Survey number: 3030 (Pat Hill number) Name: Southeast Alaska 1973 survey Date flown: 8/73 - 9/73 Company: GeoMetrics Flight specs: 1 mile, N63E, 6000 ft barometric. Instrument: GeoMetrics Proton Magnetometer model G-803 Digitized by: Esther Castellanos, 6/96 Map scale: 1:63,360 Datum: data have IGRF 1965 updated to 1973 applied (This was evidently applied as a planar surface within each 15'x20' 1:63,360 quad) Publication: USGS Bulletin B-1525 Data format: Ascii format, XYZ records Longitude (degrees), Latitude (degrees), Total Field (nT) written with FORTRAN format: (f10.5,x,f10.5,x,f8.1) Background: These data were digitized under the direction of Rick Saltus ( as part of the USGS project to merge the best available aeromagnetic data into a consistent grid for the state of Alaska.