USGS Open File Report 97-137A (English)
The following bibliographic list includes reports that are not specifically cited in the body of this report. The uncited reports are included herein for possible use by other researchers on aspects of the coal resources of Kyrgyzstan. Language of non-English works is abbreviated after the English translation of the title, eg., =Rus.
Adyshev, M. M., Kashirin, F. T., Umurzakov, S. U., and others (eds.), 1987, Atlas of the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic =Rus. [Atlas Kirgizskoy Sovetskoy Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki], Tom 1: Moscow, 157 p.
Amanaliyev, N. A., Muraliev, A. M., Tuleberdiyv, Zh. T. (eds.), 1993, The Energy Program of Kyrgyzstan =Rus. [Energeticheskaya programma kyrgyzstana]: KyrgNIINTI (Bishkek), 96pg.
anonymous, 1968, Coal basins and deposits of Central Asia. =Rus [Ugol'nyye basseyny i mestorozhdeniya Srednyey Azii], V.6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, v. 6.
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), 1994, Annual book of ASTM standards, Volume 05.05-Gaseous Fuels; Coal and Coke. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA. [Revision issued annually].
Ayruni, A.T., Galazov, R.A., Sergeyev, I.V., Kaledin, N.V., and Zenkovich, L.M., 1990, Gas abundance in the USSR coal mines; complex development of gas-bearing coal deposits =Rus. [Gazoobil'nost' kamennougol'nykh shakht SSSR; kompleksnoye osvoyeniye gazonosnykh ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy.]: Moscow, Nauka, 216 p.
Babadagly, V. A., and Usuvaliyev, M. U. (eds), 1990, Geology and oil and gas in Kyrgyzstan =Rus. [Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' kirgiziy]: Frunze, 136 p.
Babushkin, L. N. (ed.), 1963, Atlas of the Uzbek SSR =Rus. [Atlas uzbekskoy Sovetskoy Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki]: Akad. nauk UzSSR; Tashkent, 53 p.
Bakirov, A.B., and Burtman, V.S. (Compilers), 1984, Guidebook for Excursion 032, Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic; International Geological Congress 27th Session, Kyrgyzstan Publishing House, Frunze.
Barsanayev, S.B., 1991, Improving methods of exploiting coal deposits of Central Asia =Rus [Sovershenstvovaniye razrabotki ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy Sredney Asii]: Bishkek, Ilim, 152 p.
Bazarbaev, E. G., and others, 1993, Development of the oil and gas industry =Rus. [Razvitiye neftegazovoy promyshlennosti]: Ch. 7, in Amanaliyev, N. A., Muraliev, A. M., Tuleberdiyv, Zh. T. (eds.), The Energy Programme of Kyrgyzstan =Rus. [Energeticheskaya programma kyrgyzstana]: KyrgNIINTI (Bishkek), 96pg.
Belskaya, M.A., and e., 1987, Increasing the effectiveness of capital investments in the coal industry. =Rus. [Povysheniye effektivnosti kapitalnykh vlozhenii v ugol'noy promyshlennosti]: Moscow, Nedra, 106 p.
Buchnev, V.F., 1991, Stability of roof and the effectiveness of technology in cleanup mining =Rus [Ustoychivost' krovli i effektivnost' primenyaemykh tekhniki i technologii vedeniya ochistnykh rabot], in Barsanayev, S.B., ed., Sovershenstvovaniye razrabotki ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy sredney azii [Improvement in exploitation of coal deposits in central Asia]: Bishkek, Ilim, p. 28-42.
Buchnev, V.F., and Matykeyev, K.K., 1991, The nature of rock pressure and the interaction between mechanized supports and country rocks in the Kok-Yangak mine of "Sredazugol'" =Rus [Issledovaniye proyavleniy gornogo davleniya i kharaktera vzaimodeystviya mekhanizirovannykh krepey s bokovymi porodami na shakhte "Kok-Yangak" P/O "Sredazugol'"], in Barsanayev, S.B., ed., Sovershenstvovaniye razrabotki ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy sredney azii [Improvement in exploitation of coal deposits in central Asia]: Bishkek, Ilim, p. 9-27.
Budnikov, A. I., Sadabayev, T. D., Bogombzev, S. S., Kamchybekov, D. K., Adzhikeyev, Z, Amanaliyev, N. A., Grishin, V. Kh., Minakov, V. V., Il'in, V. I., Peretyat'ko, A. D., Kovalenko, A. A., and Doolotaliyev, S. D., 1993, Development of the coal industry =Rus. [Razvitiye ugol'noy promyshlennosti]: Ch. 6, in Amanaliyev, N. A., Muraliev, A. M., Tuleberdiyv, Zh. T. (eds.), The Energy Programme of Kyrgyzstan =Rus. [Energeticheskaya programma kyrgyzstana]: KyrgNIINTI (Bishkek), 96pg.
Bybochkin, A.M., 1983, Instructions on application of reserve classification to deposits of coal and oil shale =Rus. [Instruktsiya po primeneniyu klassifikakatsii zapasov k mestorozhdeniyam ugley i goryuchikh slantsev]: Moscow, Gosukarstvenniya komissiya po zapasam polezn. isk. pri Sov. Minist.SSSR (GKZ SSSR), 47 p.
Carter, M.D., and Gardner, N.K., 1989, An assessment of coal resources available for development; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-363,52 p.
Dzhamanbayev, A.S., 1983, Coals of Kyrgyzstan and methods of using them effectively =Rus. [Ugli Kirgizey i puti ikh ratsional'nogo ispol'zovaniya: Frunze, Ilim, 234 p.
Eggleston, J.R., Carter, M.D., and Cobb, J.C., 1990, Coal resources available for development-a methodology and pilot study; U.S. Geological Sirvey Circular 1055,15 p.
Energy Information Administration, 1995, Oil and gas resources of the Fergana basin (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan): U.S Dept. of Energy, Office of Oil and Gas, DOE/EIA-TR/0575, 147p.
Fedyanin, A.A., and Tamalak, S.M., 1991, Determining the hydro-physical properties of roof rocks in mining thick coal seams in the central asian coal region =Rus [Uchyot vodno-fizicheskikh svoystv krovel'nykh porod pri otrabotke moshchnykh ugol'nykh plastov sredneaziatskogo uglenosnogo regiona], in Barsanayev, S.B., ed., Sovershenstvovaniye razrabotki ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy sredney azii [Improvement in exploitation of coal deposits in central Asia]: Bishkek, Ilim, p. 67-73.
Gavrilin, A.A., 1968a, Geological conditions of mining =Rus. [Gorno-geologicheskiye usloviya], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 156-164.
---, 1968b, Characteristics of coal quality =Rus. [Kharakteristika kaachestva ugley], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 136-155.
Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., 1968, Coal basins and deposits of Central Asia =Rus. [Ugol'nyye basseyny i mestorozhdeniya sredney asii]: Moscow, Nedra, v. 6, of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, 600 p.
Gavrilin, A.A., and Mikhaylov, V.V., 1968, Predicting coal occurrence according to the regions of accumulation =Rus. [Prognoz uglenosnosti po oblastyam uglenakopleniya], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 102-110.
Gavrilin, A.A., and Morozova, T.P., 1968, Coal reserves of Central Asia =Rus. [Zapasy ugley sredney asii], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 177-186.
Ginsburg, A.I., 1968, Petrographic and genetic character of the coals =Rus. [Petrograficheskaya i geneticheskaya kharakteristika ugley], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 111-135.
Grenon, M., 1979, IIASA conference on energy resources, 3rd, Moscow, 1977 Future coal supply for the world energy balance [1st ed.]: Oxford, Pergamon, v. IIASA proceedings series v.6, 720 p.
Kamenov, B., and Zheleznova, N., 1984, Coal basins and deposits of SMEA member countries and Yugoslavia =Rus. [Ugol'nyye basseyny i mestorozhdeniya stran-chlenov SEV i SFRYu]: Moscow, Soviet ekonomicheskoy vzaimopomoshchi, 505 p.
Karenov, R.S., 1987, Effectiveness of renewal and use of basic funds in the coal industry =Rus. [Effektivnost' obnovleniya i ispolzovaniya osnovnykh fondov v ugol'noy promyshlennosti]: Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauka Kazakhskoy SSR, 238 p.
Kashin, N.A., 1968, Construction materials at coal deposits of Central Asia =Rus. [Stroitel'nyye materialy ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy Sredney Asii], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 165-176.
Kashirin, F.T., 1957, A new coal-bearing region in the Kirgiz SSR =Rus.[Novyi uglenosnyi raion v Kirgizskoi SSR]: Akad. Nauk sssr, Lab. Geol. lUglya, Trudy, v. vyp.7, p. 47-52.
---, 1966, The level of geological study of the USSR; vol. 46, Kirgiz SSR, from 1946-1950: Published works. =Rus. [Geologicheskaya izuchennost' SSSR; Vol. 46, Kirgizskaya SSR, period 1946-1950, vypusk I, Opublikovannyye raboty]: Frunze, Akad. Nauk Kirg. SSR, Inst. Geol., Upr. Geoll, v. 46, 159 p.
---, 1968, The Alabuga-Naryn and Chatyrkul' coal regions =Rus. [Alabua-Narynskiy i chatyrkul'skiy uglenosnyye rayony], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 433-438.
---, 1974, Prospectives for developing new coal deposits in the Kirgiz SSR =Rus. [O perspektivakh osvoyeniya novykh ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy kergizkoy SSR]: Akademii nauk Kirgizskoy SSR, v. 1974, p. 53-60.
---, 1988, Coal geology in Kirghiziya for the past 70 years of Soviet power =Rus. [Ubol'naya geologiya v Kirgizii za 70 let Sovetskoy vlasti]: Izvestiya Akad. nauk Kirg. SSR, 1988 (1) 72-79. [English translation included as appendix to this report.]
---, 1990, The Kavak coal basin -- structure, coal content, possible exploitation =Rus [Kavakskiy ugol'nyy basseyn]: Frunze, Ilim, 172 p.
Kashirin, F.T., and Gilmetdinova, N.K., 1968, The north Tyan'-Shan' region of coal accumulation =Rus. [Severo-Tyan'-Shan'skaya obsast' uglenakopleniya], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 209-267.
Kashirin, F.T., Krivolutskaya, V.N., and Korolev, V.G., 1966, The level of geological study of the USSR; vol. 46, Kirgiz SSR, from 1946-1950: Published works. =Rus. [Geologicheskaya izuchennost' SSSR; Vol. 46, Kirgizskaya SSR, period 1946-1950, vypusk I, Opublikovannyye raboty]: Frunze, Akad. Nauk Kirg. SSR, Inst. Geol., Upr. Geoll, v. 46, 159 p.
Kashirin, F.T., Ibragimov, I.M., and Karabalayev, K.K., 1975, The Uzgen coal basin; geologic structure, coal content, prospects for development =Rus. [Uzgenskiy kamennougol'nyy basseyn; geologicheskoye stroyeniye, uglenosnost, perspektivy osvoyeniya]: Frunze, Ilim, 165 p.
Khafizov, YuS., 1991, Improvement of technology in cleanup mining and increasing the production at the Dzhergalan mine =Rus [Puti sovershenstvovaniya tekhnologii ochistnykh rabot na shakhte "Dzhergalan" i uvelicheniya eyo proizvodstennoy moshchnosti], in Barsanayev, S.B., ed., Sovershenstvovaniye razrabotki ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy sredney azii [Improvement in exploitation of coal deposits in central Asia]: Bishkek, Ilim, p. 89-94.
Kochnev, YeA., Ivanova, A.I., and Ginsburg, A.I., 1968, The east Fergana coal region =Rus. [Vostochno-Ferganskiy uglenosnyy rayon], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 362-433.
Kopylov, B.V., 1977, Coal [Ugol'], in Pomazkov, K.D., ed., Geology of the USSR. Kirgiz SSR. Natural resources: Moscow, Nedra, v. 25 (Book 2), p. 10-37.
Kravtsov, A.I., 1979, Gas content of coal basins of the USSR =Rus.[Gazonosnost' ugol'nykh basseynov SSSR]: Moscow, v. 1-3.
Kravtsov, A.I., and etc, 1978, Gas-bearing coal deposits of the USSR =Rus. [Gazonosnost' uglenosnykh otlozheniy SSSR], in Obschchiye dannyye po ugol'nym basseynam i mestorozhdeniym SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 202-229.
Kuznetsov, I.A., and Gavrilin, A.A., 1968, Geologic-economic evaluation of the coal resources of Central Asia =Rus. [Geologo-ekonomicheskaya otsenka ugol'nykh resursov sredney asii], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 187-206.
Kyrgyzkomur, 1993, A program of development of the coal industry of the Republic of Kyrgzystan for 1993-2010 =Rus. [Programma razvitiya ugol'noy promyshlennosti Respublika Kyrgyzstana na 1993-2010] [Internal Document ed.]: Osh, Ministerstvo Energitiki, Respublika Kyrgyzstana, Gos.Kontsern "kyrgyzkomur", 56 p.
Loba, M., 1986, Developments in Soviet coking technology: Delphic Associates, 155 p.
Mezgin, V. A., Mamatkanov, D. M., Sysenko, V. I., Shapar, A. K., Komarov, M. I., Minakov, V. V. and Mambetzhanova, S. A., 1993, Ecological problems of energy supply =Rus. [Ekologicheskiye problemy energetiki]: Ch. 12, in Amanaliyev, N. A., Muraliev, A. M., Tuleberdiyv, Zh. T. (eds.), The Energy Programme of Kyrgyzstan =Rus. [Energeticheskaya programma kyrgyzstana]: KyrgNIINTI (Bishkek), 96pg.
Mikhaylov, V.V., and Gavrilin, A.A., 1968, Main regions of coal accumulation in Central Asia =Rus. [Osnovnyye oblasti uglenakopleniya Sredney Asii, in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 68-84.
Modelevsky, M. S., 1979, Coal reserve classifications used in different countries. p.49-60 in Grenon, M. (ed) Future coal supply for the world eneergy balance: Pergamon press.
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Ognev, V.K., 1946, Structural-facies feaatures of coal-bearing strata of the East-Fergana coal basin =Rus: Frunze, Izd. Kirgiz. filiala, Akad. nauk SSSR.
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Pomazkov, K.D., and Kopylov, B.V., 1977, Geology of the USSR. Kirgiz SSR. Natural resources. [Geologiya SSSR. Kirgizskaya SSR. Poleznyye iskopayemyye]: Moscow, Nedra, v. 25 (Book 2 of 2 + map folder), 152 + maps p.
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Rusanova, O.D., 1969a, Methods of analysis and sources, in Rusanova, O.D., ed., Petrologiya ugley sredneaziatskikh mestorozhdeniy: Tashkent, "Fan" Press, Uzbek SSR, p. 42-43.
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Sagers, M.J., 1993, The energy industries of the former USSR: Post Soviet Geography, v. 34, p. 341-418.
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Scott, D. C., 1995, Coal recoverability and coal reserve analyswis, Appilachian Basin, 1995: U.S. Bureau of Mines, Open-file Report 75-95, 21 p.
Sekisov, G.V., Grishin, V.K., and Yerneyev, R.Y., 1991, The basic ways to provide efficient development of the coal industry in Kyrgyzstan =Rus [Osnovnyye puti obespecheniya effektivnogo razvitiya ugol'noy promyshlennosti kirgizii], in Barsanayev, S.B., ed., Sovershenstvovaniye razrabotki ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy sredney azii [Improvement in exploitation of coal deposits in central Asia]: Bishkek, Ilim, p. 3-9.
Shabarov, N.V., 1939, A new (East Fergana) coal basin in the Kirgiz SSR and its analogs in the Uzbek and Tajik SSR =Rus: Sovyetskaya geologiya, v. 1939.
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Sikora, F.F., 1991, V3c: The influence of moisture on the process of spontaneous combusion of coal in pillars =Rus [Vliyaniye vlagi na protsess samonagrevaniya uglya v tselikakh], in Barsanayev, S.B., ed., Sovershenstvovaniye razrabotki ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy sredney azii [Improvement in exploitation of coal deposits in central Asia]: Bishkek, Ilim, p. 73-82.
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Stankevich, YuV., 1968, The Alay prospecitve area =Rus. [Alayskaya perspektivnaya ploshchad'], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 333-335.
Stankevich, YuV., Kopylov, B.V., Kopayev, V.A., Gavrilin, A.A., Zakharevich, V.A., and Utkin, V.I., 1968, The south Tyan'-Shan' region of coal accumulation =Rus. [Yuzhno-Tyan'Shan'skaya oblast' Uglenakopleniya], in Gavrilin, A.A., and Kuznetsov, I.A., eds., Ugol'nyye basseyny i messtorozhdeniya sredney asii, Tom 6 of Geologiya mestorozhdeniy uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR: Moscow, Nedra, p. 268-333.
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