AQMAG data format

Observed total magnetic value with ship's heading and speed, date, and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If two magnetometers were deployed, then the gradient and separation distance between the magnetometers are included. If two magnetometers were not deployed, the fields containing the observed magnetic value for magnetometer 2 and the separation distance between the magnetometers will be zero.

     COLS      FIELD NAME                      FORMAT
     ----      ---------------------------     ------
     1-2       day                               I2
     3-4       month                             I2
     5-6       year                              I2
     7-11      time of day as Greenwich Mean
               Time (GMT) recorded as HHMMT      F5.1
     7-8       hour of day                       I2
     9-10      minute of day                     I2
     11        tenths of minute                  I1
     12-20     ship's heading (degrees)          F9.2
     21-29     ship's speed (knots)              F9.2
     30-38     observed magnetic value           F9.1
               from magnetometer 1 (gammas)
     39-47     observed magnetic value           F9.1
               from magnetometer 2 (gammas)
     48-62     gradient (gammas)                 E15.7
     63-68     separation distance               F6.2

AQMAG example:

          1         2         3         4         5         6       6
 10 87620101   116.10     6.37  54757.0  54761.2   .2796053E+02152.00
 10 87620151   116.26     6.33  54775.0  54776.2   .8223686E+01152.00
 10 87620201   118.23     6.36  54785.2  54785.7   .3289474E+01152.00
 10 87620251   117.99     6.36  54793.5  54791.0  -.1644737E+02152.00
 10 87620301   118.02     6.30  54790.7  54789.5  -.8223686E+01152.00
 10 87620351   117.00     6.17  54785.2  54784.0  -.8223686E+01152.00
 10 87620401   120.10     6.05  54778.5  54776.5  -.1315790E+02152.00
 10 87620451   119.53     6.04  54770.7  54767.5  -.2138158E+02152.00
 10 87620501   118.23     6.13  54763.0  54760.2  -.1809211E+02152.00
 10 87620551   119.66     6.19  54755.7  54754.7  -.6578948E+01152.00

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