INTAK_COMPOSITE data grid Composite aeromagnetic data grid for "interior Alaska". This grid was constructed from about 25 individual data sets by Paterson, Grant, and Watson, Ltd, under contract to the state of Alaska, 1994. Data are in INTAK_COMPOSITE.ZASC, one value per line, in left-to-right (west to east) row order starting from the SW corner of the grid. The values were written with FORTRAN format (f9.2). Data values of -99999.99 indicate grid nodes with "no data". File INTAK_COMPOSITE.HDR is an ascii listing of the grid header from the original binary (ODDF) data file. This file gives the complete specification of the map projection and grid location. The grid has 850 columns and 792 rows. The grid origin is x=-429, y=667. The grid spacing is 1 km x 1 km.