Digital Mapping Techniques '97
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-269

Appendix A.
List of Attendees to the "Digital Mapping Techniques '97" Workshop (Grouped by Affiliation)

Berry H. Tew, Geological Survey of Alabama


Stephen M. Richard, Arizona Geological Survey


William D. Hanson, Arkansas Geological Commission


Boyan Brodaric, Geological Survey of Canada

Neil Rogers, Geological Survey of Canada

David W. Viljoen, Geological Survey of Canada


David L. Wagner, California Division of Mines and Geology


William S. Schenck, Delaware Geological Survey


Jonathan D. Arthur, Florida Geological Survey


Tim D Funderburg, Idaho Geological Survey

Loudon R. Stanford, Idaho Geological Survey


Pamella K. Carrillo, Illinois State Geological Survey

Rob Krumm, Illinois State Geological Survey

Barbara J. Stiff, Illinois State Geological Survey


James D. Giglierano, Iowa Geological Survey Bureau

Bernard E. Hoyer, Iowa Geological Survey Bureau


Nicholas J. Callaghan, Kansas Geological Survey

David R. Collins, Kansas Geological Survey

Elizabeth C. Crouse, Kansas Geological Survey

John C. Davis, Kansas Geological Survey

Scott F. Highby, Kansas Geological Survey

Gina Ross, Kansas Geological Survey

Joel Rotert, Kansas Geological Survey

Robert Sampson, Kansas Geological Survey


Warren H. Anderson, Kentucky Geological Survey

James C. Cobb, Kentucky Geological Survey

Lance G. Morris, Kentucky Geological Survey

Thomas N. Sparks, Kentucky Geological Survey


R. Hampton Peele, Dept. of Geography and Anthropology, LSU

John I. Snead, Louisiana Geological Survey

Robert A. Johnston, Maine Geological Survey

Robert D. Tucker, Maine Geological Survey


Richard S. Lively, Minnesota Geological Survey

Joyce Meints, Minnesota Geological Survey

Lynn Swanson, Minnesota Geological Survey


Thomas P. Hertel, Missouri DNR, Division of Geology and Land Survey

Mark A. Middendorf, Missouri DNR, Division of Geology and Land Survey

Thomas L. Thompson, Missouri DNR, Division of Geology and Land Survey


Larry N. Smith, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology


Les Howard, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division

Mohan Khisty, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division

Sue Olafsen-Lackey, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division


Susan L. Tingley, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology


Ronald S. Pristas, New Jersey Geological Survey


Kathy Glesener, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources

Glen E. Jones, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources

David J. McCraw, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources


P. Albert Carpenter, North Carolina Geological Survey

Robert H. Carpenter, North Carolina Geological Survey


Thomas M. Berg, Ohio Geological Survey


Paul E. Staub, Oregon Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries


Thomas G. Whitfield, Pennsylvania Geological Survey


Tim Cowman, South Dakota Geological Survey


Taryn Lindquist, U.S. Geological Survey

Peter T. Lyttle, U.S. Geological Survey

David W. Moore, U.S. Geological Survey

Susan D. Price, U.S. Geological Survey

Gary L Raines, U. S. Geological Survey

David R. Soller, U. S. Geological Survey

Michael Starbuck, U. S. Geological Survey

Ronald R. Wahl, U. S. Geological Survey

Van S. Williams, U. S. Geological Survey


Kent D. Brown, Utah Geological Survey

Grant C. Willis, Utah Geological Survey


Rick Berquist, Virginia Division of Mineral Resources

Ian J. Duncan, Virginia Division of Mineral Resources

Stanley S. Johnson, Virginia Division of Mineral Resources


Gayle H. McColloch, Jr., West Virginia Geological Survey


Kathryn Barrett, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey

Mindy C. James, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey

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Last updated 10.07.97