Web sites with related shapefile and coverages data

1.  There is a Federal lands shapefile available at the USGS National Atlas web
site that is more detailed than the coverage used in this map.

Data files can be downloaded as follows:

Go to http://www.nationalatlas.gov/atlasftp.html, the National Atlas Map Layers
Warehouse, and scroll down to the Map Layer Download Table.  In column 1 there are
numerous map layers listed in alphabetical order.

 'Federal and Indian Lands' is available in shapefile and SDTS format.
Metadata is also available by clicking on 'Federal and Indian Lands Information' in column 2.
Other map layers available in this list include county boundaries and states.

2.  The coalfields are available digitally in a coverage or shapefile at
https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1996/of96-092/, "Coal Fields of
the Conterminous United States", USGS Open-File Report OF 96-92.

Click on FTP Site.
There the user can choose to download the data from the arcinfo_files
folder (uscoal.e00) or the arcview_files folder (uscoal_l.shp and uscoal_p.shp).
Metadata is included in the metadata folder.