). NOTE: Some samples from the Bangor, Bath, and Portland quadrangles in Maine were collected and coded using SRL-W methods.

     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | BA | BB | BC | BD | BE | BF | BG | BH |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | CA | CB | CC | CD | CE | CF | CG | CH |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | DA | DB | DC | DD | DE | DF | DG | DH |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

LLL samples processed by SRL were also assigned SRLID numbers based on the quadrangle system where the first set of 2 letters identifies the quadrangle. For these samples the matrix code uses different letters for second 2 letter set. The first letter (J-M) identifies the west-east position and the second letter (J-N, P-R) identifies the north-south position of the 15' quadrangle within the 2° sheet.

Samples collected by SRL for pilot studies or special detailed studies (See STUDY) were assigned SRLID values that do not follow any of the rules described above. Most of these samples have an SRLID that starts with the 2 letters DS; the exceptions are AAFL, SCIB, and SCID samples. (Top)  (Index)

LLLID Both Text 8

Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Sample Number: A site or sample identifier assigned to each sample collected by LLL or LLL subcontractors. NOTE: LLL often sent personnel to re-sample sites originally collected by subcontractors as part of their quality control program. These re-sampled sites were given a new LLLID and the original site number was saved in SITE field for cross-referencing. (Top)  (Index)

SITE Both Text 8

Additional Site Number: The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample.

LLL The original LLLID number for sites resampled as part of the LLL's quality control program to insure the accuracy of sample collection data. NOTE: This was the XSITE field in earlier versions of this reformatted database.
LASL The corresponding LASL Site Identification Number (See LASLID). The value in this field is usually the original 6-digit LASLID assigned to the sample when collected and is the value needed to retrieve archived LASL samples. Occasionally, this value is the 1-letter+5digit number under which the sample was reanalyzed and reported in later studies.
ORGDP A site number assigned to locations within each 1° by 2° quadrangle sampled; unique only to individual quadrangles or field maps. This value was not generally used in reports or on published maps.
SRL-E Not used.
SRL-W Not used.

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This field has been removed. The information originally contained in this field has been placed in the SITE field. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The field was defined in the original ORGDP data file descriptions but was never used in the database. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The field was defined in the original ORGDP data file descriptions but was never used in the database. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. This field, meant to indicate the possibility that a sample was reanalyzed and reported in another, was replaced by adding a comment in the REFORMAT field. (Top)  (Index)

STATE Both Text 2

State: Abbreviation identifying the State in which the sample was collected. Original format used the two-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code to designate the State. Code was changed to the two-letter Postal Service abbreviation during the reformatting process. NOTE: This code was often not entered for ORGDP records and had to be reconstructed from LAT and LONG values during the reformatting process. Also some quadrangles which cross State boundaries were originally coded with only one State code; these were also corrected based upon latitude and longitude coordinates. (Top)  (Index)

QUAD Both Text 25

Quadrangle: The name of the 1° by 2° USGS quadrangle in which the sample was collected. This name was added during the reformatting process and gives the quadrangle from which the sample was reported in published NURE documents even when erroneous or missing LAT and LONG values may place the sample elsewhere. (Top)  (Index)

MAPCODE Both Text 6

Map Code: Alphanumeric NTMS code for each 1° by 2° quadrangle. Derived from original data records from ORGDP only. Added to other records during the reformatting process. This field is technically a duplication of QUAD with a different format. The MAPCODE values occasionally differ from the corresponding QUAD value indicating an error that has not yet been resolved. (Top)  (Index)

FIPS Both Text 5

County and State Code from Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 6-4 (August 31, 1990): An hierarchical code that identifies the State and County (or equivalent entity) from which the sample was collected. This is a calculated field with the code added during the reformatting process based upon the LAT and LONG coordinate values for the sample. This field is blank when the latitude and longitude coordinates are missing or incomplete. The FIPS code consists of a 5-digit number: The first 2 digits identify the State and the last 3 digits identify the County (Example: 09011 = (09) Connecticut, (011) New London County). The complete list of FIPS codes is available at FIPS PUBS. (Top)  (Index)

HUC8 Both Text 8

8-Digit Hydrologic Unit Code: An hierarchical code that identifies the hydrologic unit (stream basin) from which the sample was collected. This is a calculated field with the code added during the reformatting process based upon the LAT and LONG coordinate values for the sample. This field is blank when the latitude and longitude coordinates are missing or incomplete. The HUC8 code consists of an 8-digit number: The first 2 digits identify the region, the second 2 digits identify the subregion, the third 2 digits identify the accounting unit, and the last 2 digits identify the cataloging unit (Example: 17060205 = (17) Pacific Northwest region, (06) Lower Snake River subregion, (02) Salmon River Basin, (05) Upper Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho). The complete list of HUC8 codes is available at USGS Hydrologic Unit Maps. (Top)  (Index)

LS_MAP Both Text 9

Large Scale Map Code: An hierarchical code that identifies the 24,000-scale topographic map (or 63,360-scale map in Alaska) from which the sample was collected. This is a calculated field with the code added during the reformatting process based upon the LAT and LONG coordinate values for the sample. This field is blank when the latitude and longitude coordinates are missing or incomplete. The LS_MAP code consists of a 9-digit number (7-digit number in Alaska): In the conterminous United States and Hawaii, the first 5 digits identify the 250,000-scale quadrangle using the latitude and longitude values of the northwest corner, the next 2 digits identify the 100,000-scale quadrangle as a quadrant of the 250,000-scale map, and the last 2 digits identify the 24,000-scale quadrangle using a matrix of letters and numbers as shown in the diagram below.

     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | A1 | B1 | C1 | D1 | E1 | F1 | G1 | H1 |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | A2 | B2 | C2 | D2 | E2 | F2 | G2 | H2 |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | A3 | B3 | C3 | D3 | E3 | F3 | G3 | H3 |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | A4 | B4 | C4 | D4 | E4 | F4 | G4 | H4 |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

In Alaska, the first 5 digits identify the 250,000-scale quadrangle using the latitude and longitude values of the northwest corner, and the last 2 digits identify the 63,360-scale quadrangle using the matrix of letters and numbers commonly used in naming Alaskan maps. Below is a diagram showing the general matrix used to name Alaska 63,360-scale maps. Because the longitude lines begin to converge in northern Alaska, the range of east to west names changes from A1-A8 to A1-A6 and finally A1-A5.

     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | D8 | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | C8 | C7 | C6 | C5 | C4 | C3 | C2 | C1 |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | B8 | B7 | B6 | B5 | B4 | B3 | B2 | B1 |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
     | A8 | A7 | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

(Top)  (Index)

STUDY Both Text 4

Special Study Code: A code that identifies the Pilot/Orientation study or Detailed Study for which the sample was collected. Codes were derived primarily from a listing of studies in Grimes (1984). Not all of these STUDY codes were used.

PO01 Smoke Creek Desert Basin, California, Nevada (LLL)
PO02 Winnemucca Dry Lake Basin, Nevada (LLL)
PO03 Walker River Basin, California, Nevada (LLL)
PO04 Cave Valley, Nevada (LLL)
PO05 Roach Lake Basin, California, Nevada (LLL)
PO06 Deep Creek Mountains, Nevada, Utah (LLL)
PO07 Artillery Peak, Arizona (LLL)
PO08 Boulder Batholith, Montana (LASL)
PO09 Sterling and Greeley NTMS Quadrangles, Colorado (LASL)
PO10 North Dakota (ORGDP)
PO11 Kansas (ORGDP)
PO12 Oklahoma (ORGDP)
PO13 Northwest Texas (ORGDP)
PO14 Llano, Texas (ORGDP)
PO15 Minnesota (ORGDP)
PO16 Michigan (ORGDP)
PO17 Karnes County, Texas (SRL)
PO18 Ouachita Mountain, Arkansas (SRL)
PO19 Chattanooga Shale, Tennessee (SRL)
PO20 Alabama (SRL)
PO21 Dover - Foxcroft and Skowhegan, Maine (SRL)
PO22 Monticello, New York (SRL)
PO23 Wolcott, Vermont (SRL)
PO24 Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire (SRL)
PO25 Williamsport, Pennsylvania (SRL)
PO26 Spruce Pine, North Carolina (SRL)
PO27 Moore, North Carolina (SRL)
PO28 Johnston, North Carolina (SRL)
PO29 Kings Mountain, North Carolina (SRL)
PO30 Leesville, South Carolina (SRL)
PO31 Jasper and Hampton Counties, South Carolina (SRL)
PO32 Hillsborough and Polk Counties, Florida (SRL)
PO33 South Park, Colorado (LASL)
PO34 Estancia Valley, New Mexico (LASL)
PO35 Eastern Seward Peninsula, Koyukuk, and Charley River areas, and across south-central Alaska (LASL)
PO36 Susitna River Basin, Alaska (LASL)
PO37 Six Projects Areas in Central and Northeast Alaska (USBOM-LASL)

DS01 Lakeview, Oregon (ORGDP)
DS02 Sonora Pass, California (ORGDP)
DS03 Thomas Range - Wasatch, Utah (ORGDP)
DS04 Marysvale, Utah (ORGDP)
DS05 Date Creek Basin, Arizona (ORGDP)
DS06 Laramie Range, Wyoming (ORGDP)
DS07 Buffalo - Lignite, South Dakota (ORGDP)
DS08 Edgemont, South Dakota, Wyoming (ORGDP)
DS09 Trans - Pecos, Texas (ORGDP)
DS10 Wichita Uplift, Oklahoma, Texas (ORGDP)
DS11 Gulf Coast, Texas (ORGDP)
DS12 East - Central Minnesota (ORGDP)
DS13 Three Forks Basin, Spanish Peaks and Boulder River, Montana (LASL)
DS14 Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming (LASL)
DS15 Red Creek Quartzite, Utah (LASL)
DS16 Craig and Rawlins NTMS Quadrangles, Colorado, Wyoming (LASL)
DS17 Montrose, Colorado (LASL) [also known as Sawatch Range or Eastern Montrose studies]
DS18 Tallahassee Creek, Badger Creek, Castle Rock Gulch and Buffalo Gulch, Colorado (LASL)
DS19 Vallecito Creek, Colorado (LASL)
DS20 Grants, New Mexico (LASL)
DS21 Pie Town, New Mexico (LASL)
DS22 San Andres - Oscura Mountains, New Mexico (LASL)
DS23 Midnite Mine, Washington (SRL)
DS24 Kettle Falls, Washington (SRL)
DS25 Jean Lake, California, Nevada (SRL)
DS26 Dan River - Danville Triassic Basin, North Carolina, Virginia (SRL)
DS27 Aiken County Gorceixite, South Carolina (SRL)
DS28 Mt. Spokane 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Idaho, Washington (SRL)

(Top)  (Index)

PHASE Both Text 1

Sampling Phase: Used in ORGDP records and for some LASL special studies.

A Field sampling period: December 1976 - January 1977. Used in LASL Sterling and Greeley Pilot Study.
B Field sampling period: March - April 1977. Used in LASL Sterling and Greeley Pilot Study.
C Field sampling period: April - May 1977. Used in LASL Sterling and Greeley Pilot Study.
D Field sampling period: July - August 1977. Used in LASL Sterling and Greeley Pilot Study.
1 No definition found. Used only in ORGDP studies.
2 Two definitions found. The ORGDP groundwater sampling manual GJBX-62(78) defines this code as: Sample collected on a 3.2-mile grid (10 square miles). The ORGDP stream sediment sampling manual GJBX-84(78) defines this code as: Sampled drainage basin greater than 2 and less than 20 square miles. Used only in ORGDP studies.
G Sampled drainage basin less than 2 or greater than 20 square miles. Used only in ORGDP studies.
P No definition found but appears to be used for identifying samples collected during Pilot Studies. Used only in ORGDP studies.
E No definition found but appears to be used for identifying samples collected during Special Detailed Studies. Used only in ORGDP studies.
R No definition found but appears to be used for identifying sites where radiometric (field scintillometer and gamma spectrometer) readings were taken. Used only in ORGDP studies.

(Top)  (Index)

STRBASIN Both Text 11

Drainage Basin Identification Number and Stream Order: This field combines and replaces two under-utilized and minimally defined fields found in the original ORGDP file formats: BASINID and STRORDER. The information is given in the form of BASINID(STRORDER). Example: D22(000003). No specific definitions were found for data in either of the two original fields. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The information originally contained in this field has been combined into the STRBASIN field. (Top)  (Index)

B_LAT_C Both Real 10.4

Latitude of Basin Centroid: Used occasionally only in some ORGDP studies. (Top)  (Index)

B_LONG_C Both Real 10.4

Longitude of Basin Centroid: Used occasionally only in some ORGDP studies. (Top)  (Index)

SMPMEDIA Sediment Text 10

Sample Media: The type of sample media that was collected and analyzed. This is a calculated field of data broken out during the reformatting process from the SAMPTYP field. Only two distinct values are found in the SMPMEDIA field: Rock or Sediment. This field can be used with SAMPSRC, SEDCOND, and SIZEFRXN to further subdivide the sample type. (Top)  (Index)

SAMPSRC Both Text 15

Sample Source: The source of the sample that was collected and analyzed. This is a calculated field of data broken out during the reformatting process from the SAMPTYP field. Originally used only for LLL records, this field has been redefined and reformatted to hold data for all records. Valid SAMPSRC values include Bedrock, Hot Springs Sinter, Lake, Marsh, Playa, Pond-Artificial, Pond-Natural, Soil, Spring, Stream, Stream Bank, Talus, Volcanic Neck, Well, and Other. This field can be used with SMPMEDIA, SEDCOND, and SIZEFRXN to further subdivide the sediment and rock sample types; and with SMPTREAT to subdivide water sample types. (Top)  (Index)

SEDCOND Sediment Text 3

Sediment condition: Originally found only in ORGDP and LLL records but added to all other applicable records based upon the value in the SAMPTYP field. Valid SEDCOND values include Wet, Dry, and blank. (Top)  (Index)

SIZEFRXN Sediment Text 15

Sediment Size Fraction: The particle size, after sieving, of the sediment material that was ultimately analyzed. This is a calculated field of data broken out during the reformatting process from the SAMPTYP field. This field also contains data from the UPSIEVE and DNSIEVE fields found in earlier versions of this database. SIZEFRXN values can be used with SMPMEDIA, SAMPSRC and SEDCOND to further subdivide the sediment sample types.

A SIZEFRXN value of -100 MESH indicates that the sediment was sieved through a 100-mesh screen and the particle size is therefore <0.149 mm. A SIZEFRXN value of -18/+35 MESH indicates that the sediment passed through an 18-mesh screen but not through a 35-mesh screen; the particle size is therefore <1.00 mm and >0.50 mm.

Sieves and Resultant Particle Sizes used for NURE HSSR Size Fractions
Sieve Size Particle Size Sieve Size Particle Size
10 Mesh 2.00 mm 80 Mesh 0.177 mm or 177 µm
18 Mesh 1.00 mm 100 Mesh 0.149 mm or 149 µm
35 Mesh 0.50 mm or 500 µm 170 Mesh 0.088 mm or 88 µm
40 Mesh 0.42 mm or 420 µm 230 Mesh 0.0625 mm or 62.5 µm
60 Mesh 0.25 mm or 250 µm 2 µm filter 2 µm

(Top)  (Index)

SMPTREAT Water Text 15

Water Sample Treatment: The treatment of water samples in the field with respect to acidification and filtering. This is a calculated field of data broken out during the reformatting process from the SAMPTYP field. Valid SMPTREAT values include Acidified Only, Filtered (0.45 µm) & Acidified, Filtered (0.45 µm) Only, Filtered (0.8 µm) Only, None, None - Lab Filtered (0.45 µm), and Unspecified. The acidification treatment added reagent grade nitric acid to the sample to reach a pH of less than or equal to 1. SMPTREAT values can be used with SAMPSRC to further subdivide the water sample types. See also WTRTREAT. (Top)  (Index)

OSAMPTYP Both Text 15

Oak Ridge (ORGDP) Sample Type Classification: Coding scheme for sample type that was used on ORGDP sampling note forms and reported in ORGDP data files. This field was used for almost all ORGDP records and also for data records of samples from other laboratories that were analyzed by ORGDP. For ORGDP records, this field was critical during the reformatting process: All missing SAMPTYP codes were reconstructed using the OSAMPTYP value. However, when OSAMPTYP values were recorded for ORGDP analyses of samples from other laboratories there were numerous discrepancies between the OSAMPTYP value and SAMPTYP codes. Therefore, OSAMPTYP is not considered diagnostic when used for samples not collected by ORGDP. Available choices [with original code] include bog water [A], plant [B], soil [F], rock [G], lake sediment [H], lake water [L], stream sediment [M], spring water [P], stream water [S], well water [W], and other [O]. (Top)  (Index)

LSAMPTYP Both Text 8

Laboratory Sample Type Classification: A sample type code used by ORGDP Laboratories to broadly define the sample type. Used primarily for records where ORGDP has analyzed samples collected by other labs. Occasionally used also for ORGDP records. Available choices [with original code] include water [W], sediment [M], and other [O]. (Top)  (Index)

SSAMPTYP Sediment Text 23

Savannah River Laboratory Sample Type Classification: Coding scheme for sample type that was used on SRL-E and SRL-W sampling note forms and reported in original data files only for SRL samples. Although the coding scheme contained values for water samples, none of the original files of SRL water data included SSAMPTYP data. The SSAMPTYP field was valuable, even though incompletely populated, during the reformatting process as a source of information for correcting some missing SAMPTYP codes. Available field value choices [with original code] include well water [C], spring water [D], stream sediment plus water [E], stream sediment [F], soil [G], talus [H], volcanic neck [I], playa [J], lake sediment [K], hot springs sinter [L], other [O], other sediment [A] (documentation says that this may include mine tailings), and other resin [B]. (Top)  (Index)

SEDTREAT Sediment Text 6

Sediment sample treatment: Used only for some ORGDP records apparently to describe any pre-treatment of sediment samples in the field. The information in this field does not correspond with sample preparation information found in SAMPTYP codes or SIZEFRXN entries. Available field value choices [with original code] include none [N], sieved [S], and other [O]. (Top)  (Index)

WTRTREAT Water Text 20

Water sample treatment: Used for ORGDP records apparently to describe the treatment of water samples in the field before sending them to the laboratory. The WTRTREAT values are sometimes disturbingly different than what would be expected with respect to the given SAMPTYP codes and calculated SMPTREAT values. Available field value choices [with original code] include acidified and filtered [A], acidified only [C], filtered only [F], none [N], and other [O]. (Top)  (Index)

SAMPDAT Both Text 10

Sample collection date: The date on which the sample was collected, reformatted to YYYY/MM/DD. All NURE HSSR samples were apparently collected between July 29, 1975 and October 2, 1980. Used by all laboratories. Obviously incorrect dates were removed and the original value was added as a comment to the REFORMAT field. (Top)  (Index)

SAMPHR Both Text 2

Sample collection hour: The nearest whole hour to the time when the sample was collected using a 24 hour clock. Used for ORGDP and LASL records only. (Top)  (Index)

SAMPLER Both Text 3

Sampler: A designation of the person or persons responsible for collecting the sample. The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP Initials of the sampler.
SRL-E An assigned number that identifies the sampling team.
SRL-W An assigned number that identifies the sampling team.

(Top)  (Index)

GRABS Both Text 2

Grabs: The number of grabs or subsamples collected at a site to composite the sample. The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample. NOTE: Although never defined in sampling manuals, data for GRABS were also recorded for some water samples collected by ORGDP and SRL.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP Number of grabs made to collect a stream- or lake-sediment sample.
SRL-E The number of subsamples taken at a site that were composited together to give the sieved sample for that site.
SRL-W The number of subsamples taken at a site that were composited together to give the sieved sample for that site.

(Top)  (Index)

WEATHER Both Text 26

Weather: A description of the prevalent weather conditions at the time of sampling. Each of the sampling note forms that included a field for weather had different coding schemes and available responses. ORGDP sampling note forms recorded weather information in two code fields; one for wind and one for clouds or precipitation. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase: ORGDP codes were combined into a compound phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL sunny/clear [1], partly cloudy [2], overcast [3], rainy [4], snowy [5], other [6].
ORGDP (Wind Codes) calm [C], light wind [P], windy [V], very windy [R], gale [S].
ORGDP (Weather Codes) clear [C], partly cloudy [L], overcast [W], rainy [V], snowy [G].
SRL-E sunny/clear [1], overcast [2], light rain [3], heavy rain [4], snowy [5], other [6].
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

AIRTEMP Both Real 6.1

Air temperature: The air temperature measured at the sample site, reported in degrees Celsius. The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample.

LLL Not used.
LASL The temperature measured in the shade at the time of sampling to the nearest whole degree Celsius.
ORGDP The temperature measured in the shade at the time of sampling to the nearest 0.1 degree Celsius.
SRL-E Not used.
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

WTRTEMP Both Real 6.1

Water temperature: The water temperature measured at the sample site, reported in degrees Celsius. The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample. NOTE: Water temperatures were recorded in the sediment database when both water and sediment samples were collected at the same site.

LLL Measurement of water temperature in situ by mercury thermometer to nearest 0.1 degree Celsius.
LASL Water temperature at time of sampling recorded to the nearest 0.1 degree Celsius.
ORGDP Water temperature at time of sampling recorded to the nearest 0.1 degree Celsius.
SRL-E Water temperature at time of sampling recorded to the nearest whole degree Celsius.
SRL-W Water temperature at time of sampling recorded to the nearest whole degree Celsius.

(Top)  (Index)

PH Both Real 4.1

pH Meter Reading: The pH of water at the site as determined by a pH meter. NOTE: pH values were often recorded in the sediment database when both water and sediment samples were collected at the same site. Used for LLL, LASL, ORGDP, SRL-E, and SRL-W records. (Top)  (Index)

PH_LOION Water Real 4.1

Lo-Ion Paper pH Reading: The pH of water at the site as determined by Lo-Ion paper. This method was intended as a backup method for possible failure of pH meters in the field. Used only for some ORGDP water records. (Top)  (Index)

COND Both Real 9.2

Conductivity: The specific conductance measured in water at the site with a conductivity meter (in µmhos/cm). The data collection method and definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample. NOTE: Values were often recorded in the sediment database when both water and sediment samples were collected at the same site.

LLL Specific conductance measured at site with a conductivity meter. Reported as micromhos/cm normalized to 25°C.
LASL Specific conductance measured at site with a conductivity meter. Reported from meter as micromhos/cm.
ORGDP Conductivity measured at site with a Horiba U-7 Water Analyzer. Reported as micromhos/cm. NOTE: Some of the Horiba Analyzers measured conductivity in millimhos/cm and the sampler had to multiply by 1000 before recording the number.
SRL-E Conductivity measured at site and reported from meter as micromhos/cm.
SRL-W Conductivity measured at site and reported from meter as micromhos/cm.

(Top)  (Index)

LABCOND Water Real 6.0

Laboratory Conductivity Measurement: The specific conductance measured in the water sample at the laboratory (in µmhos/cm). Used only for some ORGDP water records. (Top)  (Index)

ALK Both Real 8.2

Total alkalinity: A field measurement of the total alkalinity in water at the site. The data collection method and definition of this field varies depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample. Values of -1 were not defined. NOTE: ALK values were often recorded in the sediment database when both water and sediment samples were collected at the same site.

LLL Total alkalinity measured by titration with standard sulfuric acid to a bromcresol green-methyl red indicator endpoint (pH = 4.8); and reported as equivalent CaCO3, in milligrams per liter. Minimum detection limit was 20 mg/l.
LASL Did not routinely report alkalinity. When alkalinity was measured in the field it was added to the sampling note form and the field SPECMS was marked with an S to denote that a special measurement was taken at that site. Some alkalinity values for LASL special studies have been added to this field. For the Sterling and Greeley Pilot Study, alkalinity was measured using a Hach kit, Model DR-EL/2 by a titration method (units were not specified).
ORGDP Total alkalinity measured using a LaMotte Alkalinity Test Kit. Three measurements were made and reported: Total alkalinity (ALK), P-alkalinity (See ALKP), and M-alkalinity (See ALKM). The numbers reported were derived by multiplying 10 times the volume of a titrating agent needed to produce a specific color change. The equivalent reporting units for this method were not given in the sampling manual used to produce these notes.
SRL-E Alkalinity measured by field titrating drops of H2SO4 into water until a pH of approximately 4.5 was reached. The reported measurements was derived by dividing the number of drops of H2SO4 used by the volume of water in milliliters (drops H2SO4/water volume) and expressed as milliequivalents of H2SO4 per liter of sample.
SRL-W Same as SRL-E.

(Top)  (Index)

ALKP Water Real 6.0

Phenolphthalein Alkalinity. A field measurement of phenolphthalein alkalinity in water at the site. ALKP values were only reported for some LLL and ORGDP water samples. Values of -1 or -9 were not defined. The data collection method and definition of this field varies depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample.

LLL Phenolphthalein alkalinity measured by titration with standard sulfuric acid to a phenolphthalein indicator endpoint (pH = 8.3); and reported values as equivalent CaCO3, in milligrams per liter. Minimum detection limit was 20 mg/l. Only measured on samples with a pH above 8.3.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP Phenolphthalein alkalinity measured using a LaMotte Alkalinity Test Kit. The numbers reported were derived by multiplying 10 times the volume of a titrating agent needed to produce a color change at about pH 8. The actual reporting units used are not clear. Only measured on samples with a pH above 8.
SRL-E Not used.
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

ALKM Water Real 8.2

Approximate Total Alkalinity. A field measurement of Phenolphthalein alkalinity plus remaining alkalinity in water at the site. ALKM values were only reported for some ORGDP water samples. The M-alkalinity was measured using a LaMotte Alkalinity Test Kit by continuing to titrate the same vial of water used to determine ALKP until the total alkalinity is determined. The numbers reported were derived by multiplying 10 times the volume of a titrating agent needed to produce a color change. The resultant value was expected to be within 10% of the ALK value. The actual reporting units used are not clear. Values of -1 were not defined. (Top)  (Index)

O_DISS Both Real 9.1

Dissolved Oxygen: The amount of oxygen dissolved in water at site, reported in ppm. O_DISS values were often recorded in the sediment database when both water and sediment samples were collected at the same site. Used for ORGDP and LLL studies and sometimes as a special measurement (SPECMS) for LASL studies. O_DISS was routinely measured at LASL lake and stream sites in Alaska but only rarely in the lower 48 States. (Top)  (Index)

SCIN Both Real 10.4

Scintillometer Reading: A scintillometer measurement of the local gamma-ray activity at a sample site, expressed as equivalent uranium in ppm. The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample.

LLL Not measured - No values reported.
LASL Equivalent uranium, in ppm, as measured on a flat ground surface within 10 meters of the sample site using a scintillometer fitted with a differential gamma sampler. Field measurement of counts per second were calculated to equivalent uranium (ppm).
ORGDP Did not routinely take scintillometer measurements although some records (especially those with SAMPTYP 92) from Special Detailed studies report scintillometer readings converted from counts per second to equivalent uranium. Additional scintillometer readings were observed in the COMMENTS field but not systematically added to the SCIN field during reformatting.
SRL-E Not measured - No values reported.
SRL-W Scintillometer readings were taken on site as counts per second and reported in data as equivalent uranium (ppm).

(Top)  (Index)

ORGN_PCT Both Text 2

Organic Material: A field estimate of the percentage of organic material present in the sample. Estimates were to use the following range of values: 0, 5, 10, 25, 50, or 100% but several other values also appear in the data. Used only for ORGDP records. (Top)  (Index)

SAMPODOR Both Text 10

Sample Odor: An indication of any odor from the sampled material. Each of the sampling note forms that included a field for sample odor had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL LLL sampling note forms have a place for recording sample odors but those data are not found in either the original NURE data tapes or published NURE reports.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP none [N], H2S [S], other [O].
SRL-E (Used for water samples only) none [1], weak H2S odor [2], strong H2S odor [3], other [4].
SRL-W none [2], H2S [3], oil [4], other [1].

(Top)  (Index)

SMPCOLR Both Text 27

Sample Color: The color of sample material collected. Used only by ORGDP. The sample color was recorded on sampling note forms as a compound 5-letter code. The first letter was a modifier, the second and third letters represented a color adjective, and the fourth and fifth letters represented the color noun. For example, a 5-letter code of VPKGN indicated that the sample color was a 'very light pinkish green'. All of these codes were converted to the corresponding color phrase during the reformatting process. The available field value choices for color modifiers [with original code] include very light [V], light [L], medium [M], and dark [D]. The available choices for colors (used both as color adjectives and nouns) include black [BK], brown [BN], blue [BU], clear [CL], green [GN], gray [GY], orange [OR], pink [PK], red [RD], white [WH], yellow [YL], and other [OT]. (Top)  (Index)

SGEOUNIT Both Text 4

Surface Geologic Unit Code: A two to four letter code that designates the formation name or the age of the surface bedrock at the sampling site. Codes are usually explained, by quadrangle, in the published NURE GJBX reports and this information, when available, was added to the individual quadrangle web page descriptions in the U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-492. The codes are not unique within the datasets and different codes were sometimes used for the same formation in neighboring quadrangles. No attempt has been made to correct or compile all used codes in the database. Found in ORGDP and SRL-W records. (Top)  (Index)

ROCKTYP Both Text 26

Rock Type: The predominant type of surficial bedrock in the vicinity of the sample site. Each of the sampling note forms that included a field for rock type had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL sedimentary [1], metamorphic [2], igneous [3], unknown [4].
ORGDP Not used.
SRL-E Not used.
SRL-W volcanic - felsic [2], volcanic - mafic [3], plutonic - felsic [4], metamorphic [5], clastics - coarse [6], sandstone [7], shale [8], carbonate [9], unconsolidated valley fill [0 or 10], other [1].

(Top)  (Index)

ROCKCLR Both Text 10

Rock Color: Dominant color of local bedrock exposures. Used only for LASL records. Available field value choices [with original code] include white/buff [1], yellow [2], orange [3], pink/red [4], green [5], brown [6], gray [7], black [8], and other [9]. (Top)  (Index)

SEDTYPE Both Text 17

Sediment Type: The type of dominant bed material or loose sediment at the sample site. Each of the sampling note forms that included a field for sediment type had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL LLL sampling note forms have a place for recording sediment types (gravel, sand, silt) but those data were not found in either the original NURE data tapes or published NURE reports.
LASL boulders [1], cobbles [2], gravel [3], sand [4], mud [5], muck [6], other [7].
ORGDP boulders [B], cobbles [C], pebbles [P], sand [S], silt [T], clay [Y], none [N].
SRL-E boulders [1], cobbles [2], pebbles [3], sand [4], silt [5], clay [6], organic muck [7], other [8].
SRL-W other [1], pebbles & coarser [2], sand [3], silt & clay [4], organic muck [5].

(Top)  (Index)

SEDCOLR Both Text 10

Sediment Color: The dominant color of loose sediment at sample site. Reported only for LASL and SRL-E records. Available field value choices [with original code] include white/buff [1], yellow [2], orange [3], pink/red [4], green [5], brown [6], gray [7], black [8], and other [9]. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The information originally contained in this field has been combined into the SIZEFRXN field. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The information originally contained in this field has been combined into the SIZEFRXN field. (Top)  (Index)

STRWDTH Both Real 7.2

Stream Width: Estimated width of the stream (water) at the sample site, in meters. Used only for ORGDP records. See also STRWDTHC. A value of -1 in this field was apparently used for a dry stream site or a non-stream water sample. (Top)  (Index)

STRWDTHC Both Text 10

Stream Width Code: The estimated width range (in feet) of the stream at the sample site. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for stream width had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
SRL-E < 0.5 feet [1], 0.5 - 1 feet [2], 1 - 2 feet [3], 2 - 4 feet [4], 4 - 8 feet [5], 8 - 16 feet [6], 16 - 32 feet [7], > 32 feet [8], dry [9].
SRL-W dry [1], < 0.5 feet [2], 0.5 - 1 feet [3], 1 - 2 feet [4], 2 - 4 feet [5], 4 - 8 feet [6], 8 - 16 feet [7].

(Top)  (Index)

STRDPTH Both Real 7.2

Stream Depth: Estimated depth of the stream (water) at the sample site, in meters. Used only for ORGDP records. See also STRDPTHC. A value of -1 in this field was apparently used for a dry stream site or a non-stream water sample. (Top)  (Index)

STRDPTHC Both Text 10

Stream Depth Code: The estimated depth range (in feet) of the stream at the sample site. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for stream width had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
SRL-E < 0.5 feet [1], 0.5 - 1 feet [2], 1 - 2 feet [3], 2 - 4 feet [4], 4 - 8 feet [5], 8 - 16 feet [6], 16 - 32 feet [7], > 32 feet [8], dry [9].
SRL-W dry [1], < 0.5 feet [2], 0.5 - 1 feet [3], 1 - 2 feet [4], 2 - 4 feet [5], 4 - 8 feet [6], 8 - 16 feet [7].

(Top)  (Index)

WTRLEVEL Both Text 6

Water Level: A field judgment of the water level at the sample site. Each of the sampling note forms that included a field for water level had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL dry [1], low [2], normal [3], high [4], flood [5].
ORGDP dry [D], low [L], normal [N], high [H], flood [F], pools [P].
SRL-E dry [1], low [2], normal [3], high [4], flood [5].
SRL-W dry [1], low [2], normal [3], high [4].

(Top)  (Index)

STRFLOW Both Real 7.2

Average Stream Flow: The velocity of the stream flow reported in meters/second. The measurement entered is an average between the velocity in the center of the stream and the velocity of the stream near the bank. Each speed was determined by timing a floating object over a 2-meter interval. Found in ORGDP records only. See also STRFLOWC. Three values in this field have specifically defined meanings: 0 = No visible movement, -1 = dry stream, and -9 = stagnant pools. (Top)  (Index)

STRFLOWC Both Text 8

Stream Flow Code (called WTRFLOW in earlier versions of this database): A field judgment of the speed of stream flow. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for stream flow had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL stagnant [1], slow [2], moderate [3], fast [4], torrent [5], dry [6].
SRL-E stagnant [1], slow [2], moderate [3], fast [4], torrent [5], dry [6].
SRL-W dry [1], slow [2], moderate [3], fast [4], torrent [5].

(Top)  (Index)

WTRDCHRG Water Real 9.2

Water Discharge: The discharge rate of the well or spring, in liters/minute. The rate was measured with a liter bottle directly from the well head or spring. When a measurement was not possible, the value entered could be the pumping capacity of the well or an estimate; these values were to be accompanied by a notation in the COMMENTS. Used for ORGDP groundwater records only. LLL has discharge data in published tables (gallons/minute) but nothing was found in the data files. Values of -1 and 0 were not defined. (Top)  (Index)

WTRCOLR Both Text 11

Water Color: A description of the amount and type of dissolved or suspended load in water at the site based on its color or appearance. The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample and each of the sampling note forms that included a field for water color had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The definitions and available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL LLL sampling note forms have a place for recording the amount of suspended matter (heavy or light) but those data are not found in either the original NURE data tapes or published NURE reports.
LASL A descriptor for the amount and type of dissolved or suspended load in the water on the basis of color. WTRCOLR data were reported in water and sediment records.
Available LASL choices: clear [1], murky [2], cloudy [3], muddy [4], algal [5], other [6].
ORGDP The appearance of water. WTRCOLR data were reported only in water sample records.
Available ORGDP choices: clear [C], murky [M], algal [A], other [O].
SRL-E The amount and type of dissolved or suspended load in the water on the basis of color. WTRCOLR data were reported in water and sediment records.
Available SRL-E choices: clear [1], brown-clear [2], cloudy [3], muddy [4], algal [5], other [6].
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

VSBLDPTH Water Real 6.2

Depth of Visibility: The depth of visibility estimated from water collected in a liter bottle and reported in meters. Used only for ORGDP water records. A value of -1 or -9 in this field was apparently used to indicate that the sample was clear. (Top)  (Index)

STRCHANL Both Text 10

Stream Channel: A field judgment of the stream channel depositional character at the sample site when the sample was collected. Reported for LASL and SRL-E records using the same coding scheme. Available choices [with original code] include depositing [1], eroding [2], unknown [3]. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The information originally contained in this field has been combined into the STRBASIN field. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The field was defined in the original ORGDP data file descriptions but was only used three times in the database. For those three records, the LAKETYP information was added to the REFORMAT comment field. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The field was defined in the original ORGDP data file descriptions but was only used twice in the database. For those two records, the LAKEAREA information was added to the REFORMAT comment field. (Top)  (Index)

VEGTYPE Both Text 19

Vegetation Type: Identification of the dominant type of vegetation in the area of the sampled location. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for vegetation type had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL conifer [1], deciduous [2], brush [3], moss [4], marsh [5], other [6].
ORGDP conifer [C], conifer & deciduous [&], deciduous [D], brush [B], grass [G], moss [M], lichen [L], other [O].
SRL-E conifer [1], deciduous [2], brush [3], grass/pasture [4], marsh/swamp [5], peat bog [6], other [7].
SRL-W other [1], forest [2], desert scrub [3], grassland [4], saltbrush [5], marsh [6].

(Top)  (Index)

VEGDENS Both Text 10

Vegetation Density: The density of plant cover at the sample site. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for vegetation density had slightly different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL LLL sampling note forms have a place for recording vegetation density but those data are not found in either the original NURE data tapes or published NURE reports.
LASL barren [1], sparse [2], moderate [3], dense [4], very dense [5].
ORGDP barren [B], sparse [S], moderate [M], dense [D], very dense [V].
SRL-E barren [1], sparse [2], moderate [3], dense [4], very dense [5].
SRL-W sparse [1], moderate [2], dense [3].

(Top)  (Index)

RELIEF Both Text 23

Relief: An estimate of the relief or difference in elevation in the vicinity of the sample site (reported as a range in meters). The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample and each of the sampling note forms that included a field for water color had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase and ranges originally reported in feet were converted to meters. The definitions and available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL LLL sampling note forms have a place for recording relief but those data are not found in either the original NURE data tapes or published NURE reports.
LASL Indicator of variations in local surface elevations. In mountainous terrains the area included around a sampled location usually did not exceed a few tens of meters. In relatively flat areas, the area may extend to 0.5 miles.
Available LASL choices: flat [1], low: <15m [2], gentle: 15-60m [3], moderate: 60-300m [4], high: >300m [5], other [6].
ORGDP Relief is defined by the difference in elevation from the sample site to the highest point within a 0.5 kilometer radius of the site.
Available ORGDP choices: flat: <2m [F], low: 2-15m [L], gentle: 15-60m [G], moderate: 60-300m [M], high: >300m [H], other [O].
SRL-E Indicator of variations in local surface expression. The area included in mountainous terrains does not usually exceed a few hundred yards, but in relatively flat areas may exceed up to 0.5 miles.
Available SRL-E choices: flat [1], low: 0-50' [2], gentle: 50-200' [3], moderate: 200-400' [4], high: >1000' [5].
SRL-W Same definition as SRL-E but with a different sampling note form choices.
Available SRL-W choices: 0-10' [1], 10-50' [2], 50-200' [3], >200' [4].

(Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The field was defined in the original LASL data file descriptions but was never used in the database. (Top)  (Index)

CONTAMC Both Text 45

Contamination: A field judgment of possible contaminant sources or major activities near the sample site. The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample and each of the sampling note forms had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The definitions and available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Major possible contaminant types or activity in area.
Available LLL choices: none [1], mining [2], agriculture [3], industry [4], sewage [5], power generation [6], urban [7], recreation [8], other [9].
LASL Indication of any nearby activities that might influence the analytical results. If more than one contaminant source exists, additional information was recorded as a comment on the original sampling note forms but not in the data files (See COMMENTS). Specific details about contaminant sources; such as proximity, power plant type, mine type (gold, silver, uranium, etc.) and status; were also recorded as comments on the sampling note form.
Available LASL choices: none [1], mining [2], agriculture [3], industry [4], sewage [5], power generation [6], urban [7], recreation [8], other [9].
ORGDP Contaminant classes. For all categories except "NONE", additional information was to be recorded as a comment (See COMMENTS). ORGDP contamination comments will be prefixed by "1-60".
Available ORGDP choices: none [N], mining [M], agriculture [A], oil field [F], industry [I], sewage [S], power plant [P], urban [U], other [O].
SRL-E Indication of nearby activities or contaminants which may influence the analytical results. Additional information was recorded as comments on the sampling note forms but not in data files (See COMMENTS). SRL records may contain as many as 4 listed contaminant sources combined into one field by the reformatting process. The major activity and/or contamination is always listed first. A second, third, and fourth activity of decreasing importance may also be listed. Some original SRL-E data files had a systematic error with the third contamination field; valid codes had been replaced with a "period." These missing codes were reconstructed when possible and, when not possible, were replaced with the value of "unknown [X]".
Available SRL-E choices: chemical [1], smelting [2], mining [3], sewage [4], dumps [5], farming [6], power generation [7], urban [8], other industrial [9], recreational [A], residential [B].
SRL-W Same definition as SRL-E but with different sampling note form choices.
Available SRL-W choices: other [1], none [2], chemical [3], smelting [4], mining [5], garbage [6], farming [7], grazing [8], oil field [9].

(Top)  (Index)

WELLPUMP Water Text 17

Well Pump: The type of pump used to draw water from the sampled well. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for well pump had slightly different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL LLL sampling note forms have a place for recording well pump information but those data are not found in either the original NURE data tapes or published NURE reports.
LASL windmill - stock [1], windmill - domestic [2], submersible pump [3], suction pump [4], jet pump [5], large turbine [6], hand bail [7], unknown [8], other [9].
Reformatting note: The two LASL entries for windmill have been combined to just 'windmill' and the information about water use (stock or domestic) was added to the WELLUSE field.
ORGDP artesian flow [A], electric [E], gasoline [G], wind [W], hand [H], other [O].
SRL-E Not used.
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

WELLTYPE Water Text 11

Well Type: The type of well that was sampled. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for well type had slightly different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP drilled [D], drive point [P], dug [G], unknown [U], other [O].
SRL-E drilled [1], dug [2], driven, [3], unknown [4].
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

WELLUSE Water Text 40

Well Use: Primary use of well. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for well use had slightly different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL LLL sampling note forms have a place for recording well use information but those data are not found in either the original NURE data tapes or published NURE reports.
LASL Not recorded but some data for stock or domestic use was added here based on values found on the LASL sampling forms for WELLPUMP.
ORGDP municipal [M], household [H], stock [S], irrigation [I], all of the above [A], household & stock [X], household & irrigation [Y], stock & irrigation [Z], none [N], other [O].
SRL-E private (<3 families) [1], semi-private (used by 3 to 10 families) [2], public (used by >10 families) [3], industrial [4], commercial (motel, etc.) [5], recreational [6], agricultural [7], unknown [8], others [9].
Reformatting note: The SRL-E sampling form and data files have a second field with information about well use. These data are recorded in the WELLUSE2 field.
SRL-W other [1], domestic [2], municipal [3], livestock [4], irrigation [5], industrial-commercial [6].

(Top)  (Index)

WELLUSE2 Water Text 15

Well Use Revisited: Most typical use of well water. This is a second field describing an aspect of well use that is found only in SRL-E records. Also see WELLUSE. The available field value choices [with original code] include human drinking [1], animal drinking [2], irrigation [3], and others [4]. (Top)  (Index)

WELLFREQ Water Text 27

Frequency of Well Use: An indication of the frequency of well pumping or use. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for well use frequency had slightly different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP constant (hourly) [C], frequent (daily) [F], infrequent (weekly) [I], rare (no recent use) [R].
SRL-E continuous (> once per day) [1], once per day [2], once per week [3], once per month [4], < once per month [5], not in use [6].
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

WLSMPLOC Water Text 30

Well Water Sampling Location: An indication of where in the water system a well water sample was collected. The definition of this field varies slightly depending upon the DOELAB responsible for collecting the sample and each of the sampling note forms had different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The definitions and available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP An indication of where the well water sample was collected with respect to the pressure tank.
Available ORGDP choices: before pressure tank [B], after pressure tank [A], no pressure tank [N], from pressure tank [F].
SRL-E An indication of where the well water sample was collected within the water system.
Available SRL-E choices: immediately after storage tank [1], from pipe before storage tank [2], direct from pump [3], direct from well or spring [4], from municipal system [5], unknown [6], others [7].
SRL-W Same definition as SRL-E but with different sampling note form choices.
Available SRL-W choices: others [1], immediately after storage tank [2], before storage tank [3], direct from pump [4], direct from well or spring [5], from municipal system [6].

(Top)  (Index)

WLDIST_M Water Real 4.0

Well Head Distance: An estimate of the distance from the well head to the location where the sample was collected, in meters. Used for ORGDP records only. A value of -1 in this field was used to indicate that the sample was collected in a holding tank. Values of -9 were not specifically defined. (Top)  (Index)

WELLPIPE Water Text 10

Well Pipe Composition: The composition of the pipe from which the well sample was collected. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for well pipe composition had slightly different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP steel [F], galvanized [Z], copper [C], plastic [P], unknown [U], other [O].
SRL-E galvanized [1], copper [2], plastic [3], steel [4], lead [5], unknown [6], other [7].
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

WELLCASE Water Text 10

Well Casing Composition: The composition of the well casing below the water table. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for well casing composition had slightly different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL LLL sampling note forms have a place for recording well casing composition but those data are not found in either the original NURE data tapes or published NURE reports.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP none [N], steel [S], galvanized [Z], plastic [P], unknown [U], other [O].
SRL-E Not used.
SRL-W Not used.

(Top)  (Index)

WELLDIAM Water Real 3.0

Well Casing Diameter: The inside diameter of the well casing, in inches. Used for LASL water records only. (Top)  (Index)

WELLDPTH Water Real 6.0

Well Depth: The total drilled depth of well from the surface, in feet. Different units were originally used by different laboratories. LASL, SRL-E, and SRL-W recorded the depth in feet and ORGDP recorded it in meters. LLL recorded the depth in published reports with undefined units, but these values are not found in the data. During reformatting, all values were converted to feet. A value of -1 indicates an unknown depth. (Top)  (Index)

WLDPTSRC Water Text 18

Well Depth Data Source: The source of total well depth (WELLDPTH) information. Used for ORGDP records only. The available field value choices [with original code] include publications [P], owner [W], user [U], geologic inference [G], and other [O]. (Top)  (Index)

WLDPTCNF Water Text 14

Well Depth Confidence: An indication of the confidence in the accuracy of the total well depth (WELLDPTH) information. Each of the sampling note forms that included a code field for well depth confidence had slightly different coding schemes and available responses. During the reformatting process, each code was converted to the appropriate phrase. The available field value choices [with original code] are listed below by laboratory.

LLL Not used.
LASL Not used.
ORGDP high [H], probable [R], possible [S].
SRL-E certain [1], probable [2], possible [3], educated guess [4], unknown [5].
SRL-W certain [1], probable [2], possible [3], educated guess [4], unknown [5].

(Top)  (Index)

WWTRDPTH Water Real 4.0

Well Water Depth: The depth from the ground surface to the water level in a well, in feet. Found in LASL records only. A value of -1 was defined as a flowing artesian well but no -1 values were found in the data. (Top)  (Index)

WLPRDPTH Water Real 6.0

Well Production Depth: The depth from the ground surface to the top of the producing horizon in the well, in feet. Found in ORGDP records only. Data were originally reported in meters but converted to feet during the reformatting process. (Top)  (Index)

WLPDSRC Water Text 18

Well Production Depth Source: The source of information for the depth to top of producing horizon (WLPRDPTH). Used for ORGDP records only. The available field value choices [with original code] include publications [P], owner [W], user [U], geologic inference [G], and other [O]. (Top)  (Index)

WLPDCNF Water Text 14

Well Production Depth Confidence: An indication of the confidence in the accuracy of the depth to top of producing horizon (WLPRDPTH) information. Used for ORGDP records only. The available field value choices [with original code] include high [H], probable [R], and possible [S]. (Top)  (Index)

WELLAGE Water Real 4.0

Well Age: The age of the sampled well recorded to the nearest whole year. If exact age was not known, the reported age may be a minimum age. A value of -1 indicates an unknown age. All ages greater than 100 years were supposed to be reported as 100 but several higher numbers are found. Wells less than one year old were not to be sampled. Found in SRL-E records only. (Top)  (Index)

WLAGECNF Water Text 14

Well Age Confidence: An indication of the confidence in the accuracy of the well age (WELLAGE) information. Used for SRL-E records only. The available field value choices [with original code] include certain [1], probable [2], possible [3], educated guess [4], and unknown [5]. (Top)  (Index)

PUNIT Water Text 4

Producing Horizon Geologic Unit: A 2 to 4 letter code that designates the formation name, aquifer name, or the age of the producing unit. Codes are usually explained, by quadrangle, in the published NURE GJBX reports and this information, when available, was added to the individual quadrangle web page descriptions in the U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-492. The codes are not unique within the datasets and different codes were sometimes used for the same formation in neighboring quadrangles. No attempt has been made to correct or compile all used codes in the database. Found in only in ORGDP records. (Top)  (Index)

PUNITSRC Water Text 18

Producing Horizon Geologic Unit Source: The source of information about the producing horizon geologic unit (PUNIT). Used for ORGDP records only. The available field value choices [with original code] include publications [P], owner [W], user [U], geologic inference [G], and other [O]. (Top)  (Index)

PUNITCNF Water Text 14

Producing Horizon Geologic Unit Source Confidence: An indication of the confidence in the accuracy of the producing horizon geologic unit (PUNIT) identification. Used for ORGDP records only. The available field value choices [with original code] include high [H], probable [R], and possible [S]. (Top)  (Index)

SPECMS Both Text 1

Special Measurements: An indicator for when special measurements were recorded for a sample site. Used for LASL records only. The NURE GJBX published reports that describe the work accomplished under each LASL quadrangle often lists any special measurements for that particular study. Sometimes the special measurement is only found as a comment on the original sampling note forms. Dissolved oxygen was commonly taken in Alaska and listed as a special measurement. S = special measurements taken. Significance of other letters or numbers was not specified. (Top)  (Index)

TAPEDATA Both Text 6

Tape Release Data: The field was not well defined in publications. The data often appear to be a date but other values are found as well. Reported only in ORGDP data files. (Top)  (Index)

ANALDATE Both Text 10

Analysis Date: The date on which the multielement analysis was completed. Reported for SRL neutron activation analysis (METHODS: SR2) and for ORGDP multielement emission spectroscopy analysis (METHODS: OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). NOTE: The ORGDP data was the SPCDATE field in earlier versions of this reformatted database. (Top)  (Index)


This field has been removed. The information originally contained in this field has been combined into the ANALDATE field. (Top)  (Index)

BATCH_ES Both Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for multielement emission spectroscopy analyses (METHODS: OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

ASBATCH Both Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for arsenic and selenium analyses (METHODS: OR8, OR17). (Top)  (Index)

CLBATCH Both Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for chlorine and sulfate analyses (METHODS: OR14, OR15, OR16). (Top)  (Index)

NO3BATCH Water Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for nitrate analyses (METHODS: OR-NO3). (Top)  (Index)

PO4BATCH Both Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for orthophosphate analyses (METHODS: OR-PO4). (Top)  (Index)

RNBATCH Water Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for radon analyses (METHODS: OR-RN). (Top)  (Index)

HENBATCH Water Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for helium/neon ratios (METHODS: OR-HN). (Top)  (Index)

SNBATCH Sediment Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for tin analyses (METHODS: OR-SN). (Top)  (Index)

HGBATCH Sediment Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for mercury analyses (METHODS: OR-HG). (Top)  (Index)

UBATCH_DN Both Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for delayed neutron counting uranium analyses (METHODS: OR2, OR9-DN). (Top)  (Index)

UBATCH_FL Both Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for fluorescence spectroscopy uranium analyses (METHODS: OR1, OR9-FL). (Top)  (Index)

UBATCH_MS Both Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for mass spectrometry uranium analyses (METHODS: OR-MS, OR9-MS). (Top)  (Index)

UBATCH_XX Sediment Text 5

ORGDP analytical laboratory batch number for extra or multiple uranium analyses (METHODS: See U_XX_MTHD). (Top)  (Index)

U_XX_MTHD Both Text 8

Analytical method code for extra or multiple uranium analyses (U_XX_PPM or U_XX_PPB). See METHODS for explanation of codes. (Top)  (Index)

U_XX_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in water, in parts per billion, determined by an extra or multiple uranium analysis. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Analytical method code listed in U_XX_MTHD. (Top)  (Index)

U_XX_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in sediments, in parts per million, determined by an extra or multiple uranium analysis. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Analytical method code listed in U_XX_MTHD. (Top)  (Index)

U_DN_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in water, in parts per billion, determined by delayed neutron counting. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA6-DN, LL2-DN, SR4). (Top)  (Index)

U_DN_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in sediments, in parts per million, determined by delayed neutron counting. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA1, LL1-DN, OR2, SR1). (Top)  (Index)

U_FL_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in water, in parts per billion, determined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA6-FL, OR9-FL). (Top)  (Index)

U_FL_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in sediments, in parts per million, determined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR1). (Top)  (Index)

U_MS_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in water, in parts per billion, determined by mass spectrometry. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR9-MS). (Top)  (Index)

U_MS_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in sediments, in parts per million, determined by mass spectrometry. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR9-MS?). (Top)  (Index)

U_NA_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of uranium in sediments, in parts per million, determined by neutron activation. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LL1-NA). (Top)  (Index)

AG_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of silver in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

AG_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of silver in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA2-A, LA3, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

AL_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of aluminum in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LL2-ES, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13, SR5, SR6). (Top)  (Index)

AL_PCT Sediment Real 8.4

Concentration of aluminum in sediments, in percent. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

AS_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of arsenic in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR17). (Top)  (Index)

AS_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of arsenic in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA3, LA5-A, LL1-NA, OR8, SR3-XX). (Top)  (Index)

AU_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of gold in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, OR3, OR-AU, SR2). (Top)  (Index)

B_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of boron in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7-B, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

B_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of boron in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7). (Top)  (Index)

BA_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of barium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA7-B, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

BA_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of barium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

BE_PPB Water Real 6.0

Concentration of beryllium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

BE_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of beryllium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

BI_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of bismuth in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA2-A, LA3). (Top)  (Index)

BR_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of bromide ions in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR5, SR6). (Top)  (Index)

BR_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of bromine in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5-A, LL1-NA). (Top)  (Index)

CA_PPM Water Real 12.4

Concentration of calcium in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 999.9 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

CA_PCT Sediment Real 8.4

Concentration of calcium in sediments, in percent. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-XX). (Top)  (Index)

CD_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of cadmium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LL2-ES). (Top)  (Index)

CD_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of cadmium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA2-A, LA3). (Top)  (Index)

CE_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of cerium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: OR13). (Top)  (Index)

CE_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of cerium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR6, OR7, SR2). (Top)  (Index)

CL_PPM Both Real 12.4

Concentration of chloride ions in water or sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LL2-TA, OR16, SR5, SR6, LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA). (Top)  (Index)

CO_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of cobalt in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

CO_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of cobalt in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

CR_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of chromium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

CR_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of chromium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

CS_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of cesium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

CU_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of copper in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

CU_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of copper in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA3, LA5-A, LA5-B, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

DY_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of dysprosium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR5, SR6). (Top)  (Index)

DY_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of dysprosium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

EU_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of europium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

F_PPB Water Real 6.0

Concentration of fluoride ions in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR5, SR6). (Top)  (Index)

F_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of fluorine in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

FE_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of iron in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

FE_PCT Sediment Real 8.4

Concentration of iron in sediments, in percent. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

HE_PPM Water Real 8.1

Concentration of helium in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR-HE). (Top)  (Index)

HF_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of hafnium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR7, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

HG_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of mercury in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR-HG). NOTE: HG_PPM values by the METHODS LL1-NA appear to be way out of line with expected values. (Top)  (Index)

K_PPM Water Real 12.4

Concentration of potassium in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 999.9 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

K_PCT Sediment Real 8.4

Concentration of potassium in sediments, in percent. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR6, OR7, SR3-FE). (Top)  (Index)

LA_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of lanthanum in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR7, SR2). (Top)  (Index)

LI_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of lithium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LL2-ES, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

LI_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of lithium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA4, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-FE). (Top)  (Index)

LU_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of lutetium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, SR2). (Top)  (Index)

MG_PPM Water Real 12.4

Concentration of magnesium in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR11, OR12, OR13, SR6). (Top)  (Index)

MG_PCT Sediment Real 8.4

Concentration of magnesium in sediments, in percent. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 999.9 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

MN_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of manganese in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, LA7-B, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13, SR5, SR6). (Top)  (Index)

MN_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of manganese in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

MO_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of molybdenum in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

MO_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of molybdenum in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

NA_PPM Water Real 12.4

Concentration of sodium in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 999.9 or 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR11, OR12, OR13, SR5, SR6). (Top)  (Index)

NA_PCT Sediment Real 8.4

Concentration of sodium in sediments, in percent. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR2). (Top)  (Index)

NB_PPB Water Real 6.0

Concentration of niobium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR10, OR13?). (Top)  (Index)

NB_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of niobium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA2-A, LA3, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-CA). (Top)  (Index)

NI_PPB Water Real 6.0

Concentration of nickel in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, OR10, OR11, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

NI_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of nickel in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA2-A, LA3, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

P_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of phosphorus in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

P_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of phosphorus in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-CA). (Top)  (Index)

PB_PPB Water Real 6.0

Concentration of lead in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, OR10). (Top)  (Index)

PB_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of lead in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA2-A, LA3, OR3, OR4, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

PT_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of platinum in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR3, OR4). (Top)  (Index)

RB_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of rubidium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA). (Top)  (Index)

SB_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of antimony in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA). (Top)  (Index)

SC_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of scandium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

SC_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of scandium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2-A, LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

SE_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of selenium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR17). (Top)  (Index)

SE_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of selenium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA3, OR8, SR3-XX). (Top)  (Index)

SI_PPM Water Real 12.4

Concentration of silicon in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 999.9 or 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7-A, LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

SM_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of samarium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-B, LL1-NA, SR2). (Top)  (Index)

SN_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of tin in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA2-A, LA3, OR-SN, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

SR_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of strontium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: OR13). (Top)  (Index)

SR_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of strontium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

TA_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of tantalum in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

TB_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of terbium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

TH_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of thorium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: OR10, OR13?). (Top)  (Index)

TH_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of thorium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

TI_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of titanium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7, LL2-ES, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

TI_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of titanium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

V_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of vanadium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA7-B, LL2-ES, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13, SR5, SR6). (Top)  (Index)

V_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of vanadium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR2, SR2-A). (Top)  (Index)

W_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of tungsten in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA2, LA2-A, LA3, LA5-A, LL1-NA, SR3-CA). (Top)  (Index)

Y_PPB Water Real 6.0

Concentration of yttrium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

Y_PPM Sediment Real 6.0

Concentration of yttrium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

YB_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of ytterbium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, SR2). (Top)  (Index)

ZN_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of zinc in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. Values of 99999 were not defined - possibly an actual value, a greater than listed value, or a null value. (METHODS: LA7, LA7-A, LL2-ES, OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

ZN_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of zinc in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA5, LA5-A, LA5-B, LL1-NA, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7, SR3-AA). (Top)  (Index)

ZR_PPB Water Real 12.4

Concentration of zirconium in water, in parts per billion. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR10, OR11, OR12, OR13). (Top)  (Index)

ZR_PPM Sediment Real 12.4

Concentration of zirconium in sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LA3, OR3, OR4, OR5, OR6, OR7). (Top)  (Index)

METH_PPM Water Real 6.0

Concentration of methane in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR-GC). (Top)  (Index)

ETH_PPM Water Real 6.0

Concentration of ethane in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR-GC). (Top)  (Index)

PROP_PPM Water Real 6.0

Concentration of propane in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR-GC). (Top)  (Index)

BUT_PPM Water Real 6.0

Concentration of butane in water, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: SR-GC). (Top)  (Index)

RN_PCI-L Water Real 12.4

Concentration of radon in water, in picocuries per liter (pCi/l). Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR-RN). (Top)  (Index)

NO3_PPM Water Real 12.4

Concentration of nitrate in water, in parts per million. Values of 0 (zero) are assumed to mean 'analyzed but not detected'. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LAF-H, OR-NO3, SR-X). (Top)  (Index)

PO4_PPM Both Real 12.4

Concentration of phosphate in water or sediments, in parts per million. Values of 0 (zero) are assumed to mean 'analyzed but not detected'. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LAF-H, OR-PO4, SR-X). (Top)  (Index)

SO4_PPM Both Real 12.4

Concentration of sulfate in water or sediments, in parts per million. Negative value = Not detected or less than listed value. Values of 0 (zero) are assumed to mean 'analyzed but not detected'. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: LL2-TA, OR14, OR15, OR16, SR-X). (Top)  (Index)

HENRATIO Water Real 12.4

The measured ratio of helium/neon in water. Blank = Not analyzed or not reported. (METHODS: OR-HN). (Top)  (Index)

METHODS Both Text 40

Method Codes: Codes that designate the analytical methods used to determine the element concentrations listed in a record. These codes were added during the reformatting process based on published reports. The codes and summary of analytical methods were derived from Grimes (1984) and special studies documentation.

LA1 Los Alamos Delayed-Neutron Counting Analysis of sediments for U.
LA2 Los Alamos Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of sediments for Ag, Bi, Cd, Cu, Nb, Ni, Pb, Sn, and W.
LA2-A Los Alamos Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of sediments for Ag, Bi, Cd, Nb, Ni, Pb, Sc, Sn, and W.
LA3 Los Alamos Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of sediments for Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Nb, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, W, and Zr. (NOTE: Some LA3 analyses may include Mo - Noted only in Special Studies.)
LA4 Los Alamos Arc-Source Emission Spectrography Analysis of sediments for Be and Li.
LA5 Los Alamos Neutron Activation Analysis of sediments for Al, Au, Ba, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Dy, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, V, Yb, and Zn.
LA5-A Los Alamos Neutron Activation Analysis of sediments for Ag, Al, As, Au, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Eu, Fe, Ga, Hf, Hg, K, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, V, W, Yb, and Zn.
LA5-B Los Alamos Neutron Activation Analysis of sediments for Ag, Al, Au, Ba, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Eu, Fe, Hf, Hg, K, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, V, Yb, and Zn.
LA6-DN Los Alamos Delayed-Neutron Counting Analysis of waters for U.
LA6-FL Los Alamos Fluorometry Analysis of waters for U.
LA7 Los Alamos Plasma-Source Emission Spectrography Analysis of waters for Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Ti, and Zn.
LA7-A Los Alamos Plasma-Source Emission Spectrography Analysis of waters for As, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Si, and Zn.
LA7-B Los Alamos Plasma-Source Emission Spectrography Analysis of waters for As, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, P, Si, and V.
LAF-H Los Alamos Field Analysis (Hach Chem. Co. kit, Model DR-EL/2) of waters for Ca, Cl, Ferrous Fe, Mg, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Alkalinity, and Hardness.
LL1-DN Lawrence Livermore Delayed-Neutron Counting Analysis of sediments for U.
LL1-NA Lawrence Livermore Neutron Activation Analysis of sediments for Ag, Al, As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Dy, Eu, Fe, Hf, Hg, K, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, U, V, W, Yb, and Zn.
LL2-DN Lawrence Livermore Delayed-Neutron Counting Analysis of waters for U.
LL2-ES Lawrence Livermore Optical Emission Spectrochemical (ICP) Analysis of waters for Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mo, Na, P, Si, Ti, V, and Zn. (This method may potentially contain B, Co, K, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, U, and Zr analyses)
LL2-NA Lawrence Livermore Neutron Activation Analysis of waters for As, Ba, Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, Mo, Na, Ru, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Th, W, Yb, Zn and Zr.
LL2-TA Lawrence Livermore Anion Optical Absorption (Technicon AutoAnalyzer) Analysis of waters for Chloride and Sulfate.
OR1 Oak Ridge Fluorescence Spectroscopy Analysis of sediments for U.
OR2 Oak Ridge Neutron Activation Analysis - Neutron Counting of sediments for U.
OR-MS Oak Ridge Mass Spectrometry Analysis of sediments for U.
OR3 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of sediments for Ag, Au, B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Pt, Sc, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr.
OR4 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of sediments for Ag, B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Pt, Sc, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr.
OR5 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of sediments for Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Sc, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr.
OR6 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of sediments for Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Sc, Sr, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr.
OR7 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of sediments for Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Sc, Sr, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr.
OR8 Oak Ridge Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Analysis of sediments for As and Se.
OR9-DN Oak Ridge Neutron Activation Analysis - Neutron Counting of waters for U.
OR9-FL Oak Ridge Fluorescence Spectroscopy Analysis of waters for U.
OR9-MS Oak Ridge Mass Spectrometry Analysis of waters for U.
OR10 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of waters for Ag, Al, B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Sc, Th, Ti, V, Zn, and Zr. (Au was also reported for this method but all analyses were less than the determination limits.)
OR11 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of waters for Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Sc, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr.
OR12 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of waters for Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, P, Sc, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr.
OR13 Oak Ridge Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of waters for Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Sc, Si, Sr, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr. (Note: Nb and Th are often included in this method.)
OR14 Oak Ridge Turbidimetric Analysis of waters for Sulfate.
OR15 Oak Ridge Anion Optical Absorption (Technicon AutoAnalyzer) Analysis of waters for Sulfate.
OR16 Oak Ridge Anion Optical Absorption (Technicon AutoAnalyzer) Analysis of waters for Cl and Sulfate.
OR17 Oak Ridge Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Analysis of waters for As and Se.
OR-AU Oak Ridge Neutron Activation Analysis for Au.
OR-CS Oak Ridge Analysis of sediments or rocks for Chlorine and Sulfate. (ORGDP Lab Procedure 37)
OR-GS Oak Ridge Gamma Spectrometer Field Analysis for eK(%), eU(ppm), and eTh(ppm).
OR-HG Oak Ridge Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Analysis for Hg. (ORGDP Lab Procedure 13)
OR-HN Oak Ridge Helium/Neon Ratio Determination (Analyses by Furman University, Greenville, S.C.). (ORGDP Lab Procedure 14)
OR-NO3 Oak Ridge Analysis for Nitrate (Analytical Method not recorded). (ORGDP Lab Procedure 11)
OR-PO4 Oak Ridge Analysis for Orthophosphate (Analytical Method not recorded). (ORGDP Lab Procedure 10)
OR-RN Oak Ridge Analysis of waters for Radon. (Analyses by the Minnesota Geological Survey). (ORGDP Lab Procedure 15)
OR-SN Oak Ridge Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Analysis for Tin. (ORGDP Lab Procedure 12)
ORF-U Oak Ridge Scitex UA-3 Uranium Analyzer Field Analysis of waters for U. (ORGDP Lab Procedure 34)
ORF-F Oak Ridge Hach DC-DR Colorimeter Field Analysis of waters for F. (ORGDP Lab Procedure 35)
ORF-SO4 Oak Ridge Field Analysis of waters for Sulfate. (ORGDP Lab Procedure 37)
ORF-FE Oak Ridge Field Analysis of waters for Total Iron. (ORGDP Lab Procedure 40)
SR1 Savannah River Neutron Activation Analysis - Neutron Counting of sediments for U.
SR2 Savannah River Neutron Activation Analysis of sediments for Al, Ce, Dy, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Lu, Mn, Na, Sc, Sm, Th, Ti, V, and Yb. (Note: Detectable Au values for samples analyzed by SR2 reported in GJBX-135(82).
SR2-A Savannah River Neutron Activation Analysis of sediments for Al, Ce, Cs, Dy, Eu, F, Fe, Hf, Mn, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, and V. (Note: Detectable Au values for samples analyzed by SR2-A reported in GJBX-135(82).
SR3-AA Savannah River (Supplemental Analysis by Contract Laboratory) Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Analysis of sediments for Ag, Ba, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Mg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, Sr, Y, and Zn.
SR3-CA Savannah River (Supplemental Analysis by unnamed contract Laboratory) Colorimetric Analysis of sediments for Nb, P, and W.
SR3-FE Savannah River (Supplemental Analysis by unnamed contract Laboratory) Flame Emission Analysis of sediments for K, and Li.
SR3-XU Savannah River (Supplemental Analysis by unnamed contract Laboratory) Analysis (Analytical Method not recorded) of sediments for extractable U.
SR3-XX Savannah River (Supplemental Analysis by unnamed contract Laboratory) Analysis (Analytical Method not recorded) of sediments for As, Se, and Ca.
SR4 Savannah River Neutron Activation Analysis - Neutron Counting of waters for U.
SR5 Savannah River Neutron Activation Analysis of waters for Al, Br, Cl, Dy, F, Mn, Na, and V. (Eastern U.S. studies).
SR6 Savannah River Neutron Activation Analysis of waters for Al, Br, Cl, Dy, F, Mg, Mn, Na, and V. (Western U.S. studies).
SR-HE Savannah River Helium Analysis of waters
SR-GC Savannah River Gas Chromatography of waters for light hydrocarbons.
SR-X Savannah River (unspecified method) analysis of waters for sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, and ammonia.
NONE No analyses reported for record; Site information only.

(Top)  (Index)

TAPEFILE Both Text 9

Tape File: A compound letter and number designation that identifies the original NURE tape name and file number that was used for the primary source of information for each record. Example: XG0602.03 is file number 3 on the NURE tape XG0602. If the data for a record were combined from more than one source, the additional TAPEFILE values are given in the REFORMAT comment field. These original files can be found on the Hoffman and Buttleman, 1996 CD-ROM. (Top)  (Index)

REFORMAT Both Text 250

Reformatting Comment: Comments added during the reformatting process to document observed data problems, rationale for changing or adding data, the combination of multiple data sources, and additional information sources used. (Top)  (Index)

COORDPRB Both Text 250

Coordinates Problems Comment: Comments added during the reformatting process to document observations, problems, or changes dealing specifically with latitude and longitude coordinates (See LAT and LONG). When the original coordinates have been removed, changed, or replaced with re-digitized values, the original coordinates were added to this field. (Top)  (Index)

COMMENTS Both Text 250

Field Sampler Comments: Comments added to sampling note forms by the person or persons responsible for collecting the sample. Used differently by each laboratory.

LLL Did not record sampler's comments in database or note their presence or absence. Comments are found only on the original sampling note forms.
LASL C = comments on the original sampling note form by the sampling team. Blank = no comment on sampling note form. Occasionally, comments have been manually entered into this field from LASL sampling note form notes.
ORGDP Partial or complete actual text of collector's comments. If the comment was longer than 250 characters, the remainder of the comment will be found in COMMENT2. ORGDP comments are keyed to the field card number and box (character) number. For example: 1-60: = comment about item entered on card 1, box 60 (Contamination). Blank = no comment. Comments are also given in full on microfiche accompanying individual GJBX quadrangle reports.
SRL-E Did not record sampler's comments in database or note their presence or absence. Comments are found only on the original sampling note forms.
SRL-W Did not record sampler's comments in database or note their presence or absence. Comments are found only on the original sampling note forms.

(Top)  (Index)

COMMENT2 Both Text 250

Field Sampler Comments - Continued. Used to record the remainder of the sampler's comments when the original COMMENTS record was greater than 250 characters long. Used for ORGDP and for manually entered LASL records. (Top)  (Index)

Alphabetical Index of Field Names

























Home Page: USGS National Geochemical Database - NURE HSSR data

Page written by Steven M. Smith (smsmith@usgs.gov)
Version 1.00: September 11, 1998
Version 1.10: July 29, 1999
Version 1.20: August 07, 2000
Version 1.30: September 11, 2001
Version 1.41: February 23, 2006

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