OFR 97-492: Millinocket Quadrangle NURE HSSR Study
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>> Pubs Warehouse > OF 97-492 > State Coverage > Millinocket Quadrangle
[See History of NURE HSSR Program for a summary of the entire program.]
Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study
During 1977, 1978, and 1979, the Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) conducted a NURE pilot study of the Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan areas within the Bangor and Millinocket 1:250,000-scale quadrangles. Between October of 1977 and March of 1978, stream water and sediment samples were collected from 138 sites and ground water samples were collected from 352 sites within the Dover-Foxcroft area. Up to four sediment fractions were collected at each site. Recorded coordinates locate 44 of the stream water and sediment sites in the Bangor quadrangle and 94 sites in the Millinocket quadrangle. No coordinates were reported for the Dover-Foxcroft ground water sites. The Skowhegan area was sampled from August to September of 1979. Stream water and sediment samples were collected from 143 sites and ground water samples were collected from 155 sites. Eighty stream water and sediment sites and 60 ground water sites were located within the Millinocket quadrangle, and 63 stream water and sediment sites and 95 ground water sites were located within the Bangor quadrangle. All of the samples from both areas were analyzed by SRL and the data released in the Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study GJBX-147(82) report. No digital data release accompanied the report. Site data and SRL analytical data for 140 of the Skowhegan area water samples collected in the Millinocket quadrangle were hand-entered into a digital spreadsheet and were included in the reformatting process discussed below.
SRL sent 285 water samples from the Skowhegan area (136 from the Millinocket quadrangle) to the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (ORGDP) for supplementary analysis of up to 31 additional elements. ORGDP released the data on microfiche in the Skowhegan Area Orientation Study GJBX-176(82) abbreviated report. A digital data release did accompany this report. The site coding information for this data set was summarized in the GJBX-164(82) report.
Subcontractors for the SRL collected at least 2,924 stream-sediment, 2,039 surface-water, and 1,938 ground-water samples from the southern half of Maine as part of the NURE Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) program. Two different sampling protocols were used in Maine. Using the SRL Eastern protocol (SRL-E), 1,218 stream-sediment, 1,218 surface-water, and 636 ground-water samples were collected from Androscoggin, Cumberland, Franklin, Kennebec, Oxford, Somerset Counties in October and November of 1977. This area included portions of the Bangor, Bath, Lewiston, Millinocket, Portland, and Sherbrooke 1:250,000-scale quadrangles. Another 1,706 stream-sediment, 821 surface-water, and 1302 ground-water samples were collected by subcontractors using SRL Western protocols (SRL-W) between May and August of 1980 within the Bangor, Bath, and Eastport 1:250,000-scale quadrangles. These samples were sent to SRL for determinations of uranium and additional elements (16 in sediments and 9 in waters) by Neutron Activation Analysis. SRL was able to analyze 1,230 sediments and 3,977 waters from Maine. The analytical and site location data for all Maine samples were released in the New England Data Report [GJBX-107(82)]. Within the Millinocket quadrangle, 5 ground-water samples were collected by the SRL-E protocol. SRL was able to analyze all 5 of these water samples from the Millinocket quadrangle.
SRL: Millinocket Quadrangle
SRL did not release a separate report for the Millinocket quadrangle.
Summary Tables
Because of the various laboratories and analytical methods used, some SRL samples may have been analyzed once, twice, or not at all. The following table summarizes the analysis of Millinocket quadrangle samples.
Laboratory Analysis | Sediments | Waters |
Only SRL | 0 | 10 |
Only ORGDP | 0 | 1 |
Both SRL and ORGDP | 0 | 135 |
None | 0 | 0 |
Total Samples | 0 | 146 |
Total Data Records | 0 | 281 |
The following is a list of sample types collected and reported for NURE studies in the Millinocket quadrangle. (Note: Only the 141 hand-entered water samples from the Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study are included in this list.)
Sediment Sample Type | Number of Samples | Water Sample Type | Number of Samples |
Streams | 80 | ||
Wells | 66 | ||
Total Sediments | 0 | Total Waters | 146 |
These Millinocket quadrangle samples were analyzed by one or more of the following methods:
Water Samples
Water Records
The Millinocket quadrangle water data consist of records from the Maine portion of the New England GJBX-107(82) Data Report, the SRL Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study GJBX-147(82) report, and the ORGDP Skowhegan Area Orientation Study GJBX-176(82) abbreviated report. In the orientation study sample records, the SRL analyses and ORGDP supplemental analyses could NOT be combined because of overlapping determinations for 5 elements. Each water sample from the orientation study may therefore have 2 separate records - one for the SRL analysis and one for the ORGDP supplemental analysis.
The digital data released with the ORGDP Skowhegan Area Orientation Study GJBX-176(82) abbreviated report included analytical results for the Skowhegan area samples but did not include any site description data. However, this data was available in the SRL Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study GJBX-147(82) report. Therefore, a decision was made to hand enter all of the Skowhegan water sample records from the SRL Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study GJBX-147(82) report. Neither the sediment sample records from the Skowhegan area, nor the records from the Dover-Foxcroft area were entered at this time. These records may be added at a later date. The following actions were taken with the Skowhegan water records:
The NURE HSSR data are now available online in two databases: The sediment database (also includes data for soils and some rocks) at http://tin.er.usgs.gov/nure/sediment/ and the water database at http://tin.er.usgs.gov/nure/water/. From these two web sites, NURE HSSR data can be selected, examined, summarized, and downloaded by political boundaries (State and County), by quadrangle (1:250,000-scale, 1:100,000-scale, and 1:63,360-scale for Alaska or 1:24,000-scale for the Lower 48 States), and by hydrologic unit (drainage region, subregion, river basin, or sub-basin). Selected data can be downloaded as a dBase file, a shapefile, an HTML table, or ASCII text (tab- or comma-delimited).
Millinocket Quadrangle Water Data - 280 records
In the eastern United States, SRL collected samples primarily by county. Often, not all counties within a quadrangle were completely sampled. This appears to be the case with the Millinocket portion of Somerset county. In addition, the remainder of Millinocket quadrangle was not sampled during the HSSR sampling phase.
Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study
During the reformatting process, water records from the Skowhegan area portion of the SRL Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study GJBX-147(82) report were entered by hand and are included in the Millinocket and Bangor quadrangle water data records. Neither the water records from the Dover-Foxcroft area, nor the sediment records from Dover-Foxcroft or Skowhegan areas were hand entered. These records can be found in tables within the SRL Dover-Foxcroft and Skowhegan Orientation Study GJBX-147(82) report.
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Home Page: USGS National Geochemical Database - NURE HSSR data
Page written by Andrew W. Holt and Steven M. Smith
Contact: Steven M. Smith (smsmith@usgs.gov)
Version 1.30: September 11, 2001
Version 1.41: February 23, 2006
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