Coastal and Marine Geology Program
Woods Hole, MA 02543


  1. Ship Name/Owner Operator: R/V H.J.W. FAY/Tracor Marine
  2. Cruise Identifier: FAY 023
  3. Cruise Dates: 12 - 17 September 1976
  4. Cruise Objective:
  5. study the shallow sedimentary structure south and east of southern Massachusetts and to study the magnetics and gravity in these areas and in the vicinity of Great South Channel and Cape Ann
  6. Chief Scientist: Robert Oldale,USGS
  7. Survey Area: coastal waters of Massachusetts and western Georges Bank
  8. Approximate Survey Area Limits:
  9. Data Acquired:
  10. Survey Track Map: click HERE for a detailed cruise map.
  11. Scientific Party: Robert Oldale, USGS
  12. Navigation Techniques: U.S.G.S. integrated navigation system
  13. Scientific Equipment: unspecified
  14. Days at Sea: 6
  15. Ship's Captain: James P. Olander
  16. Ship's Crew: unspecified
  17. Cruise Narrative: Cruise FAY 23, operated in the coastal waters of Massachusetts and the western part of Georges Bank. The ship departed Woods Hole on the 12th of September and returned on the 17th.
  18. The purpose of the cruise was to study the shallow sedimentary structure south and east of southern Massachusetts and to study the magnetics and gravity in these areas and in the vicinity of Great South Channel and Cape Ann. Scientific equipment aboard included a sparker system, air gun (20 cu in) system, magnetometer, and gravity meter. Navigation was by the U.S.G.S. integrated navigation system.

    All track lines were within the eastern time zone. Records were marked in GMT. The cruise occupied five days and approximately 1200 km of sparker, air gun, magnetic, and gravity data were collected.

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