EASYD data format

Uncorrected depth values in fathoms or meters with date and GMT. Data in this format were typically entered manually into the computer.

The EASYD format was a simplified format for the keypunching of bathymetry data and consists of 3 different record types. Record-type 1 is always 9900 and indicates a change in date or time zone and is immediately followed by a type 2 record that indicates the date and time zone. Record-type 3 contains the time and uncorrected depth values. Record-types 1 and 2 must be the first two records in the data file and may be followed by any number of type 3 records. Record-types 1 and 2 must be present at a change of date or time zone and may again be followed by any number of type 3 records.

Record-type 1:

     COLS      FIELD NAME                      FORMAT
     ----      ---------------------------     ------
     1-4       change indicator 9900            I4

Record-type 2:

     COLS      FIELD NAME                      FORMAT
     ----      ---------------------------     ------
     1-2       day                              I2
     3-4       month                            I2
     5-6       year                             I2
     8-10      time zone                        I3

Record type 3:

     COLS      FIELD NAME                      FORMAT
     ----      ---------------------------     ------
     1-4       time of day (GMT as HHMM)        I4
     1-2       hour of day                      I2
     3-4       minutes of day                   I2
     5         tenths of minutes                I1   - - - optional
     6-10      uncorrected depth values         I5
               recorded in either meters or

EASYD example:

 11 876 +04
 10450 1627
 11000 1643
 11150 1658
 11300 1670
 11450 1683
 12000 1702
 12150 1711
 12300 1726
 12450 1744
 13000 1756

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