OFR 97-492: Los Angeles Quadrangle NURE HSSR Study

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National Geochemical Database—Reformatted Data from the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) Program

By Steven M. Smith
Version 1.40 (2006)
Under Construction This page is currently being rewritten to the Version 1.41 format.

Brief History and Description of Data

[See History of NURE HSSR Program for a summary of the entire program.]

The NURE Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) program was never completed. Several quadrangles were not sampled and apparently the Los Angeles quadrangle was one for which no reconnaissance samples were collected or analyzed.

A report on the geology and mineral resources of the Los Angeles quadrangle prepared for the Savannah River Laboratory can be found in the GJBX-213(82) report. No geochemistry accompanies this report.

Los Angeles Quadrangle NURE Bibliography

Links Within Open-File Report 97-492

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Home Page: USGS National Geochemical Database - NURE HSSR data

Page written by Andrew W. Holt and Steven M. Smith
Contact: Steven M. Smith (smsmith@usgs.gov)
Version 1.10: July 29, 1999
Version 1.20: August 07, 2000
Version 1.30: September 11, 2001
Version 1.40: January 13, 2006

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