Plot files *.gra Provided here is a brief description of the '.gra' plot files available in this folder. These plot files display the colors, symbols and fonts shown in the graphical PDF files on the cdrom. Plot files were created for an electrostatic Versetec plotter using color shadeset Ver256.shd, available in the Export folder. Plot files with names ending in 'hp' have been made using the same 'Amls' but with shadeset 'versatec.shd' to allow the correct color representation for Hewlett-Packard plotters. Central Versatec plot of the geology of central Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Centralhp HP plot of the geology of central Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 East Versatec plot of the geology of eastern Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Easthp HP plot of the geology of eastern Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Faultintrhp HP plot of faults and intrusive map units of Puerto Rico at 1:200,000 Faultintr Versatec plot of faults and intrusive map units of Puerto Rico at 1:200,000 Geol1 Versatec plot of the geology of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Geol2 Versatec plot of the geology of Puerto Rico at 1:200,000 Gravity Versatec plot of the Bouguer Gravity of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Gravityhp HP plot of the Bouguer gravity of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Legendgeol Versatec plot of a legend of 151 geologic map units with unique colors and/or patterns grouped by 12 geologic terranes Legendgeolhp HP plot of a legend of 151 geologic map units with unique colors and/or patterns grouped by 12 geologic terranes Legendprov Versatec plot of a legend of 12 geologic terranes shown on the terrane map Legendprovhp HP plot of a legend of 12 geologic terranes shown on the terrane map Leggeolterr Versatec plot of a legend of 151 geologic map units grouped by 12 geologic terranes colored by 12 terranes Leggeolterrhp HP plot of a legend of 151 geologic map units grouped by 12 geologic terranes colored by 12 terranes Magnetics Versatec plot of the magnetics of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Magneticshp HP plot of the magnetics of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Metallic Versatec plot of metallic mineral occurrences of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Mona Versatec plot of the geology of Mona at 1:100,000 Monahp HP plot of the geology of Mona at 1:100,000 Nonmetallic Versatec plot of nonmetallic mineral occurrences of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Permau Versatec plot of selected permissive terranes of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Permauhp HP plot of selected permissive terranes of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Permskarn Versatec plot of selected permissive terranes of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Permskarnhp HP plot of selected permissive terranes of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Strat Versatec plot of a stratigraphic correlation chart of 151 geologic map units with unique colors and/or patterns Strathp HP plot of a stratigraphic correlation chart of 151 geologic map units with unique colors and/or patterns Stratprov Versatec plot of a stratigraphic correlation chart of 151 geologic map units colored by 12 terranes Stratprovhp HP plot of a stratigraphic correlation chart of 151 geologic map units colored by 12 terranes Terranes Versatec plot of geologic terranes of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Terraneshp HP plot of the geologic terranes of Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Vieques Versatec plot of the geology of Vieques and Culebra at 1:100,000 Viequeshp HP plot of the geology of Vieques and Culebra at 1:100,000 West Versatec plot of the geology of western Puerto Rico at 1:100,000 Westhp HP plot of the geology of western Puerto Rico at 1:100,000