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This was one of the more difficult data formats to transcribe from 9-track tape to CD-ROM due to the excessive number of read errors. A possible reason for the difficulty in reading these tapes is due to the fact the data were probably last accessed a few years after the cruises were completed, during the time the data processing was being completed. Unlike other data formats such as the FIXSE and SEAG data, these tapes remained untouched and unread causing the magnetic media to develop burn through and severe parity errors when reading the data.

Every attempt was made to insure that all the data that were retrievable from the R/V FAY 9-track tapes were in fact transcribed to the CD-ROM. However, as with the EASYD formatted data, this was not possible. When selecting an EASYD format file that was not transcribed to disk, an alternate data source has been suggested. By selecting the bomb () from the report column of any of the EASYD entries in the available data listings, an alternate data source of either a SEDEP or MBATR format will be suggested to replace the EASYD file. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

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