Survey number: 4093 (Pat Hill numbers) Name: Healy (gridded data) Date flown: June 1982 Company: Div. Tech Flight specs: 1 mile spacing, N-S flightlines, 1000 ft above ground Instrument: Datum: IGRF applied Publication: USGS Open-file report 84-295 Data format: Ascii format, gridded data from contractor Row 1, Col 1 is in SW corner of area. 1. Row number (I5) 2. Column number (I5) 3. UTM Easting to the nearest meter (F10.0) 4. UTM Northing to the nearest meter (F10.0) Note on UTM coordinates: Central meridian = -147 degrees False easting = 500000 m 5. Gridded magnetic intensity value before IGRF removal, in nT (F10.2) 6. Adjusted (IGRF removed) magnetic intensity value, in nT (F10.2) First three lines of file: HEALY, ALASKA ALASKA HIGH LIFE - QEB-147500000 1 1 349000. 6982000.-999999.99 -70.86 1 2 349500. 6982000.-999999.99 -62.87 Background: These data included in grid compilation for Interior Alaska (for published USGS Map GP-1014). Work done by Rick Saltus, USGS, in cooperation with John Meyer, State of Alaska, Division of Oil and Gas.