Key to figure 2. AM, Angayucham; BP, Broad Pass; BRY, Baldry; CG, Chugach; CH, Chulitna; CW, Clearwater; Cz, Cenozoic deposits; CZ, Crazy Mountains; DL, Dillinger; GN, Gravina-Nutzotin belt; IN, Innoko; KH, Kahiltna; Ku, Upper Cretaceous rocks; KY, Koyukuk; LG, Livengood; MAN, Manley; MK, McKinley; ML, MacLaren; MN, Minchumina; MNK, Minook; MY, Mystic; NN, Nenana; NX, Nixon Fork; PC, Porcupine; PE, Peninsular; PN, Pingston; PW, Prince William; RB, Ruby; SU, Susitna; SV, Seventymile; TG, Togiak; TZ, Tozitna; WC, Woodchopper Canyon; WF, West Fork; WHM, White Mountains; WM, Windy-McKinley; WR, Wrangellia; WS, Wickersham; WY, Windy; YT, Yukon-Tanana. Colors assigned approximate the colors used on sheets 1 and 2 for important geologic units within the terrane.