Survey number: 550 (Pat Hill number) Name: Alaska Regional (Aeromagnetic Map of Northeastern Alaska) Date flown: July and August 1965 (also includes data from 1954 and 1958) Company: USGS Flight specs: approx. 10 mile flightline spacing, north-south, mostly 5000 ft barometric (higher in some mountainous regions). Instrument: continuous recording flux-gate magnetometer (analog) Digitized by: DIGIMAP (Esther Castellanos, December 1996) Map scale: 1:1,000,000 Datum: arbitrary datum, no diurnal corrections, regional field removed ("The gradient removed was represented by linear contours trend- ing N 25 W so spaced that the gradient decreased from about 4 gammas per mile at the southwest corner of the map to about 3 gammas per mile at the northeast corner." USGS Bulletin 1271-F, p. F5) Publication: Geologic Interpretation of Reconnaissance Aeromagnetic Survey of Northeastern Alaska, by William P. Prosge, Earl E. Brabb, and Elizabeth R. King, 1970, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1271-F, 14 pages, 3 plates (scale 1:1,000,000). Data format: Ascii format, XYZ records Longitude (degrees), Latitude (degrees), Total Field (nT) written with FORTRAN format: (f10.5,x,f10.5,x,f8.1) Background: These data were digitized under the direction of Rick Saltus ( as part of the USGS project to merge the best available aeromagnetic data into a consistent grid for the state of Alaska.