Survey number: AK04 (Pat Hill number) Name: Western Baird Mountains Date flown: 1970 Company: Scintrex Flight specs: profiles, variable spacing, N-S, probable altitude 5000 ft barometric, datum unknown Digital data source: from computer cards found by Bob Morin, USGS, Menlo Park History: This survey was contracted for by Dave Barnes, USGS, Menlo Park. The survey was flown on flights to and from the SW Naval Pet. Reserve survey (Pat Hill number 3007B). Cost of the survey was 90 cents/mile. Dave Barnes recalls that the altitude specification (5000 ft barometric) was chosen to match that of AK01 (1958 AeroService survey). Publication: USGS Open-file report 77-166E Data format: Flightline number Longitude Latitude Total field anomaly, datum unknown Total field Height above terrain (meters) (all zero - no data) Barometric altitude (meters) (all zero - no data) Fiducial number Year and dat (YYMMDD.0) (all zero - no data) Fortran format: (a8,f10.4,f9.4,f8.2,f9.2,3f8.2,f11.3)