Metadata: Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: USGS; Eastern Energy Team; comp. John K. Tully Publication_Date: 19971029 Title: Permitted and Mined Out Coal Areas of the Gulf Coast Coal-Bearing Geology Series_Information: Series_Name: USGS,Open-File Report Issue_Identification: 97-172 Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Reston, VA Publisher: USGS; Eastern Energy Team Description: Abstract: This dataset contains permitted coal mines and mined out areas in the Gulf Coast coal-bearing geology prior to 1998. The data included in the coverage are mine permit areas, mined out areas (prior to 1998), mine names, and the source of the mine data. Purpose: The purpose of the dataset is to give geologists and other scientists a spatial database of coal mine permit and mined areas in the Gulf Coast Region. These data will be utilized in energy research and cartographic projects. Supplemental_Information: Procedures_Used: Most mine boundary data for this dataset were collected by digitizing maps from the Texas Railroad Commission. Two mine boundaries were acquired from AUTOCAD files (Dolet Hills and Ox Bow mines). Data for the mined out areas presently exist for 8 of the mines. These data were digitized from maps provided by the mining companies. Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 19971029 Currentness_Reference: Publication date Status: Progress: In work Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As needed Spatial_Domain: Bounding_Coordinates: West_Bounding_Coordinate: -100.97094 East_Bounding_Coordinate: -89.15820 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 33.52625 South_Bounding_Coordinate: 27.67408 Keywords: Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None Theme_Keyword: coal Theme_Keyword: mines Theme_Keyword: permitted areas Theme_Keyword: USGS Theme_Keyword: Eastern Energy Team Theme_Keyword: energy Theme_Keyword: lignite Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: GNIS Place_Keyword: United States Place_Keyword: Gulf Coast Place_Keyword: Texas Place_Keyword: Louisiana Place_Keyword: Mississippi Place_Keyword: Big Brown Place_Keyword: Calvert Place_Keyword: Chester Place_Keyword: Darco Place_Keyword: Dolet Hills Place_Keyword: Eagle Pass Place_Keyword: Gibbons Creek Place_Keyword: Jewett Place_Keyword: Martin Lake Place_Keyword: MICARE Place_Keyword: Monticello Place_Keyword: Oak Hill Place_Keyword: Ox Bow Place_Keyword: Pala Fox Place_Keyword: Powell Bend Place_Keyword: Rachal Place_Keyword: San Miguel Place_Keyword: Sandow Place_Keyword: South Hallsville Place_Keyword: Trevino Place_Keyword: Thermo Place_Keyword: Winfeild Access_Constraints: None Use_Constraints: None Point_of_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: USGS, Eastern Energy Team Contact_Person: John K. Tully; comp. Contact_Address: Address_Type: Mailing Address Address: MS 956 National Center City: Reston State_or_Province: Virginia Postal_Code: 20192 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 703-648-6432 Data_Set_Credit: United States Geological Survey, Eastern Energy Resources Team Security_Information: Security_Classification_System: None Security_Classification: Unclassified Security_Handling_Description: None Native_Data_Set_Environment: SunOS, 5.5.1, sun4d UNIX, ARC/INFO version 7.1.1 Data_Quality_Information: Attribute_Accuracy: Attribute_Accuracy_Report: All of the mines and mined out areas in the coverage are labeled correctly. There exists a text description as well as a numeric code for the mine and mined areas. Quantitative_Attribute_Accuracy_Assessment: Attribute_Accuracy_Value: Unknown Attribute_Accuracy_Explanation: All of the names, sources, codes were checked manually and are correct. Logical_Consistency_Report: The data set was tested using the clean command in ARC/INFO. The dangle length and fuzzy tolerance were set to 7 m. This command insures that all lines intersect at nodes and that any arc inside the 7 meter tolerance is combined to form one. Completeness_Report: This data set is a complete polygon cover of the coal mine permit areas of the Gulf Coast coal bearing geology. There are 22 coal mines in this area which fall mostly in Texas but also in Mexico, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The smallest mined area is 64 m2 and the smallest mine is 23843 m2. Lineage: Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: The Sabine Mining Company Publication_Date: 19960816 Title: South Hallsville, Life of Mine Plan Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Source_Scale_Denominator: 4000 Type_Of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_Of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_Of_Dates/Times: Beginning_Date: 19840101 Ending_Date: 20321231 Source_Currentness_Reference: Publication Date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NA Source_Contribution: This map gave the mine boundary and mined out areas for the South Hallsville Mine. Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Texas Utilities Mining Company Publication_Date: 19970301 Title: Monticello Winfield, Life of Mine Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Source_Scale_Denominator: 1000 Type_Of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_Of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_Of_Dates/Times: Beginning_Date: 19960101 Ending_Date: 20121231 Source_Currentness_Reference: Publication Date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NA Source_Contribution: This map gave the mine boundary and mined out areas for the Monitcello and Winfield Mines. Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: American Norit Company Inc. Publication_Date: 19921001 Title: Darco Lignite Mine; Plate 2, Extraction Sequence Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Source_Scale_Denominator: 500 Type_Of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_Of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_Of_Dates/Times: Beginning_Date: 19390101 Ending_Date: 20111231 Source_Currentness_Reference: Publication Date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NA Source_Contribution: This map gave the mine boundary and mined out areas for the DARCO Mine. Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information Originator: Texas Utilities Mining Company Publication_Date: 19970404 Title: Martin Lake, Life of Mine Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Source_Scale_Denominator: 1000 Type_Of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_Of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_Of_Dates/Times: Beginning_Date: 19970101 Ending_Date: 20121231 Source_Currentness_Reference: Publication Date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NA Source_Contribution: This map gave the mine boundary and mined out areas for the Martin Lake Mine. Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Texas Utilities Mining Company Publication_Date: 19960401 Title: Monticello Thermo, Life of Mine Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Source_Scale_Denominator: 1000 Type_Of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_Of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_Of_Dates/Times: Beginning_Date: 19960101 Ending_Date: 20021231 Source_Currentness_Reference: Publication Date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NA Source_Contribution: This map gave the mine boundary and mined out areas for the Thermo Mine. Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Red River Mining Company Publication_Date: 19970601 Title: Ox Bow Mine, Life of Mine Source_Scale_Denominator: 1000 Type_Of_Source_Media: disk Source_Time_Period_Of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_Of_Dates/Times: Beginning_Date: 1975 Ending_Date: 1997 Source_Currentness_Reference: Publication Date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NA Source_Contribution: This file gave the mine boundary and mined out areas for the Ox Bow Mine. Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Red River Mining Company Publication_Date: 19970601 Title: Dolet Hills Mine, Life of Mine Source_Scale_Denominator: 1000 Type_Of_Source_Media: disk Source_Time_Period_Of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Range_Of_Dates/Times: Beginning_Date: 1975 Ending_Date: 1997 Source_Currentness_Reference: Publication Date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NA Source_Contribution: This file gave the mine boundary and mined out areas for the Dolet Hills Mine. Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Texas Utilities Mining Company Publication_Date: 19950925 Title: Oak Hill Mine, Life of Mine Source_Scale_Denominator: 4800 Type_Of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_Of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Dates/Times: Calendar_Date: 1995 Source_Currentness_Reference: Publication Date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NA Source_Contribution: This file gave the boundaries of mined out areas for the Oak Hill Mine. Process_Step: Process_Description: Mine boundaries and mined out areas were digitized off of paper maps. Process_Date: 1997 Process_Step: Process_Description: DXF files were converted into ARC/INFO coverages. Process_Date: 1997 Process_Step: Process_Description: Polygon topology was built and the names and sources of the mines as well as the mine permit areas and mined out areas were attributed. Process_Date: 1997 Spatial_Reference_Information: Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: Geographic: Latitude_Resolution: 0.00001 Longitude_Resolution: 0.00001 Geographic_Coordinate_Units: Decimal Degrees Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_Label: GULFMINES.PAT Entity_Type_Definition: Polygon attribute table of GULFMINES. Entity_Type_Definition_Source: ARC/INFO Attribute: Attribute_Label: AREA Attribute_Definition: Area of poly/region in square coverage units Attribute_Definition_Source: Computed Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Positive real numbers Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Area of polygon in meters Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: ARC/INFO Attribute: Attribute_Label: PERIMETER Attribute_Definition: Perimeter of poly/region in coverage units Attribute_Definition_Source: Computed Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Positive real numbers Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Perimeter of the polygons Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: ARC/INFO Attribute: Attribute_Label: MINE Attribute_Definition: Numeric code describing polygon Attribute_Definition_Source: User-defined Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 107, 108, 109, 110 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: 107 = Polygon permitted for mining (not mined) 108 = Polygon permitted for mining (mined) 109 = Polygon permitted for mining (no coal / no mine) 110 = Polygon NOT permitted for mining Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: mine permit maps Attribute: Attribute_Label: DESCRIPTION Attribute_Definition: Textual description of polygon Attribute_Definition_Source: mine permit maps Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: NA Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: NA (see MINE) Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: mine permit maps Overview_Description: Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: The polygon attribute table of the coverage gives the name and source of the mines in the Gulf Coast region. Also this coverage is coded so that the mined areas and the mine permit areas can be separated. Entity_And_Attribute_Detail_Citation: Mine names and source were referenced from the maps that were used to generate them. The mine permit areas and mined out areas were also taken from these maps. Distribution_Information: Distributor: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Organization: USGS, Eastern Energy Team Contact_Person: John K. Tully Contact_Address: Address_Type: Mailing Address Address: MS 956 National Center City: Reston State_or_Province: Virginia Postal_Code: 20192 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 703-648-6432 Resource_Description: Permitted mines of the Gulf Coast coal bearing Geology Distribution_Liability: This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with the U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for the descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Standard_Order_Process: Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: ARC/INFO Export Format_Version_Number: 7.1.1 Digital_Transfer_Option: Online_Option: Computer_Contact_Information: Network_Address: Network_Resource_Name: Fees: None Metadata_Reference_Information: Metadata_Date: 19970909 Metadata_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: USGS, Eastern Energy Team Contact_Person: John K. Tully Contact_Address: Address_Type: Mailing Address Address: MS 956 National Center City: Reston State_or_Province: Virginia Postal_Code: 20192 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 703-648-6432 Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata Metadata_Standard_Version: 19940608 Metadata_Time_Convention: Local Time Metadata_Security_Information: Metadata_Security_Classification_System: None Metadata_Security_Classification: Unclassified Metadata_Security_Handling_Description: None