.2 Areas where deposits are likely to contain sand and gravel with properties that will meet most uses. .3 Areas where deposits are likely to contain sand and gravel with properties that may not meet some uses, or may meet uses only with extensive processing. Potential sources of crushed stone aggregate are identified according to both physical and chemical properties. The colors of the map units reflect the likely physical property. The darkness of the map colors reflects the likely chemical quality. .78 Most of area likely to contain potential sources of crushed stone aggregate of satisfactory physical quality, and innocuous chemical quality. May include small areas of fair or poor quality aggregate, and (or) deleterious chemical quality aggregate. .77 Most of area likely to contain potential sources of crushed stone aggregate of satisfactory physical quality, and deleterious chemical quality. May contain small areas of fair or poor quality aggregate, and (or) innocuous chemical quality aggregate. .65 Most of area likely to contain potential sources of crushed stone aggregate of fair physical quality, and of innocuous chemical quality. May contain small areas of satisfactory or poor quality aggregate, and (or) deleterious chemical quality aggregate. .18 Most of area likely to contain potential sources of crushed stone aggregate of fair physical quality, and deleterious chemical quality. May contain small areas of satisfactory or poor quality aggregate, and (or) innocuous chemical quality aggregate. .59 Most of area likely to contain potential sources of crushed stone aggregate of poor physical quality, and innocuous chemical quality. May contain small areas of satisfactory or fair quality aggregate, and (or) deleterious chemical quality aggregate. .58 Most of area likely to contain potential sources of crushed stone aggregate of poor physical quality, and deleterious chemical quality. May contain small areas of satisfactory or fair quality aggregate, and (or) innocuous chemical quality aggregate. Some areas shown on the map are not commonly used as aggregate. .6 Most of area likely to contain potential sources of crushed stone aggregate of mixed physical quality, and of mixed chemical quality. .15 Materials in area may have value as other industrial minerals such as dimension stone, brick clay, fire clay, sand, or cement. .40 Materials commonly do not contain enough coarse materials for use as aggregate. Bedrock may be fractured near geologic faults (thick black lines). This may facilitate aggregate production by reducing the blasting requirements. On the other hand, the rock may be excessively fractured. Fractured pieces of rock have a lower compressive strength than non-fractures rock. Therefore, when using this map to evaluate aggregate resources, aggregate that is shown near faults may be of different quality than indicated.