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Browsing the R/V FAY CD-ROM with a WWW client

What is the best way to browse the CD-ROM?

The CD-ROM was developed to be viewed and accessed with any (WWW) client that will accept files written in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML). To adequately view the R/V FAY CD-ROM, the user should have a WWW browser with supporting programs to view GIF images, PostScript or PDF formatted files.

Though access with a WWW browser is the recommended way of navigating through the CD-ROM, it does not restrict the user from moving about the CD-ROM as a local filesystem. The CD-ROM was written as an ISSO-9660 standard CD-ROM and, as such, may be mounted and accessed by a majority of computer systems. In those rare instances where a user does not have a WWW client available for viewing, the CD-ROM may be locally mounted and treated as any other disk file system on the local computer system.

Because the disk was developed with the primary access method expected to be via a WWW client, the majority of notes described here (including this very file) refer to other HTML files and links. However, to accommodate non-WWW users ASCII versions of many of the HTML files are also included for their access. The ASCII version of the files may be found under the doc directory that is located at the top-level directory of the CD-ROM. These text files may then be viewed on the user's computer system or easily printed to produce hard copy output.

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