Qal Alluvium Quaternary Silt, sand, and gravel of stream beds, flood plains, and terraces RB002 100 Ruby Unconsol 100 Qs TKi Intrusive rocks Late Cretaceous(?) or Early Tertiary(?) Granite, diorite, quartz monzonite, and may include dikes of varying composition and texture, older intrusives of the greenstone complex (mi), and hornfelds zones surrounding intrusive rocks. RB002 201 Ruby Ign 1650 TKi TKe Extrusive rocks Cretaceous or Tertiary Basaltic, andesitic, and rhyolitic flows, tuffs, and breccias, and a few dacite flows; interbedded sandstone and shale. Flows commonly porphyritic and gently dipping. Probably greater than 500 feet thick. RB002 202 Ruby Ign 1603 TKvr Ks Shaktolik group late Early Cretaceous to Late Cretaceous Graywacke, shale, grit, and conglomerate. Type section on the Shaktolik River approximately 120 miles west of the Ruby quad. Thickness estimated to be more that 4800 feet along the lower Yukon River. Unit is obsolete and no longer used. On map, this area of outcrop was replaced by later mapping. plant fossils, marine mollusks RB002 301 Ruby Sed 2010 Km Ku Ungalik conglomerate Cretaceous Conglomerate, grit, some graywacke. Boulders as much as 2 ft in diameter: Sorting and bedding poor. Believed to be several hundred ft thick on the Melozitna River north of the Ruby quad. Patton and Bickel estimate minimum thickness of 1200 feet. Superceded on later maps. RB002 302 Ruby Sed 2170 Kuc Kc Chert and argillite Cretaceous Chert and argillite with interbedded rhyolitic tuff, sandstone, and grit. Fragmentary fossil imprint identified as small immature ammonite of Cretaceous or Jurassic type. RB002 303 Ruby Sed 5745 Pig ira Intrusive rocks Pre-Cretaceous Granite, monzonite and diorite altered to augen gniess and mica schist. Locally contains younger granitic dikes. RB002 702 Ruby Meta 9325 PzZrqs mi Metamorphic igneous rock Carboniferous (?) Late Paleozoic Greenstone, locally some gray to red chert, greenstone tuff, and graywacke. Greenstone altered from basalt, diabase, and andesite extrusives and diorite, diabase, gabbro, and pyroxenite intrusives. In Nulato quad assigned a Carboniferous(?) age. May include greenstone from older metamorphic complex. RB002 401 Ruby Meta 5133 JMtu Dl Limestone Devonian Dark-gray, partly recrystallized limestone carrying light-colored, crushed crinoid columns, and associated slate, shale, and fine-grained arkose. No longer on map, lumped in unit JMtu light-colored, crushed crinoid columns RB002 801 Ruby Sed 6945 Ds Ol Limestone and dolomite Ordovician Dark-gray limestone and brownish-yellow dolomite. Dolomite is common near base of section. Lies unconformably on older metamorphic rocks. Massive unit overlain by thinner bedded limestone and dolomite, succeeded by the thickest beds of the series. Total thickness of 6000 to 8000 feet for the Ordovician series. Locally silicified, dolomitized, and recrystallized. RB002 901 Ruby Sed 7520 Ont mc Metamorphic complex Precambrian or Paleozoic Schist, crystalline limestone, quartzite, greenstone, slate, and phyllite. Areas of crystalline limestone mapped separately when possible as mcl. RB002 501 Ruby Meta 8625 PzZm mcl Metamorphic complex Precambrian or Paleozoic ( may contain Ordovician and Devonian) Crystalline limestone, may include rocks of Ordovican or Devonian but generally is more recystallized than Ordovican or Devonian rocks and is associated with schists. RB002 502 Ruby Meta 8620 Pzrm mca Metamorphic complex Precambrian or Paleozoic In eastern part of quad, metamorphic complex mapped as two units, mca and mcb. The older unit, mca is composed of crystalline limestone and greenstone with some schist and phyllite. RB002 504 Ruby Meta 8601 PzZrqs mcb Metamorphic complex Precambrian or Paleozoic The younger unit, mcb, contains schist and quatzite with some crystalline limestone, slate, and greenstone. RB002 503 Ruby Meta 8600 YZnm Qac Alluvium Quaternary Undifferentiated alluvial, colluvial, and eolian terrace and slope deposits. Chiefly silt and very fine sand. Terrace deposits largely fluival but in part lacustrine; slope deposits primarily eolian and colluvial. The "Palisades" along the Yukon have yielded Pleistocene vertebrate fauna including mammoth and bison remains. MZ002 100 Melozitna Unconsol 100 Qs Qfy Younger flood-plain deposits Quaternary Light-gray micaceous silt. Sand and gravel along streams that drain bendrock uplands. Characterized physiographically by badrs, oxbows, meander scars, abandoned channels, and other evidence of recent flood-plain building. MZ002 110 Melozitna Unconsol 100 Qs Qms Modified eolian sand deposits Quaternary Dark-yellowish-orange and light-gray, fine- to medium-grained eolian sand. Forms briad sheetlike dune field mantling older floodplain (Qfo) and alluvial terrace (Qac) deposits of the Dulbi Flats. Deposits have a strong northeast-southwest trend. MZ002 120 Melozitna Unconsol 100 Qs Qfo Older flood-plain deposits Quaternary Chiefly light-gray and grayish-orange micaeous silt. Locally include peat, reworked eolian sand and gravel. Deposits at or near river level but youthful flood-plain features are much modified or absent. Contact with Qfy locally gradational and poorly defined. MZ002 130 Melozitna Unconsol 100 Qs Qg Glacial drift Quaternary Unsorted bouldery till and isolated moraines; may include some younger solifluction deposits near valley sides. MZ002 140 Melozitna Unconsol 100 Qs Ts Sandstone, Claystone, Conglomerate, and Lignite Tertiary Grayish-white granule conglomerate and sandstone, reddish-brown claystone, and lignite coal. Exposed at river level at the "Palisades" along the Yukon River. Pollen of probable Miocene age. MZ002 200 Melozitna Sed 640 Tcb TKv Volcanic rock Tertiary to Late Cretaceous Indian River, Takhakhdona Hills, and Dulbi River areas- light-gray to pink rhyolite tuff, welded (?) tuff, flows, and breccia. Subordinate pumice, dark vitrophyre, and obsidian. In Takhakhdona Hills also includesdark-green to black vesicular basalt flows. Big Creek- dark-green to green dacite and andesite porphyry flows and crystal tuffs. Probabaly correlative with similar flows and tuffs in Tanana and Bettles quads. Reassigned to Tertiary by Patton (1998) Obsidian chippings and artifacts found in archeological site in NW AK may have source in obsidian occurrence north of Little Indian River. Flows in Tanana and Bettles quads have K-Ar date of 58 m.y. MZ002 210 Melozitna Ign 1070 Tvr Kg Granodiorite Late Cretaceous Fine- to medium-grained hornblende-biotite granodiorite with subordinate quartz monzonite and quartz diorite. (Recoded NSA 2420 March, 1999, per Bill Patton.) K-Ar date of 82.3 and 89.0 m.y. from the Dulbatna Mountain pluton and 81.5 m.y. from the Indian Mountain pluton in adjoining Hughes quad MZ002 300 Melozitna Ign 2420 Kgd Kh Hypabyssal rocks Cretaceous Small bodies of primarily dacite and rhyolite porphyry. These intrusives are widespread in volcanic graywacke and mudstone unit (Kgm) and in andesitic rocks (Kv). MZ002 310 Melozitna Ign 2210 Kve Kqc Quartz-pebble conglomerate early Late Cretaceous Small isolated patches of light-gray quartz-pebble conglomerate and quartzose sandstone. Minor intercalated with light-colored ashy tuff. Conglomerate almost wholly of quartz and quartzite clasts. Intruded and thermally altered by granodiorite (Kg) MZ002 320 Melozitna Sed 1990 Kqc Ks Sandstone, Quartz Conglomerate, shale, and siltstone Probably Late Cretaceous Non-marine deposits of olive-green, fine- to coarse-grained, crossbedded, quartzose sandstone and grit; quartz-pebble conglomerate, and dark micaeous shale and siltstone. Ironstone lenses and concretions. Better sorted and higher % quartz than Kgm. Probabaly correlative with Upper Cretaceous, plant-bearing nonmarine strata in Kateel River quad. Abundant carbonized plant debris MZ002 330 Melozitna Sed 1941 Kss Kc Igneous pebble-cobble conglomerate late Early Cretaceous (Albian) may be as young as Late Cretaceous Massive poorly sorted conglomerate with pebble to cobble sized clasts primarily of mafic intrusive and extrusive rocks and varied colored chert. Interbedded with fine-grained to gritty (?) , dark-green to green graywacke and mudstone. grades upward into sandstone, quartz conglomerate, shale, and siltstone (Ks). In part overlies and in part laterally gradational with volcanic graywacke and mudstone (Kgm) Indeterminate pelecypods MZ002 340 Melozitna Sed 2030 Kcg Kgm Volcanic graywacke and mudstone late Early Cretaceous (Albian) Dark-greenish-gray, fine-grained to gritty(?), poorly sorted graywacke composed largely of first- and second-cycle volcanic debris but locally containing abundant granitic and metamorphic rock debris. Graded bedding common, Dark gray mudstone interbeds. Some intercalated crystal tuffs. Hornfels bordering granodiorite (Kg). Age based on correlation with HU and KT quads MZ002 350 Melozitna Sed 2105 Kvgm Ktg Tuff, volcanic graywacke, and mudstone Early Cretaceous Volcaniclastic rocks of andesitic and dacitic composition. Crystal-lithic tuff, lithic tuff, volcanic graywacke and mudstone. Rare andesite flows. Mapped only along northern edge of this quad and in adjoining HU quad. Overlies Kv and may grad laterally into Kgm MZ002 360 Melozitna Ign 2320 Ktg Km Quartz Monzonite Early Cretaceous Pinkish coarse-grained porphyritic biotite quartz monzonite. Becomes gnessic in southern part of the Melozitna pluton. Altered and slightly cataclastic in small pluton east of Gold Mountain. K-Ar date 111 m.y. from Melozitna pluton MZ002 370 Melozitna Ign 2530 Kg Kv Andesitic volcanic rocks Earliest Cretaceous (Neocomian) but may include Albian age strata Koyukuk River- Pillow basalt and andesitic flows; andesitic tuffs, volcanic conglomerate, and breccia; chert and fine-grained cherty tuff; coquinoidal limestone composed largely of Buchia sp. Widely altered to a hard dark green hornfels. Dulbi-Melozitna Rivers- Andesitic and dacitic tuff, breccia, volcanic conglomerate and tuffaceous graywacke. Flows and hyabyssal bodies of andesite and dacite porphyry. Dark-green hornfels near Kg. Buchia sublaevis, belemnite; Buchia cf.B. crassicollis; Buchia keyserlingi MZ002 380 Melozitna Ign 2330 Kve JPb Basalt and diabase Permian to Jurassic. Spilitic basalt and diabase largely altered to greenstone. Along contact with Km, altered to mafic hornfels. Probabaly correlative with similar rocks on strike to the NE in the Tanana and Bettles quads MZ002 400 Melozitna Ign 5140 JMab JPu Ultramafics Permian to Jurassic Small bodies of serpentinized peridotite and dunite with closely associated gabbro and anorthosite. MZ002 410 Melozitna Ign 5150 Jaum Pzm Marble Paleozoic Small masses of white to light-gray coarsely crystalline dolomitic and calcareous marble. Locally altered to calc-silicate hornfels MZ002 600 Melozitna Meta 5525 Dm PzpCs Pelitic schist Paleozoic or Precambrian Quartz-chlorite-muscovite schist and micaceous quartzite. Greenschist facies metamorphism. Subordinate micaceous quartzite and glaucophane-chlorite-muscovite schist. Unit includes many small bodies of marble, greenstone and greenschist (believed to be altered mafics). MZ002 700 Melozitna Meta 9325 PzZrqs PzpCq Quartzite Paleozoic or Precambrian Fine-grained, light-gray quartzite and micaceous quartzite with subordinate quartz-mica schist, marble, and calc-silicate rock. Stratigraphic relationship to PzpCs uncertain. MZ002 710 Melozitna Meta 8803 PzZrpg PzpCn Gneiss and quartzite Paleozoic or Precambrian Quartz-feldspar-biotite gneiss commonly garnetiferous and locally contains sillimanite. Almandine-amphibolite facies metamorphism. Some augen gneiss. Gray coarse-grained quartzite with thin layers of biotite. Subordinate quartz-mica schist, marble, and calc-silicate rock. Contacts with PzpCs and Km are gradational and indefinite. Appears to underlie PzpCs. MZ002 720 Melozitna Meta 8801 PzZrpg Qal Alluvium Quaternary Silt, sand and gravel of streambeds, flood plains and terraces NL002 101 Nulato Unconsol 100 Qs Tki Intrusive Rocks early Tertiary or Late Cretaceous Granite and some diorite. Includes numerous dikes and sills and may include hornfels zones NL002 1650 Nulato Ign 1655 TKg Ks Shaktolik group Late Cretaceous Graywacke, shale, grit, and conglomerate. Thickness estimated at 4800 feet. Unit obsolete, no longer shown on map. Marine mollusks (late Early K) and plant remains (Late K) NL002 301 Nulato Sed 2010 Km Ku Ungalik conglomerate Conglomerate, grit, some graywacke. Clasts are angular to rounded. Sorting and bedding are poor. Boulders as much as 2 feet in diameter. Type section is near the Ungalik River west of Nulato quad. Thickness believed to be at least several hundred feet. Unit superceded on later maps NL002 302 Nulato Sed 2170 Kuc mi Metamorphosed igneous rocks post - Carboniferous Greenstone, and locally some gray to red chert, dark-gray crystalline limestone, greenstone, tuff, and graywacke. Greenstone is altered basalt and diabase of probable extrusive origin and diorite, diabase, gabbro, and pyroxenite of probable intrusive origin. Does not appear on published map, later mapping shows as TrMb (Patton, written commun., 1997) NL002 401 Nulato Meta 5250 MzPmi mc Metamorphic complex Late Precambrian or Early Paleozoic Quartz-mica schist, quatzite-schist, mica schist, albite-chlorite schist, albite-mica schist, ottrelite-mica schist, glaucophane-mica schist, some phyllite, slate, sheared chert, and quartzite. Unit superceded. NL002 501 Nulato Meta 8625 PzZm mcl Metamorphic complex Precambrian or Paleozoic Recystallized limestone - superceded, see source NL003 NL002 8610 Nulato Meta 8620 Pzrm vr Volcanic rocks unknown Chiefly basalt and andesite. Rarely rhyolite, tuff, chert, agglomerate, and breccia. Probably of several different ages. Not shown on map as this unit, rather is NSACLASS 1000 and 2330 NL002 601 Nulato Ign 5120 MzPzi Qa None Quaternary Alluvium OP002 101 Ophir Unconsol 100 Qs Qu None Quaternary Undifferientiated lowland silt, sand, muck, and gravel OP002 102 Ophir Unconsol 100 Qs Qt None Quaternary Terrace alluvium OP002 103 Ophir Unconsol 100 Qs Qc None Quaternary Colluvium OP002 104 Ophir Unconsol 100 Qs TKv Volcanics Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Volcanics OP002 201 Ophir Ign 1600 TKv TKc Mafic to intermediate volcano-plutonic complexes Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Mafic to intermediate volcano-plutonic complexes OP002 202 Ophir Ign 1630 TKiv TKm None Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Monzonite OP002 203 Ophir Ign 1660 TKm TKd None Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Dikes and subvolcanic rocks OP002 204 Ophir Ign 1601 TKd TMg None Tertiary or Late Cretaceous (Not designated on map) Gabbro OP002 205 Ophir Ign 1680 TDg Ju Ultramafic rocks Late Jurassic Ultramafic rocks OP002 301 Ophir Ign 3498 Jtu ph Harzburgite tectonite of Mount Hurst Unknown Harzburgite tectonite of Mount Hurst; relations uncertain OP002 401 Ophir Ign 5191 Jium pc Cumulate ultramafic rocks of Mount Hurst Unknown Cumulate ultramafic rocks of Mount Hurst: relations uncertain OP002 402 Ophir Ign 5191 Jium Ks Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate Late Cretaceous Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate OP002 501 Ophir Sed 2020 Kme Ku Undifferentiated clastic rocks Late Cretaceous Undifferentiated clastic rocks OP002 502 Ophir Sed 1970 Kk Ksc None Late Cretaceous Sandstone and conglomerate OP002 503 Ophir Sed 1985 Kkn Kss Fine sandstone, siltstone, and shale Late Cretaceous Fine sandstone, siltstone, and shale OP002 504 Ophir Sed 1970 Kk Kls None Late Cretaceous Limy volcaniclastic sandstone OP002 505 Ophir Sed 1942 Kk Kac None Late Cretaceous Agglomerate, chert, tuff, and sandstone OP002 506 Ophir Ign 2260 Kvl Kvs None Late Cretaceous Volcaniclastic sandstone OP002 507 Ophir Sed 1907 Kvss Ksa None Late Cretaceous Sandstone OP002 508 Ophir Sed 1906 Ksa Ksh None Late Cretaceous Shale and siltstone OP002 509 Ophir Sed 1905 Ksh Kvg Volcanic graywacke and conglomerate Late Cretaceous Volcanic graywacke and conglomerate OP002 510 Ophir Sed 2180 Kvm TrMs None Triassic, Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian Sandstone, grit, and argillite OP002 601 Ophir Sed 5021 TrMis TrMc Chert, argillite, and volcaniclastic rocks Triassic, Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian Chert, argillite, and volcaniclastic rocks OP002 602 Ophir Sed 5112 TrMica TrMb None Triassic, Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian Basalt, gabbro, and chert OP002 603 Ophir Ign 5133 JMtu MDl Limestone Mississippian to Devonian Limestone OP002 701 Ophir Sed 6380 MDl Pzc None Early Paleozoic Carbonates OP002 801 Ophir Sed 5340 Pzrm PzpCs Schistose metamorphic rocks Early Paleozoic or Late Precambrian Schistose metamorphic rocks OP002 802 Ophir Meta 8601 PzZrqs btu Bedrock unknown Unknown but likely Precambrian or older type unknown; relations uncertain OP002 9001 Ophir Unknown 9060 pCu PzpCs/TrMc None Uncertain Map shows questionable identification of unit. OP002 901 Ophir Uncertain 8601 PzZrqs pc /TrMc None Uncertain Map shows questionable identification of unit. OP002 902 Ophir Uncertain 99 bu Qf Quaternary Floodplain deposits ? 100 Kateel River Unconsol 100 Qs Qt Terrace deposits Quaternary Terrace deposits KT? 101 Kateel River Unconsol 100 Qs Qfy Younger flood-plain deposits Quaternary Light-gray micaceous silt. Sand and gravel along streams that drain bedrock uplands KT002 102 Kateel River Unconsol 100 Qs Qna Nogahabara sand dunes -- active dunes Quaternary Active dunes. Circular body, nearly 5 mi in diameter. Entriely sand, free of vegetation cover. KT002 110 Kateel River Unconsol 100 Qs Qns Nogahabara sand dunes -- stabilized dunes Quaternary Scattered circular and elliptical bodies of eolian sand. KT002 111 Kateel River Unconsol 100 Qs Qfo Older floodplain deposits Quaternary Chiefly light-gray and grayish-orange micaceous silt. Locally includes peat, reworked eolian sand, and gravel KT002 103 Kateel River Unconsol 100 Qs Qms Modified eolian sand deposits Quaternary Dark-yellowish-orange and light-gray, fine- to medium-grained eolian sand. Forms broad sheet-like dune field mantling alluvial silt deposits of the Koyukuk flats and all but tops of bedrock hills in vicinity of Roundabout Mountain. KT002 112 Kateel River Unconsol 100 Qs Qhs High terrace and slope deposits Quaternary Light-gray and grayish-orange micaceous silt. Subordinate lenses of sand and peat. KT002 104 Kateel River Unconsol 100 Qs QTb Basalt early Quaternary or late Tertiary Nearly horizontal flows of vesicular olivine basalt. Flows extruded over terrain of moderate relief, ranging in elevation from 175 to over 1,600 feet. KT002 500 Kateel River Ign 350 QTb Kgs Graywacke sandstone and mudstone Cretaceous Poorly sorted, muddy sandstone (graywacke) interbedded with mudstone. Chiefly dark-greenish-gray to pale-olive tuffaceous and feldspathic, fine- to very coarse-grained sandstone and subordinate dark-gray mudstone. Abundant lenses of feldspar and chert grit. Description is such that unit sounds like part of Shaktolik Group. 200 Kateel River Sed 1825 Kgw Kgm Graywacke sandstone and mudstone Early Cretaceous Chiefly medium- to dark-gray mudstone and medium-gray to dark-greenish-gray moderately to highly calcareous fine-grained sandstone.. Sandstone locally contains thin lenses of feldspar and chert grit. Mudstone commonly banded and finely cross-bedded. Graptolites of Early Cretaceous age (Albian) age in adjoining Nulato quadrangle. Not sure what unit though (Ks on pub. map but this doesn't match) KT002 201 Kateel River Sed 2152 Km Kn Nonmarine shale, siltstone and sandstone Late Cretaceous Nonmarine deposits of drak-gray to olive-gray micaceous shale and siltstone, and light-olive-gray to yellowish-orange, fine- to coarse-grained, crossbedded sandstone. Massive sandstone beds near base of unit. Coarse detrital fraction of sandstone chiefly quartz and chert, feldspar locally abundant. North of Kateel River, sandstone contains pyroclastic material. Conglomerate lense near base of quartz and chert. Coal beds as much as 6 in thick. Abundant, well preserved flora. KT002 210 Kateel River Sed 2021 Kme Km Marine shale and siltstone Early Cretaceous Littorial and offshore marine deposits of dark-gray shale and siltstone interbedded with subordinate dark-greenish-gray fine-grained sandstone in lower part and light-olive fine- to coarse-grained crossbedded sandstone in upper part. Volcanic conglomerate loccally along contact with andesitic volcanic rocks (unit KJv). Sandstone generally better sorted and more quartzose than that of units Kgm and Kgs. Widespread occurrence of Inoceramus altiflummis (McLearn) of Early Cretaceous (Albian) age KT002 211 Kateel River Sed 2101 Ksse Knm Undifferentiated sedimentary rocks Cretaceous Undifferientiated units Km and Kn, western part of map. KT002 212 Kateel River Sed 2021 Kms Kvg Cretaceous Volcanic graywacke conglomerate ? 200 Kateel River Sed 1908 Kvg Kvm Cretaceous Volcanic graywacke conglomerate and mudstone ? 201 Kateel River Sed 1825 Kvm Kg Granitic rocks Cretaceous Granitic rocks of acidic and intermediate composition Chiefly syenite at Roundabout Mountain and albite granite on Huslia River-Derby Creek divide. KT002 600 Kateel River Ign 2410 Kg KJv Andesitic volcanic rocks Cretaceous and Jurassic(?) Chiefly porphyritic pyroxene andesite and trachyandesite flows, andesitic crystal and lithic tuff, and massive andesite breccia, agglomerate, and conglomerate. Commonly altered and therefore pale green. Interbedded dark-greenish-gray tuffaceous graywacke, chert, shale, and impure limestone containing Buchia. Mildly deformed and unaltered vesicular basalt and associated pyroclastic rocks along Koyukuk River near Roundabout Mt. may be of Tertiary age. Buchia subokensis of earliest Cretaceous age in interbedded sedimentary rocks. KT002 800 Kateel River Ign 2330 Kve Pzs Limestone and schist Paleozoic Limestone and schist KT002 300 Kateel River Sed 5310 DCd Pzl Limestone and schist Paleozoic Limestone and schist KT002 301 Kateel River Sed 5320 Pzld Pzls Limestone and schist Paleozoic Limestone and schist KT002 302 Kateel River Sed 5320 Pzld Qac Undifferentiated alluvial, colluvial, and eolian terrace and slope deposits Quaternary Chiefly silt and very fine sand. Includes extensive loess deposits MD002 105 Medfra Unconsol 100 Qs Qfy Younger flood-plain deposits Quaternary Silt, sand, and gravel MD002 101 Medfra Unconsol 100 Qs Qfo Older flood-plain deposits Quaternary Largely silt and sand but probably includes abundant gravel along Tonzona River. MD002 102 Medfra Unconsol 100 Qs Qms Modified eolian sand deposits Quaternary Sheetlike dune fields of tan fine- to medium-grained eolian sand, locally overlain by peat and loess MD002 103 Medfra Unconsol 100 Qs Qg Glacial drift Quaternary Unsorted bouldery till MD002 104 Medfra Unconsol 100 Qs QTg Gravel deposits on Jones Creek Quaternary-Tertiary Moderately dipping gravel exposed on Jones Creek near Nixon Fork fault, approximately 25 m thick MD002 151 Medfra Unconsol 100 Qs TKn Volcanic rocks of the Nowitna River area Latest Cretaceous, Earliest Tertiary Chiefly subaerial flows of trachyandesite, basaltic andesite, and basalt. Subordinate intercalated flows and tuffs of rhyolite and dacite. 63 to 64 Ma MD002 202 Medfra Ign 1605 TKvi TKnr Volcanic rocks of the Nowitna River area -- rhyolite Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Altered rhyolite domes and associated rhyolitic tuff and breccia. MD002 201 Medfra Ign 1603 TKvr TKc Mafic to intermediate Volcano-plutonic complexes Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Altered basalt, andesite, and trachyandesite porphyry flows and hypabyssal intrusive bodies. Altered mafic and intermediate crystal and lithic tuffs. Subordinate olivine basalt and dacite flows. K-Ar ages of 65-71 Ma MD002 204 Medfra Ign 1630 TKiv TKcm Mafic to intermediate volcano-plutonic complexes -- monzonite Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Small bodies of monzonite, quartz monzonite, and granodiorite MD002 203 Medfra Ign 1650 TKi TKg Granite Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary White to light gray, fine- to coarse-grained biotite granite. 63-71 Ma MD002 211 Medfra Ign 1655 TKg TKm Monzonite Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Includes monzonite, quartz monzonite, quartz monzodiorite, and monzodiorite. Subordinate monzogabbro and gabbro 66-70 Ma MD002 205 Medfra Ign 1660 TKm TKv Volcanic rocks of Nixon Fork-Upper Sulukna River area Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Sills, dikes, flows, and plugs of rhyolite, dacite, and trachyandesite. 62-67 Ma MD002 206 Medfra Ign 1603 TKvr TKs Volcanic rocks of the Sischu Mountains Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Light-gray to purplish-red banded rhyolite and dacite subaerial flows and domes, locally containing interlayered breccia and tuff. 66-71 Ma MD002 207 Medfra Ign 1603 TKvr TKsc Conglomerate, sandstone, and lignite Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Conglomerate, sandstone, and lignite. MD002 209 Medfra Sed 1510 TKcg TKsa Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Dike-like body of dark-brown to gray andesite porphyry. MD002 208 Medfra Ign 1601 TKd TDg Undifferentiated gabbro Devonian to Tertiary Sills, dikes, and small plutons of gabbro intruding rocks of early Paleozoic and preCambrian(?) age MD002 210 Medfra Ign 1680 TDg Ksu Undifferentiated shale, siltstone, and sandstone Cretaceous, early and late [possible Permian(?)] Chiefly dark-gray carbonaceous, largely nonfossiliferous shale, siltstone, and very fine-grained sandstone. Includes massive limestone conglomerate of uncertain age and stratigraphic affinities. Conglomerate clasts consist of Paleozoic limestone and unit may be as old as Permian. reworked Paleozoic MD002 301 Medfra Sed 1970 Kk Ksc Sandstone and conglomerate Late Cretaceous Chiefly fine- to coarse-grained, greenish-gray to gray, thinly cross-bedded "salt and pepper" sandstone and quartz-chert pebble conglomerate. Poorly exposed interbeds of dark shale and siltstone. locally abundant plants and fresh and brackish water mollusks MD002 302 Medfra Sed 1985 Kkn Kss Fine sandstone, siltstone, and shale early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Fine- to medium-grained, dark-greenish-gray, thinly cross-bedded, fossiliferous sandstone and poorly exposed dark-gray siltstone and shale. Inoceramus concentricus, and I. pictus MD002 303 Medfra Sed 1940 Kk Kqc Quartz-carbonate sandstone and pebbly mudstone Early Cretaceous (Valanginian, Hauterivian, Barremian, Aptian) Fine- to coarse-grained quartz-carbonate sandstone and conglomerate, quartzose limestone and dark-gray pebbly mudstone and siltstone. Buchia sublevis, B. crassicolis, Cylindroteuthis, Inoceramus, Acroteuthis, Tropaeum MD002 305 Medfra Sed 2125 Ksm Kvg Volcanic graywacke and conglomerate earliest Cretaceous Poorly sorted fine- to coarse-grained graywacke, sandstone, grit, and pebble to cobble conglomerate composed chiefly of volcanic rock and chert detritus; interbedded dark mudstone. Inoceramus MD002 304 Medfra Sed 2180 Kvm JTrt Cherty tuff, crystal and lithic tuff, and volcanic breccia Triassic and possible early Jurassic Dark-greenish, very fine grained cherty tuff grading into greenish-gray radiolarian chert. Fine to coarse-grained dark greenish-gray crystal and lithic tuff. Volcanic breccia and conglomerate composed of poorly sorted clasts of mafic volcanic rocks and cherty tuff in a crystal and lithic tuff matrix. Radiolaria and conodonts MD002 401 Medfra Ign 3851 JTrta Trs Spiculite and sandy limestone Late Triassic (Norian) Dark-gray banded spiculite and chert, yellowish-orange-weathering sandy fossiliferous limestone and conglomerate and dark-gray shale Monotis ochotica, M. of M. scutiformis, Halobia, Heterastridium MD002 402 Medfra Sed 4032 Trsl Ps Sandstone, sandy limestone, and conglomerate Permian Fine- to coarse-grained yellowish-orange-weathering sandstone, limy sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate. Kuvelousia, Spiriferella, Waagenoconcha MD002 501 Medfra Sed 6010 PDsc PMc Chert and limestone Pennsylvanian and Mississippian Chiefly greenish-gray, dark-gray to black, and red radiolarian chert. Radiolarians MD002 502 Medfra Sed 6080 TrMica TPMcl Limestone and sandstone Mississippian Lenticular beds of fossiliferous limestone having subordinate beds of sandy limestone, chert grit, and arkosic sandstone. Conodonts and foraminifera MD002 503 Medfra Sed 6320 MDl DOsl Shaly limestone Ordovician to Middle Devonian Dark-gray to grayish-orange finely laminated limestone and dolomitic limestone. Suborbinate laminated dolomite, dark chert, and silicous siltstone. Interpreted as deep-water facies of Osl, Od, and DSl carbonate units. Conodonts MD002 508 Medfra Sed 5310 DCd DSl Reefy limestone and dolomite Late Silurian, Early Devonian (Siegenian-Emsian), early Late Devonian (Frasnian) Unit composed of a lower sequence of dolomite containing ostracodes of probable Late Silurian age, a middle sequence of mixed limestone and dolomite having favostid reefs and shelly fossils of probable Early Devonian age and an upper sequence of Amphipora-bearing dolomite and rugose coral bearing limestone ostracodes, favostid, Ampihpora, Smithiphyllum MD002 504 Medfra Sed 6960 DSwc Sls Thin-bedded limestone Silurian (latest Llandoverian to early Wenlockian) Dark-gray to black platy limestone and limy shale. graptolites MD002 505 Medfra Sed 6620 Spf Od Massive dolomite and limestone Middle to Late Ordovician (White Rockian to Maysvillian) Light-brown to dark-gray massive dolomite and limestone cyclically interbedded with shallow-water yellowish-orange-weathering algal and lime mudstone. Gastropods, corals, brachiopods, ostracodes, conodonts MD002 506 Medfra Sed 7520 Ont Osl Silty limestone and siltstone Early Ordovician Chiefly yellowish-orange-weathering, thin-bedded, shallow-water, silty limestone and limy siltstone. Conodonts, trilobites, gastropods, cephalopods MD002 507 Medfra Sed 7520 Ont Pzc Chert and phyllite early Paleozoic Banded light-gray to black sooty impure radiolarian chert, green talcy phyllite and slate, thin-bedded shaly limestone, and calcareous quartzite. MD002 509 Medfra Meta 7580 SCpl PzpCq Quartzite, grit, and argillite early Paleozoic or preCambrian Fine- to coarse-grained quartzite, quartz grit, quartz-feldspar grit, and argillite grading upward in to very fine grained quartzite, argillite, calcareous argillite, phyllite, and chert. MD002 601 Medfra Meta 8300 CZw PzpCs Quartzite, grit, and argillite early Paleozoic or preCambrian Sheared and foliated quartz and quartz-feldspar grits and quartzite intercalated with quartz-muscovite-chlorite and quartz-muscovite-biotite schists. Subordinate phyllite, thin limestone, and metachert. 276 Ma K-Ar muscovite and 421 Ma K-ar(?) hornblende on intrusion (?) to unit. MD002 602 Medfra Meta 8640 YZns PzpCv Metavolcanic rocks early Paleozoic or preCambrian Tan, light-gray, pink, and green banded fine-grained felsic volcanic rocks having well-developed foliation. Cheifly porphyry composed of large phenocrysts of embayed quartz and plagioclase in a very fine grained quartzo-feldspathic groundmass which has a distinct micaeous overprint. MD002 603 Medfra Meta 8700 YZnv PzpCc Calc-shist early Paleozoic or preCambrian Light to medium-gray calc-schist and thin-bedded schistose impure marble White to light-gray, fine-grained massive sandy marble. Subordinate quartz-mica schist. MD002 604 Medfra Meta 8610 YZnc PzpCp Pelitic schist early Paleozoic or preCambrian Chiefly pelitic and quartzose metasedimentary rocks of greenschist facies. Light-gray micaceous quartzite and greenish quartz-chlorite-muscovite schist grading into dark-gray quartz-muscovite-biotite-garnet schist. Subordinate calc schist and marble. Locally includes greenstone and greenschist metamorphic igneous rocks composed of chlorite, epidote, actinolite, and plagioclase. Also includes a small body of pink granitic gneiss K-Ar mica ages from 274-514 Ma, correlatives as old as 921 Ma MD002 605 Medfra Meta 8640 YZns Qs Surficial deposits Quaternary Glacial drift of several ages, including moraines, outwash, and lake deposits; alluvium and colluvium. All mainly consist of unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay. HE002 100 Healy Unconsol 100 Qs Thd Hornblende dacite Pliocene Subvolcanic intrusive rocks (hornblende dacite) of Jumbo Dome K-Ar hornblende age of 2.79 Ma HE002 1022 Healy Ign 1022 Thd Tn Nenana gravel Pliocene and Miocene Poorly consolidated, buff to reddish-brown, fluvial sequence of pebble- to boulder-conglomerate and coarse-grained sandstone with interbedded mudflow deposits, thin claystone layers, and local thin lignite beds. HE002 570 Healy Sed 570 Tn Tcb Coal-bearing rocks Miocene to Eocene Unit mostly comprises in ascending order, the Healy Creek, Sanctuary, Suntrana, Lignite Creek, and Grubstake Formations. Coal-bearing rocks comprise terrestrial cyclical sequences, having varying proportions of siltstone, claystone, mudstone, shale, generally cross-bedded and pebbly sandstone (both arkosic and quartz-rich), subbituminous coal and lignite, and minor amounts of dominantly quartz- and chert-pebble conglomerate. Floral assemblages HE002 645 Healy Sed 640 Tcb Ts Sedimentary rocks Miocene? to Paleocene? Poorly consolidated, fluviatile sequence of dark-gray shale, yellowish-gray sandstone, siltstone, and pebble conglomerate (consisting of dominantly gray quartz and black chert clasts). Indeterminate plants HE002 500 Healy Sed 500 Tsu Tvv Volcanic rocks -- volcanic flows, pyroclastic rocks, and subordinate subvolcanic intrusive rocks Oligocene to Paleocene Subaerial flows and associated pyroclastic rocks ranging in composition from rhyolite to basalt. Tend to be dominantly moderately altered rhyolite and basalt, but andesite, dacite, and latitie also occur K-Ar sanidene age of 53.9 Ma on rhyolite HE002 1000 Healy Ign 1000 Tvu Tvim Volcanic rocks -- mafic subvolcanic intrusive rocks Oligocene to Paleocene Dikes and small hypabyssal bodies of dark-gray basalt, diabase, and subordinate andesite K-Ar age of 54.7 Ma on basalt dike HE002 1012 Healy Ign 1012 Thm Tvif Volcanic rocks -- felsic subvolcanic intrusive rocks Oligocene to Paleocene Dikes and small hypabyssal bodies with subordinate associated pyroclastic rocks, of dominantly tan-colored, aphanitic to very fine grained, locally porphyritic rhyolite, quartz latite, latite, and dacite. K-Ar ages ranging 32.5 to 35.2 Ma on rhyolite HE002 1011 Healy Ign 1011 Thf Tfv Fluviatile and subordinate volcanic rocks early Eocene? Intercalated, fluviatile, only slightly deformed sequence of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone, and a few interlayed thin flows of basaltic andesite. Clasts in conglomerate contain Late Devonian conodonts. Metasequoia occidentalis (Newberry) Chaney HE002 880 Healy Sed 880 Tfv Tcv Cantwell Formation -- volcanic rocks subunit Paleocene Intercalated, moderately deformed sequence of andesite, generally zeolitized basalt, rhyolite and dacite flows, dominantly felsic pyroclastic rocks, a few interbeds of sandstone and carbonaceous mudstone, and a few small bodies of related subvolcanic intrusive rocks. K-ar Hornblende age of 64.6 Ma on dacite, basalt, andesite, and diabase ages ranging from 50.9 (>42.9 min.) to 61.0 (>62.2 min.) Ma HE002 1140 Healy Ign 1140 Tcv Tcs Cantwell Formation -- sedimentary rocks subunit Paleocene Fluviatile, intercalated sequence, in various proportions, of dominantly polymictic conglomerate, sandstone (including arkose), siltstone, argillite, shale, and a few thin coal beds. Locally contains thin flows and related tuff layers of mafic to intermediate composition. Conglomerate clast are of locally variable composition, indicating derivation from a number geologically different source areas. Plant fossils of Paleocene age, including Metasequoia occidentalis (Newberry) Chaney K-Ar biotite ages on granitic intrusions were 71.9 and 78.7 Ma, ages of dubious geologic value. HE002 920 Healy Sed 1920 Kcs Tgr Granitic rocks Oligocene to Paleocene Wide variety of epizonal granitic rocks, most commonly granite and grandiorite but including tonalite and quartz monzodiorite. K-Ar ages ranging from 36.7 to 59.8 Ma HE002 1221 Healy Ign 1300 Tegr Tgrv Granitic and volcanic rocks, undivided Oligocene to Paleocene Extensive border zone between rocks of late Tertiary granitic pluton (unit Tgr) and slightly younger, numerous felsic dikes and small subvolcanic intrusive rocks (unit Tvv), as well as small erosional remnants of rhyolite flows capping pluton. HE002 1210 Healy Ign 1210 Tiv TKgr Granitic and hypabyssal intrusive rocks Paleocene? and Late Cretaceous Two small granodiorite plutons of medium-grained granodiorite K-Ar biotite ages of 71.9 and 78.7 Ma, probably of dubious geologic meaning (very low K2O in biotite) HE002 1655 Healy Ign 1655 TKg TrPzvs Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Talkeetna superterrane Triassic and Paleozoic Appears only in cross-sections HE002 5030 Healy Ign 5030 TrPzvs Kvb Basaltic subvolcanic rocks Late Cretaceous Dark-gray to black, porphyritic basalt, occurring in dike swarms. Only know to intrude preCambrian and Paleozoic rocks (units PzpCp and Dmb). K-Ar hornblende age of 79.1 Ma on basalt HE002 2256 Healy Ign 2256 Kvl MDt Totatlanika Schist Early Mississippian to Middle Devonian Predominantly metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic (both felsic and mafic), and subordinate amounts of intercalated metasedimentary rocks such as black pelitic schist, and at one lacality a thin interbed of fossiliferous marble. Crinoids, gastropods, Syringopora sp., conodont Polygnathus sp. HE002 6510 Healy Meta 6510 MDt MDt? Totatlanika Schist? Early Mississippian to Middle Devonian Predominantly metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic (both felsic and mafic), and subordinate amounts of intercalated metasedimentary rocks such as black pelitic schist, and at one lacality a thin interbed of fossiliferous marble. HE002 6511 Healy Meta 6510 MDt? Dmf Felsic metavolcanic rocks Late Devonian? Massive, thick section of generally dark- to medium-gray, fine- to medium-grained schists and locally phyllites, with relict phenocrysts of quartz, orthoclase, and plagioclase. Conodonts from interbeds of unit Dmb HE002 7243 Healy Meta 7240 Dyv Dmb Metabasalt and subordinate metasedimentary rocks Late Devonian 600 m thick intercalated sequence of schistose and phyllitic, generally medium to dark greenish-gray, fine-grained and massive metabasalt; dark gray to black, generally fine-grained carbonaceous pelitic schist and phyllite and associated metasiltstone; aand a few thin onterbeds of black metachert, and fine- to medium-grained, dark-gray marble. Conodonts Palmatolepis sp., Iciodus sp., Polygnathus sp. K-Ar muscovite age of 114.6 Ma on black phyllite HE002 7320 Healy Meta 7320 Pzsc Dms Metasedimentary rocks Late Devonian Intercalated, generally thinly bedded, locally laminated, thick, marine sequence of dark-gray to black, carbonaceous, fine-grained, carbonaceous, fine-grained pelitic schist or phyllite; dark-gray, fine-grained, carbonaceous metasiltstone (quartzose phyllite); fine-grained, medium-gray quartzite; thin interbeds of dark-gray to black metachert; and a few interbeds of dark-gray, fine-grained fossiliferous marble. Amphipora? sp., Disphyllum? sp., Grypophyllum? sp., Phillipsastraea? sp., Tabulophyllum? sp. HE002 7300 Healy Meta 7300 Pzsc Pzk Keevy Peak Formation early Paleozoic Intercalated sequence of fine- to medium-grained quartz-sericite or muscovite schist, fine-grained black quartzite, black carbonaceous pelitic schist and phyllite, stretched pebble conglomerate, greenish-gray or purple schist and slate, and a few thin marble interbeds. HE002 5660 Healy Meta 5660 Pzk PzpCp Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence [old, abandoned Birch Creek Schist] early Paleozoic and preCambrian? Intercalated in various proportions: medium- to fine-grained, generally medium-gray quartz-sericite and (or) muscovite pelitic schist; fine- to medium-grained, medium-gray quartzite; quartz-sericite and (or) muscovite-calcite pelitic schist; fine-grained dark-gray to black carbonaceous schist or phyllite; a few interbeds, as much as several tens of meters thick of medium-gray, fine-to medium-grained massive marble; and a few small bodies and layers of chloritc schist. HE002 8630 Healy Meta 9322 PzZaqs Trcs Calcareous sedimentary rocks Late Triassic; middle? Norian to late Karnian A generally thin-bedded, commonly cross-bedded, carbonaceous, dark- to medium-gray, marine, intensely deformed thick sequence of intercalated calcareous shale, argillite, sandstone, siltstone, and sandy to silty and argillaceous limestone. Sequence also contains numerous large dikes, sills as much as several tens of meters thick, and small plugs of altered diabase and gabbro. Unit locally metamorphosed (east and south). Turbidites and intercalated hemipelagic sedimentary rocks Conondonts: Neogondolella polygnathiformis, Epigondolella primitia, also Monotis cf. M. subcircularis, Chrondites sp. HE002 4033 Healy Sed 4033 Trcs Dy Yanert Fork sequence Late Devonian Intensely deformed, thick marine sequence of dominantly metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. Bulk of sequence is dark-gray to black carbonaceous shale with intercalations of thin-bedded, commonly bioturbated, medium- to dark-gray, normally graded, both cross- and parallel-laminated, fine- to medium-grained lithic sandstone and siltstone (turbidites). Most regionally metamorphosed into siliceous mudstone, argillite, slate, phyllite, semischist, and impure quartzite. Also contains thin interbeds of dark- to medium-gray, locally greenish-gray, banded chert or metachert and other units, largely metavolcanic. Radiolarians, conodont Palmatolepis sp. HE002 7242 Healy Meta 7242 Dy Kva Andesitic subvolcanic rocks Late Cretaceous Two large sills or dikes consisting of altered, medium-greenish-gray, porphyritic hornblende andesite. K-Ar on hornblende of 97.3 Ma HE002 2255 Healy Ign 2255 Kvl KJf Flysch sequence Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic Monotonous, intensely deformed and locally highly metamorphosed, probably several thousand of meters thick, flyschlike turbidite sequence. Consists of dark-gray to black argillite; fine- to coarse-grained, generally dark-gray polymict pebble conglomerate; subordinate black chert-pebble conglomerate; a few thin interbeds of dark-gray to black radiolarian chert and a few thin beds of dark-gray impure limestone. Fossils sparse but age considered well controlled K-Ar reset ages yielded Late Cretaceous and Tertiary HE002 2850 Healy Sed 2850 KJf KJfk Overthrust flyschlike rocks Early Cretaceous -- Late Jurassic Same as unit KJf, mapped separately for structural reasons. Monotonous, intensely deformed and locally highly metamorphosed, probably several thousand of meters thick, flyschlike turbidite sequence. Consists of dark-gray to black argillite; fine- to coarse-grained, generally dark-gray polymict pebble conglomerate; subordinate black chert-pebble conglomerate; a few thin interbeds of dark-gray to black radiolarian chert and a few thin beds of dark-gray impure limestone. Fossils sparse but age considered well controlled K-Ar reset ages yielded Late Cretaceous and Tertiary HE002 2851 Healy Sed 2851 KJfk KJcg Conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, shale, and volcanic rocks Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic Intercalated sequence of polymictic pebble and cobble conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, shale, and flows and dikes of andesitic to latitic feldspar porphyry. Buchi spp. HE002 2821 Healy Sed 2821 KJcg Trvs Metavolcanic, metavolcaniclastic, and subordinate metasedimentary rocks Late Triassic; late Norian Consists of intercalated sequences several hundreds of meters thick, ocurring as thrust slices. Most common rock type is dark-greenish-gray aphanitic metabasalt contiaing numerous amygdules and occurring in thick, commonly pillowed massive flows. Metavolcaniclastic rocks comprise dark-gray or dark-greenish-gray, generally fine-grained, tuffaceous metasandstones and metasiltstones. Metasedimentary rocks comprise dark-gray, locally greenish-gray slate and argillite and subordinate dark-gray finely crystalline, thinly bedded marble. Monotis subcircularis, Heterastridium sp. HE002 4440 Healy Meta 4440 Trmm Trcn Chitistone and Nizina Limestones, undivided Late Triassic; early Norian and Late Karnian consists variably of medium- to thick-bedded, medium-gray weathering, brownish-gray lime mudstone with chert nodules and streamers, or medium- to thin-bedded, commonly thinly laminated, dark-gray to dark-brownish-gray lime mudstone, or thin- to medium-bedded, dark-gray lime mudstone and wackestone. Halobia sp. and several conodonts HE002 4030 Healy Sed 4030 JTrlm Trn Nikolai Greenstone Late and (or) Middle Triassic An over 3,000-m-thick, slightly metamorphosed sequence of massive basalt flows with subordinate amounts of intercalated basaltic tuff and breccia, some bedded volcaniclastic rocks such as pebble conglomerate, sandstone, and siltstone, and possibly a few thin limestone interbeds. Halobia superba collected from an interbed? HE002 4420 Healy Ign 4420 Trn TrPam Metasedimentary rocks sequence Middle Triassic to Late Pennsylvanian Lower and principal part of section (700-m-thick) consists of black argillite with laminae and thin interbeds of volcanic sandstone and lesser amounts of thin-bedded crinoidal limestone, apparently turbidite deposits forming discontinuous interbeds as much as 10-m-thick, and a few interbeds several tens of meters thick of mafic volcanic breccia. Upper part of sequence, approximately 100-m-thick consists of gray-green, red, or black thin-bedded radiolarian chert. Numerous large diabasic and gabbroic dikes and sills occur throughout the sequence. (Lower part thought to be equivalent to Slana Spur Fm of Mankomen Gp and upper part to Eagle Creek Fm, also of the Mankomen Gp.) Crinoids, conodonts, radiolaria HE002 5202 Healy Meta 5202 Pe PPav Andesitic volcanic rocks (Correlated with Tetelna Volcanics) Early Permian? and Pennsylvanian Over 2,000-m-thick sequence of gray-green massive volcanic flows, breccias, and subordinate volcaniclastic rocks, all largely andesitic in composition. HE002 6120 Healy Ign 6120 Pat Kgr Granitic rocks Late and Early Cretaceous Most commonly tonalite but granodiorite, quartz diorite, diorite, and quartz monzodiorite. K-Ar age range from 105 to 49 Ma, most 50 to 70 Ma thought to be reset. For NSAclass coding, ages less than 85 Ma = 2460, ages 85-110 Ma = 2470, all others = 2410 HE002 2410 Healy Ign 2460 Kg KJum Ultramafic rocks Early Cretaceous or Jurassic Dark greenish- or brownish-gray, coarse- to medium-grained, plagioclase-bearing ultramafic that occurs in a small, sill-like intrusive HE002 2945 Healy Ign 2945 Jum Kgrt Tourmaline-bearing granite Late or Early Cretaceous Medium- to fine-grained, tourmaline bearing granite with a granitic to seriate texture. HE002 2411 Healy Ign 2411 Kgt Jgb Alkalic gabbro Late Jurassic Extremely heterogeneous series of alkali gabbros, ranging from mafic theralites through essexites and monzogabbros into monzodiorites and monzonites. K-Ar age on biotite and hornblende 132 and 146 Ma HE002 3390 Healy Ign 3390 Jmu Dmg Metagabbro Late Devonian? Dark greenish-gray, fine- to medium-grined, well-foliated gabbro. HE002 7330 Healy Meta 7330 Dmg KJa Argillite, chert, sandstone, and limestone Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic Dark-gray argillite, dark-gray to greenish-gray bedded chert, thick-bedded gray sandstone, thin-bedded gray sandstone, and rare thin beds of shelly limestone. Radiolarians, Inoceramus sp., Buchia sublaevis HE002 2820 Healy Sed 2820 KJfn JTrrs Red and brown sedimentary rocks and basalt Early Jurassic and Late Triassic Maximum thickness of more than 2,000m. Basal part consists of a red-bed sequence of sandstone, siltstone, argillite, and conglomerate, with a few thin interbeds of brown fossiliferous sandstone, pink to light-gray dense limestone, and intercalated basalt flows. This sequence grades upward into brownish-gray siltstone with yellowish-brown limy concretions. HE002 3830 Healy Sed 3830 JTrsu Trlb Limestome and basalt sequence Late Triassic; Norian? Interlayed sequence, at least several hundreds of meters thick, of limestone, partly recrystallized to marble, and flows of altered amygdaloidal basalt. Spondylospira(?) sp. HE002 4021 Healy Sed 4021 Trlb Trr Red beds Late Triassic About 500 m of red sanstone, siltstone, argillite, and conglomerate, similar to red beds of unit JTrrs HE002 4060 Healy Sed 4060 Trr TrDv Volcanogenic and sedimentary rocks Early Triassic to Late Devonian Heterogeneous intercalated sequence over 500m thick, of greenish-gray to black tuffaceous chert, volcanic conglomerate, lesser amounts of maroon volcanic mudstone, breccia composed largely of basaltic detritus, laminated flyschlike graywacke and shale, large lenses of light-gray, thick-bedded limestone, and poorly exposed thin beds of ammonite-bearing limestone. Ammonites, conodonts, brachiopods HE002 5110 Healy Meta 5110 TrDv Dsb Serpentinite, basalt, chert, and gabbro Late Devonian Tectonically intermixed assemblage a few hundreds of meters thick largely of sheared serpentinite. Remaining component rocks occur in varying proportion is in lenticular and podiform tectonic blocks as much as several hundred meters in extent. Radiolarians HE002 7325 Healy Meta 7325 Dmgs KJfl Flysch sequence earliest Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) to Late Jurassic Lithologically identical to rocks of unit KJf: Monotonous, intensely deformed and locally highly metamorphosed, probably several thousand of meters thick, flyschlike turbidite sequence. Consists of dark-gray to black argillite; fine- to coarse-grained, generally dark-gray polymict pebble conglomerate; subordinate black chert-pebble conglomerate; a few thin interbeds of dark-gray to black radiolarian chert and a few thin beds of dark-gray impure limestone. Only mapped flysch unit to have fossils as young as earliest Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian). HE002 2852 Healy Sed 2852 KJfk JTrta Crystal tuff, argillite, chert, graywacke, and limestone Late Jurassic to Late Triassic? Four-fifths of the sequence is composed of massive cliff-forming crystal tuff, while remaining rocks form a narrow belt along western margin of unit. Contact between two parts of sequence may be tectonic. Crystal tuff is light- to dark-gray, locally having a greenish tint, and weathers to various shades of brown. Tuff composed of abundant small feldspar crystals (albite?) in a very fine-grained matrix of devitrified volcanic glass. Argillite and chert are dark-gray to black; the graywacke is medium- to dark-gray, very fine- to medium-grained, locally having graded bedding. Limestone is medium-gray, generally phosphatic, in part sandy, and locally associated with limy siltstone and conglomerate. Some cherty beds yielded radiolarians Radiolarians (of Callovian to early Tithonian age [Late Jurassic]), Artoasteroceras jeleskyi, Paltechioceras (Orthechioceras?) sp., Weyla sp. indicating a late Sinemurian (Early Jurassic) age HE002 3850 Healy Ign 3850 JTrct Trcg Conglomerate and volcanic sandstone Late Triassic; late Norian Lower part (40-50 m) of three unit division consists of cobble to boulder conglomerate composed of green volcanic rocks and red radiolarian chert clasts. Middle part, 40 to 50 m thick, composes of finer grained volcanogenic (andesitic?) conglomerate containing locally abundant fossils. Upper part of sequence consists of about 50 m of massive volcanic sandstone. Permian radiolaria in lower part in clasts; Heterastridium sp. (Late Triassic, late Norian) in middle HE002 4050 Healy Sed 4050 Trcg DOs Sedimentary sequence Middle Devonian to Ordovician Medium- to dark-gray, thinly graded bedded to laminated, medium- to fine-grained sandstone; dark-gray to black argillite; intercalated layers, a few tens of meters thick, of dark-gray, generally thinly bedded, locally thick-bedded limestone and dark-gray argillite; and near the top of the section, an approximately 200-m-thick interbed of medium- to light-gray, massive, finely to medium-crystalline, partly dolomitic limestone (mapped separtely as unit 'ls'). Gastropods. Middle Devonian fossils reported from massive limestone (ls). HE002 6970 Healy Sed 5370 JCmd ls (DOs) Limestone (Sedimentary sequence) Middle Devonian (to Ordovician) Approximately 200-m-thick interbed of medium- to light-gray, massive, finely to medium-crystalline, partly dolomitic limestone (mapped separtely as unit 'ls'). Part of unit DOs. Middle Devonian fossils reported from massive limestone (ls). HE002 6971 Healy Sed 6931 DSml Trbd Basalt, diabase, and subordinate sedimentary rocks Late Triassic; Karnian and Norian Submarine sequence of several hundred, perhaps several thousand meters thick of basalt flows, mostly pillowed, with associated sills and dikes of diabase and gabbro. Subordinate interbedded sedimentary rocks are dark-gray to dark-grayish-green, fine-grained sandstone, siltstone, and argillite, some containing abundant angular tuffaceous material. haboloid bivalve, radiolaria HE002 4423 Healy Ign 4420 Trn TrPas Flyschlike sedimentary rocks Late Triassic to Pennsylvanian Intensely folded marine sequence of at least several hundred meters of dark-gray to black, massive to thin-bedded, flyschlike rocks: conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, argillite, a few thin interbeds of impure limestone and near top of section, thin interbeds of chert intercalated with argillite. Abundant trace fossils and displaced bryozoans, echinoderm fragments, rare brachiopods, corals, crinoids, condonts HE002 5040 Healy Sed 5040 TrPas Kms Melange south of McKinley fault Late and (or) Early Cretaceous Fault-bounded tectonic and probably sedimentary melange of Paleozoic and upper Mesozoic rocks Three distinct suites: 1) Medium- to thin-bedded, greenish-gray to tan-colored, locally black, cherty tuff, chert, argillite, and fine-grained volcanic sandstone; 2) Dark-gray to black, flyschlike rocks of argillite, slate, shale, fine- to medium-grained graywacke, subordinate bedded chert, and both chert-pebble and polymictic conglomerate (Lithologically idnetical to units KJf, KJfl, and KJfk); 3) Lenses and elongate blocks of medium-gray, generally medium-bedded and rarely massive, fine- to medium-grained fossiliferous limestone (mapped separately as unit 'msl') Radiolaria, conodonts in cherty tuffs (Late? Devonian to Missisppian). Megafossils and conodonts from limestone (Silurian to Middle Devonian) HE002 2192 Healy Melange 2192 Kmar Kmn Melange north of McKinley fault Late and (or) Early Cretaceous Fault-bounded tectonic and probably sedimentary melange of Paleozoic and upper Mesozoic rocks Four disparate, intricately intermixed and pervasively sheared rock suites: 1) Blocks of medium-gray, medium-grained limestone of Silurian(?) to Devonian age (mapped as unit 'mnl'); 2) Blocks of medium-gray, medium-grained massive limestone of Late Triassic age (mapped as unit 'mnl'); 3) Dark-gray to black, flyschlike rocks of argillite, slate, shale, fine- to medium-grained graywacke, subordinate bedded chert, and both chert-pebble and polymictic conglomerate (Lithologically idnetical to units KJf, KJfl, and KJfk); 4) A poorly exposed small sliver of serpentinized ultramafic rocks, altered basalt, green and maroon tuff, and recrystallized chert, all of unknown age (mapped as unit 'mno'). Radiolaria, Buchia sp. (also see mnl) HE002 2195 Healy Melange 2195 Kmar msl (Kms) Limestone of Melange south of McKinley fault Late and (or) Early Cretaceous Lenses and elongate blocks of medium-gray, generally medium-bedded and rarely massive, fine- to medium-grained fossiliferous limestone mapped separately as unit 'msl' but is unit 3 of unit KMs, which is a fault-bounded tectonic and probably sedimentary melange of Paleozoic and upper Mesozoic rocks. Labechia sp., Favosites sp., Dendrostella? sp., massive stromataporoid, and conodonts (Silurian to Middle Devonian) HE002 2193 Healy Melange 2193 TrSl mnl (Kmn) Limestone of Melange north of McKinley fault Late and (or) Early Cretaceous Parts 1 and 2 of unit Kmn, a fault-bounded tectonic and probably sedimentary melange of Paleozoic and upper Mesozoic rocks. Parts are: 1) Blocks of medium-gray, medium-grained limestone of Silurian(?) to Devonian age; and 2) Blocks of medium-gray, medium-grained massive limestone of Late Triassic age. Conodonts, Sagenites?, Tryplasma sp., Lyrielasma? sp., Zelophyllum? sp.,Clavidictyon sp., Ampipora sp., Megalodus sp., Mysidia sp., Belemnite sp. interdeterminate, Cladopora sp., Coenites? sp., coral, molluscs, brachiopods, conodonts, crinoid fragments HE002 2196 Healy Melange 2196 TrSl mno (Kmn) Melange north of McKinley fault Late and (or) Early Cretaceous Part 4 of unit Kmn, a fault-bounded tectonic and probably sedimentary melange of Paleozoic and upper Mesozoic rocks Consists of a poorly exposed small sliver of serpentinized ultramafic rocks, altered basalt, green and maroon tuff, and recrystallized chert, all of unknown age. HE002 2197 Healy Melange 2197 mlu Ql Young and old landslide deposits Quaternary Chiefly debris avalanches and large block glides in areas of steep slopes TL002 100 Talkeetna Unconsol 100 Qs Qau Alluvium, undivided Quaternary Chiefly boulders, gravel, and sand with local areas of silt and clay. Alluvium on active flood plains, older alluvium on terraces of major streams, alluvial fans, outwash, swamp, marsh, and bog deposits, and alluvial deposits on broad pediment surfaces. TL002 101 Talkeetna Unconsol 100 Qs Qr Active and recently active rock glaciers Quaternary Chiefly rubble and diamicton TL002 110 Talkeetna Unconsol 100 Qs Qa Glacial deposits -- Alaskan glaciation Quaternary Chiefly rubble and diamicton. Includes end and lateral moraines. TL002 111 Talkeetna Unconsol 100 Qs Qn Glacial deposits -- Naptowne glaciation Quaternary End, lateral, and ground moraine, postglacial alluvial, pond, and swamp deposits, fluvial glacial deposits of all stages of Naptowne glaciation and glaciolacustrine deposits formed during Knik and Naptowne glaciations TL002 120 Talkeetna Unconsol 100 Qs Qk Glacial deposits -- Knik glaciation Quaternary Well-developed end and lateral moraine, shown only northwest part of quadrangle. TL002 121 Talkeetna Unconsol 100 Qs Qe Glacial deposits -- Eklutna glaciation Quaternary South of the Alaska Range, lateral and ground moraine have subdued geomorphic expression and include alluvial, swamp, marsh, and bog deposits. North of the Alaska Range, end and lateral moraines are relatively fresh. TL002 130 Talkeetna Unconsol 100 Qs Qpe Glacial deposits -- pre-Eklutna age glaciations Quaternary Subdued lateral(?) and ground moraines on north side of Alaska Range, although glacial erratics and well-modified drift on top Yenlo Hills are probably also deposits of this glaciations. TL002 131 Talkeetna Unconsol 100 Qs Tc Coal-bearing rocks Possible Oligocene and Miocene About 30 m of subituminous coal, with individual beds up to 9 m thick. Coal-bearing rocks contain interbeds ferruginous siltstone and silty shale. TL002 200 Talkeetna Sed 640 Tcb Ts Continental sedimentary rocks Tertiary, Paleocene Chiefly medium- to dark-gray phyllitic shale, shale, sandstone, grit, and conglomerate with minor carbonaceous shale and tuffaceous sandstone. Metasequoia TL002 201 Talkeetna Sed 1920 Kcs KJb Pillow basalt Early Cretaceous and Jurassic(?) Dark-greenish-gray elongate bodies of massive-weathering, resistant pillow basalt. The unit includes interbeds and lenses of mudstone, shale, and siltstone. The basalt locally includes gabbro which may represent its feeder source. TL002 300 Talkeetna Ign 2890 JTrtv KJs Undivided marine sedimentary rocks Early Cretaceous and Jurassic(?) Moderate- to deep-water, intertonguing marine sedimentary rocks consisting chiefly of gray to black phyllite, argillite, graywacke, and siltstone which are in part turbidite deposits; lesser amounts of gray, green, and red chert, conglomerate, grit, and thin beds of limy mudstone and impure limestone. Conglomerate contains clasts of medium- to dark-gray chert, phyllite, and sandstone in a fine-grained sheared graywacke matrix. North of Denali Fault belemnites, Buchia, and occasional Inoceramus of Valanginian to Barremian age) TL002 302 Talkeetna Sed 2852 KJfn Pzsl Shale and limestone Early Paleozoic? Marine sedimentary rocks that typically form a thin- to medium-interbedded sequence of black, sooty, carbonaceous, and calcareous shale, dark-gray calcareous siltstone, medium- to dark-gray limestone, and minor gray quartzite. Shale locally amounts to as much as 70 percent of unit, is generally calcareous and contains thin laminae of dark-gray siltstone. TL002 400 Talkeetna Sed 4033 Trcs Pzsv Quartzite, semischist, and metavolcanic rocks early Paleozoic? or possibly late preCambrian Tan to light-greenish-gray, low-grade (greenschist facies), regionally metamorposed quartzite, quartz semischist, quartz grit, metavolcanic rocks, and minor conglomerate, limestone, phyllite, and quartz-muscovite schist. Isoclinally folded. TL002 401 Talkeetna Meta 9322 PzZaqs Tmt Tonzona pluton Early Tertiary Small composite biotite-muscovite granite pluton TL002 210 Talkeetna Ign 1320 Tpgr TKi Undivided intrusive rocks -- dikes Early Tertiary or Late Cretaceous Intermediate altered porphyry dikes -- most not shown on map as too small TL002 211 Talkeetna Ign 1601 TKd MzPzg Gabbro and quartz diorite Mesozoic and (or) Paleozoic Dark-green, rust-weathering coarse-grained altered gabbro and minor quartz diorite. TL002 600 Talkeetna Ign 5180 MzPzi MzPzu Serpentinite Mesozoic and (or) Paleozoic Orange- to light-brown-weathering, light- to dark-green, fault-bounded body of serpentinite and minor talc schist. TL002 601 Talkeetna Meta 5290 MzZum Tk Kenai Group, undivided Pliocene and Miocene Fluvial sedimentary rocks correlative with estuarine and nonmarine clastic sedimentary Tertiary formations assigned to the Kenai Group. TL002 220 Talkeetna Sed 560 Tk Tps Sterling(?) Formation Pliocene Orange, light-tan, or light-gray, massive-bedded conglomerate, distinguished from conglomerate in the Tyonek Fm by color, relative coarseness, and clast lithology. As much as 770 m thick. TL002 221 Talkeetna Sed 540 Tsf Tts Tyonek(?) Formation -- Sandstone member Miocene Approximately 80 percent sandstone, 20 percent siltstone and claystone, and less than 1 percent conglomerate, coal, and volcanic ash. Occurs in repetitive cycles 7- to 23-m-thick. TL002 230 Talkeetna Sed 600 Tty Ttc Tyonek(?) Formation -- Conglomerate member Miocene At least 40 percent conglomerate, 20 percent sandstone, and less than 40 percent siltstone, claystone, and coal. Conglomerate is light-brown, light-gray, or bluish-gray and poorly indurated. Sandstone is coarse, poorly sorted and pebbly, and very poorly indurated. TL002 231 Talkeetna Sed 600 Tty Tvs Undivided volcanic and sedimentary rocks Tertiary Interbedded tuff, mafic volcanic flows, sandstone, shale, and minor calcareous mudstone. Volcanic rocks are chiefly medium- to coarse-grained greenish-gray crystal lithic lapilli tuff and volcanic rubble flows in units as much as 150 m thick. TL002 240 Talkeetna Ign 1000 Tvu KJs Undivided marine sedimentary rocks Cretaceous and Early Jurassic Medium- to dark-gray, generally isoclinally folded, thick sequence of lithic graywacke, phyllite, and shale with local lenses of quartz-chert conglomerate. Minor fossiliferous limestone, radiolarian chert, and red ferruginous sandstone and siltstone. [Description suggests could include rocks of the Talkeetna Formation, Matanuska Formation, and Nelchina Ls. or Herendeen Fm., along with other units.] South of Denali Fault. Inoceramus, ammonites, brachiopods, and pelecypods TL002 301 Talkeetna Sed 2850 KJf Pzbs Pillow basalt middle or late Paleozoic Chiefly dark-greenish-gray massive pillow basalt and petrographically similar coarse-grained pyroxene gabbro and basaltic dikes and sills. as mapped, includes varying amounts of interstratified agglomerate, flow breccia, aquagene tuff, and thick, chaotic sequences of eugeosynclinal sedimentary rocks. TL002 410 Talkeetna Ign 5450 JTrtv Pzv Volcanic and sedimentary rocks middle or late Paleozoic Dark-greenish-gray massive-weathering mafic volcanic rocks that include pillow basalt, breccia, agglomerate, tuff, and massive basalt flows. Volcanic rocks commonly contain interbeds of black phyllite, chert-pebble conglomerate, light-green tuff, and graywacke. TL002 411 Talkeetna Ign 5410 Pzvs Pad Conglomerate of Mount Dall Middle Pennsylvanian Dark-brown to yellowish-brown-weathering sequence of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale mainly of continental origin that forms a broad, open, east-plunging syncline. Unit is chiefly massive lenticular beds of conglomerate and sandstone with numerous cut and fill channels. Limestone clasts in conglomerate contain Middle Devonian(?) fossils. Shale and sandstone beds locally contain abundant plant fossils of Middle Pennsylvanian age. TL002 420 Talkeetna Sed 6010 PDsc Pzus Undivided sedimentary rocks Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and (or) Devonian A depositionally and structurally complex terrane of chiefly marine flysoid sedimentary rocks which include: 1) trench assemblages characterized by terriginous turbidites, cherty pelagites, and basaltic pillow lavas; 2) slope and shelf assemblages that include chert, shale, reefoid limestone, and, locally, terrestrial conglomerate and redbeds, and 3) a thick locally terrestrial conglomerate and sandstone assemblage. Fossils of varying late Paleozoic ages TL002 421 Talkeetna Sed 5370 JCmd Dl Limestone Middle and Late Devonian Thin-bedded gray micrites grading upward into fossiliferous, massive to reefoid, biostromal beds of colonial rugose corals and massive stromatoporoids. Conodonts of Late Devonian; abundant coral and shelly faunas of late Middle and early Late Devonian; locally late Early or Middle Devonian TL002 500 Talkeetna Sed 6615 DSmdl Pzp Phyllite Paleozoic Dark-gray phyllite, phyllitic shale, and argillaceous siltstone. TL002 430 Talkeetna Meta 5370 JCmd Sl Limestone Silurian Light-gray to light-brown massive-weathering marbleized limestone and local areas of thin-bedded to laminated limestone. Graptolites, dasycladacean algae, corals TL002 700 Talkeetna Sed 6615 DSmdl Oc Chert and shale Early to Middle Ordovician Chaotically folded allochthonous sequence of interbedded graptolitic shale and chert and minor sandstone and siltstone. Graptolites TL002 800 Talkeetna Sed 7580 SCpl Pzd Sedimentary rocks of Dillinger River (limey) Paleozoic Thick sequence of sedimentary rocks consisting of an undetermined thickness of interbedded lime mudstone and shale, more than 900 m of apparently unfossiliferous deep-water, well-bedded lime mudstone (micrites), and at least 900 m of interbeeded sandstone, shale, and limestone. Cardiolacea of late Wenlockian (Silurian) age, conodonts of Silurian age. TL002 431 Talkeetna Sed 5310 DCd Tf Foraker pluton Eocene Medium-grained, equigranular biotite and hornblende granodiorite. K-Ar? of 38 MA TL002 241 Talkeetna Ign 1292 Toem Tm McKinley Sequence -- McKinley pluton Early Tertiary Medium- to coarse-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite granite. TL002 250 Talkeetna Ign 1320 Tpgr Tmc McKinley Sequence -- Cathedral pluton Early Tertiary Medium- to coarse-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite and biotite-muscovite granite and minor phases of biotite-hornblende granodiorite. TL002 251 Talkeetna Ign 1320 Tpgr Tmk McKinley Sequence -- Kahiltna pluton Early Tertiary Two bodies, southwest is fine- to coarse-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite and biotite-muscovite granite and granodiorite. Northeast body is medium- to coarse-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite-muscovite granite. TL002 260 Talkeetna Ign 1320 Tpgr Tmr McKinley Sequence -- Ruth pluton Early Tertiary Three bodies, Chulitna body is medium- to coarse-grained, weakly foliated, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite granite. South body is coarse-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite granite and granodiorite. North body is medium- to coarse-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite and biotite-muscovite granite. TL002 261 Talkeetna Ign 1320 Tpgr Te Granodiorite of Mount Estelle Early Tertiary Medium-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite-hornblende granodiorite. Tourmaline is a characteristic accessory mineral. K-Ar ages on hornblende of 65 and 66 Ma TL002 270 Talkeetna Ign 1350 Thgd Tcp Composite plutons Early Tertiary Average composition is quartz monzonite but ranges from peridotite to granite. K-Ar ages range from 64.6 and 67.4 Ma TL002 271 Talkeetna Ign 1320 Tpgr TKi Unidivided intrusive rocks Late Cretaceous or Tertiary Probably range in composition from granite to tonalite TL002 211 Talkeetna Ign 1650 TKi MzPzi Unidivided intrusive rocks Mesozoic or Paleozoic Dark-gray to greenish-gray dikes and sills ranging in composition from basalt to granodiorite. TL002 610 Talkeetna Ign 5160 MzPzi MzPzd Undivided dunite and serpentinite Mesozoic or Paleozoic Alpine-type ultramafic rocks and minor talc schist. Chromite-bearing dunite in sills. TL002 611 Talkeetna Ign 5190 MzZum JTrsv Chulitna sequence -- Sedimentary and volcanic rocks Jurassic to late Triassic Massive cliff-forming outcrops of argillite, radiolarian chert, siltstone, minor pillow basalt, and impure micritic limestone. TL002 900 Talkeetna Sed 3850 JTrct JTrvs Chulitna sequence -- Volcanic and sedimentary rocks Early Jurassic to late Paleozoic Distinctive light-green to maroon volcaniclastic rocks that range from tuffaceous shale to a quartz-pebble conglomerate having a tuffaceous matrix. Commonly contain interbeds of massive micritic and bioclastic limestone, minor chert, argillite, rust-weathering siltstone and sandstone, and basaltic tuff. Thecosmilia, Heterastridium, and Septocardia(?) of Late Triassic (Norian) age TL002 281 Talkeetna Ign 4235 JTrct Trlb Chulitna sequence -- Limestone and basalt Early Jurassic to late Paleozoic Limestone and basalt which grades southwestward into interbedded gray limestone, dark-green pillow basalt, massive and locally semischistose basaltic tuff, calcareous sandstone, and minor black chert and silty limestone. Monotis subcircularis, Heterastridium, and Cassianella of Late Triassic (Norian) age TL002 290 Talkeetna Sed 4021 Trlb Qa Alluvial deposits Holocene Chiefly unconsolidated sand and gravel. Flood-plains, fans, and cones. Oldest deposits may be outwash. MH002 100 Mount Hayes Unconsol 100 Qs Qfl Fluviolacustrine deposits Holocene Chiefly consisting of sand, silt, and clay. Lake, pond, and low-gradient streem deposits. MH002 112 Mount Hayes Unconsol 100 Qs Qc Colluvial deposits Holocene Chiefly rubble, gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Talus and other slope debris deposits, also includes alluvium of minor streams, and locally glacial, rock glacier, and mass-wasting deposits. May include older glacial drift and locally grades into glacial deposits. MH002 107 Mount Hayes Unconsol 100 Qs Qam End and lateral moraines of Alaskan glaciation Holocene Chiefly rubble and diamicton MH002 130 Mount Hayes Unconsol 100 Qs Qwm End and lateral moraines of Wisconsin glaciation Holocene and Pleistocene Poorly sorted and unstratified till of unconsolidated sand and gravel. Chiefly rubble and diamicton, local sand and gravel. MH002 135 Mount Hayes Unconsol 100 Qs Qwf Glaciofluvial deposits of Wisconsin glaciation Holocene and Pleistocene Moderately well-stratified layers and lenses of well-rounded gravel with a matrix of silt and sand. Poorly to moderately well sorted with lenses of well-sorted sand locally. MH002 140 Mount Hayes Unconsol 100 Qs Qog Drift of older glaciations Pleistocene Glacial deposits of subdued geomorphic expression, probably of early Wisconsin or Illinoian age occurring beyond limit of Wisconsin moraines. At higher elevations, chiefly unconsolidated diamicton and boulder deposits. At lower elevations, consist chiefly of unconsolidated glaciofluvial deposits of moderately well stratified and sorted gravel and sand. MH002 190 Mount Hayes Unconsol 100 Qs Tn Nenana Gravel Pliocene Consists chiefly of poorly cemented conglomerate but includes some sandstone and siltstone. Clast composition in the MH D-6 quadrangle is (in decreasing order of abundance) schist, quartzite, granitic rocks, gabbro, and metagabbro. Top of unit is eroded. Unconformably overlies MH units grgm and jcs and locally unit Ts. Overlies unit Tsju. Uncomformably overlain by Pleistocene glacial deposits. MH002 570 Mount Hayes Sed 570 Tn Ts Sandstone Pliocene, Miocene, and Oligocene Chiefly brown sandstone and graywacke but includes some interbedded conglomerate and dark argillite. Generally fault bounded. Sandstone is fine- to medium-grained, poorly sorted, and contains angular grains. Composition varies from quartz grains in a clay-rich matrix to quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyroxene, hornblnde, and biotite in a clay-rich matrix. Conglomerate clasts chiefly granitic rocks and schist. Plants of Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene age MH002 500 Mount Hayes Sed 500 Tsu Tsj Sedimentary rocks of Jarvis Creek coal field -- undivided Early Tertiary Chiefly sandstone, mudstone, conglomerate, and coal. (Unit of Wahraftig and Hickcox, 1955.) Teriary plant fossils MH002 910 Mount Hayes Sed 910 Tjc Tsju Sedimentary rocks of Jarvis Creek coal field -- Upper member Early Tertiary Chiefly dark-gray mudstone and sandstone containing scattered coal beds. Maximum estimated thickness is 300 m. Teriary plant fossils MH002 911 Mount Hayes Sed 910 Tjc Tsjm Sedimentary rocks of Jarvis Creek coal field -- Middle member Early Tertiary Chiefly buff arkosic sandstone containing claystone and scattered coal beds and a prominent coal and shale zone at base. Maximum estimated thickness is 300 m. Teriary plant fossils MH002 912 Mount Hayes Sed 910 Tjc Tsjl Sedimentary rocks of Jarvis Creek coal field -- Lower member Early Tertiary Chiefly angular quartz sandstone and conglomerate; some claystone and coal. Maximum estimated thickness is 150 m. Teriary plant fossils MH002 913 Mount Hayes Sed 910 Tjc la Lamprophyre, alkali gabbro, and alkalic diorite Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Undifferentiated dikes, sills, and small plutons. Predominantly fine- to medium-grained, panidiomorphic granular to porphyritic texture. Two clusters of K-Ar ages in the east-central part of quad. 62.9 to 69.2 Ma in the Robertson River area and 69.3 to 107.6 Ma in the Tok River area MH002 1690 Mount Hayes Ign 1690 TKl md Monzonite and diorite Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Monzonite and diorite, includes lesser quartz monzonite and quartz diorite. Undifferentiated dikes, sills, and small plutons. Fine- to medium-grained, hypautomorphic granular and locally porphyritic MH002 1661 Mount Hayes Ign 1660 TKm grn1 Granitic unit 1 Early Tertiary and (or) Late Cretaceous Granite dikes, stocks, and small plutons. Locally schistose. Fine- to coarse-grained, hypautomorphic granular and locally porphyritc. MH002 1655 Mount Hayes Ign 1655 TKg grn2 Granitic unit 2 Early Tertiary and (or) Late Cretaceous Granodiorite dikes, stocks, and small plutons. Locally schistose. Fine- to coarse-grained, hypautomorphic granular and locally porphyritc. MH002 1660 Mount Hayes Ign 1660 TKm grn3 Granitic unit 3 Early Tertiary and (or) Late Cretaceous Quartz diorite and diorite dikes, stocks, and small plutons. Locally schistose. Fine- to coarse-grained, hypautomorphic granular and locally porphyritc. MH002 1665 Mount Hayes Ign 1665 TKqd grgr Granite of Gerstle River Early Tertiary Chiefly biotite granite, include minor quartz diorite. Fine- to medium-grained, hypautomorphic granular and locally porphyritc. K-Ar ages of 53.4 and 54.3 Ma MH002 1332 Mount Hayes Ign 1320 Tpgr grbc Granite of Buchanan Creek Early Tertiary or Late Cretaceous Chiefly biotite-hornblende granite, with lesser granodiorite and quartz diorite. Fine- to medium-grained, hypautomorphic granular and locally porphyritc. MH002 1656 Mount Hayes Ign 1655 TKg grmh Granite of Mount Hayes Early Tertiary or Late Cretaceous Chiefly biotite granite, with fine- to medium-grained, hypautomorphic granular texture. MH002 1657 Mount Hayes Ign 1655 TKg grmr Granodiorite of Molybdenum Ridge Late Cretaceous Chiefly biotite-hornblende granodiorite, with lesser granite and quartz diorite. Medium-grained, hypautomorphic granular texture, locally porphyritic. K-Ar biotite and hornblende dates and U-Pb zircon ages ranging from 84 to 93 Ma MH002 2480 Mount Hayes Ign 2480 Kg grgm Granite of Granite Mountain Late Cretaceous Chiefly biotite-hornblende granite, includes minor quartz diorite. Fine- to medium-grained, hypautomorphic granular texture. U-Pb zircon age of 90 Ma MH002 2461 Mount Hayes Ign 2475 Kg grma Granite of Macomb Plateau Late Cretaceous Chiefly hornblende granite, biotite granite, hornblende-biotite granite, hornblende granodiorite, and minor quartz diorite. Very fine- to medium-grained, hypautomorphic granular texture, locally porphyritic. Pb-alpha ages of 90 and 110 Ma (Highly suspect) MH002 2462 Mount Hayes Ign 2475 Kg grrc Granite of Rumble Creek Late Cretaceous Chiefly biotite-hornblende granite and granodiorite. Fine- to medium-grained, hypautomorphic granular texture, locally porphyritic. K-AR hornblende age of 89 Ma MH002 2463 Mount Hayes Ign 2475 Kg mgb Gabbro, diorite, metagabbro, metadiorite, metadiabase, and amphibolite Cretaceous Chiefly hornblende metagabbro, metadiabase, and minor amphibolite. Undifferentiated dikes, sills, and small plutons. Metagabbro and metadiabase generally fine- to medium-grained with hypautomorphic granular to diabasic texture, locally porphyritic. Amphibolite is fine- to medium-grained with granoblastic to porphyroblastic texture, containing hornblende porphyroblasts up to 2 mm in size. Correlative with unit gbm. MH002 2670 Mount Hayes Meta 2670 Kmum gbm Gabbro of Mount Moffit Cretaceous? Gabbro of fine- to medium-grained with hypautomorphic granular to diabasic texture. Correlative with unit mgb. MH002 2440 Mount Hayes Ign 2440 Kmum lga Augen gneiss and schist Mississippian (intrusion age) Chiefly medium-grained, mylonitic gneiss. Intensely deformed, exhibiting a strong schistosity showing gentle north or south dips. Contains diagnostic amphibolite facies minerals and shows retrogression to greenschist facies. Intrusion from U-Pb zircon age of 333 to 345 Ma from Big Delta quadrangle to north and metamorphism from Rb-Sr ages on multiple phases of 110 Ma MH002 6520 Mount Hayes Meta 6521 MDyao lgr Medium-grained gneissose granitic rocks Devonian (intrusion age) Chiefly metagranite but includes some metamorphosed quartz diorite and meta granodiorite. Relict hypautomorphic granular texture. Intensely deformed, exhibiting a strong schistosity. Contains diagnostic amphibolite facies minerals and locally shows retrogression to greenschist facies. Intrusion from U-Pb zircon age of 360 Ma and metamorphism from Rb-Sr isochron at 110 Ma MH002 7252 Mount Hayes Meta 7250 MDyao lgs Pelitic schist and quartzite Devonian and older Chiefly fine- to medium-grained, poly-deformed, mylonitic pelitic schist and minor quartzite and calc-schist. Unit intensely deformed, exhibiting a strong schistosity that dips gently north or south. Metamorphised to middle to upper amphibolite facies and locally retrograded to lower greenschist facies. U-Pb zircon age from qtz-bio-feld schist in Big Delta quadrangle to north was 365 Ma. MH002 7403 Mount Hayes Meta 8630 PzZysa mg Medium-grained granitic gneiss Devonian (intrusion age) Chiefly fine- to medium-grained mylonitic gneiss derived from granite, granodiorite, and quartz diorite. Includes minor augen gneiss. Texture varies from protomylonitic to mylonitic schist. Intensely deformed exhibiting strong schistosity. Schistosity and parallel composition layering dip moderately southwest and strike northwest. Metamorphosed to epidote amphibolite facies, locally to amphibolite facies. U-Pb zircon ages about 372 Ma indicate intrusion, Rb-Sr mineral isochron indicates metamorphism at 102 Ma MH002 7250 Mount Hayes Meta 7250 MDyao ms Metamorphosed pelitic, calcareous, and quartz-feldspar sedimentary rocks Devonian or older Chiefly fine-grained, mylonitic, metasedimentary schists. Quartz-mica schist and lesser calc-schist. Intensely deformed exhibiting strong schistosity. Schistosity and parallel composition layering dip moderately southwest and strike northwest. Metamorphosed to epidote amphibolite facies, locally to amphibolite facies. MH002 7400 Mount Hayes Meta 9322 PzZaqs jcg Fine- to medium-grained gneissose granitic rocks Devonian (intrusion) Chiefly schistose metagranodiorite, and augen gneiss. Intensely deformed exhibiting strong schistosity. Intrusion age from U-Pb zircon determination of 372 Ma MH002 7251 Mount Hayes Meta 7250 MDyao jcv Fine-grained schistose metavolcanic rocks and metasedimentary rocks Devonian (eruption) Chiefly fine-grained, mylonitic, metavolcanic rocks interlayered with lesser metasedimentary rocks. Metavolcanic rocks consist chiefly of metamorphosed quartz keratophyre, dacite, and andesite and lesser metarhyodacite and metabasalt derived from fine-grained tuffs and flows. Metasedimentary rocks chiefly quartz-mica schist and some calc-schist, marble, skarn, and quartzite. Protoliths thought to be pelite, quartz sandstone, siltstone, marl and limestone. Metamorphism ranges from lower greenschist to lower amphibolite facies. Intensely deformed exhibiting strong schistosity which dips gently to moderately north or south. U-Pb zircon age determinations on metavolcanic rocks yielded ages of 364, 372, and about 375 Ma MH002 7241 Mount Hayes Meta 7320 Pzsc jcs Fine-grained metasedimentary rocks Devonian and older Chiefly fine-grained, mylonitic, metasedimentary rocks. Rocks consist of 65 percent quartz-mica schist, 15 percent quartzite, and 5 percent each of chlorite-wihite mica schist, quartz-biotite schist, calc-schist, and marble. Metamorphism ranges from lower greenschist to lower amphibolite facies. Intensely deformed exhibiting strong schistosity which dips gently to moderately north or south. K-Ar ages on white mica range from 106 to 118 Ma, thought to be metamorphic age rather than cooling age (?) MH002 7401 Mount Hayes Meta 9322 PzZaqs hgv Fine-grained schistose volcanic rocks and phyllite Devonian (extrusion) Chiefly fine-grained, metavolcanic and metasedimentary phyllonites and blastomylonites. Metavolcanic rocks chiefly metamorphosed quartz keratophyre and andesite and sparse dacite and basalt. Metasedimentary rocks chiefly quartz-mica phyllonite, quartzite, quart-calc phyllonite, and marble. Protoliths thought to be siltstone, sandstone, graywacke, marl and limestone. Unit intensely recrystallized and ductily deformed. Metamorphosed at lower to middle greenschist facies. U-Pb zircon yield ages of 375 Ma MH002 7240 Mount Hayes Meta 7240 Dyv hgs Fine-grained schistose sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks Devonian and older Chiefly fine-grained, pale-yellow, pale-green, and graphitic black metasedimentary phyllonite and blastomylonite with minor metavolcanic blastomylonite. Predominant lithologies are quartz-mica phyllonite, quartz-calc phyllonite, quartzite, marble, and metavolcanic blastomylonite. Protoliths thought to be siltstone, shale, marl, limestone, quartz-rich volcanic rocks, and volcanic graywacke. Intense recrystallization and ductile deformation, exhibits strong schistosity. Metamorphosed to lower to middle greenschist facies. MH002 7402 Mount Hayes Meta 7402 Dys ag Metamorphosed granitic rocks Late to middle Cretaceous Consists chiefly of metamorphosed stocks, dikes, and sills of diorite and minor quartz diorite, granite, granodiorite, and gabbro. Fine- to medium-grained, having relict hypautomorphic granular texture. Unit moderately deformed and exhibits moderate schistosity that dips steeply to vertically and strikes west-northwest. U-Pb zircon age of 71 Ma. In adjacent Healy quadrangle, Ar-Ar analysis of hornblende yielded 106 Ma. K-Ar ages on biotite range from 18.2 to 27 Ma and hornblende 36.8 Ma MH002 2600 Mount Hayes Sed 2600 Kmi as Metamorphosed sedimentary rocks Triassic to Silurian Chiefly of fine- to medium-grained, mylonitic, calc-schist, marble, quartz-mica schist, and quartzite. Protoliths thought to be marl, limestone, pelite, and sandstone. Unit intensely ductily deformed and schistosity dips steeply to vertically and strikes west-northwest. Exhibits evidence of multiple metamorphism, earlier at upper amphibolite facies and later at middle greenschist facies Conodont fragments of post-Ordivician age MH002 5201 Mount Hayes Meta 5201 Trcs wm Melange Cretaceous, Devonian, and Silurian Structural melage consisting of two assemblages: 1) Cretaceous flysch and volcanic rocks consisting mainly of argillite, and weakly metamorphosed quartz silitstone, quartz sandstone, graywacke, and conglomerate and minor andesite and acite and 2) Small to large fault bounded lenses of Silurian(?) and Devonian limestone and marl. Cretaceous ammonite in unit 1 and Silurian(?) and Devonian mega- and micro-fossils. MH002 2195 Mount Hayes Melange 2195 Kmar Tsc Sandstone and conglomerate Miocene to Eocene Chiefly continental clastic deposits of light-colored, fine-grained, poorly sorted sandstone and having locally interbedded siltstone, pebbly sandstone, pebble to cobble conglomerate, and sparse thin coal layers. In vicinity of "The Hoodoos", contains very sparse rhyodactic ash layers. Conglomerate clasts predominantly andesite porphyry, fine-grained granitic rocks, schist, quartz(?), and locally abundant ultramafic rocks and coal. Plants and pollen of late Eocene to Pliocene age K-Ar ages of hornblende from included ash were 5.5 and 31.1 Ma MH002 510 Mount Hayes Sed 500 Tsu Tc Conglomerate Eocene Chiefly continental clastic deposits of poorly sorted, crudely bedded to massive, polymictic conglomerate and lesser sandstone. Contains clasts of rhyodacite to dacite tuff, the Nikolai Greenstone, argillite, volcanic sandstone, andesitic to dacitic rocks of the Eagle Creek and Slana Spur Formations, quartz Diorite, greenschist, gabbro and ultramafic rocks. Local thin beds of coal occur in sandstone layer. MH002 840 Mount Hayes Sed 500 Tsu Tv Volcanic rocks Eocene Chiefly vitric-lithic-crystal ash-flow tuff, breccia, agglomerate, flows, dikes, and sills, and minor volcanic sandstone, conglomerate, and fossiliferous limestone. ? K-Ar whole-rock age on tuff was 49 Ma MH002 1100 Mount Hayes Ign 1140 Tcv grs1 Granitic unit 1 Cretaceous and Late Jurassic Chiefly granitic and minor monzonite and diorite dikes, stocks, and small plutons. Fine- to medium-grained, hyautomorphic granular texture. Locally metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. MH002 2900 Mount Hayes Ign 2900 KJg grs2 Granitic unit 2 Cretaceous and Late Jurassic Chiefly hornblende-biotite granodiorite and hornblende granodiorite and minor granodiorite and granite dikes, stocks, and small plutons. Includes sparse syenodiorite and quartz diorite. Fine- to medium-grained, hyautomorphic granular texture. Locally metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. MH002 2905 Mount Hayes Ign 2900 KJg grs3 Granitic unit 3 Cretaceous and Late Jurassic Quartz diorite and diorite dikes, stocks, and small plutons. Includes sparse syenodiorite and quartz diorite. Fine- to medium-grained, hyautomorphic granular texture. Locally metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. MH002 2910 Mount Hayes Ign 2900 KJg grsg Granite of Susitna Glacier Early Tertiary Chiefly biotite-white mica granite. Fine- to medium-grained, hyautomorphic granular texture. Three K-Ar hornblende and biotite ages of 35.5 to 36.1 Ma MH002 1276 Mount Hayes Ign 1290 Toegr grcl Granite porphyry of Caribou Lake Early Cretaceous and (or) Late Jurassic? Chiefly biotite granite porphyry. Fine-grained; locally medium-grained. Local hyautomorphic granular texture. Local extensive hydrothermal alteration. MH002 2901 Mount Hayes Ign 2900 KJg grrm Granodiorite of Rainbow Mountain Early Cretaceous and (or) Mississippian Chiefly biotite granite porphyry. Fine-grained; locally medium-grained. Local hyautomorphic granular texture. Local extensive hydrothermal alteration. A possible Late Mississippian age from K-Ar hornblende analysis 326 Ma. MH002 5170 Mount Hayes Ign 5170 MzPzg um Ultramafic and associated rocks Mesozoic? Chiefly variably serpentinized pyroxenite, peridotite, dunite, schistose amphibolite, serpentinite, and hornblende-plagioclase gneiss derived from gabbro. Locally intruded by gabbro dikes, tonalite, and granite. Intensely deformed and fault-bounded. K-Ar ages on hornblende and biotite of 123 and 126 Ma MH002 4890 Mount Hayes Ign 4890 Mzum gg Gneissose granitic rocks Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Chiefly gneissose granodiorite and quartz diorite and minor granite. Fine- to medium-grained, with relict hypautomorphic granular, seriate, and porphyritic textures. Locally grades to migmatite. Unit metamorphosed at middle to upper amphibolite facies. U-Pb zircon and sphene and K-Ar mica and hornblende ages range between 29.2 to 70 Ma. MH002 1720 Mount Hayes Meta 1720 TKgg sa Schist and amphibolite Late Cretaceous or older Chiefly garnet-biotite-plgioclase schist and hornblende amphibolite. Relatively older, more mafic, and more highly metamorphosed variation of gneissose granitic rocks (unit gg) which locally intrude this unit. Intensely regionally metamorphosed and penetratively deformed gabbro, quartz gabbro, diorite, and quartz diorite. Includes local pelitic schist and pelitic gneiss. Fine- to medium-grained. MH002 5205 Mount Hayes Meta 5205 Mzsa mig Migmatite Cretaceous? Transitional rock unit between mimatitic schist (unit mgsh) and gneissos granitic rocks (unit gg). Grades from gneissose granitic rocks, containing fragments of nearly completely assimilated schist and amphibolite, to highly contorted schist and amphibolite with diffuse veins of granodiorite to diorite. MH002 2631 Mount Hayes Meta 2630 Mzsa mgsh Migmatitic schist Cretaceous? Grades from schist and amphibolite (unit sa) containing diffuse granitic dikes concordant to schistosity, to contorted and partly assimilated schist and amphibolite. K-Ar ages range from 31.9 to 65.9 Ma, hornblende ranging from 58.5 to 65.9 Ma and biotite from 31.9 to 56.9 Ma. MH002 2630 Mount Hayes Meta 2630 Mzsa sq Schist, quartzite, and amphibolite Triassic? Unit of relatively older calc-silicate schist, quartzite, and amphibolite. Moderately to intensely deformed with a moderate schistosity. Fine- to medium-grained. Evidence suggests calc-silicate schist and amphibolite developed from marl. Lithologically similar rocks in Healy quadrangle to west contain Pennsylvanian to Triassic conodonts and fragments of late Triassic bivalves. MH002 5207 Mount Hayes Meta 5207 Trcs msh Quartz-mica schist, calc-schist, and amphibolite Late Jurassic or older Chiefly quartz-mica schist, amphibolite, and calc-schist. Protoliths chiefly pelite, sandstone, graywacke, and minor marl, andesite, and gabbro. Intensely deformed, with a strong schistosity. Metamorphosed to amphibolite facies. K-Ar analyses of biotite and muscovite range from 30.6 to 48.0 Ma, Single hornblende yielded age of 69.6 Ma. MH002 5206 Mount Hayes Meta 5206 Mzpca mph Phyllite Late Jurassic or older Chiefly fine-grained white mica-quartz phyllite, and minor quartz-plagioclase-white mica phyllite, clinozoisite-chlorite-quartz phyllite, calcite-chlorite phyllite, and quartz-rich marble and metaandesite. Protoliths chiefly siltstone, metavolcanic siltstone, marl, limestone, and andesite. Intensely deformed, with a strong schistosity. Metamorphosed to upper greenschist facies. MH002 5215 Mount Hayes Meta 5215 Mzpca ma Argillite and metagraywacke Late Jurassic or older Chiefly argillite, metagraywacke, and metaandesite locally. Protoliths of siltstone, calcareous mudstone, and volcanic graywacke. Unit strongly schistose. Metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. MH002 5210 Mount Hayes Meta 5210 Mzpca csv Schistose metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. Late Triassic Chiefly fine-grained quartz-white mica-schist, chlorite-calcite-quartz schist, marble, greenstone, and sparse metadacite. Protoliths of quartz-siltstone, calcareous silty sandstone, limestone, fine-grained basalt, and fine-grained dacite. Unit exhibits a weak schistosity striking northeast to east and dipping moderately to steeply northward. Correlative rocks in southeast Healy quadrangle contain Heterastridium sp. of Late Triassic age. MH002 4410 Mount Hayes Meta 4410 Trnm umm Ultramafic and mafic igneous rocks occurring along Broxson Gulch thrust Cretaceous to Triassic? Chiefly dunite, olivine-clinopyroxene cumulates, serpentinite, metagabbro, and metadiabase. Unit occurs in scattered fault bounded exposures. Local, low-grade metamorphism. K-Ar ages on hornblende in gabbro dikes of 91.9 and 97.7 Ma MH002 4891 Mount Hayes Ign 4891 Mzum JTrm McCarthy Formation Early Jurassic and Late Triassic Chiefly rhythmically, thin- to medium-bedded, calcareous argillite and impure limestone, mainly spiculitic, skeletal, or intraclastic lime packstone. Estimated maximum thickness of a few hundred meters. Monotis M. subcircularia(?) of Late Triassic age MH002 3820 Mount Hayes Sed 3820 JTrmc ga Gabbro, diabase, and metagabbro Late Triassic? Chiefly hornblende gabbro, clinopyroxene gabbro, and hornblende-clinopyroxene gabbro and sparse quartz gabbro and hornblende quartz diorite. Dark-gray, fine- to medium-grained, and mainly relict hypautomorphic granular texture, but locally porphyritic, ophitic to subophitic, and diabasic. Locally intensely metamorphosed and weakly schistose. In some areas, may be late Paleozoic in age and part of the Slana Spur Formation and Tetelna Volcanics. MH002 4320 Mount Hayes Ign 4320 Trgb cu Cumulate mafic and ultramafic rocks Late Triassic? Chiefly consists of 1) fault-bounded lenses of olivine-cumulate and olivine-pyroxene cumulate in Slana River subterrane, and 2) large sills of olivine cumulate, olivine-pyroxene cumulate, and pyroxene-plagioclase cumulate in Tangle subterrane. Include Fish Lake Complex of Stout (1976). Locally intensely metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies exhibiting granoblastic texture. MH002 4321 Mount Hayes Ign 4321 Trgb KJs Marine metasedimentary rocks Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic Principally deep-marine turbidite deposits consisting of graded beds of metamorphosed dark-gray to gray argillite, siltstone, and graywacke, pebbly graywacke, pebble to cobble conglomerate, and sparse andesite. Graded beds well-developed locally; consist of rhythmically alternating units that range from 1 cm to more than 30 cm in thickness. Unit locally intensely faulted and isoclinally folded. Local weak to moderately developed schistosity. Metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. Late Jurassic megafossils, locally abundant Buchia in Nabesna quadrangle. MH002 2970 Mount Hayes Meta 2970 KJfm Trl Limestone Late Triassic Chiefly dark- to light-gray micrite, dismicrite, or microsparite. Conformably overlies Nikolai Greenstone (unit Trn). Fine- to medium-grained, medium- to massive-bedded containing lenses and nodules of gray and black chert and irregular patchworks of disseminated fine-grained quartz. Generally metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. Locally contains moderately abundant Late Triassic mega- and microfossils. MH002 4030 Mount Hayes Sed 4030 JTrlm Trn Nikolai Greenstone Late Triassic Chiefly massive dark-gray-green, dark-gray-brown, reddish-brown, and maroon-gray subaerial, amygdaloidal basalt flows, separated locally by thin beds of reddish-brown nonmarine volcaniclastic rocks. Unit pervasively metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. Disconformably overlies Eagle Creek Formation (unit Pe), overlain by Upper Triassic limestone (unit Trl). In southeastern Mount Hayes quadrangle, unit locally composed of Middle Triassic shale, limestone, and chert. MH002 4420 Mount Hayes Meta 4420 Trn Pe Eagle Creek Formation Early Permian Chiefly conformable sequence of alternating marine argillite and limestone. Divided into either an upper argillite and lower limestone unit in south central part of Mount Hayes quadrangle or two limestone and two argillite units in the eastern part of the quadrangle. Unit metamorphosed mainly to greenschist facies Abundant mega- and microfossils, mainly brachiopods, corals, and foraminifers, indicated an Early Permian age MH002 5950 Mount Hayes Meta 5950 Pe Pi Shallow-level intrusive stocks, dikes, sills, and small plutons. Early Permian? Sparse to locally abundant andesite, and lesser dacite and rhyolite, stocks, sills, and dikes that intrude Slana Spur Formation and Tetelna Volcanics. Granoblastic overprint metamorphic texture with local weak schistosity. Metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. Local intense hydrothermal alteration. MH002 5860 Mount Hayes Ign 5860 Pmi PaPs Slana Spur Formation Early Permian to Middle Pennsylvanian Chiefly a thick sequence of marine calcareous and noncalcareous volcaniclastic rocks and lesser limestone, tuff, and volcanic breccia. Disconformably overlies Tetelna Volcanics. Correlative with volcaniclastic member of Station Creek Formation of Skolai Group. Lower greenschist facies metamorphism. Megafossils and microfossils, mainly brachiopods, corals, and foraminifers, range from Middle Pennsylvanian through Early Permian. K-Ar age on hornblende from a weakly metamorphosed mafic nodule was 94.4 Ma, possible age of low-grade regional metamorphism of Wrangellia terrane. MH002 5620 Mount Hayes Meta 5620 Pat PaPsu Slana Spur Formation -- Calcareous volcaniclastic rocks member Early Permian to Middle Pennsylvanian Predominantly gray-green, clastic, locally fossiliferous limestone and marble, and gray-green coarse-grained calcareous volcanic sandstone. Includes minor volcanic conglomerate, light-gray-green lailli tuff, and andesite. Metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. MH002 5621 Mount Hayes Meta 5621 Pat PaPsl Slana Spur Formation -- Volcaniclastic rocks member Early Permian to Middle Pennsylvanian Dark-gray, dark-green, and maroon volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. Chiefly volcanic flows interbedded with lapilli tuff, volcanic breccia, graywacke, argillite, and limestone to marble. Local massive to bedded conglomerate, graywacke, and siltstone. Metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. MH002 5631 Mount Hayes Meta 5630 PPasc Pat Tetelna Volcanics Pennsylvanian Chiefly dark-green, dark-gray-green, and purplish-gray-green volcanic flows, mud and debris avalanches, locally graded, and lapilli-pumice tuff interbedded with fine- to coarse-grained volcaniclastic rocks. Flows mainly andesite, unit metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. Correlative with volcanic flows member of the Station Creek Formation of the Skolai Group. MH002 6120 Mount Hayes Meta 6220 Pat Pag Granitic plutons south of Denali fault Pennsylvanian Chiefly granite. Generally medium-grained hypautomorphic granular texture, locally porphyritic. U-Pb zircon age of 309 Ma, interpreted as intrusive age. K-Ar hornblende age of 326 Ma of granodiorite at Rainbow Mountain, older than wall rocks at locality. MH002 6110 Mount Hayes Ign 6110 PPagi Trl Limestone Late Triassic Fine- to medium-grained, medium- to massive-bedded limestone. Generally calcite clasts in a very fine-grained matrix of calcite and quartz. Moderately to highly recrystallized, locally weakly schistose. Late Triassic cephalopods and pelecypods. MH002 4030 Mount Hayes Sed 4030 JTrlm Trnf Nikolai Greenstone -- Subaerial basalt flows member Late Triassic Chiefly dark gray-green, gray, purple, black, or brown, massive amygdaloidal basalt flows. Fine- to medium-grained. Includes sparse basaltic breccia and basaltic aquagene tuff and sparse limestone, siltstone, shale, and chert occur in south-central part of Mount Hayes quadrangle. Unit metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies MH002 4421 Mount Hayes Meta 4421 Trn Trnp Nikolai Greenstone -- Pillow basalt flows member Late Triassic Chiefly interlayered dark gray-green pillow basalt flows and minor basaltic flow breccia, aquagene and epiclastic tuff, breccia, argillite, and radiolarian chert. Unit metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. Middle or Late Triassic Daonella or Halobia in one locality. MH002 4422 Mount Hayes Meta 4422 Trn Pzt Aquagene tuff, argillite, limestone, chert, andesite tuff, and greenstone Late Paleozoic Chiefly andesite flows, mud and debris avalanche deposits, and tuff interbedded with fine- to coarse grained volcaniclastic rocks. Contains lesser interlayered basaltic aquagene tuff, gray-green andesite tuf, gray-green basalt, dark-gray siliceous argillite, light-gray to white calcite, limestone, and marble, and red and black chert. Unit generally granoblasitc, locally weaklly schistose; metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. Fragements of Late Paleozoic bryozoans. Correlative unit in Talkeetna Mountains D-2 quadrangle contains Early to Late Permian conodonts. MH002 5630 Mount Hayes Meta 6120 Pat mha Metamorphosed hornblende andesite Late Paleozoic? Porphyritic hornblende andesite metamorphosed mainly to lower greenschist facies. Metamorphic grade increases to lower amphibolite facies adjacent to metamorphosed granitic and gabbroic plutons; later retrogressed to lower greenschist facies. Schistosity strikes east-west and dips steeply to vertically, parallel to Paxson Lake fault. MH002 5550 Mount Hayes Meta 5550 PPast Q Undifferentiated surficial deposits Quaternary The deposits include alluvium, colluvium, talus, landslides, rock glaciers, eolian and paludal deposits, and a variety of lacustrine, morainal, and ice contact. VA002 100 Valdez Unconsol 100 Qs Tif felsic to intermediate hypabyssal intrusive rocks Tertiary Dikes, sills, and small stocks, compositionally diverse, dacite predominates but rocks range from rhyodacite to quartz latite and andesite. K-Ar age of 47 and 52 Ma reported as well as numerous 40 to 50 Ma ages and some as young as Pliocene. VA002 Valdez Ign 1007 Thf QTw Wrangell Lava Quaternary and Tertiary? At least 2,000 m of flows, tephra, and minor sedimentary rocks in northeastern Valdez quadrangle. Consists of mainly pyroxene andesite but ranges from basalt to dacite. Dates as old as 2.7 to 10 Ma in adjacent Nabesna quadrangle, thought to be largely Quaternary in Valdez quadrangle. VA002 455 Valdez Ign 455 QTw Kb Berg Creek Formation Early Cretaceous Marine clastic rocks consisting of calcareous conglomerate, conglomeratic sandstone and siltstone, and calcarenite. Basal strata generally are pebble, cobble, and boulder conglomerate consisting of clasts derived from nearby bedrock. Inoceramus VA002 2110 Valdez Sed 2110 Kbc Js Unnamed Jurassic marine sedimentary rocks Middle Jurassic (Callovian)? Marine clastic rocks consisting mostly of sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone, which contain many interbeds of pebble- and cobble-conglomerate. Greenish-gray sandstone predominates in lower part of the sequence, in many places it is calcareous and cross-stratified. Highest rocks in the sequence include rusty-gray weathering limey siltstone interbeds and concretions. Rock strata in upper part are tightly folded into southeast-striking chevrons and isoclines Unnamed Callovian fossils VA002 3120 Valdez Sed 3120 Juc Jk Kotsina Conglomerate Middle or Late Jurassic? Well-indurated massive to very thick-bedded cobble- and pebble-conglomerate, with some bouldery strata. Olive-gray lithic and feldspathic sandstone, siltstone, and carbonaceous shale are interbedded in many places and increase in proportion west of Long Glacier. Plant scraps K-Ar age on biotite from a clast of 161 Ma and on hornblende from cross-cutting dike of 145 Ma VA002 3110 Valdez Sed 3110 Jkt JTrm McCarthy Formation -- lower member Early Jurassic? and Late Triassic (Norian) Marine limestone, shale, and chert. Lower member consists of interbedded finely-laminated, dark-gray, impure limestone, subordinate fissile shale, and minor chert. Monotis and both calcareous and silicieous microfossils. Minimum age from intruding granodiorite of 144 Ma VA002 3821 Valdez Sed 3821 JTrmc Trl Chitistone and Nizina Limestones Late Triassic (Karnian and Norian) Light- to medium-gray limestone of diverse textural varieties and include minor dolomite lower in the sequence and nodules and lenses of dark-gray chert high in the sequence. Lower thicker-bedded sequence is Chitistone Limestone, upper, thinner-bedded sequence is Nizina Limestone. VA002 4030 Valdez Sed 4030 JTrlm Trn Nikolai Greenstone Middle and (or) Late Triassic Weakly metamorphosed, lightly altered tholeiitic basalt that is characteristically amygdaloidal and poorly bedded. Metamorphosed to prehnite-pumpellyite facies K-Ar whole-rock isochron of 112 +/- 11 Ma thought to indicate collosion of Wrangellia with North America VA002 4420 Valdez Ign 4420 Trn Pzs Skolai Group -- greenstone unit Late Paleozoic, Middle Pennsylvanian to Early Permian Diverse Upper Paleozoic volcanic, volcaniclastic, and marine sedimentary rocks. Unit consists largely of two lithologies, map unit Pzs is dark, greenish-gray poorly bedded greenstone, characterized by prehnite-pumpellyite mineral assemblages, locally retaining relict pillows and map unit Pzm is subordinate light- or medium-gray and buff calcareous rocks, mostly recrystallized to marble but containing scanty fragments of fossils, interbedded with minor dark-gray calcareous siltstone and shale. VA002 5631 Valdez Meta 6220 Pat Pzm Skolai Group -- marble unit Late Paleozoic, Middle Pennsylvanian to Early Permian Subordinate light- or medium-gray and buff calcareous rocks, mostly recrystallized to marble but containing scanty fragments of fossils, interbedded with dark-gray calcareous siltstone and shale. Change unit designator to ma, per Winkler (1998) Scanty fragments of bryozoans, crinoids, corals, and brachiopods. VA002 5620 Valdez Meta 5955 Pzskm Psm Strelna Metamorphic Complex Mesozoic or Paleozoic A diverse and intimately mixed group of low- to medium-grade greenschist and amphibolite which also includes abundant pelitic and psammitic schist, metachert, and gneiss having pronouced mortar structure. Contains no marble but does contain extensive massive to gneissose mafic to intermediate (meta?) plutonic rocks. Rocks are tightly folded on all scales and pervasively faulted; they are strongly foliated and partially mylonitic and are cut by post-metamorphic Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous plutons. Has been thought to metamorphosed equivalent of the Strelna Formation or the Skolai Group, however it lacks any meta-limestone as would be expected for the Skolai Group. Unit is also similar to Triassic and Jurassic diorite complex of the Nabesna quadrangle. K-Ar age on hornblende from metagabbro of 152 +/- 6 Ma; thought to be reset. VA002 5209 Valdez Meta 5920 PPast Tg Granite and granodiorite Tertiary? (Eocene?) Two small discordant stocks of biotite-hornblende granite and granodiorite. Unfoliated, fine- to medium-grained hypiomorphic granular rocks. Equal proportions granite and granodiorite. VA002 1305 Valdez Ign 1300 Tgr Jc Chitina Valley batholith Late Jurassic Weakly to strongly foliated compositionally diverse plutonic rocks. Dominant lithology is fine-to medium-grained hypiomorphic granular quartz monzodiorite, but quartz diorite, tonalite, and granodiorite are nearly as abundant. K-Ar hornblende ages range from 147 +/- 7 to 157 +/- 8 Ma, biotite ages are 134 and 144 +/- 7 Ma; one mineral pair is slightly discordant. VA002 3403 Valdez Ign 3403 Jqd Pzg Gabbro and leucogabbro Late Paleozoic, Permian to Pennsylvanian Gabbroic rocks rocks consisting of sills, dikes, and discordant plutons. Medium- to coarse-grained, massive to foliated, altered gabbro, leucogabbro, and minor diorite. Coextensive with layered gabbro in the McCarthy quadrangle. K-Ar age on actinolitic amphibole of 246 +/- 12 Ma, thought to be minimum age, may be partially reset by intrusion of nearby Late Jurassic hornblende granodiorite pluton. VA002 5460 Valdez Ign 5460 Pagb Klc Schist of Liberty Creek mid-Cretaceous? or Jurassic?? Well-foliated, multiply-deformed greenschist and transitional blueschist facies mafic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks. Schistocity is well-developed although primary sedimentary or volcaniclastic features are retained locally. There are no marker strata and units do not persist laterally. VA002 3610 Valdez Meta 3610 Jsch Kbc Bernard Creek terrane, deleted, now McHugh Complex mid-Cretaceous? Mylonitic greenschist. Relict bedding and volcaniclastic textures are retained locally. Elsewhere unit is nearly massive, but cataclasis and neomineralization generally are so pervasive that they obliterate any primary features. VA002 2190 Valdez Meta 2190 Kmk Kfc Fox Creek terrane Unit deleted on new VA map mid-Cretaceous? Intercalcated lower greenschist and transistional blueschist facies metasedimentary and mafic metavolcanic rocks. Over broad areas the rocks have a cataclastic fabric, locally relict primary sedimentary and volcaniclastic textures are retained. Unit is distinguished from Bernard Creek terrane (unit Kbc) by the dominance of dark, very-fine-grained metapelitic rocks; where green metavolcanic rocks are present in the Fox Creek terrane they indistinguishable from greenschist of the Bernard Creek terrane. VA002 2700 Valdez Meta 2700 Kvs Khc Haley Creek terrane mid-Cretaceous? Metamorphosed complexly deformed and tectonically mixed plutonic and sedimentary rocks. Metaplutonic rocks are most abundant in southern part of the terrane and are compositionally diverse and weakly to strongly foliated. Although diorite and granodiorite are most abundant lithologies, compositions range from trondjhemite to hornblende gabbro and hornblendite. Amphibolite is is widespread within the metaplutonic rocks. Metasedimentary rocks are dominant in northern part of terrane where marble, metapelite, metapsammite are structurally mixed with subordinate metaplutonic rocks. VA002 2601 Valdez Meta 2600 Kmi Kag Haley Creek terrane -- metaplutonic rocks mid-Cretaceous? Metamorphosed complexly deformed and tectonically mixed plutonic and sedimentary rocks. Metaplutonic rocks are most abundant in southern part of the terrane and are compositionally diverse and weakly to strongly foliated. Although diorite and granodiorite are most abundant lithologies, compositions range from trondjhemite to hornblende gabbro and hornblendite. Amphibolite is is widespread within the metaplutonic rocks. K-Ar ages on hornblende range from 122 to 148 Ma. A muscovite age is 133 +/- 4 Ma VA002 2600 Valdez Meta 2600 Kmi M Haley Creek terrane -- schistose marble mid-Cretaceous? Schistose marble. Individual marble layers can be traced for several km, however the layers vary greatly in thickness, terminate abruptly in places, and are generally thoroughly folded. Small isolated bodies of marble mark unmapped fault within the Haley Creek terrane. K-Ar ages on hornblende range from 122 to 148 Ma. A muscovite age is 133 +/- 4 Ma VA002 2720 Valdez Meta 2720 PPaskm Tif Hornblende andesite or dacite dikes Eocene Porphyritic hornblende andesite or dacite dikes VA002 Valdez Ign 1105 Tva Tt Altered biotite and hornblende tonalite Eocene Small, sericitized hornblende-biotite tonalite plugs. Rocks are fine- to medium-grained sericitized tonalite with minor quartz diorite and granodiorite. In most sample, muscovite replaces biotite or has formed from alteration of plagioclase. K-Ar hornblende 46.6 +/- 1.4 and muscovite of 52.4 +/- 2.6 Ma VA002 1310 Valdez Ign 1310 Tegr Jgl Hornblende gabbro and leucogabbro Early Jurassic or older Layered gabbro and leucogabbro; layered gabbro is dominantly hornblende gabbro; hornblende-augite gabbro is common, however, with the hornblende replacing or molded upon the augite; and layers and lenses of hornblendite occur at several places. Mafic part of the Tonsina Complex (now shown on Winklers map as Jtg). K-Ar ages on hornblende of 419+/- 21, 188 +/- 8, and 171 +/- 5 Ma; the older age is considered suspect. VA002 3540 Valdez Ign 3540 Jmu Jum Ultramafic rocks Early Jurassic or older Dunite, harzburgitic dunite, wehrlite, websterite, and clinopyroxenite comprise the Tonsina ultramafic complex. The rocks are folded but not intensely sheared or serpentinized. VA002 Valdez Ign 3545 Jmu Kmu Matanuska Formation -- upper part Late Cretaceous -- mid-Coniacian to Maestrichtian A very thick sequence of marine siltstone, claystone, and sandstone in interbedded with lenticular and channelized deposits of sandstone and conglomerate. Contact with lower part of unit presumed to an unconformity. Deposition thought to occur on the fringes of a deep-sea fan. Thinly interbedded siltstone, claystone, and sandstone, which predominate, represent deposition in interchannel areas; whereas thick beds and lenses of sandstone and conglomerate represent distributary channels. VA002 2011 Valdez Sed 2010 Km Kml Matanuska Formation -- lower part Late Cretaceous -- late-early-Albian, Cenomanian, Turonian, and early Coniacian Marine siltstone, shale, sandstone, and pebbly sandstone are interbedded with subordinate silicieous, foraminiferal shale and fine-grained zeolitized sandstone. Contact with upper part of unit (unit Kmu) presumed to be an unconformity and is angular unconformity with the lower Talkeetna Formation (unit Jtk). VA002 2012 Valdez Sed 2010 Km Jtk Talkeetna Formation Early Jurassic Marine and non-marine andesitic and basaltic tuff, tuff breccia, and volcanogenic sedimentary rocks. Small, isolated bodies of light- to dark-gray unfossiliferous saccharoidal limestone may be parts of the units in the Valdez quadrangle. Mollusks and brachiopods VA002 3250 Valdez Ign 3250 JTrtk Jgr Biotite-epidote granite Middle Jurassic Irregularily shaped small stocks of pink-weathering medium-grained granite. Green biotite and granular to coarse-grained epidote are constant accessories VA002 3401 Valdez Ign 3401 Jgr Jgd Biotite-hornblende granodiorite Middle Jurassic Irregularily shaped small stocks of pink-weathering medium-grained granite. Green biotite is a constant accessory; hornblende and epidote are less abundant and are not present in all samples. VA002 591 Valdez Ign 3402 Jgd Jmp Mafic plutonic complex Early or Middle Jurassic Consists dominantly of layered hornblended-pyroxene gabbro and leucogabbro, with minor ultramafic, dioritic, and tonalitic rocks. The southern margin of complex is a major fault zone; cataclastic modification of mineral layering in the complex near the fault zone is severe; in many places the complex is thoroughly sheared and includes boudins of country rock. Mylonitic layering is also conspicious along a a major east-west fault within the complex. K-Ar ages on low-potassium hornblende and chloritized biotite range from 153 to 171 Ma. VA002 Valdez Ign 3480 Jan Ju Ultramafic rocks Jurassic? Serpentized pyroxenite? Occurs within mafic plutonic complex (unit Jmp), generally localized in strongly sheared zones. Many areas of unit are too small to map. VA002 3345 Valdez Ign 3345 Jmu Tov Orca Group -- volcanic rocks, undivided Paleocene and Eocene? Tholeiitic pillow basalt, pillow breccia, and minor aquagene tuff. Thin sequences of dray-gray argillite and siltstone are interbedded with the volcanic rocks and locally compressed between pillows. Volcanic rocks are exclusively of oceanic tholeiite and are conformable with enclosing flyschoid sedimentary rocks. VA002 1135 Valdez Ign 1135 Tov Tos Orca Group -- sedimentary rocks, undivided Paleocene and Eocene? Marine argillite, siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate. Argillite and siltstone are more abundant the coarser-grained rocks. Well-bedded, repetitive finer-grained and coarser-grained strata; primary sedimentary features are diagnostic of deposition by sediment-gravity flow. Finer-grained facies dominate west of Valdez Arm. Conglomerate clasts are of diverse extrabasinal lithologies. VA002 950 Valdez Sed 950 Tos Toc Orca Group -- conglomeratic sedimentary rocks Paleocene and Eocene? Very poorly bedded conglomeratic sandstone and argillite mantle the tops of volcanic sequences. Conglomeratic rocks are very poorly sorted; clasts vary in size from granules to boulders and are supported by matrix. Basal parts of conglomeratic frequently contain angular to partly rounded clasts of basalt identical to substrate. Gradationally upward, the conglomeratic strata contain fewer volcanic clasts, but all other clasts are of lithologies that may be intrabasinal, in contrast to other conglomeratic beds in the Orca Group. VA002 952 Valdez Sed 952 Toc TKm Orca Group -- melange Tertiary or Cretaceous Consists of extensive serpentinized ultramafic rocks including dike-like bodies of rodingite, as well as blocks of layered gabbro, crossite schist, pillow basalt, marble, chert of probable Late Triassic or Early Jurassic age, and diverse metamorphosed and virtually unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks, including conglomerate that resembles lithologies within the Ckickaloon Formation of Paleocene age. VA002 Valdez Melange 1790 TKmx Kvv Valdez Group -- Metavolcanic rocks, undivided Late Cretaceous Mafic metatuff and minor massive or weakly foliated greenstone having rarely preserved vague pillow shapes. Lower greenschist facies metamorphism. Most of these metavolcanic rocks are schistose and the metavolcanic are often the loci of intense deformation in the Valdez Group. K-Ar whole-rock age on metatuff of 53.5 +/- 1.6 Ma is thought to date matamorphism. VA002 2705 Valdez Meta 2705 Kvv Kvs Valdez Group -- Metasedimentary rocks, undivided Late Cretaceous Weakly to strongly foliated marine argillite, siltstone, sandstone, and conglomeratic sandstone. Lower greenschist facies metamorphism. Probable volcanic source terrane. Maestrichtian pelecypods collected outside of Valdez quadrangle. VA002 2700 Valdez Meta 2700 Kvs Kvm Valdez Group -- Phyllite and schist. Delete unit on new VA map Late Cretaceous Low-grade metamorphosed (lower greenschist facies) pelitic rocks consisting of homogeneous phyllite and schist. These rocks shown much stronger foliation than the undivided metasedimentary rocks (unit Kvs) of the Valdez Group. Probable volcanic source terrane. VA002 2701 Valdez Meta 2700 Kvs KJm McHugh Complex Early Cretaceous and Jurassic? Pervasively deformed assemblage of diverse lithologies (melange). Lithologies include gabbro, greenstone, marble, wacke, and diverse plutonic and metamorphic rocks including blueschist. Rocks occur in three discrete belts, the northernmost which yields Triassic radiolarians, a medial belt yielding Jurassic and Cretaceous age, and a southernly belt yielding radiolaria as young mid-Cretaceous age. Rocks typically shown prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism. Radiolaria from chert ranges from Triassic to mid-Cretaceous (Albian or Cenomanian). VA002 2190 Valdez Melange 2190 Kmk Jgb Greenschist and transitional blueschist Jurassic Chiefly intercalated greenschist and blueschist, but includes lawsonite, muscovite, or actinolite schist, carbonaceous schist, highly siliceous rocks containing stilpnomelane, and foliated calcareous rocks. Similar to Raspberry, Seldovia, and Knik River schist unit. K-Ar ages on crossite and muscovite range from 152 to 175 Ma, thought to be metamorphic ages. VA002 Valdez Meta 3610 Jsch Ja Amphibolite facies rocks Jurassic(?) Portion of tectonic inclusion 10 by 15 km in McHugh Complex consisting of layered quartz gabbro, amphibolite, and orthogneiss. This unit consists of nondescript, amphibolite facies, weakly foliated to nonfoliated granular rocks of uncertain protolith. Many of the rocks are rich in feldspar and quartz and may have a sedimentary protolith. They are laced with numerous dike-like bodies of amphibolite that originate from underlying amphibolite and orthogneiss. The amphibolite-facies rocks are structurally complex and contain many lenses of incompletely serpentinized ultramafic and gabbroic rocks. Extensively retrograded to prehnite-pumpelllyite facies, as is surrounding McHugh Complex. Changed to Strelna per Winkler, 1998. VA002 5920 Valdez Meta 5920 PPast Jag Uranatina River metaplutonic unit Jurassic and Middle Pennsylvanian Portion of tectonic inclusion 10 by 15 km in McHugh Complex consisting of layered quartz gabbro, amphibolite, and orthogneiss. This unit consists of compositionally banded very mafic amphibolite to hornblende-biotie dioritic and quartz dioritic gneiss. Contains lenses of pyroxenite as much as 2 m across. Foliation of the rocks is swirled or tightly folded in many places and large hornblende or hornblende-plagioclase pods have grown in the hinges of many folds. Most of unit is likely of Jurassic age but is known to contain at least locally Middle Pennsylvanian metagranodiorite. Low-potassium hornblende yielded K-Ar age of 267 +/- 8 Ma (mid-Permian), thought to approximate time of metamorphism. VA002 5245 Valdez Meta 5245 JPaur Jlg Layered quartz gabbro Jurassic Conspicously layered, hypiodiomorphic-granular textured quartz gabbro. Layers enriched in clinopyroxene or in plagioclase and quartz give unit its prominent banded appearance. Prehnite-pumpellyite metamorphosed, little deformed and dips quite uniformly northward. K-Ar age on pyroxene of 185 +/- 19 Ma is highly suspect, however matches ages on Afognak Pluton, the pluton of the Barren Islands and reputed ages on small dioritic plutons near Seldovia. VA002 Valdez Ign 3340? Jmu Qp Placer mine tailings Holocene (Historic) Symmetrical to irregular piles of artificially water-worked, sorted gravel and in situ slab rock derived from bedrock. ID002 100 Iditarod Unconsol 100 Qpm QTs Surficial deposits Holocene to Pliocene(?) Unconsolidated fluvial, terrace, colluvial, glacial, and eolian deposits, usually covered by vegetation. Deposits range between 3 and 20 m thick and generally contain permafrost to some degree. Unit primarily Pleistocene to Holocene in age, however stream gravel terraces from other unglaciated areas elsewhere in Alaska have yielded Pliocene pollen and it is possible other terraces in the map area may also. ID002 100 Iditarod Unconsol 100 Qs Tb Basaltic andesite Tertiary -- Miocene Very fine grained to aphanitic, dark- to medium-gray, locally vesicular, augite basaltic andesite. K-Ar whole-rock age of 6.9 and 13.0 Ma ID002 200 Iditarod Ign 1052 Tba TKy Volcanic rocks of Yetna River area Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Chiefly subaerial lava flows of andesite, dacite, rhyolite, and minor basalt and subordinate welded to nonwelded rhyolitic to andesitic ash-flow tuff. Eight of nine samples yielded K-Ar ages between 54.4 and 68.7 Ma, ninth sample yielded age of 25.5 Ma on tuff. ID002 301 Iditarod Ign 1605 TKvi TKil Iditarod Volcanics -- Andesitic to basaltic subaerial lava flows and mafic volcanic breccia Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Subaerial, locally columnar-jointed, aphanitic to porphyritic, olivine-clinopyroxene basaltic andesite, clinopyroxene andesite, and minor dacite; volcanic breccia locally interfingers with flow rocks. K-Ar ages from 4 samples ranged between 58 and 66 Ma; one whole-rock yielded a 35.1 Ma minimum age. ID002 302 Iditarod Ign 1605 TKvi Kit Iditarod Volcanics -- Tuff, volcanic breccia, altered andesitic to dacitic flows and volcaniclastic sandstone Late Cretaceous Heterogeneous assemblage characterized by lithic, crystal, and water-laid tuff and altered intermediate lava flows.; locally includes volcanic breccia, volcaniclastic sandstone, and lahar deposits. Lithologically identical to unit Kkt; distinguished by surrounding rocks. K-Ar ages from 5 samples ranged between 70.3 to 76.7 Ma; two youngest are considered minimum ages. ID002 400 Iditarod Ign 2270 Kvl Kkq Kuskokwim Group -- quartzose sandstone and siltstone Late Cretaceous, (Paleocene?) Campanian to Turonian? Quartzose sublithic sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, and siliceous shale. Finer-grained layers locally contain abundant coaly leaf and stem debris; thin coal seams are present locally. Coquina layers composed of brackish to fresh water bivalves are locally interbedded with sandstone and siltstone. Rocks are interpreted as shallow-marine to locally nonmarine. Dicotyedon leaf fragment of probable Turonian to Paleocene age but may be as old as Cenomanian. K-Ar age of 77 Ma on interbedded andesite tuff in upper part of section. ID002 401 Iditarod Sed 1985 Kkn Kks Kuskokwim Group -- sandstone, siltstone, shale, and conglomerate Late Cretaceous, Campanian? to Cenomanian? Thick assemblage of fine- to coarse-grained lithic sandstone, micaceous siltstone, shale, and minor chert-pebble conglomerate; major part of Kuskokwim Group in quadrangle. Sandstone is lithic rich; nearly all contain metamorphic lithic fragments, but plutonic rock, sandstone, chert, limestone, and/or volcanic rock fragments are abundant locally. Finer-grained layers locally contain coaly leaf and stem fragments. Pelecypods of Turonian or probable Turonian age but may be as old as Cenomanian based on fossils outside of Iditarod quadrangle. ID002 402 Iditarod Sed 1970 Kk Kkt Kuskokwim Group -- volcanic tuff and agglomerate Late Cretaceous Hetergeneous assemblage of tuff, agglomerate, cherty tuff and locally, minor sandstone. Lithologically identical to unit Kit, units only distinguished by surrounding rocks. K-Ar ages of 69.4 and 71.3 Ma on whole rocks, questionable due to alteration. ID002 403 Iditarod Ign 2260 Kvl Kka Kuskokwim Group -- altered andesite flows, tuffs, and sills? Late Cretaceous; Campanian Layers of intermediate igneous rocks 1 to 5-m-thick interbedded with unit Kks. Consists of andesitic flows and tuffs, and possible sills. K-Ar age of 77 Ma ID002 404 Iditarod Ign 2261 Kvl Kkv Kuskokwim Group -- volcanic flow(s) and tuff Late Cretaceous Hornblende-clinopyroxene andesitic volcanic flow(s) and chlorite-calcite altered tuff. Interbedded with unit Kks. ID002 405 Iditarod Ign 2261 Kvl Ks Sandstone and siltstone Early Cretaceous Medium-grained to very fine grained sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone, and siltstone only exposed as colluvial chips in western part of Iditarod quadrangle. Age based on Hauterivian to Barremian palynomorphs in one sample. ID002 406 Iditarod Sed 2020 Kme TrMc Chert, volcanic rocks, metasandstone, and limestone Triassic to Mississippian Radiolarian chert, clinopyroxene basalt to basaltic andesite, lithic tuff, water-laid tuff, metasiltstone, and minor fossiliferous shallow-water limestone. Occurs as fault slivers? in northeastern part of Iditarod quadrangle or associated with the Dishna River fault zone in north-central part of quadrangle. Prehnite-pumpellyite metamorphism. Age based on correlation with lithologically similar rocks in Ophir quadrangle to north. Late Triassic (or possibly Jurassic) radiolarians and conodonts and crinoidal hash no older than mid-Mississippian. K-Ar hornblende age of 302 +/- 9 Ma on porphyritic volcanic rock; 3 K-Ar whole-rock ages on greenstones (88.4 +/- 2.7, 110 +/- 3, 76.5 +/- 2.3 Ma) ID002 500 Iditarod Ign 5111 TrMica Tp Porphyritic granodiorite plug Early Tertiary Granodiorite consisting of abundant phenocrysts of hornblende and plagioclase in a finer-grained, phaneritic groundmass. K-Ar age on amphibole of 52.8 Ma ID002 201 Iditarod Ign 1300 Tegr TKgp Hypabyssal granite porphyry dikes, sills, and plugs Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Porphyritic to fine-grained phaneritic dikes, sills, and plugs of granitic composition. 22 K-Ar ages in two groups; 71.5 to 69.1 Ma and 65.7 to 63.5 Ma. Most reliable ages all in older group (FHW). ID002 303 Iditarod Ign 1602 TKgp TKp Pilotaxitic dacite-andesite plugs Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Three small bodies of subvolcanic dacite to andesite. Pilotaxitic texture to the fine-grained groundmass. Sparse phenocrysts of granophyric plagioclase and rare pyroxene. ID002 304 Iditarod Ign 1620 TKd TKm Monzonite, quartz monzonite, syenite, granodiorite, granite, and minor lamprophyre Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Small stocks and plutons of fine- to coarse-grained, phaneritic to hypidiomorphic, clinopyroxene-biotite +/- olivine monzonite, hornblende-clinopyroxene-biotite quartz monzonite, biotite syenite, biotite-hornblende granodiorite, biotite granite, and rare lampophyric rocks. 20 K-Ar ages have bimodal distribution, 73.2 to 68.3 Ma and 63.4 to 59.4 Ma. Many of the younger ages are suspect due to very low K2O in the biotites (FHW). ID002 305 Iditarod Ign 1660 TKm TKd Altered intermediate to mafic dikes Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Porphyritic biotite-clinopyroxene-plagioclase +/- olivine dikes, which are partly to extensively altered to chlorite-calcite-silica assemblages. K-Ar age on biotite of 71.2 Ma ID002 306 Iditarod Ign 1601 TKd TKg Alkali granite Tertiary and Cretaceous Poorly exposed, medium-grained, granophyric alkali granite Light colored unit (CI < 7) containing varying mafic mineral assemblages, alkali amphibole-pyroxene-biotite to chloritized biotite K-Ar age on biotite of 140 Ma, suspect due to extremely low K2O, amphibole age from adjacent Holy Cross quadrangle of 62.9 Ma ID002 307 Iditarod Ign 1655 TKg Jdr Dishna River mafic and ultramafic rocks Jurassic Poorly exposed mafic and ultramafic that include two-pyroxene gabbronorite, clinopyroxene-hornblende gabbro, hornblende gabbro, diabase, harzburgite, minor dunite, and rare pyroxenite. Original igneous textures well preserved in most samples, however secondary mineral assemblages indicate low-pressure hydrothermal metamorphism. Ultramafic rocks all partially to completely serpentinized. Dubious K-Ar ages on hornblende (replicated) of 222 +/- 23 and 228 +/- 25 Ma and 92.2 +/- 2.8 Ma ID002 600 Iditarod Ign 5191 Jium PzPlg Greenschist, pelitic schist, and metagranite Paleozoic and Proterzoic? Generally poorly exposed, mixed assemblage of greenschist facies metamorphic rocks including mafic meta-igneous rocks, subordinate metasedimentary rocks (pelitic schist, phyllite, calcareous schist, and quartzite) and minor granitic orthogneiss. K-Ar biotite age from granitic orthogneiss was 108 Ma, thought to be post-metamorphic cooling age. ID002 700 Iditarod Meta 8650 PzZrmc Xi Idono Complex Early Proterozoic Foliated meta-plutonic rocks, lesser amphibolite, and minor metasedimentary rocks. Compositionally diverse metaplutonic rocks are primarily biotite +/- muscovite granitic orthogneiss but include orthogneiss of tonalitic, granodioritic, quartz dioritic, and quartz monzonitic composition, minor metagabbro, and rare hornblendite. Amphibolite varies little in composition and ranges from moderately foliated to well-foliated. Metasedimentary rocks are well-foliated schists. Complex is of amphibolite facies. U-Pb zircon age of 2.06 Ga; K-Ar ages range from approximately 120 Ma to approximately 1,230 Ma. ID002 800 Iditarod Meta 9400 Xi g Glaciers and superglacial moraine Holocene Exposed glacial ice locally mantled by unsorted jumbles of fresh boulders, cobbles, sand, silt, and mud as much as several meters thick. AN002 101 Anchorage Unconsol 101 g Qs Surficial deposits Quaternary Widespread glacial, alluvial, colluvial, and lacustrine deposits, rock glaciers, and landslides; have not been subdivided. Glacial deposits include extensive ground, lateral and terminal moraines, and associated outwash deposited during several advances and retreats. Drift mantling Anchorage lowland almost entirely Pleistocene in age. Other surfical deposits probably Holcene age. AN002 100 Anchorage Unconsol 100 Qs Ttk Tyonek Formation Miocene Carbonaceous sandstone, siltstone, shale, and claystone in several isolated outcrops near the town of Eagle River and along the Little Susitna River south of the Castle Mountain fault . Maybe correlative with Tyonek Formation of upper Cook Inlet. Outcrops on Little Susitna River are stratifgraphically above the Tsadaka and Wishbone Formations but no contacts are exposed. Gradational contact between the Tyonek and the Tsadaka in the Union Oil Pittman well west of quadrangle. Maximum thickness is along axis of upper Cook Inlet, where it is more than 2300 m thick in the subsurface. early Seldovian Stage plants remains AN002 300 Anchorage Sed 600 Tty Tv Volcanic Rocks Miocene to Paleocene Upper part of sequence consists of andesite and basalt flows and minor rhyolitic tuff, lithofeldspathic sandstone, and fluviatile conglomerate. Lower part consists of stocks, dikes, lenticular flows, and pyroclastic rocks, chiefly of quartz latite, and rhyolite, and minor andesite and basalt. Est. to be 1500 m thick. Near Nelchina volcaniclastics contain Eocene plant fossils Whole-rock K-Ar age 60 ma near middle of sequence; whole-rock ages of 54 to 56 ma from volcanic rocks in the Arkose Ridge Formation AN002 310 Anchorage Ign 1000 Tvu Tt Tsadaka Formation Oligocene Poorly sorted cobble to boulder conglomerate, consisting of plutonic clasts, interbedded with lenses of feldspathic sandstone, siltstone, and shale. Local provenance, rapid lateral lithology and thickness changes; correlative with the Hemlock Conglomerate of the Kenai Group. Angular unconformity separates it from underlying Wishbone Formation at Wishbone Hill; on Moose Creek it rests directly on Chickaloon Formation -- entire Wishbone has been eroded away. Depositional top not observed. Approximately 200 m thick. AN002 320 Anchorage Sed 670 Tts Tw Wishbone Formation Eocene Fluvialtile conglomerate and thick interbeds of sandstone, siltstone, and claystone, with local partings of volcanic ash. Extends at least 30 km northward intoTalkeetna quadrangle. South of Castle Mountain and Caribou faults, contact with Chickaloon Formation is generally conformable, but locally is an angular unconformity. Thickness 600 to 900 m. AN002 330 Anchorage Sed 870 Tw Tc Chickaloon Formation Eocene and Paleocene Fluvialtile and alluvial carbonaceous mudstone, siltstone, conglomeratic sandstone, and polymictic conglomerate. Middle and upper portions of unit contain numerous beds of bituminous coal; lower part consists of conglomerate and lithic sandstone. A local facies in the northern Chugach Mountains consists of strongly deformed poorly sorted, massive to crudely stratified cobble and boulder conglomerate grading upward into well-stratified, thick bedded sandstone and conglomerate having a chloritic matrix. This facies is more than 1200 m thick. Total thickness of unit is greater than 1500 m. Lower part extn\ends into Paleocene based on plant leaves which correlate to flora present in the Fort Union Formation. Also palonology studies by oil industry. K-Ar and fission-track ages ranging from 56 to 53 Ma on ash partings from coal beds in the upper Chickaloon NW of Jonesville AN002 340 Anchorage Sed 900 Tch Tar Arkose Ridge Fomation Eocene and Paleocene Fluviatile and alluvial feldspathic and biotite-bearing sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, and shale and thin beds of lignitic coal. West of Chickaloon River, lower part of formation contains intercalated basalt flows and rhyolite tuffs which may correlate to unitTv of Winkler and others (1992); outcrops north of the Caribou fault include 200 m of polymictic conglomerate which may correlate to the Wishbone Hill Formation. As much as 700 m thick. abundant plant fragments some of late Paleocene age metamorphic biotite age of 67.5 +/- 2.4; K-Ar whole rock dates range from 56 to46 Ma for lower part of fm.;K-Ar whole rock date of 46 Ma for a basalt dike from the middle of the fm. AN002 350 Anchorage Sed 890 Tar Km Matanuska Formation Late and Early Cretaceous (Albian to Maestrichtian) Fossiliferous marine shale containing conspicuous calcerous concretions and volcanic-lithic siltstone, sandstone, and subordinate conglomerate ;diverse shallow -to-deep marine (turbiditic) deposits. Upper part, at least, is coeval with the Valdez Group to the south. Greater than 4300 m thick. AN002 400 Anchorage Sed 2010 Km Jn Naknek Formation Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to late Kimeridgian) Thin- to thck-bedded, fossiliferous marine siltstone, shale, and litho-feldspathic sandstone and conglomerate. Principally composed of pluton and volcanic detritus. Lower contact disconformable to slight angular unconformity and upper contact is unconformity. AN002 500 Anchorage Sed 3010 Jn Jc Chinitna Formation Middle Jurassic (late Bathonian (?) and early and middle Callovian) Shallow- marine shale, siltstone, and subordinate sandstone containing numerous large limestone concretions; incorporates volcanic and plutonic detritus from the Talkeetna arc. Disconformably overlies Tuxedni Group. Thickness varies locally but is as much as 600 m. type not described but age late early Callovian AN002 510 Anchorage Sed 3030 Jc Jt Tuxedni Group Middle Jurassic (Bajocian and Bathonian Stages) Fossiliferous shallow-marine siltstone, shale, and sandstone; upper part consists of thin- to thick-bedded, dark siltstone and shale; lower part consists of thin- to thick-bedded sandstone which is pebbly in places. Lower contact is an angular unconformity. Thickness 300- 400 m, much thinner than at the type section on the Alaska Peninsula. Three new collections range in age form early and middle Bajocian. AN002 520 Anchorage Sed 3180 Jtx Jgd Granodiorite Middle Jurassic Large, discordant, epizonal pluton and two satellitic stocks of hornblende-biotite granodiorite and lesser tonalite and quartz diorite. Plutons intrude the Talkeetna Fm. (JTrt) and quartz diortite (Jqd) and are overlain nonconformably by the Arkose Ridge Fm. (Tar). K-Ar ages in the Talkeetna Mountains range from 173 to 168 Ma and include a concordant mineral pair. In Chugach Mountains, a date of 175 to 174 Ma by a concordant K-Ar mineral pair was obtained. AN002 521 Anchorage Ign 3402 Jgd Jqd Quartz diorite Middle Jurassic Large, disconcordant, epizonal pluton ; medium to coarse-grained hornblende (+/- biotite) quartz diorite, but also includes diorite and tonalite. Large areas have been sheared and altered. Intrudes JTrt and Jma and is intruded by Jgd and is overlain nonconformably by the Arkose Ridge Fm. Discordant K-Ar dates of 169 to 154 Ma (minimum ages) AN002 522 Anchorage Ign 3403 Jqd Jqt Quartz diorite and tonalite Middle Jurassic Series of discordant intermediate plutons. They are relatively homogeneous, fine- to medium-grained quartz diorite and tonalite. Large areas are sheared and altered. Plutons intrude JTrt and Jg and are intruded by Jgd K-Ar ages range from 181 to 167 Ma and include a concordant mineral pair; zircon fission-track ages are 186 and 170 Ma AN002 523 Anchorage Ign 3404 Jqt Jmip Mafic and intermediate plutonic rocks Middle to Early Jurassic Complexly intermixed series of mafic to intermediate plutonic rocks. Plutons consist of gabbronorite, hornblende gabbro, diorite, and tonalite. Xenoliths of gabbro show ductile deformation as though they still were warm when intruded by silicic magmas. Migmatitic textures are common at contacts between lithologies. Steeply dipping faults cut the plutons. K-Ar on hornblende and biotite are 194 to 165 Ma. Twelve other K-Ar dates on hornblende and biotite range from 187 to 160 Ma. U-Pb zircon ages range form 183 to 171 Ma. AN002 524 Anchorage Ign 3405 Jmu Jg Gabbronorite Middle to Early Jurassic Fine- to coarse-grained gabbroic rocks consisting primarily of gabbronorite, leucogabbronorite, and pyroxene-hornblende gabbro, lesser hornblende gabbro, and minor anorthisitic gabbro. Primary magnetite and illmenite are abundant (as much as 15 percent) and cause a characteristic positive magentic anomaly. Correlative rocks occurr in Valdez 1 X 3 quad and extend for about 1000 km from SW of Kodiak Island to the Copper RIver. K-Ar dates of about 177 Ma compare well with K-Ar and Ar/Ar dates from Valdez quad rocks (ranging from 181-175 Ma). AN002 525 Anchorage Ign 3490 Jmu Jgs Sheared gabbronorite Middle to Early Jurassic Intensely sheared and altered serpentinized gabbroic and ultramafic rocks. Serpentinized rocks occurr in most outcrops of gabbronorite (Jg) but have been mapped separately between the Nelchina and Matanuska Glaciers. AN002 526 Anchorage Ign 3491 Jmu Jum Ultramafic and mafic rocks Middle to Early Jurassic Cumulate ultramafics and mafics forming two large fault-bounded sequences in the northern Chugach Mountains; the Eklutna and Wolverine complexes. The Eklutna is 2-3 km thick and 11 km long. From base to top consists of chromite-bearing dunite, wehrlite, olivine clinopyroxenite, clinopyroxenite, and websterite. Associated with both positive gravity and magnetic anomalies. The Wolverine is 1-2 km thick and consists og chromite-bearing dunite grading up into clinopyroxenite. These rocks are correlative to the Tonsina sequence in the Valdez quad. Both sequeces are undated but are intruded by dikes and plutons of Jmip. AN002 527 Anchorage Ign 3495 Jmu Jma Amphibolite and quartz diorite Middle to Early Jurassic Intricately intermixed amphibolite, foliated quartz diorite, and lesser trondhjemite. Some minor biotite-quartz-feldspar gneiss. Correlated to rocks of the Talkeetna Moutains quad that have a K-Ar date of 176 Ma AN002 528 Anchorage Meta 5550 PPast Jps Pelitic schist Jurassic Quartz-muscovite-albite-chlorite (+/- garnet-biotite) pelitic schist. Uniform in lithology and has no correlative rocks nearby. Minerology indicates retrograded greenschist metamorphism. Age of prograde metamorphism is inferred to be Jurassic. K-Ar on muscovite from schist ranges from 66 - 51 Ma are presumed to be reset by intrusion of TKt and TKg AN002 529 Anchorage Meta 3700 Jps JTrt Talkeetna Formation Early Jurassic to Late Triassic Andesitic, dacitic, and basaltic flows, flow breccia, tuff, shallow sills, and agglomerate. In many places contains subordinate interbedded volcaniclastic sandstone, conglomerate, and fossiliferous marine siltstone and shale. Limestone and marble bodies are mapped separately as Trl. Estimated to be 1000 to 2000 m thick but bottom contact is not exposed. AN002 530 Anchorage Ign 3250 JTrtk JPzm Metamorphic rocks undivided Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. Strongly to weakly foliated and variably metamorphosed from greenschist to amphibolote facies. Intruded by Jmip and Jg rocks. Sedimentary protoliths include shale, chert, tuffaceous arenite, and limestone. Volcanic protoliths are most probably basalt. The diversity of protoliths may indicate tectonic mixing prior to metamorphism. Fabric of metasedimentary rocks is cataclastic or recystallized. Fusulinids dated as Permian Minimum age of metamorphism of 177 Ma by K-Ar on actinolite. This age may have been reset by a nearby 165 Ma pluton. Hornblende K-Ar ages of 121 and 107 Ma and a hornblende Ar/Ar plateau age of 117 Ma on mafic schist indicate resetting during metamorphism associated with intrusion of Kt. AN002 531 Anchorage Meta 5200 Jsch Tmg Granitic phase Miners Bay Pluton Oligocene Altered, medium-grained leucrocratic biotite granite pluton and associated dikes. Granitic rocks include a slightly older mafic phase (Tmm), include both the Valdez and Orca Groups, and are cut by Contact fault K-Ar age of 32.2+/- 1.6 Ma on biotite AN002 321 Anchorage Ign 1270 Togr Tmm Mafic phase Miners Bay Pluton Oligocene Texturally and compositionaly varibale composite mafic pluton east of Unakwik Inlet. Pluton consists of medium-grained clinopyroxene +/- orthopyroxene gabbro and lesser clinopyroxene-bearing diorite. Quartz gabbro and quartz diorite occur near pluton margins, and locally contain biotite. More mafic rocks contain disseminated pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and chalcopyrite. Mafic phase intrudes the Valdez Group, is intruded by the granitic phse (Tmg) and is bounded by the Contact fault K-Ar age of 38.4+/- 1.9 Ma on hornblende AN002 322 Anchorage Ign 1292 Toem Tgg Granite and granodiorite Oligocene or Eocene Small plutons west of Columbia Glacier and south of Wells Bay that are coextensive with the Cedar Bay Granite and numeraous leucocratic dikes that intrude the Orca Group. Plutons consist of biotite+/- hornblende rganite and granodioriteic border phases, abundant alkali-feldspar. Plutons are undated but are correlated with Eocene plutons elsewhere in eastern Price William Sound (PWS) on the basis of similar major-oxide chemistry. An alternative correlation is with dated bimodal Oligocene plutons in western PWS. K-Ar age of 38.4+/- 1.9 Ma on hornblende AN002 323 Anchorage Ign 1290 Toegr Tfp Felsic Intrusions Eocene Leucocratic dikes, sills, and small stocks occurring widely south of Border Ranges fault. Only a few meters thick but laterally extensive; Dacite predominates, but rholite also is present. Intrusions usually are pophyritic with fine-to medium-grained phenocrysts of plagioclase and occasional hornblende. Generally, phenocrysts and groundmass are extensively altered to sericite and carbonate, and scare mafic minerals nearly always altered to chlorite. May correlate with hypabyssal felsic and intermediate intrusions north of the Border Ranges fault. Two groups apparent using K-Ar and fission track: older group 55-48 Ma and younger group 44-43 Ma. Near Anchorage, a K-Ar age of 34 from a hornblende dacite dike AN002 334 Anchorage Ign 1301 Td Tim Hypayssal mafic Intrusions Eocene Small stocks and irregular-shaped dikes and sills of diorite porphyry, diabase, basalt, and lamprophyre widely exposed in the Matanuska Valley Primative initial Sr/Sr and whole-rock K-Ar age of 41 Ma AN002 331 Anchorage Ign 1012 Thm Ti Hypayssal felsic and intermediate intrusions Eocene Small stocks and irregular-shaped dikes and sills of rhyolite, quartz latite, latite, and dacite widely exposed in Talkeetna Mountains and the Matanuska Valley. May correlate with felsic volcanic rocks in upper part of unit Tv. Primative initial Sr/Sr indicate little crustal contamination during intrusion and 4 whole-rock K-Ar age of 46 to 38 Ma for stocks and 3 zircon fission tack ages of 41-37 Ma on felsic intrusions. AN002 332 Anchorage Ign 1011 Thf TKc Calaclasite Eocene? and Early Cretaceous? Chlorite-rich, fine-grained granular rocks formed by cataclasis and retrograde alteration of mafic and ultramafic plutonic rocks and mafic volcanic rocks; May be equivalent lithologically to sheared gabbronorite (Jgs). Lithologies and fabrics of these rocks may resemble parts of the Haley Creek metamorphic assemblage. Deformation in the Border Ranges fault is at least as old as Early Cretaceous; however, much of the fabric may be an Eocene overprint from reactivation of the old thrust as a strike-slip boundary. AN002 333 Anchorage Meta 1710 TKc TJds Mafic and intermediate dikes, sills, stocks Eocene? to Jurassic? Numerous compositionally variable, altered dikes, sills, and small stocks intruding the Talkeetna Formation and Jurassic plutonic rocks in the Chugach Mountains. Rocks types consist of fine-grained basalt, prophyritic andesite, and dacite Whole-rock K-Ar ages of 130 and 38 Ma for two basalt dikes AN002 341 Anchorage Ign 1012 Thm TKg Granite early Paleocene and Late Cretaceous Large, epizonal, biotite-muscovite pluton. Pluton is principally granite, but also granodiorite and lesser quartz monzonite. K-Ar ages on muscovite and biotite 67 and 65 Ma, respectively. AN002 410 Anchorage Ign 1655 TKg TKt Tonalite early Paleocene and Late Cretaceous Large pluton of predominately biotite-hornblende tonalite and lesser biotite-hornblende quartz diorite. Pluton is epizonal or mesozonal. Weakly developed foliation occurs in many places, and orbicular textures are present locally. K-Ar ages 73-67 Ma (possibly reset). AN002 420 Anchorage Ign 1660 TKm Kw Willow Creek pluton Late Cretaceous Pervasively altered, zoned pluton; based on its distincive aeomagnetic signature it is interpreted to extend at least to northern boundary of map area. Pluton has a 30- to 200-m wide outer margin of hornblende quartz diorite and lesser hornblende tonalite. Core is hornblende-biotite granodiorite, and lesser hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite and biotite quartz monzonite. Foliation is common, particularly along margins. Plutonics host mineralized veins. Subconcordant K-Ar ages 79-72 Ma. K-Ar ages from propylitized pluton and gold-bearing veins and dikes that cut the pluton indicate episodes of alteration and quartz veining at 66 and 57 Ma. AN002 430 Anchorage Ign 2460 Kg Kum Serpentinized ultramafic rocks Late Cretaceous Small, structurally bounded, pervasively sheared, discordant bodies of serpentinized ultramafic rocks wholly enclosed in pelitic schist (Jps) near Bald Mountain Ridge. Age of origin unknown, but early Late Cretaceous K-Ar minimum ages 91-89 Ma are presumed to date their emplacement. AN002 440 Anchorage Ign 2510 Kmum Tos Sedimentary rocks of the Orca Group Eocene and Paleocene Monotonous sequences of thin- to thick-bedded sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone. Primary sedimentary features indicate deposition by turbidity currents AN002 342 Anchorage Sed 950 Tos Toc Conglomerate of the Orca Group Eocene and Paleocene Massive, clast-supported pebble, cobble and boulder conglomerate to matrix-supported pebbly mudstone and sandstone; clasts generally are well rounded and consist entirely of sandstone and siltstone. About 900 m thick near Miners Bay. AN002 343 Anchorage Sed 952 Toc Tovs Sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Orca Group Eocene and Paleocene Basaltic flows, pillow breccia, and tuff interbedded with fyschoid siltstone and sadstone southeast of Miners Bay. Volcanic interbeds weather a conspicuous rusty color. AN002 344 Anchorage Sed 951 Tovs Kvs Metasedimentary rocks of the Valdez Group Late Cretaceous Thick sequences of drab, rythmically alternating multiply deformed turbidites, including metasandstone, metasiltstone, argillite, slate, and phyllite, and rare beds of pebbly argillite and metasandstone; generally beds are a few centimeters to a few meters thick, but locally massive metasandstone is as thick as several tens of meters. In some places, primary sedimentary structures such as graded bedding, current-ripple cross-lamination, convolute bedding, and sole markings are preserved. AN002 441 Anchorage Meta 2700 Kvs Kvt Mafic metatuff of the Valdez Group Late Cretaceous Altered chlorite-epidote-actinolite semischist interbedded with metasedimentary rocks in a small area near the divide between Coal Creek and Metal Creek. Believed to represent aquagene tuff analogous to widespread thicker metavolcanic rocks in Cordova and Valdez quads. AN002 442 Anchorage Sed 2705 Kvv Mzm McHugh Complex of the Valdez Group Mesozoic Strongly deformed, melange-like assemblage of diverse lithologies between Eagle River and Border Ranges faults. Broad zones as wide as 1 km of intense shearing lack any stratal continuity and, in many places, are marked by angular, elongate phacoids, either enclosed in pervasively sheared matrix or juxtaposed against other phacoids. Larger phacoids are lithologically diverse, consisting of schist, amphibolite, marble, sandstone, conglomerate, diorite, gabbro, serpentinized ultramafic rocks, and mafic volcanic rocks. AN002 443 Anchorage Melange 2190 Kmk Kt Leucotonalite and trondhjemite Early Cretaceous Medium-grained plugs and elongate irregular-shaped, sill-like bodies of leucocratic plutonic rocks in northern Chugach Mountains in a zone about 5 km wide near Border Ranges fault. Rocks are foliated and contain less than 10% mafic minerals including muscovite, biotite, or hornblende (and minor garnet). K-Ar on hornblende 126-124 Ma, biotite 116 MA, and muscovite 110 Ma, and a concordant U-Pb age of 103Ma. Ar/Ar ages on hornblende 129,125, and 114 Ma, biotite 123 Ma, and muscovite 118 Ma, and two Rb/Sr isochrons 133 and 130 Ma. AN002 450 Anchorage Ign 2570 Ktt Jtr Trondhjemite Late Jurassic Two discordant, NE-trending, elongate, epizonal, muscovite-biotite, leucocratic plutons intruding Jurassic quartz diorite (Jqd) and amphibolite (Jma) in Talkeetna Mountains. Bodies are generally altered and sheared and have a faint foliation locally. K-Ar age from the northern pluton is 129 Ma and 2 K-Ar ages for hte southern pluton range from 134-142 Ma. Four K-Ar ages from the northern pluton which extends in to the TK quad are tightly clustered from 143 to 149 Ma. AN002 501 Anchorage Ign 3380 Jtr Trl Limestone and marble Late Triassic Unfossiliferous, massive to poorly bedded limestone near head of east fork of Kings River, and limestone lenses as much as 30 m thick in broad shear zones in the Talkeetna Formation along the Castle Mountain fault; medium- to coarse-grained marble occurring as roof pendants in epizonal plutons in the Talkeetna Mountains is thought to be correlative. AN002 600 Anchorage Sed 4030 JTrlm Qs Surficial deposits Quaternary Glacial and alluvial deposits, chiefly unconcolidated gravel, sand, and clay TK002 200 Talkeetna Mountains Unconsol 100 Qs Tv Volcanics Paleocene to Miocene Over 1500 m of felsic to mafic subaerial volcanics and related shallow intrusives. Small stocks, irregular dikes, lenticular flows, and thick layers of pyroclastic rocks; predominately consists of fine- to medium-grained, generally medium-gray quartz latite, rhyolite, and latite. K-Ar (3 samples) from andesite in the middle of the sequence TK002 321 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1000 Tvu Tim Hyabyssal Mafic Intrusives Paleocene to Miocene Small stocks and irregular dikes of diorite prophyry, diabase, and basalt. Probably the subvolcanic equivalent of the andesite flows of unit Tv. TK002 350 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1012 Thm Tif Hyabyssal Felsic Intrusives Paleocene to Miocene Small stocks and irregular dikes of rhyolite, quartz latite, and latite. Probably correlative with the felsic subvolcanic equivalent of unit Tv. TK002 340 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1011 Thf Ttw Tsadaka and Wishbone Fm Undivided Miocene and (Paleocene to Eocene) respectively The Tsadaka consists of cobble-boulder conglomerate with thin interbeds of sandstone, siltstone, and shale; about 200m thick. The Wishbone Formation unconformably underlies the Tsadaka. It comprises well-indurated fluvitile conglomerate with thick interbeds of sandstone, siltstone, and claystone;about 600 to 900 m thick. Unit also includes over 150 m of fluvatile conglomerate and coaly sandstone. TK002 331 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 790 Ttw Tc Chickaloon Fm Paleocene Well-indurated, continental, dominately fluvatile sequence of massive feldspathic sandstone, siltstone, claystone, and conglomerate, containing numerous beds of bituminous coal; over 1500 m thick TK002 330 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 900 Tch Tsu Sedimentary, undifferentiated Tertiary Fluvatile conglomerate, sandstone, and claystone with a few interbeds of lignitic coal. Looks similar to the sedimentary rocks of the southern Talkeetna Mountains but lacks fossil evidence for definitive correlation. The sequence is over 160 m thick. It resembles the Chickaloon Formation, lithologically. TK002 371 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 500 Tsu Tgd Granodiorite Eocene Contains hornblende and biotite. Part of a small pluton along the northern edge of map area. K-Ar on biotite 48.8 +/- 1.5 m.y. and on hornblende 44.8 +/- 1.3 m.y. TK002 370 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1300 Tegr Thgd Biotite-Hornblende Granodiorite Paleocene and Eocene Granodiorite predominates, but locally it grades into adamellite, tonalite, and quartz diorite. All of these rocks are medium to dark gray, medium grained, generally structurless, and have granitic to seriate textures. In all of them hornblende is the chief mafic mineral. Biotite- and hornblende-rich xenoliths are common in every pluton. These epizonal plutons are equivalent to felsics in Tv. K-Ar age on biotite 58.6 and 54.8 TK002 341 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1320 Tpgr Tbgd Biotite Granodiorite Paleocene and Eocene Biotite granodiorite and adamellite in about equal proportions. These rocks are light to medium gray, medium- to coarse- grained, and have granitic to seriate textures. Biotite is the chief mafic mineral. Faint flow structures evident. Plutons are shallow epizonal occurrances commonly with aplitic and pegmatitic dikes. Considered to be plutonic equivalent of felsic volcanics of Tv. Considered to be the same age as Thgd. K-Ar ages on biotite range from 56.3 to 58.6. TK002 311 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1320 Tpgr Tsmg Schist, migmitite, and granite Paleocene Undifferentiated terrane of andalusite and sillimanite-bearing schist, lit-par-lit type migmatite, and small granitic bodies with moderately to well-developed foliation. Contacts generally gradational between these rocks as it is between the schist and its unmetamorphosed pelitic rock equivalent (Kag). Pelitic schist is medium-grained, has well-developed but wavy foliation. Minerology of the schist includes biotite, quartz, plagioclase, minor K-spar, muscovite, garnet, and sillimanite which coexists with andalusite. K-Ar age on biotite of 58.7 m.y. TK002 361 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 1720 TKgg Tkt Tonalite Late Cretaceous and early Paleocene Dominately biotite-hornblende tonalite, locally grades into quartz diorite. The tonalite is medium gray, coarse to medium grained, has a granitic texture and a fairly well-developed primary foliation. K-Ar age ranges on biotite of 61.7 to 72m.y. K-Ar ages on hornblende 61 to 74.4 m.y. TK002 301 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1660 TKm TKa Adamellite Late Cretaceous and early Paleocene Occurs in large epizonal plutons dominately adamellite but locally includes granodiorite. Biotite is the chief mafic mineral. Medium to coarse grained, medium to light gray, textures ranges from granititic to serate. The age dates indicate that this rock unit is comagmatic with the tonalite. K-Ar age ranges on biotite of 65 m.y. K-Ar ages on muscovite 67.2 m.y. TK002 310 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1655 TKg TKgr Granititic rocks undivided Cretaceous and (or) Tertiary Rocks of uncertain age occur in four smaller epizonal plutons of granodiorite and tonalite. Color is medium to dark gray, grain size is medium, texture is granititic. Mafic minerals are hornblende and biotite. TK002 300 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1660 TKm TKlg Leucogabbro Cretaceous and (or) Tertiary Small poorly exposed intrusive of uncertain age essentially consisting of plagioclase and pale-green hornblende. Medium to light gray, coarse to medium grained, with a granitic to seriate texture. TK002 320 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1670 TKgb Kar Arkose Ridge Fm Cretaceous (Eocene/Paleocene probably) Arkosic sandstone, conglomerate, graywacke, siltstone, and shale. Clasts consist chiefly of granitic and metamorphic rock frags, quartz, feldspar, and biotite. Plant fragments indicate a terrestial origin. The formation rests unconformably on Jurassic granitic and metamorphic rocks and is as much as 700 m thick. K-Ar on biotite yields an age of 67.5 m.y. TK002 511 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 890 Tar Km Matanuska Fm Cretaceous Well-indurated shale, siltstone, sandstone, graywacke, with subordinate conglomerate interbeds; total thickness in excess of 1200 m. Generally dark gray and thinly bedded, mostly marine depositional environment of moderate to shallow depths. May correlate to the Kennicott, Shulze, Chititna, and the MacCall Ridge fms of the southern Wrangell Mountains. Plant frags TK002 500 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 2010 Km Jn Naknek Fm Late Jurassic Shallow marine, thin to thick bedded, intercalated strata of fossiliferous gray siltstone, shale, sandstone, and conglomerate; over 1400 m thick. Correlates with the Root Glacier Fm of the southern Wrangell Mountains. TK002 421 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 3010 Jn Jct Chinitna Fm and Tuxedni Group (Middle Jurassic) undivided Late Jurassic The Chinitna is shallow marine, intercalated sequence of dark-gray shale, siltstone, and subordinate graywacke; contains numerous large limestone concretions; it is as much as 600 m thick. The Tuxedni Group is shallow marine, well-indurated, thinly to thickly bedded graywacke, sandstone, and massive conglomerate in it lower part. The upper part consists of thinly to thickly bedded dark siltstone and shale; thickness is 300-400 m. This unit is partly correlative with the Nizina Mountain Fm of the southern Wrangell Mountains. TK002 431 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 3140 Jtxc Jtk Talkeetna Fm Early Jurassic Andesitic flows, flow breccia, tuff, and agglomerate; subordinate interbeds of sandstone, siltstone, and limestone. A dominately shallow marine sequence about 1000 to 2000 m thick TK002 411 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 3250 JTrtk Jls Limestone Early Jurassic Light to dark-gray, fine- to medium-grained unfossiliferous limestone; near granitic rocks recrystallized to marble. Forms lenticular bodies, as much as 30 m thick, within the Talkeetna Fm. TK002 410 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 4031 JTrlm Jtr Trondhjemite Late Jurassic Forms discordant, NE trending epizonal pluton. Large portions have been sheared and saussuritized. Light gray, medium to coarse grained with granitic texture. A faint flow foliation is lovally developed. Major minerals include plagioclase, quartz, k-spar, biotite, with some muscovitre and opaques. K-Ar ages on biotite range from 99.4 to 148.5; on muscovite they range from 129 to 146 m.y. One biotite age of 67.8 m.y. was probably reset by a more recent event TK002 400 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 3380 Jtr Jgd Granodiorite Middle to Late Jurassic Dominately granodiorite but includes minor amounts of tonalite and quartz diorite. Medium to dark gray, medium grained, and in undeEromed rocks have granitic texture. Mafics includes biotite and hornblende. Ne-trending secondary foliation is present in cataclasically deformed rock. K-Ar ages on biotite range from 144 to 174; on hornblende range from 154 to 167. A zircon age of 125 was also determined using fission track. TK002 401 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 3402 Jgd Jgdm Migmatite border zone of Granodiorite Middle to Late Jurassic Forms a terrane of poorly exposed, intricately intermixed contact schist, amphibole, and small dikes and veinlets of granodiorite. TK002 470 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 3621 PPast Jmrb Marble Middle to Late Jurassic metamorphic age Contact metamorphosed marble bed more than 40 m thick within migmatitic border zone. The rock is white, coarse to medium grained with prophyroblastic cystals of garnet and diopside. TK002 480 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5955 PPaskm Jqd Quartz diorite Middle to Early Jurassic Dominately quartz diorite but also includes diorite and tonalite. Large portions have been intensively sheared and altered. Fresh rock is medium to dark greenish gray, medium to coarse grained, and has granitic texture. Where altered, the quartz diorite consists of mineral aggregates of epidote, chlorite, and sericite. TK002 420 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 3403 Jqd Jam amphibolite Middle to Early Jurassic metamorphic age Dominately amphibolite but includes subordinate amounts of greenschist and fgoliated diorite. Amphibolite is generally dark greenish gray, medium to coarse grained, but fine-grained varieties also occur. K-Ar age on hornblende of 176.6 m.y. TK002 441 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5550 PPast Jmb marble Middle to Early Jurassic metamorphic age White, medium- to coarse grained, massive interbeds within the amphibolite terrane of Jam. Contains subordinate amounts of garnet and diopside. TK002 450 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5955 PPaskm Jgs greenstone Middle to Early Jurassic metamorphic age Dark greenish gray, fine-grained, generally structurless rock. Oringinal minerologiy was pyroxene, amphibole, and plagioclase which altered to chlorite, epidote, serpentine, calcite, and minor sericite and quartz. TK002 461 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5641 PPast Jpmu Plutonic and metamorphic rocks, undifferentiated Middle to Early Jurassic metamorphic age Intermixed mosaic of most of the previously discussed Jurassic metamorphic and plutonic rocks (Jtr, Jgd, Jgdm, Jqd, Jgs, and Jps). Two rock types, amphibolite and sheared quartz diorite, dominate the terrane. TK002 440 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 3600 PPast Trv Basaltic metavolcanic rocks Late Triassic Shallow water marine unit consists of amygdaloidal metabasalt flows with very subordinate amounts of thin interbeds of metachert, argillite, metavolcaniclastic rocks, and marble. Minimum thickness of the unit is 800 m. Metabasaltic flows are as much as 10 m thick and display columnar jointing and pillow structures TK002 360 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 4430 Trn Pzv Basaltic to andesitic metavolcanic rocks Pennsylvanian (?) and Early Permian) Rocks of this unit form an interlayered heterogeneous, dominately marine sequence over 5000 m thick. Primarily consists of metamorphosed flows and tuffs of basaltic and andesitic compositions. Mudstone, bioclastic marble, and dark-gray to black phyllite are subordinate. TK002 100 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5630 PPasc Pls Marble Pennsylvanian (?) and Early Permian ?) Forms lenticular interbeds, as much as a few tens of meters thick, within basaltic to andesitic late Paleozoic metavolcanogenic sequence (Pzv). Rock is light gray to white, medium to coarse grained, thick-bedded to massive marble. Poorly preserved and generally unidentified crinoid columnals, brachipods, bryozoans, and rarely corals. TK002 101 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5955 PPaskm Js Sedimentary and volcanic rocks, undivided Late Jurassic These rocks comprise a section of intercalated argillite and graywacke, pebble conglomerate, and flows and dikes of andesite to latitic feldspar porphyry. The argillite and fine-grained graywacke are thinly to moderately thickly bedded and generally are dark gray. The conglomerates are massive, and the well-rounded to sub-rounded pebbles consist chiefly of unmetamorphosed andesite, latite, and subordinate amounts of dacite. Unit not shown on compilation, lump in KJf. well-preserved fossils of Buchia rugosa from argillite indicating a Late Jurassic age. TK002 460 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 2850 KJf Kag Argillite and lithic graywacke Early Cretaceous These rocks occur in a monotous, intensely deformed flyschlike turbidite sequence, probably several thousand meters thick. The rocks are highly indurated, and many are sheared and pervasively cleaved. Most cleavage is axial plane cleavage. The argillite is dark gray to black with detrital mica as much as 1 mm in diameter. Graywacke is dark to medium gray, fine to medium grained, and occurs intercalated with the argillite. poorly preserved fossils of Incoceramus sp.; a block of Buchia-bearing limestone was found in float. TK002 510 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 5210 Mzpca Trvs Metabasalt and slate Late Triassic Shallow marine, interbedded sequence of amygdaloidal metabasalt flows and slate. Sequence is tightly folded along with Kag and slightly metamorphosed and unv\evenly sheared. The metabasalt is dark greenish gray, aphanitic, with numerous amygdules. The slate is dark gray to black. Monotis subcircularis and Heterorstridium sp. in argillite beds TK002 351 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 4450 Trnm DSga Graywacke, argillite, and shale Silurian ? to Middle Devonian This unit is poorly known. The component rocks identifed are medium to dark gray, sheared and tightly folded with vertical dips, and occur intercalated in beds as much as 1 m thick. TK002 600 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 2192 Kmar Jta Crystal tuff, agillite, chert, graywacke and limestone Jurassic Shallow to moderately deep marine sequence, tightly folded and interally faulted, at least several thousand meters thick. Tuff is light to dark gray, locally with a greenish tint and weathers to brown. It is massive with obscure rhythmic laminations and thin bedding. Argilllite and chert are gray to black; graywacke is medium to dark gray; and limestone is medium gray. TK002 451 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 3850 JTrct Ksu Sedimentary rocks, Undivided Early Cretaceous Shallow marine sequence of thinly bedded calcareous sandstone, siltstone, claystone, minor conglomerate, and thick-bedded to massive clastic limestone; over 100m thick TK002 501 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 2100 Knl CZum Ultramafic and mafic rocks Cambrian and/or Precambrian Serpentinite and greenstone intruded by gabbro and diorite LG002 899 Livengood Ign 8250 CZum CZwa Wickersham unit--Maroon and green argillite Early Cambrian and Late Proterozoic Maroon and green argillite, phyllite, quartzite, graywacke, siltite, and phyllite. Unit is characterized by the relative lack of grit except in the far western part of the quadrangle LG002 902 Livengood Meta 8310 CZwa CZwa Wickersham unit--Maroon and green argillite Early Cambrian and Late Proterozoic Maroon and green argillite, grit, quartzite, siltite, graywacke and phyllite--As mapped includes thin beds of dark limestone, which are probably equivalent to unit CZwl, as mapped in other areas, but which are areally restricted and are not mapped separately in this area LG002 902 Livengood Meta 8310 CZwa CZw Wickersham unit--Grit Early Cambrian and Late Proterozoic Grit, quartzite, phyllite, and slate. Differs from other grit units in that it contains chert. Includes limestone interbeds (l) that lithologically resemble subunit CZwl Livengood Area LG002 903 Livengood Meta 8300 CZw CZwl Wickersham unit--limestone Early Cambrian and Late Proterozoic Dark-gray arenaceous limestone LG002 901 Livengood Sed 8000 CZwl CZwl Wickersham unit--Dark limestone Early Cambrian and Late Proterozoic Sparsely or non-arenaceous limestone LG002 901 Livengood Sed 8000 CZwl Dc Cascaden Ridge unit Middle Devonian Shale, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, and minor limestone LG002 847 Livengood Sed 6940 Dcb Dq Quail unit Late Devonian? Conglomerate, phyllite, calc-phyllite, siltstone, and sandstone LG002 844 Livengood Sed 6920 Dq DSl Lost Creek unit Devonian and Silurian Limestone and varied sedimentary rocks LG002 850 Livengood Sed 6955 Dlc Dsl Schwatka unit--Limestone Middle and Early Devonian Limestone LG002 842 Livengood Sed 6945 Ds DSt Tolovana Limestone Middle Devonian to Early? Silurian Limestone and rare dolomite LG002 849 Livengood Sed 6965 DSt Dsv Schwatka unit--Mafic volcanic rocks Middle and Early Devonian Mafic volcanic rocks and minor clastic sedimentary rocks LG002 841 Livengood Ign 7010 Dsv Ka Alaskite Late Cretaceous Exposed at Raven Creek Hill LG002 410 Livengood Ign 2450 Kg Kd Dikes Cretaceous? Bodies ranging in composition from granite to diorite LG002 400 Livengood Ign 2400 Kg Kg Granite Late Cretaceous Pedro Dome and rocks in its vicinity LG002 430 Livengood Ign 2475 Kg Kgd Granodiorite Late Cretaceous Pedro Dome and rocks in its vicinity LG002 435 Livengood Ign 2480 Kg KJv Vrain unit Early Cretaceous and/or Jurassic Pyritiferous shale and minor siltstone. Not flysch, thought by Tom Dutro to be equivalent to upper part of Glenn Shale. LG002 495 Livengood Sed 2860 KJvr KJw Wolverine unit Early Cretaceous and/or Jurassic Quartzite and interbedded shale and siltstone LG002 491 Livengood Sed 2815 KJw Km Minto unit Late Cretaceous? Siltstone, mudstone, graywacke, quartzose sandstone, and plant-fragment-bearing siltstone LG002 405 Livengood Sed 1980 Kms Kmo Quartz monzonite, monzonite, and syenite Late Cretaceous Comprises Sawtooth, Wolverine, Elephant Mountains, and Huron Creek plutons LG002 401 Livengood Ign 2470 Kg Ks Syenite Late Cretaceous Roy Creek stock LG002 420 Livengood Ign 2465 Kg Kwcc Wilber Creek flysch unit, coarse-grained Early Cretaceous; Albian Polymictic conglomerate, conglomeratic graywacke, and shale LG002 480 Livengood Sed 2115 Kwcf Kwcs Wilber Creek flysch unit, fine-grained Early Cretaceous; Albian Shale, siltstone, and graywacke LG002 480 Livengood Sed 2115 Kwcf MzPzp Phyllite, amphibolite, greenstone, and diorite Mesozoic or Paleozoic Phyllite, amphibolite, greenstone, and diorite LG002 795 Livengood Meta 5216 KJvr? MzPzr Raven Creek Hill unit Mesozoic or Paleozoic Metasedimentary gneiss, mica schist, phyllite, and hornfels LG002 791 Livengood Meta 5208 TPza Ofs Fossil Creek Volcanics--Shale Ordovician Shale, chert, and limestone intruded by gabbro LG002 860 Livengood Sed 7610 Ofc Ofv Fossil Creek Volcanics--Alkali basalt Ordovician Alkali basalt, agglomerate, and volcanoclastic conglomerate. LG002 860 Livengood Ign 7610 Ofc Old Livengood Dome Chert Late Ordovician Chert, siliceous slate with rare greenstone and limestone LG002 871 Livengood Meta 7710 Och PDms Metamorphic and sedimentary rocks Permian to Devonian? Black and greenish-gray siliceous slate, chert, siltstone, debris flows, and greenstone LG002 801 Livengood Meta 5615 PDms PMs Greenish-gray siliceous slate, quartzite, chert, and greenstone Permian to Mississippian LG002 805 Livengood Meta 5600 PDms Ps Sedimentary rocks Permian Argillite, siltstone, sandstone, and minor conglomerate LG002 750 Livengood Sed 5740 Ps Pzc Chatanika unit Paleozoic Allochthonous, garnet-bearing quartz-biotite-muscovite schist, and quartzite. Primarily epidote-amphibolite facies rocks, but also includes eclogitic rocks LG002 890 Livengood Meta 5510 Pze PzZm Mafic igneous rocks Paleozoic and/or Late Proterozoic Includes minor interlayered sedimentary rocks LG002 912 Livengood Ign 8450 MzZum Qa Alluvium Holocene LG002 105 Livengood Unconsol 100 Qs Qab Abandoned or inactive flood plain deposits Holocene Includes natural levees on streams in the Minto Flats LG002 111 Livengood Unconsol 100 Qs Qaf Alluvial fan deposits Holocene LG002 100 Livengood Unconsol 100 Qs Qd Sand dune deposits Holocene LG002 120 Livengood Unconsol 100 Qs Qg Reworked creek gravels in placer mining areas Holocene LG002 100 Livengood Unconsol 100 Qpm Qlc Loess and colluvium Holocene Includes minor upland alluvium LG002 100 Livengood Unconsol 100 Qs Qs Swamp deposits Holocene LG002 113 Livengood Unconsol 100 Qs Qsu Reworked silt, undifferentiated, and organic deposits Holocene Includes swamp deposits LG002 113 Livengood Unconsol 100 Qs QTg Gravel, sand, and silt Holocene to Pliocene Poorly consolidated deposits LG002 285 Livengood Sed 100 Qs SZa Amy Creek unit Silurian? to Late Proterozoic Siliceous dolomite, chert, and basaltic greenstone, minor limestone, shale and siltstone LG002 911 Livengood Sed 6680 SZa Tb Olivine basalt Tertiary LG002 230 Livengood Ign 1004 Tb Tgp Peraluminous granite Paleocene Cache Mountain pluton LG002 240 Livengood Ign 1320 Tpgr TKg Felsic granitic rocks Tertiary and/or Cretaceous Small intrusive bodies in the upper Wilber Creek area LG002 291 Livengood Ign 1655 TKg TKg Felsic granitic rocks Tertiary and/or Cretaceous Vault pluton LG002 291 Livengood Ign 1655 TKg TKm Monzonite Tertiary and/or Cretaceous Cascaden Ridge pluton LG002 295 Livengood Ign 1660 TKm Tm Monzonite(?) or Monzodiorite(? Paleocene? Northeast of Tolovana Hot Springs pluton LG002 255 Livengood Ign 1350 Thgd Tqm Quartz monzonite Paleocene Tolovana Hot Springs pluton LG002 251 Livengood Ign 1320 Tpgr Trc Black shale and chert Triassic LG002 601 Livengood Sed 4110 Trcs Trm Mafic igneous rocks Triassic? Gabbro and diabase sills and dikes. LG002 610 Livengood Ign 4210 Trn TrMrs Rampart Group--Sedimentary rocks Triassic to Mississippian Argillite, chert, graywacke, shale, and limestone LG002 692 Livengood Sed 5020 TrMts TrMrv Rampart Group--Igneous rocks Triassic to Mississippian Intrusive and extrusive mafic igneous rocks, and a few intermixed sedimentary rocks LG002 691 Livengood Ign 5130 JTrtmu Trs Calcareous phosphatic shale and limestone Triassic Includes minor calcareous sandstone and granule conglomerate LG002 605 Livengood Sed 4080 Trgl Tvs Volcanic and sedimentary rocks, undivided Oligocene and Eocene Conglomerate, sandstone, shale, and basalt LG002 209 Livengood Sed 795 Tvs Zf Fairbanks schist unit--undivided Late Proterozoic Greenschist facies muscovite-chlorite schist, quartzite, and phyllite. Locally, divided into: LG002 930 Livengood Meta 9320 PzZyqs Zfc Fairbanks schist unit--Cleary subunit Late Proterozoic Facies characterized by white felsic schist, micaceous quartzite, chloritic or actinolitic greenschist, greenstone, and marble LG002 940 Livengood Meta 9321 PzZyqs Zwg Grit Late Proterozoic Bimodal quartzite, gray and olive-gray greenschist-facies argillite. Unit age is considered to be Hadrynian LG002 925 Livengood Meta 8410 Zwg Qa Alluvium Quaternary Gravel, sand, silt; gray or buff, uncolsolidated, well-stratified; mapped only in valleys of major streams. Includes gravel, sand, and silt of low terraces BD002 100 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qac Alluvium and colluvium Quaternary Boulders, gravel, sand, silt, and angular rock fragments. In large river valleys contains much perennially frozen organic silt and peat. BD002 101 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Ql Loess Quaternary Silt, eolian; light brown to brownish gray, unconsolidated, well-sorted, massive to poorly stratified; locally mottled by iron stains. In places contains venefacts. Thickness ranges from 1 to 50 m. BD002 110 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qs Sand Quaternary Sand, eolian; yellowish brown to grayish orange, light gray and olive gray, unconsolidated, forms dunes as much as 21 m high and dune fields 1 or more square kilometers in area. Sand is commonly overlain by as much as 1 m of loess. BD002 111 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qsp Silt and peat Quaternary Organic silt deposited in swamps, black or mottled gray and brown. Mostly perennially frozen. Only the large areas of this unit in the vicinity of the Tanana valley are mapped BD002 120 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qab Abandoned floodplain alluvium Quaternary Unconsolidated silt, sand, pebbles, and cobbles, in well-stratified layers and lenses. Light to dark gray and buff to brown; includes much organic material and grades into swamp deposits in poorly drained ares. BD002 121 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qf Fan deposits Quaternary Sand, gravel, and cobbles, in fairly well-stratified layers and lenses. Primarily distal segments of undifferientiated glacial outwash fans, mantled with loess. BD002 130 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qm Moraine deposits Quaternary Boulders, gravel, sand, and silty sand, in terminal moraine, lateral moraine, moraine in cirques, and ground moraine of several different ice advances. BD002 131 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qdo Outwash of Donnelly glaciation Quaternary Gravel and sandy gravel, light yellowish-brown to gray, moderately to well-rounded, in unconsolidated well-stratified layers and lenses BD002 140 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qdlm Morainal deposits of Delta glaciation Quaternary Till, sandy, yellowish-gray to light reddish-brown, unconsolidated, unstratified. Gravel is angular to well-rounded, 2 cm to 24 cm in diameter BD002 141 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Qdlo Outwash of Delta glaciation Quaternary Gravel silty or sandy, with lenses of well-sorted sand; light yellowish -brown. Gravel well-rounded, poorly to moderately well-sorted in unconsolidated moderately well-stratified layers BD002 150 Big Delta Unconsol 100 Qs Tn Nenana gravel Tertiary Conglomerate and minor amounts of sandstone; yellowish-gray to reddish-brown, poorly consolidated, well-sorted. Conglomerate particles, mostly well-rounded, up to 8 cm in diameter, characteristically iron-stained. BD002 200 Big Delta Sed 570 Tn Tcb Coal-bearing formation Tertiary Sandstone, siltstone, claystone, and conglomerate, light-yellowish-gray to light-reddish-brown, poorly consolidated, easily eroded. Conglomerate particles mostly well-rounded quartz and chert as much as 4 cm in diameter. Lignitic coal layers as much as 30 cm thick are rare. Limonitic sandstone concretions common. BD002 201 Big Delta Sed 640 Tcb Tcs Conglomerate, Sandstone, Siltstone, Shale Tertiary Light gray, poorly consolidated, poorly bedded. Conglomerate clasts are well-rounded to fairly angular and extremely variable in size ranging from granules to 1 m boulders of several types of granitic rock, gneiss, white quartz, and rarely schist. Sandstone is coarse- to fine-grained, olive-gray, brown, or orange-brown. Siltstone is olive-gray. BD002 210 Big Delta Sed 500 Tsu Tg Granitic rocks Tertiary Quartz monzonite to granite; medium to coarse grained; equigranular to porphyritic; massive without linear or planar fabric or microfabric; commonly weathered and crumbly. Only plutons with Tertiary K-Ar dates are included in this unit. Plutons that may be Tertiary but are undated are included in TKg. BD002 211 Big Delta Ign 1320 Tpgr Tf Felsic igneous rocks Tertiary Lava, shallow, intrusives and dikes and sills. Lava in eastern part of quad, gray with smokey quartz, sanidine, plagioclase, biotite, and hornblende phenocrysts. Phenocrysts may be as long as 2 - 5 mm. Some are 10 mm long. Rock generally fractured and crumbly. Locally glass matrix; glass has perlitic dehydration cracks. BD002 220 Big Delta Ign 1011 Thf TKg Granodiorite to Quartz Monzonite Tertiary and Cretaceous Medium grained; equigranular to porphyritic; massive without linear or planar fabric. The rocks contain biotite, hornblende, muscovite, with biotite the most common mafic mineral. The rocks in this unit are not radiometrically dated BD002 221 Big Delta Ign 1655 TKg Kg Granodiorite to Quartz Monzonite Cretaceous Medium to coarse grained; mostly equigranular; massive without linear or planar fabric. The rocks contain biotite is the most common mafic mineral; hornblende is less common. K-Ar ages are Cretaceous BD002 300 Big Delta Ign 2480 Kg Kd Diorite and Gabbro Cretaceous Diorite medium gray, medium grained; dominately pyroxene, biotite and plagioclase; amphibole may be absent; in places quartz diorite; locally may be gabbro; generally massive. Unit also includes undated dike and lenslike mass of dark-greenish gray, medium- to coarse-grained gabbro ; consists of green hornblende with minor biotite, pyroxene, and plagioclase. BD002 301 Big Delta Ign 2440 Kmum Kp Quartz-Orthoclase Porphyry Cretaceous Pink to tan weathering. Quartz and Carlsbad-twinned orthoclase occur as large as 1 cm; euhedral phenocrysts in aphanitic to fine-grained groundmass; sericitzed. K-Ar on potassium feldspar BD002 310 Big Delta Ign 2450 Kg Pgc Greenstone and Chert Permian Greenstone is light to dark green or greenish gray, greenish red, or greenish black; fine to coarse grained; mostly massive with weakly developed foliation in places. Chert is green, light, and dark gray, red, and mottled green and gray; massive, closely fractured, and commonly sugary texture. Radiolarians and conodonts in red chert BD002 400 Big Delta Sed 5830 JPzsgs Pu Periodotite, partly serpentinized Paleozoic Dark green to black; weathers a reddish orange brown; massive. Diabase and diorite inclusions, commonly meters in diameter. A zone of quartz and magnesite, with some dolomite, 1 to 50 m thick. The silica-carbonate rock is bright orange, orange brown, or cream with local green stains. BD002 401 Big Delta Ign 5980 JPsu Pq Quartzite with some Phyllite, Micaceous Quartzite, Marble, and Calc. Qtz. Schist Permian Quartzite and lesser phyllite, micaceous quartzite, marble, and calcareous quartz schist. Quartzite is tan, red, maroon to purple, and black and commonly finely banded. Mostly fine-grained and in places closely folded. Locally has abundant, fine, disseminated sulfides. Age unknown but considered Permian because of association with unit Pgc. BD002 410 Big Delta Meta 5960 JPzsgs Pzc Cataclastic rocks Paleozoic Mostly mylonite schist and mylonite gneiss; gray, light green and tan; fine to coarse grained; dense and hard to soft and crumbly; fluxion structure common; neomineralization and crystalization evident. Rocks mostly quartzitic and feldspathic with minor amounts of mica, amphiboles, and epidote group minerals. Augen gneiss with perthitic microcline augen common. BD002 411 Big Delta Meta 5605 MDtm Pzsg Semischist, greenschist, quartzite, phyllite, marble, and greenstone Paleozoic Semischist or sheared grit; greenish gray or gray and fine to coarse grained; very quartzitic to very feldspathic; clear, gray, or bluish-gray quartz graine 1 to 5 mm in diameter characteristic; interlayered with quartz-chlorite mica schist and others combinations of greenschist rocks, tan quartzite, gray and tan phyllite, marble, and greenstone. Possibly equivalent to the Totatlinika Schist in the northern Alaska Range. BD002 420 Big Delta Meta 6510 MDt Pzq Quartzite, Meta-Argillite, Phyllite, Slate, and Marble Paleozoic Quartzite commonly black but varies widely in color. Locally, color changes due to contact metamorphism. Interlayered with black or dark-gray meta-argillite. Phyllite, marble, and quartzite more commonly occur in the upper part of the formation but may be absent due to faulting or unconformity. BD002 421 Big Delta Meta 5660 Pzk Pzm Calcareous Phyllite, Marble and Phyllite Paleozoic Light to medium gray, fine to medium grained, thin layered and well foliated, commonly crumbly. Characteristically cut by abundant carbonate-quartz veins and veinlets; locally forms low tors. Age unknown, but stratigraphic relationships suggest early Paleozoic protoliths BD002 430 Big Delta Meta 5662 Pzkcp Pzs Schist Paleozoic Quartz-mica schist with marble and quartzite, calcareous diopside schist, quartz-feldspar rock; and amphibole. Sillimanite is locally abundant near the Salcha River and staurolite, andalusite and kyanite also occur. BD002 431 Big Delta Meta 8630 PzZysa Pzg Gneiss Paleozoic Gray and weathers tan; locally orange brown where altered; mostly medium grained equigranular; respresentative mineralogy is strained quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, red-brown biotite and sillimanite; garnet, tourmaline, zircon, and apatite are common accessory minerals. Age unknown. BD002 440 Big Delta Meta 5670 PzZyg Pzu Ultramafic rocks Paleozoic Light green, greenish gray, or black and less commonly tan, brown, or yellow green; Occurs as small foliated masses infolded with amphibolite facies gneiss and schist. Original rock was peridotite which has been regionally metamorphosed to amphibole, chlorite, and magnetite. Age unknown BD002 441 Big Delta Meta 5690 MzZum Pzd Diorite Paleozoic Medium gray to medium dark gray, fine to medium grained; dark-green to pale-brown hornblende, red-brown biotite abundant in some localities; foliation well-developed locally. BD002 450 Big Delta Ign 5440 MzPzi PzpCsq Schist and Quartzite Paleozoic or Precambrian Quartz-muscovite-biotite schist, quartz-muscovite schist, quartzite, and amphibole schist; locally garnetiferous. Upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies. Age unknown. Unit subdivided on published OFR98-133 into PzZysa and PzZysq. BD002 451 Big Delta Meta 9327 PzZyqs PzpCs Quartzite and Schist Paleozoic or Precambrian Quartzite, feldspathic quartzite and quartz-mica schist, medium light gray to medium gray. Quartzite, some shows original bedding, dominates the section. Quartz-biotie schist is commonly; most of the unit is garnetiferous; Upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies. Age unknown BD002 460 Big Delta Meta 9327 PzZyqs PzpCa Augen Gneiss Paleozoic or Precambrian Augen most commonly of white potassium feldspar, range in size from 1 to 10 cm long, most about 4 cm long. Biotite is scarce to abundant. Foliation layers containing biotite bend around augen. Age unknown. BD002 461 Big Delta Meta 6521 MDyao PzpCg Gneiss and Quartzite Paleozoic or Precambrian Coarse to fine grained gneiss and quartzite; well foliated and banded to massive without banding; locally cataclastic; ranges from peltic with abundant sillimanite to gneisses of probable igneous origin. All rocks are well foliated, and dominant foliation is folded. Protoliths may inclide both Paleozoic and preCambrian sedimentary and igneous rocks. BD002 470 Big Delta Meta 8802 PzZypg Qa Flood-plain alluvium Quaternary Well-stratified layers and lenses of unconsolidated gray silt, sand, pebbles, cobbles, and boulders; occurs in two facies 1) gravelly facies 2) silt and sand facies. Both occur on the Tanana River east of the mouth of the Chena and on other streams in the Alaska Range . FB002 100 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qs Swamp deposits Quaternary Dark-brown to black peat and silt more than 5 feet thick in some areas. Perenially frozen and contain lenses and veinlets of clear ice. FB002 101 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Ql Landslide debris Quaternary Chaotic masses of angular fragments of shale, sandstone, and conglomerate, clay, sand, gravel, and schist embedded in a matrix of silt, clay, and gravel. FB002 102 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qg Reworked creek gravel Quaternary Placer-mine dredge tailings derived from buried creek gravels. FB002 103 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qbc Basaltic cinders Quaternary Cinder cone from late Pleistocene or Recent eruption at north base of mountain southwest of Buzzard Creek. Unconsolidated poorly sorted aggregate of irregular to subrounded fragments of scoriaceous to dense basalt. FB002 104 Fairbanks Unconsol 320 Qcs Qab Abandoned flood-plain alluvium Quaternary Well-stratifed layers and lenses of unconsolidated gray silt, sand, pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. Occurs in two facies: 1) coarse gravelly alluvium and 2) silty alluvium containing 95% silt and 5% sand. FB002 105 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qaf Alluvial fan deposits Quaternary Well-stratified layers and lenses of gray to brown coarse and and pebble, cobble, and boulder gravel. FB002 106 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qdr Dune Sand, reworked Quaternary Organic silty sand underlying undrained depressions and old lake or pond beds; derived from near by sand dunes. Permafrost and considerable ground ice probably present at shallow depths. FB002 107 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qrm Morainal deposits of Riley Creek Glaciation Quaternary Unsorted and unstratified glacial till with silt cover 1/2 foot thick. Silt, sand, and gravel containing boulders more than 3 feet in diameter. Coarse fragments angular to rounded. Permafrost present, ice content low to moderate. FB002 108 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qro Outwash of Riley Creek Glaciation Quaternary Well-stratified well-sorted porous and very permeable gray to pale yellowish brown sandy gravel containing lenses of coarse well-sorted sand. FB002 109 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qtf Torrential fan deposits Quaternary Interfingering cobble and pebble gravel, mudflow deposits, and minor amounts of silt and sand, bordering the foothills. Average coarseness decreases away from foothills. FB002 110 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qf Fairbanks loess Quaternary Massive, homogeneous eolian silt on upper slopes and hilltops. Well sorted, less than 10 % clay; grains angular, consist mostly of quartz, feldspar, and mica. Locally cemented by iron oxide, locally calcareous. Thickness ranges form 3 to 200 feet. Color buff to tannish-gray when dry, brown when wet. Locally mottled by iron staining and carbonaceous material. FB002 111 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qsu Perennially frozen silt, undifferentiated Quaternary Massive, homogeneous unconsolidated, well-sorted silt of eolian origin containg less than 10% clay, locally rich in organic silt and larger organic fragments. Inorganic components are angular grains of quartz, feldspar, and mica, locally cemented by iron oxides. It is buff to brown or gray, locally mottled. Organic silt is brown to grayish black Large quantites of plant and animal remains FB002 112 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qd Dune sand Quaternary Well-sorted angular to round, moderate yellowish-brown eolian sand consisting of yellowish-white, clear to opaque quartz grains (65 to 85%) but including some dark-gray to black rock fragments. FB002 113 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qhm Morainal deposits of Healy Glaciation Quaternary Unstratified glacial till with silt cover 1/2 foot to 3 feet thick. Silt, sand, and gravel with boulders more than 3 feet in diameter. Coarse fragments angular to rounded. FB002 114 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qho Outwash of the Healy Glaciation Quaternary Coarse, clean, well-sorted, well-stratified gray to yellowish-brown porous and very permeable gravel with layers and lenses of coarse clean sand. FB002 115 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qha Alluvial fan deposits contemporaneous with Healy Glaciation Quaternary On the Dry Creek fan these deposits consist of well-stratified gray to brown pebble, cobble, and boulder gravel with layers and lenses of coarse sand, and range from fine clean gravel with pebbles 1/2 inch to 3 inches in diameter at the north end of fan east of Blair Lakes to gravel with cobbles 8 to 12 inches in diameter south of Blair Lakes. Boulders, cobbles, and pebbles composed of gray granitic rocks, conglomerate, schist, gneiss, diorite, and quartz. FB002 116 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qdm Morainal deposits of Dry Creek Glaciation Quaternary Mapped from aerial photos based on topographic expression. Probably similar to morainal deposits of Healy Glaciation but somewhat more weathered and eroded. FB002 117 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qdo Outwash of Dry Creek Glaciation Quaternary Similar to outwash of Healy Glaciation on same stream but more weathered and eroded, and overlain by thicker deposit of windblown silt. FB002 118 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qda Alluvial fan deposits contemporaneous with Dry Creek Glaciation Quaternary Similar to alluvial fan deposits of Healy Glaciation on same stream but more weathered and eroded, and overlain by thicker deposit of windblown silt. FB002 119 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Qbm Morainal deposists of Browne Glaciation Quaternary Coarse sand and gravel, with abundant blocks of granite, gabbro, and conglomerate several feet on a side. Small areas at an altitude of 2200 feet west of Windy Creek and 5000 feet southeast of Gold King Creek consist largely of boulders and blocks. Includes erratics (Qbe) - isolated angular blocks and groups of blocks of granite, gabbro, and conglomerate, 3-30 feet in diameter, resting on present topography . FB002 120 Fairbanks Unconsol 100 Qs Tn Nenana Gravel Tertiary Buff to reddish-brown poorly consolidated pebble to boulder conglomerate and coarse sandstone, with interbedded mudflow deposits, thin claystone layers and local thin lignite beds. Maximum thickness is 2000 feet. FB002 200 Fairbanks Sed 570 Tn Tcb Coal-bearing formation Tertiary, Miocene? to Eocene? Poorly consolidated, readily eroded pebbly sandstone, claystone, and subituminous coal, in synclinal basins in the foothills of the Alaska Range between Nenana River and Dry Creek. Pinches out northward and is overlapped unconformably by Nenana Gravel. Is subdivided into 5 units, see unit description on Map I-455. FB002 210 Fairbanks Sed 640 Tcb Mt Totatlanika Schist Mississippian Predominately quartz-microcline-sericite schist and augen gneiss, gray in color, consisting of a coarse facies having large deformed phenocrysts of microcline, quartz and rare albite 0.1-1 inch in diameter; interbedded with a fine facies consisting of angular grains of feldspar and quartz 0.01-1 inch in diameter, in a dark-gray to yellowish-gray schistose groundmass of sericite and chlorite. Part of unit coded NSACLASS = 5666 Syringopora FB002 300 Fairbanks Meta 6510 MDt DSt Tolovana (?) Limestone Middle Silurian to Middle or early Late Devonian Thick-bedded to massive, fine-crystalline to lithographic, medium dark bluish-gray limestone of unknown thickness. Weathers buff to yellowish-brown. Chert rare or absent. Correlated on basis of lithology and geographic trend. FB002 400 Fairbanks Sed 6965 DSt nc Nilkoka Group- Chert and siliceous shale Uncertain but believe to be Precambrian or early Paleozoic Chert is hard, thin bedded to blocky, locally cut by shear planes, medium light gray or rarely nearly white or black with thin color layering; commonly stained yellow or red by iron oxide from weathering; forms reddish soil. Interbedded siliceous shale is hard, thin bedded, medium light gray weathering to light yellowish gray. correlated to Mertie's (1937) unit B on basis of fossils (Cambrian or Ordovican) FB002 500 Fairbanks Sed 7710 Och ng Nilkoka Group- Grit, argillite, quartzite, and limestone Uncertain but believe to be Precambrian or early Paleozoic Interbedded grit and varigated clay slate, quartzite, and phyllite, with rare siltstone beds and a few fine-grained lenticular limestone beds as much as 5 feet thick. Color of fine-grained rocks predominately green but mottled by red through pale olive green, dusky yellow, and light yellowish gray areas produced by leaching and oxidation along joints, on exposed surfaces and in more porous parts. Fine-grained rocks range from argillite to phyllite. Correlated to Mertie's (1937) unit C (pre-Ordovican) and part of his unit D (Late Precambrian). FB002 501 Fairbanks Meta 8310 CZwa bc Birch Creek Schist Uncertain but believe to be early Paleozoic or Precambrian Light- to dark-gray, reddish-brown to tan-weathering schists, predominately quartz-sericite schist and micaeous quartzite. Includes mu-bio schist, garnet-mica schist, calcite-and dolomite-bearing schist, chloritic and graphitic schist, amphibolite, impure marble, and gneiss. Southern most part assigned to NSACLASS = 9322, part out in flats assigned to NSACLASS = 6511 120 m.y. to 1,170 m.y. FB002 600 Fairbanks Meta 9327 PzZyqs Mzi Intrusive rocks Probably Mesozoic but may be early Tertiary Dikes and stocks of granite, granodiorite, dacite, and granite porhyry, intruded into schist formations of the Yukon-Tanana uplands and the Alaska Range. Unconformably overlain by the coal-bearing formation (unit Tcb). FB002 700 Fairbanks Ign 1655 TKg Dmu Mafic and Ultramafic rocks Devonian (?) Ophitic diorite and serpentinized periodotite make up the Wood River Buttes. Ore minerals constitute about 5% of the diorite. Wood RIver Buttes are on a projection with mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Big Delta quad. There is an intense linear positive aeromagnetic anomaly across the alluviated plain between them indicating that they may be a single belt. FB002 800 Fairbanks Ign 5980 JPsu Tb Basalt Dark-gray and black or brownish oline basalt, closely jointed and deeply weathered with local pillow or columnar structure; on lower slope of hills near Fort Wainwright. FB002 900 Fairbanks Ign 1004 Tb Qt4 Till, Cirque glaciation Quaternary? Unsorted boulder to clay-size particles. Moraine forms locally present, restricted to cirques TN002 130 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qt3 Till Quaternary Unsorted boulder to clay-size particles, includes long low lateral moraine on Halu Creek TN002 136 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qt2 Till Quaternary Unsorted boulder to clay-size particles, lowest moraine on Halu Creek TN002 137 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qt1 Till Quaternary? Unsorted boulder to clay-size particles, farthest down valley moraine on lower Halu Creek. TN002 138 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qt Till, undifferentiated Quaternary Unsorted boulder to clay-size particles, no clear morainic forms. TN002 135 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qal Recent alluvium Holocene Sandy gravel and sandy silt, forms flood plain of modern rivers and streams. TN002 105 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qaf Alluvial fan deposits Quaternary Gravel, silt, and sand, commonly occur at mouth of small side canyons. Includes some colluvial deposits. TN002 106 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qbg Low-level bench gravel of Minook Creek Quaternary Gravel and sand on bench along lower parts of Minook and Hunter Creeks TN002 109 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qtr Terrace deposits Quaternary Gravel, silt, and sand near mouth of Fleshlanana Creek TN002 110 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qags Older alluvium Quaternary Coarse, silty sand and fine gravel; generally forms terrace sloping up and away from floodplains of streams and rivers TN002 111 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs QTg High-level gravel late Tertiary or early Quaternary Well packed gravel, caps hills in vicinity of Rampart TN002 285 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qcal Colluvium and alluvium, undifferentiated Quaternary Silt and sand mantling broad, flat valleys TN002 100 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qrs Recent slide and slump deposits Holocene Very fresh, unmodified slumps and earthflows (Occurred about 1940). TN002 158 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qls Older landslide deposits Quaternary Slumps and earth and rock slides TN002 108 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qc Colluvium, undifferentiated Quaternary Predominantly silt, with some sand and gravel. TN002 107 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qta Talus Quaternary Angular boulder rubble in cirque. TN002 159 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Ql Loess Quaternary Well-sorted silt TN002 121 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qess Sand and silt Quaternary Well-sorted sand, commonly in subdued dune forms TN002 120 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Qb Rock-defended terraces on Minook Creek Quaternary Erosional benches along east side Minook Creek TN002 160 Tanana Unknown 100 Qs Qat Altiplanation terrace Quaternary Flat, even surface, formed on bedrock hilltops generally above 600 m TN002 161 Tanana Unknown 100 Qs QTa Andesitic lava Late Tertiary or early Quaternary Light to very ligry-gray vesicular lava. Removed from final map TN002 451 Tanana Ign 451 QTa Tvs Rhyolitic volcanic and sedimentary rocks Tertiary? Rhyolitic lava and breccia. Tuff and welded tuff common. Cherty rocks minor, thin-bedded or in nodules. TN002 1001 Tanana Ign 1001 Trs Ts Sedimentary rocks early Tertiary and Miocene Interbedded polymictic pebble-cobble-boulder conglomerate, grit, and sandstone, with siltstone, shale, and lignite. TN002 640 Tanana Sed 640 Tcb TKv Volcanic rocks Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Dacite flows, may include tuff and andesite. TN002 1604 Tanana Ign 1604 TKvd KJcs Clastic sedimentary rocks Late Jurassic and Cretaceous Graywacke sandstone, quartzitic sandstone, quartzite, siltstone, shale, slate, slaty argillite, and polymictic conglomerate. TN002 2815 Tanana Sed 2105 Kvgm JMms Mafic and sedimentary rocks Jurassic? to Mississippian Rampart Group volcanic and sedimentary rock sequence TN002 5131 Tanana Ign 5131 TrMtsu Ps Slaty shale, siltstone, graywacke, and conglomerate Permian Moderately well-indurated, medium- to dark-gray shale, commonly weakly foliated to slaty, and in part phyllitic. Well indurated, medium- to medium-drak-gray siltstone, in part argillite. TN002 5740 Tanana Sed 5012 TrPs Pzar Argillaceous rocks Permian or Middle to Late Devonian Thin-bedded siltstone, slate, and phyllite, thick-bedded argillite, and minor laminated sandstone. Metamorphosed to low grade. Not on published OFR98-133 TN002 5615 Tanana Sed 5615 PDms Pzc Calcareous clastic rocks early Paleozoic, possibly Devonian Medium-gray siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone, largely calcareous and generally schistose. Not on OFR98-133 TN002 6921 Tanana Meta 6921 Dq? Pzw Quartz wacke early Paleozoic, possibly Devonian Poorly sorted sandstone, granule conglomerate, siltstone, and semischist. Not on OFR98-133 TN002 6922 Tanana Meta 6922 Dq2? Pzsr Schistose rocks middle Paleozoic? Chiefly white, light- to medium-gray, silvery gray, and brownish gray, fine- to coarse-grained quartz-mica-grarnet schist. Unit apparently conformable with unit Pzl, but contact is poorly exposed. TN002 5208 Tanana Meta 5208 TPza Pzl Limestone, greenstone, and schist Ordovician(?), Silurian, and Devonian Dominantly light- to light-medium-gray partly dolomitic limestone and dolomite. Basaltic greenstone and partly calcareous chloritic schist are associated sequentially or interbedded with the carbonate rocks TN002 6966 Tanana Meta 6966 DSt? Pzvs Volcanic and sedimentary rocks Ordovician or Silurian Partly altered mafic lava and tuff, slate, slaty shale, phyllite, tuffaceous limestone, cherty schist, and chert. Not on OFR98-133 TN002 6910 Tanana Meta 6910 Dtr Pzl Limestone, dolomite, greenstone, and schist Silurian or Devonian Limestone, dolomitic limestone, partly silicified dolomite, basaltic greenstone, and chloritic schist. Similar to unit Pzl south of Yukon River. TN002 6956 Tanana Meta 6956 DSls? Oc Chert Late(?) Ordovician Light- to medium-gray chert. TN002 7710 Tanana Meta 7710 Och Cal Argillite, slate, quartzite and grit probably Cambrian, possibly in part preCambrian Medium- to dark-red or maroon, light- to medium-green and grayish-green, and medium-gray argillite and slate. Light yellow-brown to light-gray quartzite and grit. Not on OFR98-133 TN002 8410 Tanana Meta 8310 CZwa PzpCsq Schist, quartzite, phyllite, and slate early Paleozoic(?) and preCambrian(?) Light- to medium-gray and silvery gray quartz-mica schist, light- to medium-gray quartzite, light- to dark-gray slate and phyllite. Not on OFR98-133 TN002 8630 Tanana Meta 8630 PzZysa Tg Granite early Tertiary Light-gray biotite granite, only at Manley Hot Springs K-Ar(?) 62 Ma TN002 2470 Tanana Ign 1320 Tpgr TKq Quartz monzonite Early Tertiary-Late Cretaceous Light- to vey light-gray quartz monzonite, may range to granite K-Ar(?) 61.8 Ma TN002 1655 Tanana Ign 1655 TKg Kg Granitic rocks Late Cretaceous Quartz monzonite, granite, monzonite, and possibly granodiorite K-Ar(?) 92, and 90 Ma; 104 Ma TN002 2470 Tanana Ign 2470 Kg Km Mafic rocks Cretaceous? Gabbro, diorite? Not on published OFR98-133 TN002 2440 Tanana Ign 2440 Kmum Ksp Serpentinite and mafic rocks Late Cretaceous? Serpentinite, diabase-gabbro and some metadiorite. Not on published OFR98-133 TN002 2510 Tanana Ign 2510 Kmum Jpu Ultramafic rocks Serpentinized peridotite and dunite TN002 5150 Tanana Ign 5150 Jaum Mg Globe unit Mississippian Light-gray quartzite. Massive or thinly interbedded quartzite and medium- to dark-gray slate, phyllite, and minor laminated claystone. Age fro date of Trm intrusive and lithologic and stratigraphic similarities to Keno Hill Quartzite in Yukon. LG002 830 Livengood Meta 6530 Mgq Dcg Beaver Bend unit Devonian? Polymictic light- to medium-gray chert pebble conglomerate, graywacke, siltstone, and slate Unidentifiable plant fragments LG002 843 Livengood Sed 6940 Dcb bu bedrock of unknown type or age unknown Rubble of metasiltstone and chert, believed to be older than TKf. Also includes an outcrop of white, very fine grained quartz sandstone KH002 99 Kantishna River 99 bu Da Augen gneiss Devonian Biotite-bearing felsic augen gneiss U/Pb age 387 +/- 43 Ma, protolith(?) age CI002 702 Circle Ign 6521 MDyao Kg Granitic rocks Cretaceous Not on OF98-133 KH003 2410 Kantishna River Ign 2410 Kg Km Gabbro and diorite Cretaceous Not on OF98-133 KH003 2440 Kantishna River Ign 2440 Kmum Ksp Serpentinite with some diabase, gabbro and mafic volcaniclastic rocks Cretaceous Serpentinite with some diabase, gabbro and mafic volcaniclastic rocks. Not on OF98-133 KH003 2445 Kantishna River Ign 2445 Kmum MzPzc Circle Volcanics Triassic and Penn. or Mississippian Diabasic gabbro, basalt, diorite, ultramafic rocks, chert, and tuff. Rare limestone. Probably correlative with Rampart Group Radiolarians from chert of Pennsylvanian, Mississippian, and Triassic age. CI002 502 Circle Ign 5130 JTrtmu MzPzd Diorite Mesozoic and/or Paleozoic Green, olive-green, or greenish-brown, medium- to very coarse-grained, porphyritic diorite. CI002 503 Circle Ign 5175 MzPzi Pzp Serpentinized periodotite Paleozoic Gray, green, and greenish-gray to greenish-black, fine- to coarse-grained serpentinized peridotite. CI002 608 Circle Ign 5980 JPsu Pzug Ultramafic and mafic rocks and greenstone Paleozoic Mostly greenish-black serpentinized peridotite. Greenstone consists of metamorphosed basalt and tuff. CI002 600 Circle Ign 8250 CZum QTa Andesitic lava Quaternary and/or Tertiary KH003 451 Kantishna River Ign 451 QTa Tg Granite Tertiary KH003 1203 Kantishna River Ign 1320 Tpgr TKa Andesitic rocks Tertiary and/ or Cretaceous Andesite and trachyandesite are medium to light green and grayish green and weather to dull brown and brownish green; fine to very fine-grained, prophyritic and glomeroporphyritic, abundant plagioclase phenocrysts 5-6 mm. KH002 1605 Kantishna River Ign 1605 TKvi TKf Felsic igneous rocks Tertiary and/or Cretaceous Light-gray weather, gray ot tan fine- to coarse-grained quartz porphyry. Hypabyssal(?) CI002 301 Circle Ign 1602 TKgp TKf Felsic extrusive rocks and tuff Tertiary and/ or Cretaceous Very light to light gray, yellow and pink to red, mostly deeply weathered and in part iron-stained. Rhyolitic and andesitic rocks are very fine-grained to aphanitic, porphyritic in part; tuff resembles rhyolitic rocks may be welded in places KH002 1600 Kantishna River Ign 1603 TKvr TKg Granite Tertiary and/or Cretaceous Mostly light- to medium-gray, hypidiomorphic granular to porphyritic granite A number of K-Ar mineral ages (see Wilson and Shew, 1981), virtually all early Tertiary, 58 to 65 Ma CI002 300 Circle Ign 1655 TKg TKg Granite Tertiary and/ or Cretaceous Monzonite, quartz monzonite, syenite, diorite, and quartz diorite; generally light to medium dark gray and weather to various shades of brown and gray KH002 1655 Kantishna River Ign 1655 TKg TKr Rhyolitic volcanic rocks Tertiary and/ or Cretaceous Rhyolite porphyry is light to very light gray, mostly deeply weatered to light to medium yellow and reddish brown; very fine-grained, small phenocrysts of smoky quartz and kaolinized feldspar KH002 1603 Kantishna River Ign 1603 TKvr TKv Felsic volcanic rocks Tertiary and/or Cretaceous KH003 1600 Kantishna River Ign 1603 TKvr Trm Diabase and basalt Triassic (?) Light- to medium-green and weathered to various shades of yellowish brown, reddish brown, and brown diabase and basalt. Diabase is medium to coarse grained, in part porphyritic, very hard and breaks into angular blocks; basalt is very fine grained to aphanitic, not as hard as diabase and finely fractured. KH002 4210 Kantishna River Ign 4210 Trn PzpCb Basalt and limestone Paleozoic Dark-greenish- or bluish-gray, medium-fine-grained calcareous basalt, having locally well-developed pillows. Thin limestone layers at the base of the basalt. Upper units in basalt amygdaloidal, overlain by greenish-brown breccia of calcareous basalt having an opaline matrix. Black, moderately coarsely crystalline limestone overlies basaltic portion of unit. Overlying limestone is tan and brown dolomite, and dolomite containing gray chert fragments inturn overlain by gray shale, gray recrystallized chert, and calcareous basalt. Dolomite and limestone contact may be a fault. CI002 1200 Circle Ign 6680 SZa Pzvs Foliated basaltic lava, tuff, slaty shale, phyllite and some limestone and chert Early Paleozoic Not on OFR98-133 KH003 5410 Kantishna River Ign 5410 Pzvs TrPv Basaltic and diabasic rocks, tuff, chert, argillite, slate, and rarely clastic limestone Triassic and/or Permian Extrusive and intrusive basaltic and diabasic rocks, tuff, chert, argillite, slate, and rarely clastic limestone. Not on OFR98-133 KH003 5140 Kantishna River Ign 5140 JMab Trvs Rhyolitic lava and breccia, tuff, chert and shale Triassic Unit deleted in going to TN003 KH003 4205 Kantishna River Ign 4205 Trvs Cal Argillite and slate Cambrian Maroon and green argillite and slate with quartzite, grit, and some phyllite KH003 8410 Kantishna River Meta 8300 CZw Cqs Quartzite, metasiltstone, slate and grit Cambrian Range from light to dark gray ; quartzite is very fine-grained and grades to metasiltstone; blocky, irregular fractures, schistose in part; Slate and phyllite are medium gray; banded with thin silty or sandy layers in part. KH002 8420 Kantishna River Meta 8300 CZw Dps Phyllite,slate, silicious siltstone, and argillite Late Devonian Light and medium gray to silvery gray phyllite,slate, silicious siltstone and argillite; alters to hornfels near granitic contacts. Includes some thin limestone and calcareous siltstone. KH002 7210 Kantishna River Meta 6902 Dp Kh Hornfels and gneiss Cretaceous Unit removed on DOG map KH003 2640 Kantishna River Meta 2640 Khg MzPzaq Argillite and quartzite Mesozoic and/or Paleozoic Dark-gray to black, locally quartzitic argillite, mudstone, and siltstone. Calcareous in a few places, has local gray and black chert. Unit includes a gray, very fine-grained limestone at one locality. Dark greenish-gray mafic lavas, including amygdaloidal basalt and basalt breccia appear interlayered with the sedimentary rocks. Unit deleted on published map. Conodonts in limestone range in age from Ordivician to Triassic CI002 501 Circle Meta 5211 MzPzaq Pze Eclogite Paleozoic Medium-green, medium-grained, massive to foliated ecologite. Occurs as mafic layers within unit PzpCms (NSACLASS = 5510), garnet-muscovite-schist, within which it is lumped on published map. CI002 610 Circle Meta 5475 Pze Pzg Greenstone Paleozoic Mostly coarse diabasic gabbros. Small individual outcrop areas of a variety of texturally and mineralogically different rocks. Unit removed from published (OFR98-133) map and from various versions of Foster and others map. To be reinstated. CI002 609 Circle Meta 5640 JPzsgs Pzm Phyllite, calcareous phyllite and marble Paleozoic Gray phyllite containing thin stringers of crumbly impure marble and black or gray quartzitic phyllite. May includes rocks of unit Pzq (NSACLASS = 5500). CI002 607 Circle Meta 5662 Pzkcp PzpCa Argillite, grit, and quartzite Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Gray, maroon, and green slaty argillite interlayered with gray and greenish-gray grit and quartzite. Minor limestone in southern part of exposure. CI002 1000 Circle Meta 8300 CZw PzpCgq Grit, quartzite and argillite Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Mostly gray or greenish-gray, but may be tan, brown, or dark-gray grit and quartzite. Ranges from fine- to coarse-grained, rarely conglomeratic, and equigranular to bimodal. Weakly metamorphosed. Gray to black, or greenish-gray, olive-gray, tan or brown argillite. Rare thin layers of gray and dark-gray limestone. Trace fossil Oldhamia suggests a Cambrian or possibly Hadrynian (late pC age). CI002 1100 Circle Sed 8410 Zwg PzpCgr Grit and quartzite Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Tan or gray grit and quartzite. Lower metamorphic grade and more calcareous than unit PzpCgq, but thought may be correlative. CI002 1800 Circle Meta 6511 MDt? PzpCm Mafic schist Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Green, chlorite-quartz-carbonate schist, associated with amphibolitic schist and mionr marble, quartzite, and pelitic schist. CI002 1700 Circle Meta 8660 PzZms PzpCms Garnet-muscovite schist Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Medium- to coarse-grained muscovite-garnet-quartz-plagioclase schist. CI002 1400 Circle Meta 5510 Pze PzpCq Quartzite and quartzitic schists, calc-silicate and marble subunit Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Light green to greenish-gray calc-silicate containing thin interlayers of crumbly, greenish-gray marble, light-green calcareous quartzite, gray and greenish-gray phyllite, and fine-grained quartzitic schist subunit of unit PzpCq, consisiting of gray or greenish-gray quartzite and quartzitic schists are dominant rock types. Minor pelitic schist, calc-silicate, mafic schist, and rare marble are interlayered with quartzite and quartzitic schists. CI002 1600? Circle Meta 9324 PzZyqs PzpCs Pelitic schist Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Mostly medium- to coarse-grained pelitic schist and gneiss, having minor interlayered quartzite and quartzitic schists and subordinate white and cream-colored, coarse-grained marble. CI002 1300 Circle Meta 8630 PzZysa Pzq Quartzite, meta-argillite and phyllite Paleozoic Black, dark-gray, or gray. Quartzite is medium-grained, thinly layered to massive. Meta-argillite may be slaty. Unit cut by abundant white quartz veins. Stratigraphically overlies calcareous phyllite and marble unit (Pzm, NSACLASS = 5545) CI002 606 Circle Meta 5660 Pzk Pzsl Schist, phyllite, limestone, and greenstone Early Paleozoic Schist and phyllite are light to medium green and light to medium gray; chlorite and mica common, partly calcareous intensely folded, interbedded with limestone. Limestone is light and medium gray, largely recrystallized; greenstone is basaltic, light to medium green gradational to greenschist. KH002 5665 Kantishna River Meta 6956 DSls? Pzsr Quartz -mica-garnet schist, with some quartzite schist, calcareous schist, marble and phyllite Paleozoic Not on OFR98-133 KH003 5208 Kantishna River Meta 5208 TPza KJqa Quartzite, argilllite, conglomerate, and hornfels Cretaceous and/or Jurassic Mostly gray, fine- to medium-grained quartzite, interlayered with mostly gray, greenish-gray, reddish-gray, and tan argillite CI002 400 Circle Meta 2815 KJw MzPzat Argillite, tuff, quartzite and conglomerate Mesozoic and/or Paleozoic Two parts. One include rocks around VABM Vrain, composed mostly of argillite and minor quartzite and slaty argillite. Second shown by ttt symbol is characterized by tuffaceous rocks associated with black or dark-gray argillite and conglomerate. VRAIN equivalent, see MzPztu also for tuffaceous part of unit. Part of unit separated and assigned to Dcb, combined Cascaden Ridge -- Beaver Bend unit, per Florence Weber's revisions. CI002 400 Circle Meta 2860 KJvr Dl Limestone Devonian Medium-gray, generally massive, locally recrystallized limestone. Correlative with Tolovana limestone? Stromatoporoids, corals, and condonts, result in earliest Early Devonian age. Another part of unit(?), has corals restricting age to late Early Devonian. CI002 701 Circle Sed 6944 DSl Dls Limestone and siltstone Devonian Chiefly limestone, medium to dark gray; dolomitic in part; Siltstone is medium gray, shaly to phyllitic Phillipsastrea or Pachyphyllum sp. (massive rugose coral) and Thamnopora sp. and Disphyllum? sp. KH002 6945 Kantishna River Sed 6944 DSl DSd Dolomite and argillite Devonian and/or Silurian Mostly yellow-gray dolomite and moslty gray and dark-gray to black argillite, shale, and siltstone. Interlayered with light- and dark-gray chert, yellow-gray dolomite, gray marble, and gray, fine-grained quartzite. CI002 700 Circle Sed 6681 SZa? DSl Limestone, dolomite, and shale Devonian and/or Silurian Medium-light- to dark-gray, fine- to medium-grained limestone. Locally limstone contains interlayered minor dolomite and dark-gray shale. Correlates with Tolovana Limestone of Livengood quadrangle. CI002 703 Circle Sed 6945 Ds DSt Tolovana Limestone Devonian and/or Silurian KH003 6965 Kantishna River Sed 6965 DSt KJcs Sandstone, quartzite, conglomerate, siltstone, and slaty shale Cretaceous and/or Jurassic KH003 2820 Kantishna River Sed 2115 Kwcf KJgs Graywacke and shale Jurassic and/or Cretaceous Sandstone, siltstone, and shale, medium gray, generally thin bedded KH002 2116 Kantishna River Sed 2115 Kwcf Oc Chert and slate Ordovician Medium to medium dark gray and weathers to light yellow, tan and orange KH002 7550 Kantishna River Sed 7710 Och Oc Chert and some slaty slate Ordovician KH003 7510 Kantishna River Sed 7710 Och OCsl Siltstone. limestone, phyllite and chert Ordovician and/or Cambrian Mostly light-medium to dark gray and weather yellow, brown and gray; thin bedded; chert rare KH002 7580 Kantishna River Sed 7580 SCpl Old Livengood Dome (?) Chert Ordovician Dark-gray and black chert, gray argillite and shale and slate, gray dolomite, and minor greenish-gray, dirty and dark-gray recrystallized limestone. Mafic volcanic rocks. CI002 900 Circle Sed 7710 Och Ps Slaty shale, siltstone, graywacke, and conglomerate Permian Not on OFR98-133 KH003 5740 Kantishna River Sed 5740 Ps Pzcc Chert, conglomerate and limestone Paleozoic Chert and chert-pebble conglmerate most characteristic. Chert is dominantly gray or black, locally massive, commonly brecciated. Interlayered limestone contained late Late Devonian conodonts CI002 603 Circle Sed 6940 Dcb Pzcg Chert pebble conglomerate Paleozoic Mostly gray chert pebble conglomerate. Conglomerate clasts dominantly chert but include minor quartz, quartzite and rare argillite and siltstone fragments Poorly preserved radiolarins (Spumellariina) of indeterminate age. CI002 602 Circle Sed 6940 Dcb Pzl Limestone and chert Paleozoic Two separate(?) units. Eastern unit is light-gray to medium-dark-gray at top, mostly fine-grained, partly recrystallized, blocky fracturing limestone. Possible algal structures. Western unit ranges from light- to dark-gray limestone apparently interlayered with black, gray, and mottled chert, tan and gray argillite, amygdaloidal basalt, and gabbro. CI002 605 Circle Sed 5330 Pzlc Pzw Quartz wacke Paleozoic KH003 6922 Kantishna River Sed 6922 Dq2? Tcs Conglomerate and sandstone Tertiary Mostly gray or tan, but locally pink or orange-brown conglomerate. Ranges in grainsize from coarse to fine, grades into sandstone. Sandstone is gray, tan, iron-oxide stained, commonly with "salt and pepper" appearance, fine to coarse-grained and locally slightly argillaceous. Locally chunks of lignite and coal(?) are found in float associated with unit. CI002 200 Circle Sed 500 Tsu SOs Siltstone, dolomite, chert, and mafic igneous rocks Silurian and/or Ordovician Gray, black, or olive-gray siltstone and argillite and mudstone. Tan dolomite, gray to dark-gray fine-grained limestone, gray or dark-gray chert. Mafic igneous rocks are dikes, sills, and small lense-like bodies of dark-greenish-black gabbro and basalt. Two areas of exposure, northern contains chert, southern mafic igneous rocks; as assigned an NSAclass, this corresponds to northern area of exposure. CI002 800 Circle Ign 7010 Dsv PaMc Chert, argillite, and quartzite Penn. and/or Mississippian Mostly black, gray, and dark-gray chert, also includes light-gray, green and white banded chert. Rare gray, dark-gray, and black argillite, shale, slate, and siltstone and gray quartzite. Unit form east trending belt in east Crazy Mountains. Maybe be part of Circle Volcanics, or in contact (conformable, unconformable or fault) Radiolarian, Albaillella sp., and Paronaella impella Ormiston and Lane of Late Mississippian age. Also Spongodiscaceid gen. nov. (tetrahedral) of latest Late Mississippian or Early Pennsylvanian age. CI002 601 Circle Meta 5020 TrMts Pzc Chert and argillite Paleozoic Gray, black, and banded chert interlayered with gray, green, olive, black, gray, and tan argillite, rare gray marble, white quartzite, and white calcareous quartzite. Locally intruded by drak-greenish-gray to black diorite and gabbro. Poorly preserved radiolaria, Spumellariina, possibly of Mississippian age. CI002 604 Circle Meta 6910 Dtr Pzc Calcareous schistose siltstone and sandstone, and some phyllite Paleozoic Not on OFR98-133 KH003 5542 Kantishna River Meta 5542 TrMtqp Pzcs Siltstone, slate, phyllite, and argillite Paleozoic Siltstone, slate, phyllite, and argillite KH003 7210 Kantishna River Meta 8300 CZw Pzl Limestone, dolomite, basaltic greenstone and chloritic schist Early Paleozoic Limestone, dolomite, basaltic greenstone and chloritic schist; some argillite, phyllite and quartz-mica schist KH003 6956 Kantishna River Sed 8601 PzZrqs PzpCd Dolomite and marble Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Gray to cream-colored massive dolomite, gray or greenish-gray marble interlayered in calcareous greenish-gray and gray quartzite and phyllite and greenish-gray calc-silicate. CI002 1500 Circle Meta 8615 Pzydm Qa Alluvium Quaternary Gravel, sand, and silt, gray, buff, or brown. Unconsolidated, well-sorted, well-stratified. CI002 100 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Qab Abandoned flood plain alluvium Quaternary Gray to brown gravel, granule to boulder size, well-sorted, well-stratified, covered with as much as 8 m of silt and organice material. Perennially frozen. CI002 101 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Qac Alluvium and colluvium Quaternary Boulders, gravel, sand, silt, and angular rock fragments, mostly poorly sorted and poorly stratified. CI002 102 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Qaf Alluvial fan deposits Quaternary Gray, tan, and brown sandy pebble-cobble gravel and pebble-cobble-boulder gravel having lenses and layers of sand, silt, and organic material. CI002 103 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Qaf Fan deposits Quaternary Gravel, silt and sand, coarse clastics subangular to subrounded KH002 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qaf Alluvial Fan deposits Quaternary KH003 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qags Older alluvium Quaternary KH003 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qal Alluvium Quaternary Sandy gravel and sandy silt; coarse clastics subrounded to well rounded KH002 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qal Recent Alluvium Quaternary KH003 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qat Altiplanation terrace Quaternary Flat, even surface, cut on bedrock in high areas; generally less than 2 hectares in area; thin mantle of coarse, angular rock fragments KH002 161 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qat Altiplanation terrace Quaternary KH003 161 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qb Rock-defended terraces on Minook Creek Quaternary KH003 160 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qbg Low-level bench gravel of Minook Creek Quaternary KH003 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qc Colluvium, undifferentiated Quaternary Predominately silt with some larger fragments, commonly poorly sorted KH002 107 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qc Colluvium, undifferentiated Quaternary KH003 107 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qcal Colluvium and alluvium, undifferentiated Quaternary KH003 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qess Sand and silt Quaternary Elongate dunes KH002 120 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qess Sand and silt Quaternary KH003 120 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qg Gravel Quaternary Light-gray to light-yellowish-brown, pebble to boulder size, containing thin layers of sand and silt. Probably was at one time large alluvial fan of Yukon River. CI002 106 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Ql Loess Quaternary Silt and sandy silt, eolian, yellowish-gray to light-gray. Well-sorted, homogeneous, unconsolidated, generally perennially frozen. CI002 107 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Ql Loess Quaternary KH003 121 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qlc Clay, silt, sand and gravel Quaternary Well-bedded lake deposits; at least 60 m thick KH002 112 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qls Older landslide deposits Quaternary KH003 108 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qm Morainal deposits, undifferentiated Quaternary Boulders, gravel, sand, silty sand in terminal, lateral, cirque and ground moraine. CI002 108 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Qoa Older alluvium Quaternary Sandy gravel and sandy silt; represents old floodplains KH002 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qrs Recent slide and slump deposits Quaternary KH003 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qs Silt and peat Quaternary Organic silt deposited in swamps. Black, dark-gray, mottled dark-gray and brown. Mostly perennially frozen. CI002 104 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Qs Silt Quaternary Probably includes both loess and solifluction mantle. Lakes are common. Units separated by low, elongated hills which are probably dunes KH002 122 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qsf Solifluction mantle Quaternary Silt ,some sand, and a small amount of bedrock fragments KH002 128 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qsu Silt, undifferentiated and organic material Quaternary Gray, dark-gray, dark-brown or black silt, organic silt, and peat, containing local sandy lenses and layers. Locally highly organic, generally perennially frozen. Up to 60 m thick. CI002 105 Circle Unconsol 100 Qs Qt Till, undifferentiated Quaternary KH003 125 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qt (1) Till Quaternary KH003 138 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qt (2) Till Quaternary KH003 137 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qt (3) Till Quaternary KH003 136 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qt (4) Till, cirque glaciation Quaternary KH003 130 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qta Talus Quaternary KH003 107 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs QTg High-level gravel Quaternary KH003 285 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qtr Terrace deposits Quaternary KH003 110 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qal Active stream alluvium Quaternary Active stream alluvium SM002 105 Sleetmute Unconsol 100 Qs Qg3 Ground and medial moraine Pleistocene Ground and medial moraines interpreted from aerial photographs SM002 136 Sleetmute Unconsol 100 Qs Qg2 Ground and medial moraine Pleistocene Ground and medial moraines interpreted from aerial photographs SM002 137 Sleetmute Unconsol 100 Qs Qg1 Ground and medial moraine Pleistocene Ground and medial moraines interpreted from aerial photographs SM002 138 Sleetmute Unconsol 100 Qs Qou Glacial outwash deposits Pleistocene Glacial outwash deposits SM002 140 Sleetmute Unconsol 100 Qs Qg Undifferentiated glacial deposits Pleistocene Undifferentiated glacial deposits SM002 135 Sleetmute Unconsol 100 Qs Qu Undifferentiated alluvial, colluvial, and eolian deposits Quaternary Undifferentiated alluvial, colluvial, and eolian deposits SM002 100 Sleetmute Unconsol 100 Qs Tb Columnar basalt Tertiary Cloumnar basalt, exposed 9 mi northeast of Fortyseven Creek landing strip. K-Ar whole-rock, 38.2 Ma SM002 1004 Sleetmute Ign 1004 Tb Tg Small stocks Tertiary Small stocks, chiefly quartz monzonite, exposed in southeast corner of quadrangle. K-Ar biotite 41.7 Ma SM002 1300 Sleetmute Ign 1300 Tegr TKr Sheets, dikes, and sills of rhyolite early Tertiary, Late Cretaceous Sheets, dikes, and sills of peraluminous biotite + muscovite rhyolite. Six K-Ar biotite and whole-rock ages ranging from 61.5 to 70.5 Ma SM002 1603 Sleetmute Ign 1603 TKvr TKd Dikes and sills early Tertiary, Late Cretaceous? Dikes and thin sills of felsic to mafic composition mostly altered to carbonate, quartz, sericite, and clay. Age based on intrusive relationship with late Early to Late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks (unit Kk, Kuskokwim Group). SM002 1601 Sleetmute Ign 1601 TKd TKvf Felsic volcanic rocks early Tertiary, Late Cretaceous? Felsic volcanic rocks associated with volcano-plutonic complexes, primarily composed of rhyolite tuffs and flows. Equivalent in part to Getmuna Rhyolite of Cady and others (1955) and Holokuk Basalt of Reifenstuhl and others (1984) K-Ar whole-rock of 43.8 Ma SM002 1625 Sleetmute Ign 1625 TKvr TKv Mafic volcanic rocks early Tertiary, Late Cretaceous Mafic volcanic rocks associated with volcano-plutonic complexes; lower unit of TKvf/TKv group. Composed of flows and lesser tuff, agglomerate, and minor lahar units of dominatly mafic composition. Intermediate and felsic rocks also present. Named Holokuk Basalt by Cady and others (1955). Seven K-Ar ages on plagioclase and whole rocks range from 64.3 to 74.5 Ma SM002 1630 Sleetmute Ign 1630 TKiv TKg Plutonic rocks early Tertiary, Late Cretaceous Plutonic rocks associated with volcano-plutonic complexes, monzonite, quartz monzonite, granodiorite, and granite stocks and minor dikes of mafic to felsic composition. Six K-Ar ages on biotite and hornblende range from 63.8 to 68.9 Ma SM002 1650 Sleetmute Ign 1650 TKi Kk Kuskokwim Group late Early Cretaceous to Late Cretaceous Interbedded sandstone, siltstone, shale, and minor conglomerate. Primarily submarine fan and turbidite association. Rare fossils constrin age. SM002 1970 Sleetmute Sed 1970 Kk KTrg Gemuk Group Cretaceous to Triassic Chiefly siltstone, interbedded with lesser amounts of chert and volcanic rock (including tuff), and minor limestone, graywacke, and breccia. Early Cretaceous and Cretaceous fossils from map area, Late Triassic found to southwest. SM002 4710 Sleetmute Sed 4710 MzPzgs Pzl Holitna Group Middle Cambrian to early Middle Devonian Limestone, in partly dolomitized, chiefly massive but thinner bedded in upper zones. Contains small reef-like deposits and local intraformational conglomerate and breccia. Stromatopora sp., Favosites sp., Monotrypa sp., Spirifer (Emmanuella?) sp., Athyris sp., Productella sp., Proetus sp., trilobites, Cyathophylloid corals SM002 6960 Sleetmute Sed 6960 DSwc MzPzat Argillite, tuff, quartzite and conglomerate Mesozic and/or Paleozoic Two parts, tuffaceous part of unit, see KJvr also for main part of unit. One includes rocks around VABM Vrain, composed mostly of argillite and minor quartzite and slaty argillite. Second shown by ttt symbol is characterized by tuffaceous rocks associated with black or dark-gray argillite and conglomerate. Unit lumped and polygons removed on published map with KJvr, Vrain CI002 550 Circle Meta 2875 KJvt MzPzaq Argillite and quartzite Mesozoic and/or Paleozoic Vitreous quartzite part of unit, mapped separately. Light-gray, dense quartzite having a vitreous luster. Dark-gray to black, locally quartzitic argillite, mudstone, and siltstone. Calcareous in a few places, has local gray and black chert. Unit includes a gray, very fine-grained limestone at one locality. Dark greenish-gray mafic lavas, including amygdaloidal basalt and basalt breccia appear interlayered with the sedimentary rocks. Conodonts in limestone range in age from Ordivician to Triassic CI002 5000 Circle Meta 6530 Mgq PzpCq Quartzite and quartzitic schists, quartzite subunit Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Light- to medium-gray, fine- to medium-grained relatively pure quartzite of unit PzpCq, which consists of gray or greenish-gray quartzite and quartzitic schists are dominant rock types. Minor pelitic schist, calc-silicate, mafic schist, and rare marble are interlayered with quartzite and quartzitic schists. CI002 1610 Circle Meta 9323 PzZyqs PzpCq Quartzite and quartzitic schists, greenschist subunit Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Green or greenish-gray, medium-grained, and massive to foliated greenschist subunit(?) of unit PzpCq, consisting of gray or greenish-gray quartzite and quartzitic schists are dominant rock types. Minor pelitic schist, calc-silicate, mafic schist, and rare marble are interlayered with quartzite and quartzitic schists. Unit not located on source map. CI002 none Circle Meta 9326 PzZyqs PzpCqm Quartzite and quartzitic schists, magnetic chlorite schist subunit Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Magnetic chlorite schist subunit of unit PzpCq, consisiting of gray or greenish-gray quartzite and quartzitic schists are dominant rock types. Minor pelitic schist, calc-silicate, mafic schist, and rare marble are interlayered with quartzite and quartzitic schists. Similar lithologically to Cleary sequence of Bundtzen (1982) CI002 1650 Circle Meta 9321 PzZyqs PzpCs Pelitic schist, quartzite subunit Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Mostly medium- to coarse-grained pelitic schist and gneiss, having minor interlayered quartzite and quartzitic schists and subordinate white and cream-colored, coarse-grained marble. CI002 1320 Circle Meta 8802 PzZypg PzpCs Pelitic schist, sillimanite gneiss subunit Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Mostly medium- to coarse-grained pelitic schist and gneiss, having minor interlayered quartzite and quartzitic schists and subordinate white and cream-colored, coarse-grained marble. CI002 1310 Circle Meta 8632 PzZpg unk Limestone Paleozoic and or preCambrian Various limestone symbol shown on Circle map in a variety of rock units. No further description in text. Includes on northern polygons of unit CI002 1900 Circle Sed 8000 CZwl unk Chert Paleozoic and or preCambrian Various chert symbols shown on Circle map in a variety of rock units. No further description in text. Assigned to Cascaden on the basis of location. CI002 1910 Circle Sed 6940 Dcb Qal Alluvium Quaternary KH004 100 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qc Colluvium Quaternary KH004 101 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qs Silt Quaternary KH004 102 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Qdl Dune sand and loess Quaternary Both medium- and fine-grained sand dunes, massive silt deposits, particularly on windward slopes, and relatively thin veneers of silt. The linear dunes trend SW, are commonly several km long and 8 to 20 m high, and have rounded tops. KH004 103 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Ql Lacustrine deposits Quaternary KH004 104 Kantishna River Unconsol 100 Qs Tn Nenana gravel Tertiary KH004 570 Kantishna River Unconsol 570 Tn TKg Granitic rocks Tertiary KH004 201 Kantishna River Ign 1655 TKg TKv Volcanic rocks Tertiary KH004 202 Kantishna River Ign 1603 TKvr Dl Limestone Devonian KH004 300 Kantishna River Sed 6944 DSl DSt Tolovana limestone Devonian KH004 301 Kantishna River Sed 6965 DSt DOc Chert Devonian/Ordovican KH004 302 Kantishna River Sed 7710 Och DOs Shaly rocks Devonian/Ordovican Shaly rocks KH004 303 Kantishna River Sed 6902 Dp pOlp Limestone and phyllite pre-Ordovican Impure limestone, dolomite, greenish-gray phyllite, and silty shale, all of very low metamorphic grade. KH004 400 Kantishna River Sed 7580 SCpl bu Bedrock undifferentiated pre-Ordovican KH004 99 Kantishna River 99 bu Qfy Younger flood-plain deposits Quaternary NL003 100 Nulato Unconsol 100 Qs Qfo Older flood-plain deposits Quaternary NL003 101 Nulato Unconsol 100 Qs Qhs High-terraces and slope deposits Quaternary NL003 102 Nulato Unconsol 100 Qs Ta Andesite and basalt flows Eocene and Paleocene NL003 200 Nulato Ign 1000 Tvu Tr Rhyolite and dacite flows and shallow intrusive bodies Eocene and Paleocene NL003 201 Nulato Ign 1000 Tvu TKh Small intrusive bodies of silicic and intermediate composition Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous NL003 1655 Nulato Ign 1655 TKg Kgr Biotite granite Cretaceous NL003 2410 Nulato Ign 2530 Kg TKhs Small intrusive bodies and thermally altered sed. rx Early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous Small intrusive bodies and thermally altered sedimentary rocks of the Yukon-Koyokuk basin belonging to units Ks and Kg NL003 203 Nulato Ign 1655? TKg Ksu Undifferentiated sedimentary rocks Late and Early Cretaceous Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate marine and nonmarine deltaic deposits in northwest part of quadrangle NL003 1940 Nulato Sed 2021 Kme Km Marine sedimentary rocks Early Cretaceous Sandstone, siltstone, and shale fossiliferous marine deltaic deposits NL003 2101 Nulato Sed 2101 Ksse Kcs Marine sedimentary rocks Early Cretaceous Calcareous sandstone, siltstone, and shale prodelta deposits NL003 303 Nulato Sed 2152 Km Kg Turbidite deposits Early Cretaceous Graywacke and mudstone turbidite deposits NL003 2105 Nulato Sed 2180 Kvm Kv Andesite volcanic rocks Early Cretaceous NL003 2220 Nulato Ign 2330 Kve Jcu Cumulate ultramafic rocks Middle and Late Jurassic NL003 402 Nulato Ign 3496 Jtu Jht Harzburgite tectonite Middle and Late Jurassic NL003 401 Nulato Ign 3497 Jtu Juu Ultramafic rocks, undivided Middle and Late Jurassic NL003 301 Nulato Ign 3498 Jtu TrMb Basalt, gabbro, diabase, tuff, and chert Mississippian to Triassic NL003 5133 Nulato Ign 5130 JTrtmu TrMq Quartzite, phyllite, limestone Mississippian to Triassic NL003 5542 Nulato Meta 5542 TrMtqp PzpCs Schist and quartzite Paleozoic and Proterozoic? NL003 8650 Nulato Meta 8650 PzZrmc PzpCc Carbonate rocks Paleozoic and Proterozoic? NL003 8610 Nulato Sed 8620 Pzrm PzpCm Metabasites Paleozoic and Proterozoic? NL003 8450 Nulato Meta 8450 MzZum ls Landslide deposits Quaternary? NL003 100 Nulato Unconsol 100 Qs Kgs Graywacke sandstone and mudstone -- volcanic conglomerate Early(?) Cretaceous Massive volcanic conglomerate mapped within unit or poorly sorted, muddy sandstone (graywacke) interbedded with mudstone. Conglomerate appears gradational with coarse breccias and agglomerates of andesitic volcanic rocks (unit KJv, KT quad.) Associated and gradational(?) with units containing Buchia of earliest Cretaceous age. KT002 202 Kateel River Sed 2181 Kvm TKv Extrusive rocks Cretaceous or Tertiary Basaltic, andesitic, and rhyolitic flows, tuffs, and breccias, and a few dacite flows; interbedded sandstone and shale. Flows commonly porphyritic and gently dipping. Probably greater than 500 feet thick. (Description from RB002, should match on this map.) RB003 202 Ruby Ign 1603 TKvr Qu Alluvium Quaternary Silt, sand, and gravel of stream beds, flood plains, and terraces RB003 100 Ruby Unconsol 100 Qs JPb Basalt and diabase of Rampart Group Jurassic to Permian Basalt and diabase of Rampart Group. RB003 5140 Ruby Ign 5140 JMab Pg Graywacke Permian Unit probably correlative with similar clastic rocks of the Permian(?) Rampart Group. Unit has three parts; a) fine- to medium-grained, medium-gray to dark-greenish-gray graywacke, calcareous in part and containing some dark-gray shale fragments, b) grit to small-pebble graywacke conglomerate with clasts of andesitic and basaltic rock, shale, chert, quartzite, and a few schistose rocks in a sand and mud matrix; and c) greenish-gray to medium-dark gray mudstone and shale. Nodosinellids (Tetrataxis), bryozoan and echinoderm debris. RB003 104 Ruby Sed 5021 TrMis MDc Chert and argillite Late(?) Mississippian and very latest Devonian Medium-dark to dark-gray, thin-banded, bedded, radiolarian-bearing chert containing thin interbeds of slaty argillite. (See unit 6080 in MD quadrangle, correlated in part.). Mapped as Kca by Cass (1959) Radiolarians RB003 303 Ruby Sed 6390 TrMica Pzc Carbonate rocks Early Paleozoic see unit 7520 Od in Ruby or unit 5340, Ophir quadrangle. Did not appear on final map. RB003 5340 Ruby Sed 5340 Pzrm PzpCm Metamorphic rocks Paleozoic and preCambrian? Not described RB003 8600 Ruby Sed 9325 PzZrqs Kku Kuskokwim Group Middle to Late Cretaceous Chiefly marine basin and fan deposits LH003 1970 Lime Hills Sed 1970 Kk JKw Feldspathic wacke Jurassic or Cretaceous Red-weathering, locally calcareous, felspathic wacke contiaining siltstone interbeds. Not on OFR98-133 as published. LH003 2825 Lime Hills Sed 2825 KJfm Trb Pillow basalt Triassic? Pillow basalt interbedded with minor argillite and chert. See LH004 for revised unit. Radiolaria suggest Triassic age LH003 4210 Lime Hills Ign 4215 JTrtv Mzv Metabasalt and andesite pre-Cretaceous Metabasalt and metaandesite volcanic rocks LH003 4910 Lime Hills Meta 5220 JPzk Mzu Undifferentiated metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks pre-Cretaceous Undifferentiated metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks LH003 4920 Lime Hills Meta 5220 JPzk MzPzi Altered diabase pre-Tertiary? Altered diabase, andesite breccia, and aphanitic to porphyritic andesite. Age unknown, thought to be pre-Tertiary LH003 5120 Lime Hills Ign 5180 MzPzi DSab Calcareous mudstone and limestone algal reef complex Devonian - Silurian Calcareous mudstone and limestone algal reef complex. Shelf edge environment LH003 6960 Lime Hills Sed 6960 DSwc PPl Thick bedded limestone Permian, Pennsylvanian? Thick-bedded limestone, open marine shelf enviroment. Age not reported, could be Permian, Pennsylvanian? (Unit deleted in Bundtzen compilation[LH004]) LH003 5341 Lime Hills Sed 5341 PPl UDl Thick bedded limestone Late Devonian? Thick-bedded limestone, open marine shelf enviroment. Age not reported, could be Late (Upper) Devonian? LH003 6932 Lime Hills Sed 6931 DSml DSls Laminated limestone, sandstone, and siltstone Devonian - Silurian Laminated limestone, micaceous sandstone, and siltstone. Slope environment. LH003 6957 Lime Hills Sed 6957 DSls Sa Argillite Silurian Dark-gray to black argillite with(?) chert, siltstone, and shale LH003 6630 Lime Hills Sed 6630 Sa Ss Micaceous calc-sandstone Silurian Micaceous calc-sandstone with minor limestone LH003 6640 Lime Hills Sed 6640 Ss SOls Argillaceous limestone, sandstone, and shale Silurian - Ordovician Argillaceous limestone, calc-sandstone, and graptoloitic shale. Slope to basinal deposits. Unit removed, replaced largely by unit SCpl from Bundtzen (1997) Graptolites LH003 6951 Lime Hills Sed 7580 SCpl Tbr Big River pluton Early Tertiary? Medium- to coarse-grained, seriate, hypidiomorphic- granular biotite granite. Similar to and likely apothesis of Tired Pup pluton LH002 104 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr Twf Windy Fork pluton middle Tertiary Peralkaline granite in two distinct phases, an alkali feldspar granite and granite. Overlaps into McGrath quadrangle. Anomalous U and Th near northern margin of pluton K-Ar biotite 29.0 to 31.1 Ma LH002 105 Lime Hills Ign 1270 Togr TKg Northern Intermediate plutons Tertiary or Cretaceous Biotite-amphibole granite to quartz monzonite; diorite also present. LH002 109 Lime Hills Ign 1655 TKg Tmp Merrill Pass pluton middle Tertiary Elongate pluton that is chiefly biotite- or biotite-hornblende granite. K-ar biotite 35.6 to 40.0 Ma, 40/39 biotite 40.0 to 42.2 Ma LH002 110 Lime Hills Ign 1290 Toegr Tmpg Merrill Pass intermediate phases middle Tertiary? Highly variable intrusions spatially associated with Merrill Pass pluton. Ranges from quartz diorite to granite, northern samples typically granodiorite and granite. Larger plutonic bodies exposed in south. LH002 113 Lime Hills Ign 1292 Toem Ttg Telequana Pass pluton middle Tertiary Medium- to coarse-grained , seriate, biotite-hornblende granodiorite having a hypidiomorphic-granular texture. Originally mapped as part of Merrill Pass pluton, separated because of higher color index and presence of hornblende. K-Ar discordant biotite (31.9 Ma) and hornblende (36.3 Ma), same sample. LH002 114 Lime Hills Ign 1292 Toem Tsf South Fork stocks middle Tertiary? Several small stocks consisting of fine- to medium-grained, seriate to subporphyritic, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite granite. LH002 116 Lime Hills Ign 1290 Toegr TKm Goldpan Peak Gabbro Tertiary or Cretaceous Small intrusion of fine- to medium-grained to fine- to coarse-grained, seriate, hypidiomorphic granular gabbro. Intruded by and completely surrounded by Merrill Pass pluton. LH002 117 Lime Hills Ign 1670 TKgb Tcp Chilligan Porphyry Early Tertiary Chiefly fine- to coarse-grained, biotite- or biotite-hornblende granite or granodiorite, containing alkali feldspar phenocrysts. K-Ar biotite (60.6 Ma) and hornblende (61.3 Ma), concordant LH002 118 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr Tgl A-2 Gabbro Early Tertiary Dark-colored hornblende and pyroxene-hornblende fine- to medium-grained gabbro. Two varieties, one foliated (cumulate?) and a non-foliated variety. 40/39 biotite 61.4 Ma LH002 119 Lime Hills Ign 1380 Tgl Tse Unnamed pluton Tertiary Medium- to coarse-grained, seriate, hypidiomorphic granular quartz diorite, granodiorite, and granite. K-Ar biotite 57.5 Ma LH002 121 Lime Hills Ign 1350 Thgd TKtp Tex Peak Mafic intrusion Tertiary or Cretaceous Fine-grained, eqigranular, or fine- to medium-grained seriate gabbro. LH002 124 Lime Hills Ign 1670 TKgb MzPzg Greenstone Mesozoic or Paleozoic (Late Triassic?) Small greenstone body consisting of dark greenish-black, massive, fine-grained equigranular greenstone. May correlate with Chilikadrotna Greenstone, which has yielded Late Triassic fossils from interbedded limestone. LH002 125 Lime Hills Meta 4425 Trc TKig Igitna granodiorite Tertiary or Cretaceous LH002 127 Lime Hills Ign 1660 TKm Ki Unnamed stocks Cretaceous Fine- medium-grained, seriate to porphyritic quartz monzodiorite. K-Ar hornblende 79.1 Ma LH002 128 Lime Hills Ign 2470 Kg Tsc Snowcap Central middle Tertiary Fine- to medium-grained, seriate, biotite-hornblende granite to granodiorite. K-Ar biotite (33.5 Ma) and hornblended (35.2 Ma), concordant LH002 130 Lime Hills Ign 1290 Toegr Tse Snowcap East pluton Tertiary Pluton ranging from gabbro to granite incomposition, with the more mafic compositions tending to be in the southern part of the exposure. K-Ar biotite 41.5 and 50.1 Ma, thought reset; 40/39 biotite 64.8 Ma LH002 131 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr Th Hartman Plutons Tertiary Series of 4 elongate plutons, individually ranging from quartz monzonite and quartz monzodiorite to granite. In general are fine- to medium-grained seriate intrusions, chiefly granodiorite. K-Ar biotite 64.1 Ma and 40/39 biotite 65.1 Ma LH002 132 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr Jimmy Lake stock Early Tertiary Leucocratic biotite granite, part of McKinley sequence? 40/39 biotite 65.0 Ma LH002 133 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr Tme Mount Estelle pluton Early Tertiary Two phases, slightly older and finer grained northern pluton consisting of medium-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular biotite- and hornblende-bearing granodiorite containing tourmaline as a characteristic accessory mineral. It is largely esposed in the Tyonek and Talkeetna quadrangles to the north. The second phase is a slightly younger, coarser-grained southern pluton consisting of medium- to coarse-grained, seriate, hypidiomorphic-granular granodiorite. It is well exposed in the Lime Hills quadrangle and also in the Tyonek quadrangle K-Ar biotite and hornblende ranging from 62.0 to 64.2 Ma LH002 134 Lime Hills Ign 1350 Thgd TKmg Mount Estelle Gabbro Tertiary or Cretaceous Very fine- to fine-grained, sub-equiganular gabbro. LH002 135 Lime Hills Ign 1670 TKgb Ksp Sled Pass pluton Cretaceous Elongate fine- to coarse-grained, seriate pluton consisting chiefly of monzonite and monzodiorite. Locally well-developed cataclastic foliation. K-Ar hornblende 76.0 Ma and 40/39 biotite 70.1 Ma and hornblende 73.5 to 75.6 Ma LH002 137 Lime Hills Ign 2470 Kg Tmr Mount Rich pluton Tertiary Fine- to medium-grained, seriate granodiorite to tonalite. Presumably intrudes stock of McKinley sequence granite. Contains subordinate phase is fine- to medium-grained granite. 40/39 biotite 38.6 Ma LH002 138 Lime Hills Ign 1292 Toem Tcpi Crowded Porphyry Tertiary Porphyritic hypabyssal intrusive rock containing 40-50 percent phenocrysts. Phenocrysts are cheifly plagioclase feldspar and subordinate biotite and quartz. Aphanitic silicieous groundmass LH002 139 Lime Hills Ign 1290 Toegr Tjc Johnson Creek pluton Tertiary Chiefly fine- to medium-grained seriate to subporphyritic quartz monzodiorite; less common is a porphyritic quartz monzonite phase. Here inclides? Camp pluton 40/39 biotite 38.6 Ma LH002 141 Lime Hills Ign 1292 Toem Tcc Crystal Creek pluton Early Tertiary Large pluton of texturally variable, biotite +/- hornblende granite. K-Ar biotite 60.0 to 62.0 Ma and hornblende 57.5 to 59.9 Ma. K-Ar biotite of 52.6 thought reset LH002 142 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr TKkm Unnamed quartz monzonite pluton Tertiary or Cretaceous Fine- to medium-grained seriate quartz monzonite. LH002 144 Lime Hills Ign 1655 TKg Tsr Stony River granodiorite middle Tertiary Fine- to medium-grained, seriate, hypidiomorphic granular granodiorite to quartz monzodiorite. 40/39 biotite 35.6 and 35.9 Ma LH002 145 Lime Hills Ign 1292 Toem Swift River granodiorite earliest Tertiary or Cretaceous? Fine- to coarse-grained, seriate, hypidiomorphic granular granodiorite. Outcrop area surrounded by Tired Pup pluton, thought to be older that Tired Pup. Is this body mapped separately? LH002 146 Lime Hills Ign TKqc Quartz Crystal pluton middle Tertiary? Fine- to medium-grained, seriate, peralkaline granite to alkali feldspar granite. LH002 147 Lime Hills Ign 1270 Togr Tv3 Seabee volcanic rocks Tertiary Predominantly crystal and crystal-lithic ash-flow tuff and lesser interbedded lava flows and local volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks. 40/39 biotite 36.5 and 41.0 Ma; 40/39 sanidene 37.6 Ma LH002 150 Lime Hills Ign 1070 Tvr Tv5 A-2 volcanic rocks Tertiary? Chiefly crystal-lithic tuff and lesser volcaniclastic rocks, lava flows, and lahar/debris flows LH002 153 Lime Hills Ign 1070 Tvr Tv4 Snowcap volcanic rocks Tertiary Chiefly crystal-lithic ash-flow tuff and lesser interbedded lava flows and local volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks. 40/39 hornblende 33.6 Ma LH002 155 Lime Hills Ign 1070 Tvr Tv1 North volcanic center Tertiary? Chiefly crystal-rich ash-flow tuff and lesser lithic-crystal ash-flow tuff and lava flows. Two lahar deposits have been included in unit as well as a small hypabyssal porphyritic intrusion. Lithic fragments in tuff are graywacke and argillite derived from Kahiltna terrane. LH002 157 Lime Hills Ign 1070 Tvr Tv2 Styx River Volcanics Tertiary? Chiefly crystal-lithic ash-flow tuff and subordinate lava flows and local volcaniclastic rocks south of Jimmy Lake Pass. Lithic fragments in tuff are chiefly volcanic and sedimentary rock fragments. Sedimentary rock fragments are graywacke and siltstone derived from Kahiltna terrane. LH002 158 Lime Hills Ign 1070 Tvr JKs Kahiltna terrane Cretaceous and/or Jurassic Graywacke and argillite LH002 160 Lime Hills Meta 2850 KJf MzPzs Sandstone and graywacke Mesozoic or Paleozoic Unit supposed to continue into Lake Clark quadrangle, however no similar unit described in Lake Clark. Unit assigned to Kakhonak Complex by default LH002 162 Lime Hills Meta 5220 JPzk TKiu Intrusive rocks Tertiary or Cretaceous Small stocks scattered throughout eastern part of Lime Hills quadrangle. Composition varies from biotite granite to hornblende-pyroxene quartz diorite. Texture varies from fine-grained equigranular to fine- to coarse-grained seriate. LH002 170 Lime Hills Ign 1650 TKi Pzu Sedimentary rocks (limey) Paleozoic Sedimentary rocks. Undifferentiated shale, siltstone, argillite, and limestone. Fossils, chiefly grapotlites, collected from these rocks are Late Cambrian(?), Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian in age. Tentatively correlated with Dilinger sequence of sedimentary rocks. Unit description from LH003 LH002 190 Lime Hills Sed 5310 DCd TKgs Gneiss Tertiary or Cretaceous Gneiss, possibly Mesozoic (Mzg)? LH002 195 Lime Hills Meta 1720 TKgg Tmpb Merrill Pass breccia Tertiary LH002 199 Lime Hills Ign 1290 Toegr Qa Undifferentiated Quaternary surficial deposits Quaternary LH002 200 Lime Hills Unconsol 100 Qs Qal Alluvium Quaternary Alluvium LH002 202 Lime Hills Unconsol 100 Qs Qc Colluvium Quaternary Colluvium LH002 203 Lime Hills Unconsol 100 Qs Qg Moraine? Quaternary LH002 204 Lime Hills Unconsol 100 Qs Qao Outwash? Quaternary LH002 206 Lime Hills Unconsol 100 Qs Qr Rock glaciers? Quaternary Assigned to Quat, undivided by default LH002 207 Lime Hills Unconsol 100 Qs Ql Lacustrine deposits? Quaternary Assigned to Quat, undivided by default LH002 208 Lime Hills Unconsol 100 Qs Ttp Tired Pup pluton Early Tertiary Large granite pluton, part of McKinley sequence. Chiefly medium- to coarse-grained hypidiomorphic granular biotite- or biotte-hornblende granite. K-Ar biotite ranging from 40.1 to 59.2 Ma, most credence given to 56.7 to 59.2 Ma ages. LH002 901 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr Tnep Northeast Prong, Tired Pup pluton middle Tertiary Large fine- to coarse-grained seriate, biotite or biotite-amphibole granite pluton. K-Ar biotite ranging from 25.4 to 26.7 Ma LH002 902 Lime Hills Ign 1270 Togr Ttp1 Tired Pup leucogranite Early Tertiary Fine- to nearly coarse-grained seriate biotite granite. Gradational contact with main phase of Tired Pup pluton. LH002 1012 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr TKpg Sled Pass Gabbro Tertiary or Cretaceous Small dark-colored , fine- to medium-grained, seriate, hypidiomorphic-granular gabbro intrusion. Uncertain relationship with Tired Pup pluton LH002 1121 Lime Hills Ign 1670 TKgb Tiu Unnamed granitic stocks middle Tertiary? Fine- to medium-grained, seriate biotite-hornblende granite intruding 61 Ma gabbro. LH002 1193 Lime Hills Ign 1300 Tegr Tt Tlikakila pluton Tertiary Small pluton having two phases, quartz diorite and granodiorite. Quartz diorite is fine- to medium-grained, seriate. Granodiorite is fine- to medium-grained, subequigranular. K-Ar biotite 44.6 Ma LH002 1195 Lime Hills Ign 1292 Toem Tms Unnamed McKinley sequence intrusions Early Tertiary Leucocratic biotite granite stocks and dike swarms LH002 1335 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr Tgd Necons River pluton middle Tertiary Large multiphase pluton consisting of medium- to coarse-grained, seriate, hypidiomorphic granular granite to granodiorite and lesser gabbro. 40/39 biotite 35.6 Ma LH002 1364 Lime Hills Ign 1290 Toegr Tgdn Unnamed plutons Tertiary or Cretaceous Gabbro to granite multi-phase bodies K-Ar biotite on granite 64.0 Ma LH002 1366 Lime Hills Ign 1650 TKi Tus Unnamed stock Tertiary Small hypabyssal stock consisting of a silicic(?), biotite and hornblende-bearing porphyry. LH002 1400 Lime Hills Ign 1290 Toegr Pzu Sedimentary rocks (limey) Paleozoic Sedimentary rocks. Undifferentiated shale, siltstone, argillite, and limestone. Fossils, chiefly grapotlites, collected from these rocks are Late Cambrian(?), Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian in age. Tentatively correlated with Dilinger sequence of sedimentary rocks. LH003 190 Lime Hills Sed 5310 DCd bu Bedrock, unknown Unknown bedrock units MM002 99 Mount McKinley 99 bu Qrf Recent flood-plain deposits Quaternary Recent flood-plain deposits MM002 105 Mount McKinley Unconsol 100 Qs Qca Colluvium and older alluvium Quaternary Colluvium and other alluvium MM002 107 Mount McKinley Unconsol 100 Qs Qsm Superglacial moraine Quaternary Superglacial moraine MM002 126 Mount McKinley 100 Qs Qrm Recent moraine Quaternary Recent moraine MM002 130 Mount McKinley 100 Qs Qom Older moraine Quaternary Older moraine MM002 135 Mount McKinley 100 Qs Qw Glacial outwash deposits Quaternary Glacial outwash deposits MM002 140 Mount McKinley 100 Qs Tn Nenana Gravel Tertiary MM002 570 Mount McKinley Sed 570 Tn Tn? Nenana Gravel Tertiary MM002 571 Mount McKinley Sed 571 Tn? Tcs Cantwell Formation, sedimentary rocks subunit Tertiary MM002 920 Mount McKinley 1920 Kcs Tvif Felsic subvolcanic intrusive rocks Tertiary MM002 1011 Mount McKinley Ign 1011 Thf Tvim Mafic subvolcanic intrusive rocks Tertiary MM002 1012 Mount McKinley Ign 1012 Thm Tvg Mount Galen Volcanics Tertiary See Gilbert, W.G., 1979, A geologic guide to Mount McKinley National Park: Alaska Natural History Association. Age of 38 Ma reported MM002 1000 Mount McKinley Ign 1081 Tvb Tgr Tertiary granitic rocks Tertiary McGonagall pluton MM002 1305 Mount McKinley Ign 1292 Toem Tgr Tertiary granitic rocks Tertiary McGonagall pluton MM002 1307 Mount McKinley Ign 1292 Toem Tgr Tertiary granitic rocks Tertiary Eielson pluton MM002 1308 Mount McKinley Ign 1292 Toem Tgr Tertiary granitic rocks Tertiary Wyoming Hills pluton MM002 1309 Mount McKinley Ign 1292 Toem Tgr Tertiary granitic rocks Tertiary Biotite and hornblende granodiorite, Foraker pluton MM002 1306 Mount McKinley Ign 1292 Toem Tgr Tertiary granitic rocks Tertiary Biotite and biotite-muscovite granite, McKinley sequence, McKinley pluton MM002 1335 Mount McKinley Ign 1320 Tpgr Tgr Tertiary granitic rocks Tertiary Biotite and biotite-muscovite granite, McKinley sequence, Ruth pluton MM002 1336 Mount McKinley Ign 1320 Tpgr TKv Volcanic rocks Tertiary and Cretaceous Felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks MM002 1607 Mount McKinley Ign 1603 TKvr TKgr Granitic rocks of Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous age Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous Granitic rocks MM002 1655 Mount McKinley Ign 1655 TKg gr Granitic rocks of uncertain composition and age Unknown, probable Tertiary or Cretaceous Granitic rocks of uncertian composition and age MM002 1599 Mount McKinley Ign 1650 TKi KJf Flyschlike rocks Jurassic or Cretaceous Flyschlike rocks MM002 2850 Mount McKinley Sed 2850 KJf Trcs Calcareous sedimentary rocks Triassic Calcareous rocks MM002 4033 Mount McKinley Sed 4033 Trcs Trbd Basalt, diabase, and subordinate sedimentary rocks Triassic Basalt, diabase, and subordinate sedimentary rocks MM002 4025 Mount McKinley Ign 4423 Trn? Trps Flyschlike sedimentary rocks Triassic and Paleozoic Flyschlike sedimentary rocks MM002 5040 Mount McKinley Sed 5040 TrPas JTrrs Red and brown sedimentary rocks and basalt Jurassic and Triassic Red and brown sedimentary rocks and basalt MM002 4060 Mount McKinley Sed 4060 Trr Trlb Limestone and basalt sequence Triassic Limestone and basalt sequence MM002 4021 Mount McKinley Sed 4021 Trlb DSl Reefy limestone and dolomite Devonian and Silurian Reefy limestone and dolomite MM002 6960 Mount McKinley Sed 6960 DSwc DOc Chert and slate Devonian and Ordovician Chert and slate MM002 7550 Mount McKinley Sed 7710 Och Pzc Chert and phyllite Paleozoic Chert and phyllite MM002 5650 Mount McKinley Sed 5310 DCd MDt Totatlanika Schist Mississippian and Devonian Totatlanika Schist MM002 6510 Mount McKinley Meta 6510 MDt Pzk Keevy Peak Formation Paleozoic Keevy Peak Formation MM002 5660 Mount McKinley Sed 5660 Pzk Pzsc Spruce Creek sequence Paleozoic Spruce Creek sequence of Kantishna Hills from Bundtzen thesis MM002 5666 Mount McKinley Sed 5666 Pzsc Pzc? Chert and phyllite Paleozoic Chert and phyllite MM002 5651 Mount McKinley Sed 5370 JCmd DSu Sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated Devonian Undifferentiated sedimentary rocks, same as unit Dmf, Dmb, Dms of Csejtey (1992, HE002) MM002 7290 Mount McKinley Meta 7290 Pzsc DSu? Sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated Devonian Undifferentiated sedimentary rocks, same as unit Dmf, Dmb, Dms of Csejtey (1992, HE002) MM002 7291 Mount McKinley Meta 7291 Pzsc? DOs Sedimentary sequence Devonian and Ordovician Sedimentary sequence MM002 6970 Mount McKinley Sed 5370 JCmd DOs? Sedimentary sequence Devonian and Ordovician Sedimentary sequence MM002 6972 Mount McKinley Sed 5370 JCmd DOls Sedimentary sequence, limestone interbeds Devonian and Ordovician Sedimentary sequence, massive limestone interbeds MM002 6971 Mount McKinley Sed 6615 DSmdl DSb Serpentinite, basalt, chert, and gabbro Devonian Serpentinite, basalt, chert, and gabbro MM002 7325 Mount McKinley Meta 7325 Dmgs PzpCp Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence Paleozoic and preCambrian? Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence MM002 8630 Mount McKinley Meta 9322 PzZaqs PzpCp? Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence Paleozoic and preCambrian? Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence MM002 8633 Mount McKinley Meta 8633 PzZaqs PzpCs Sheared grit, quartzite, and quartz-mica schist Paleozoic and preCambrian? Sheared grit, quartzite, and quartz-mica schist MM002 8641 Mount McKinley Meta 8300 CZw PzpCq Quartzite, grit, and argillite Paleozoic and preCambrian? Quartzite, grit, and argillite MM002 8640 Mount McKinley Meta 8300 CZw TKd Dike swarm Tertiary or Cretaceous Two areas of dike swarms consisting of felsic and mafic (southern area) or felsic (northern area) dikes. LH002 219 Lime Hills Ign 1602 TKgp Qs Surficial deposits Holocene and Pleistocene Surficial deposits TY002 100 Tyonek Unconsol 100 Qs Qs Surficial deposits Quaternary Includes alluvium, talus, rock glaciers, and various morainal deposits. Bedrock outcrops are present in ravines and along cut banks of rivers TY003 100 Tyonek Unconsol 100 Qs Qv Volcanic rocks Quaternary (with mixed Tertiary?) Lava, breccia, and associated pyroclastics. May include Tertiary volcanic rocks TY002 103 Tyonek Ign 300 Qv Tv Volcanic rocks Tertiary (with mixed Quaternary?) Basaltic lava, tuff, and breccia. May include Quaternary volcanic rocks TY002 105 Tyonek Ign 450 QTv Tkb Beluga Formation Miocene Sandstone, siltstone, and coal TY002 108 Tyonek Sed 545 Tkb Tk Kenai Group Tertiary Sandstone, conglomerate, clay, and coal TY004 163 Tyonek Sed 560 Tk Tkt Tyonek Formation Miocene and Oligocene Sanstone, siltstone, coal, and conglomerate TY002 106 Tyonek Sed 600 Tty Twf West Foreland Formation Eocene and Paleocene Conglomerate, sandstone, and siltstone; mostly tuffaceous TY002 107 Tyonek Sed 855 Twf Tv Volcanic rocks Tertiary Undifferentiated volcanic mafic and felsic flows, tuff flow breccias TY003 144 Tyonek Ign 1000 Tvu Tsxr Styx River Batholith Tertiary Biotite granite and quartz monzonite. Weathers light brown to dark yellowish orange. Intrudes the Mount Estelle intrusive and granodiorite of the Nagshlamina River TY003 142 Tyonek Ign 1270 Togr Tg Granite and granodiorite Late Paleocene to Early Eocene Granite, granodiorite, diorite, and minor quartz monzonite 55 and 61 Ma TY004 160 Tyonek Ign 1300 Tegr Tg Granitic rocks Tertiary Granite, quartz monzonite, and syenite K-Ar data: Five dates from Biotite: 59.0+2.4 m.y.; 58.3+1.7 m.y.; 56.5+1.6 m.y.; 57.0+1.7 m.y.; and 58.2 m.y. One date from Hornblende: 58.7+1.8 m.y. TY002 110 Tyonek Ign 1320 Tpgr Tc Chilligan River Pluton Tertiary Medium-grained porphyritic biotite-hornblende quartz monzonite and granodiorite. Phenocrysts of K-feldspar TY003 145 Tyonek Ign 1320 Tpgr Tgd Granodioritic rocks Tertiary Granodiorite and quartz diorite K-Ar data: One date from Biotite: 60.8+1.8 m.y. One date from Hornblende: 61.9+1.8 m.y. TY002 109 Tyonek Ign 1350 Thgd Tme Mount Estelle Pluton Tertiary Medium grained hornblende-biotite granodiorite and quartz monzonite TY003 140 Tyonek Ign 1350 Thgd Tn Granodiorite of the Nagishlamina River Tertiary Medium-grained hornblende-biotite granodiorite TY003 143 Tyonek Ign 1350 Thgd TKft Felsic Tuff Early Tertiary or Cretaceous Crystaline tuff and lapilli tuff TY004 164 Tyonek Ign 1615 TKv TKi Unassigned intrusive rock Cretaceous or Tertiary Undifferentiated felsic and mafic intrusive rocks TY003 139 Tyonek Ign 1650 TKi TKi1 Unassigned intrusive rocks Cretaceous or Tertiary Chiefly granite and quartz monzonite. Rocks east of Skwenta River and south of Merrill Pass may be equivalent to Styx River batholith TY003 141 Tyonek Ign 1655 TKg TKgd Granodioritic rocks Tertiary and Cretaceous Granodiorite, quartz diorite, and diorite K-Ar data: Three dates from Biotite: 62.9+1.8 m.y.; 70.9 m.y.; 62.6+1.8 m.y. Four dates from Hornblende: 72.0 m.y.; 68.6+2.1 m.y.; 72.1 m.y.; 64.8+1.9 m.y. TY002 113 Tyonek Ign 1660 TKm Ks Early and Late Cretaceous Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate, cherty argillite, and limestone TY004 161 Tyonek Sed 1800 Ksu Kb Cretaceous basalt Cretaceous Dark green and gray aphanitic basalt with local pillow forms TY004 162 Tyonek Ign 2230 Kve Kg Granitic rocks Cretaceous Quartz monzonite and syenite K-Ar data: One date from Hornblende: 107+3.2 m.y. TY002 116 Tyonek Ign 2530 Kg Kw Metasedimentary rocks Cretaceous (?) Feldspathic wacke with interbeds of siltstone. Locally calcareous. Weathers reddish brown TY003 135 Tyonek Meta 2825 KJfm KJu Metasedimentary rocks (undivided) Cretaceous and (or) Jurassic Weakly metamorphosed slate and graywacke; locally includes volcanic and intrusive rocks, undivided TY002 115 Tyonek Sed 2850 KJf Km Metasedimentary rocks Cretaceous (?) Undifferentiated metasedimentary rocks. Slate, graywacke, siltstone, argillite and phyllite, andalusite schist near contact with Hartman River intrusives. Medium to dark gray. Locally red weathering feldspathic wacke (Kw) TY003 136 Tyonek Meta 2850 KJf Jtk Talkeetna Formation Early Jurassic Volcanic breccia, tuff, agglomerate, and aphanitic lava flows; as mapped, locally includes Kamishak Formation in Ilianna Quad TY002 151 Tyonek Ign 3250 JTrtk Mzv Metavolcanic and Metasedimentary rocks Mesozoic Predominantly metavolcanic rocks of pre-Cretaceous age. Chiefly metabasalts and metaandesites. May be equivalent to the Talkeetna Formation. Locally includes subordinate metasedimentary rocks TY003 151 Tyonek Meta 3250 JTrtk Trk Kamishak Formation Late Triassic Limestone, grey to black chert, and porcellanite TY002 4020 Tyonek Sed 4020 Trk Trl Limestone and fine-grained tuff Late Triassic Limestone and fine-grained tuff TY002 4025 Tyonek Sed 4025 Trlst Trc Chert and some greenstone Late Triassic Chert and some greenstone TY002 4035 Tyonek Sed 4035 Trcg Mzi Unassigned intrusive rocks Mesozoic Chiefly sphene-bearing quartz diorite and diorite TY003 154 Tyonek Ign 4800 Mzi Mzm Unassigned mafic rocks Mesozoic Chiefly diorite and olivine and/or hornblende gabbro. Occurs as inclusions in Tertiary intrusive rocks. Locally may be metamorphosed equivalent of unit Mzi TY003 153 Tyonek Ign 4880 Mzm Mzs Metavolcanic and Metasedimentary rocks Mesozoic Predominently metasedimentary rocks of pre-Cretaceous age. Locally includes subordinate metavolcanic rocks. Locally includes metasedimentary rocks (Km) of Cretaceous age TY003 152 Tyonek Meta 4905 JPzk Mzu Metavolcanic and Metasedimentary rocks Mesozoic Undifferentiated metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of pre-Cretaceous age. Locally may include metasedimentary rocks (Km) of Cretaceous age TY003 150 Tyonek Meta 4920 JPzk Q Surficial materials, undivided Quaternary Includes stream alluvium, colluvial deposits, terrace gravel, eolian deposits, and glacial deposits TN003 100 Tanana Unconsol 100 Qs Ts Sedimentary rocks, undivided Tertiary, Eocene Interbedded polymictic pebble-cobble-boulder conglomerate, grit, and sandstone, with siltstone, shale, and lignite. TN003 640 Tanana Sed 640 Tcb Tv Volcanic rocks, undivided Paleocene to Eocene Bimodal assemblage of rhyolite and banded rhyolite flow rocks, rhyolitic breccia, tuffaceous sedimentary rocks, and amygdaloidal basalt flow rocks. TN003 1001 Tanana Ign 1001 Trs TKv Volcanic rocks Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary See unit TKV, TN002 TN003 1604 Tanana Ign 1604 TKvd TKg Granitic rocks, undivided Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Light- to vey light-gray quartz monzonite, may range to granite. K-Ar(?) 61.8 Ma TN003 1655 Tanana Ign 1655 TKg Kwc Wilber Creek unit of Weber and others (1992) Early Cretaceous Interlayered siltstone, shale, snadstone, and conglomerate. Impure graywacke rich in volcanic detritus is locally characteristic and probably correlates with the Kathul Graywacke of the Charley River quadrangle. TN003 2115 Tanana Sed 2115 Kwcf Kg Granitic rocks, undivided Cretaceous? Ray Mountains pluton and part of another large pluton at north central edge of quadrangle. Quartz monzonite, granite, monzonite, and possibly granodiorite. TN003 2470 Tanana Ign 2410 Kg Kg Granitic rocks, undivided Cretaceous? Part of Melozitna pluton. Quartz monzonite, granite, monzonite, and possibly granodiorite. TN003 2471 Tanana Ign 2530 Kg TKg Granitic rocks Cretaceous or Tertiary Granitic rocks of uncertain composition, texture, and age; may be equivalent to KG unit of Melozitna quadrangle (MZ002) TN003 2480 Tanana Ign 2460 Kg KJw Wolverine quartzite unit of Weber and others (1992), undivided Early Cretaceous and or Jurassic Light-gray quartzite and dark-gray, cleaved, subphyllitic argillite and shale, part of unit KJcs of Chapman and others. TN003 2815 Tanana Sed 2815 KJw KJwq Wolverine quartzite unit of Weber and others (1992), quartzite Early Cretaceous and or Jurassic Light-gray to tan, white weathering, massive-bedded, moderately well-sorted, subrounded fine- to medium-grained quartzarenite. Correlative with Keenan Quartzite of Charley River quadrangle according to Dover but I wonder if this is the wrong unit and it should be the Wilber Creek quartzite correlated. (Not on published OFR98-133) TN003 2816 Tanana Sed 2816 KJw KJwa Wolverine quartzite unit of Weber and others (1992), sandstone and shale Early Cretaceous and or Jurassic Dominantly gray o black argillaceous rocks containing interbeds of Wolverine-type quartzarenite. TN003 2817 Tanana Sed 2817 KJw Jsc Serpentinite and or carbonatite Jurassic? Serpentinite, diabase-gabbro and some metadiorite and magnetite-rich TN003 3495 Tanana Ign 5190 MzZum JMr Rampart Group and associated mafic intrusive rocks, undivided Mississippian to Jurassic Rampart Group volcanic and sedimentary rock sequence TN003 5020 Tanana Ign 5020 TrMts JMbc Basalt and chert Mississippian to Jurassic? Dominantly basalt, altered basalt, and subordinate diabase and a low-grade cataclastic assemblage of generally dark gray chert and silicieous argillite. Also subordinate volcaniclastic rocks and minor Mississippian limestone TN003 5140 Tanana Ign 5140 JMab Pzm Mafic rocks Paleozoic? Metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks, ranging from metagabbro and metadiabase to greenstone, amphibolite, and garnet amphibolite. (Shown on source map compilation as unit Pzg) TN003 5141 Tanana Meta 5285 Pzrmi JMu Mafic and ultramafic rocks, undivided Jurassic? Massive and layered gabbro, leucogabbro, harzburgite, garnet amphibolite, serpentinized peridotite, and dunite TN003 5150 Tanana Ign 5150 Jaum Pzsr Schist of Ruby and Garnet Creeks area Paleozoic? Polymetamorphic staurolite-garnet-schist containing subordinate quartzite, and hornblede amphibolite TN003 5208 Tanana Meta 5208 TPza Pzl Metalimestone and marble Paleozoic? Metalimestone and marble TN003 5525 Tanana Meta 5525 Dm TrPs Sedimentary rocks, undivided Permian to Triassic Dominantly dark-gray, typically phyllitic, silicieous to carbonaceous argillite and shale, having subordinate but characteristic clast-supported chert-rich conglomerate, greenish-gray chert, tuffaceous volcaniclastic rocks, yellowish- to reddish-brown highly calcareous argillite or limestone, and minor mafic intrusive rocks. May include older (Devonian? or Mississippian?) or younger (Cretaceous) rocks locally. TN003 5740 Tanana Sed 5012 TrPs Ml Limestone Mississippian Gray, bioclastic limestone, found in structurally isolated thrust slice Not on OFR98-133 TN003 6330 Tanana Sed 6944 DSl Dao Augen orthogneiss Devonian Augen most commonly of white potassium feldspar, range in size from 1 to 10 cm long, most about 4 cm long. Biotite is scarce to abundant. Foliation layers containing biotite bend around augen. TN003 6520 Tanana Meta 6522 MDrao Mq Globe quartzite Mississippian Vitreous quartzite associated with gabbro sills and dikes. Light-gray quartzite. Massive or thinly interbedded quartzite and medium- to dark-gray slate, phyllite, and minor laminated claystone. Age from date of Trm intrusive and lithologic and stratigraphic similarities to Keno Hill Quartzite in Yukon. TN003 6530 Tanana Meta 6530 Mgq pCa Amy Creek unit of Weber and others (1992) Late Proterozoic? to early Cambrian?, Devonian? White, massive, locally laminated, unfossiliferous cherty dolostone characterized by replacement silica boxwork locally and gray limestone at top and bottom of section. Possible other correlations suggest this unit is equivalent to unit Dld of this quadrangle and age of Devonian, which would simply some regional stratigraphic and structural issues. TN003 6680 Tanana Sed 6680 SZa Dld Limestone and dolomite Latest Devonian (Famennian) Light- to medium-gray or tan marker units of sandy, platy limestone and massive-bedded silicified limestone and dolostone having extensive locally developed boxwork silica. Not on OFR98-133 Platy limestone and a limestone bed thought to be part of the section contains sparse conodonts of Famennian age. TN003 6905 Tanana Sed 6944 DSl Dlr Limestone of Raven Ridge Late Devonian? Gray micritic limestone and brecciated limestone. Undescribed megafossils TN003 6931 Tanana Sed 6944 DSl Pzmr Marble Paleozoic? Distinctive marker bed of coarsely recrystallized marble within Pzsr unit TN003 6955 Tanana Meta 6955 Dlc Ofc Fossil Creek Volcanic unit of Weber and others (1992) Ordovician Agglomeratic mafic volcanic rocks, volcaniclastic rocks, and assoiciated argillaceous sedimentary rocks TN003 7610 Tanana Ign 7610 Ofc Pzlc Livengood Dome Chert? Ordovician Heterogeneous, low-grade, blastomylonitic assemblage of silicieous to cherty argillite, recrystallized chert, intermediate to mafic volcaniclastic rocks and greenstone, graywacke, grit, and oolitic limestone. Resembles lower grade parts of unit Pzs in this quadrangle. TN003 7712 Tanana Meta 7710 Och Pzll Limestone Paleozoic? Distinctive marker bed of lime mudstone, locally characterized by coated ooids; is part of Livengood Dome Chert TN003 7711 Tanana Sed 7711 Oldl pCw Wickersham unit of Weberr and others (1992), undivided Cambrian and or Late Proterozoic Poorly sorted quartzite and grit, having abundant quartz and plagioclase clasts in a quartzofeldspathic-wacke matrix. TN003 8410 Tanana Meta 8300 CZw Pzs Schist Paleozoic? Low to moderately high-grade, blastomylonitic, polymetamorphic assemblage of pelitic to quartzitic schist containing subordinate layers of quartzo-feldspathic schist, calc-schist, calc-sliciate gneiss, amphibolitic schist, quartzite, marble, and metaconglomerate. (Shown on source map compilation as Pzqs) TN003 8630 Tanana Meta 9325 PzZrqs Pzq Quartzite Paleozoic? Relatively pure quartzite units locally mappable and typically associated with mafic rocks (unit Pzm) and metalimestone and marble (unit Pzl). (Shown on source map compilation as uncolored Pzqs) TN003 8640 Tanana Meta 9325 PzZrqs PzpCqg? Quartzofeldspathic orthogneiss Late Proterozoic? and or Paleozoic? Quartzofeldspathic orthogneiss, located only on west side of Ray Mountains pluton. TN003 8800 Tanana Meta 8801 PzZrpg Olc Livengood Dome Chert Ordovician Separate from Pzlc which was described as: Heterogeneous, low-grade, blastomylonitic assemblage of silicieous to cherty argillite, recrystallized chert, intermediate to mafic volcaniclastic rocks and greenstone, graywacke, grit, and oolitic limestone. Resembles lower grade parts of unit Pzs in this quadrangle. No new description provided for this, see Livengood, unit Old) TN003 7710 Tanana Meta 7710 Och TKhf Hornfels and skarn Cretaceous and Paleocene Brown to gray, massive to locally porphyroblastic, garnet-chlorite-biotite hornfels derived from carbonate and clastic rocks. Assigned to unit of provenence MG002 none McGrath Meta Qg Active Glaciers Pleistocene and Holocene Occupy cirques with base level above 4,800 to 6,100 ft elevation MG002 101 McGrath Unconsol 101 g Qa Stream Alluvium, undifferentiated Holocene Fluvial silt, sand, and gravel deposited by streams in floodplains, fans, and meandering to distributary stream channel deposits MG002 100 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qat Terrace Alluvium Wisconsin to early Holocene Moderately to well sorted, well stratified, gray to tan (oxidized), fluvial silt, sand, and gravel of varying ages deposited on former floodplains that now lie above or beyond the normal depositional regime of Holocene streams. MG002 110 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qaf Alluvial-fan deposits Late Wisconsin to Holocene Poorly to moderately well sorted, gray to tan (oxidized), fluvial silt, sand, and gravel deposited where first- and second-order tributaries join third- and fourth-order streams MG002 105 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qca Colluvial-alluvial deposits Holocene Mixed or alternating, poorly to moderately sorted, silt, sand, gravel, and diamicton of colluvial and alluvial origins MG002 115 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qct Talus Holocene Angular, unsorted debris derived from frost riving of bedrock followed by rapid gravity transport on steep slopes, cirque headwalls, steep gullies, and avalanche chutes MG002 120 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qcl Landslide deposits Holocene Chaotically deformed colluvium derived from relatively sudden mass movement of bedrock or surficial deposits along a plane of failure. Hummocky and usually frozen MG002 125 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qe Eolian deposits Holocene Well-sorted sand and silt transported and deposited by wind. Usually frozen MG002 135 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qsp Silt and Peat Late Wisconsin to Holocene Poorly stratified, black to brown, organic rich, alluvial, eluvial, lacustrine, and bog silt and peat. Usually frozen, except near stream cuts MG002 130 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qdic Ice-contact deposits Wisconsin and early Holocene Stratified gravel, sand, and flowtill deposited on, against, or under stagnant masses of glacial ice by meltwater streams MG002 165 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qdt Till, undifferentiated Late Wisconsin and Holocene Unsorted to poorly sorted clay, silt, sand, and gravel deposited by glacial ice MG002 170 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qrg Rock Glaciers and Rock-Glacier deposits Holocene Unsorted, angular, frost-shattered cobbles and boulders, commonly containing considerable intersticial ice. Usually frozen. MG002 145 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qdtf Till of Farewell Glaciation Wisconsin Unsorted to poorly sorted clay, silt, gravel, and boulders deposited by glacial ice as ground, terminal, and lateral moraines. Mostly the result of Farewell I and Farewell II glaciations MG002 175 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qdo Outwash Wisconsin Stratified drift consisting of coarse subrounded gravel that contains sand and silt lenses deposited by sideglacial and proglacial meltwater streams. Usually frozen MG002 155 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qdot Outwash Terrace Early to middle Pleistocene Remnant of former outwash fan or plain deposit (Qof) MG002 160 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qdts Till of Selatna GLaciation Pleistocene Unsorted to poorly sorted clay, silt, and gravel deposited by glacial ice in ground moraines MG002 180 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qdtlm Till of Lone Mountain Glaciation Early or middle (?) Pleistocene Isolated patches of unsorted to poorly sorted silt, gravel, and highly eroded erratics deposited by glacial ice MG002 185 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qof Outwash-fan deposits Middle Pleistocene to early Wisconsin Glaciofluvial sand and silt derived from streams originating near ancestral glacial margins. Usually frozen MG002 150 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Qdtplm Till of Pre-Lone Mountain Glaciation Pliocene and Pleistocene Isolated patches of unconsolidated to weakly cemented, diamicton largely recemented by calcite-forming tillite. May correlate with deformed till and outwash (QTg) MG002 190 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs QTg Consolidated Till and Outwash Pliocene and Pleistocene Weakly to well cemented diamicton, interbedded with crudely stratified outwash, with local and exotic lithologies MG002 195 McGrath Sed 100 Qs Thf Hornfels and skarn Paleocene to Oligocene Brown to gray, massive to locally porphyroblastic, garnet-chlorite-biotite hornfels derived from carbonate and clastic rocks. Assigned to unit of provenence MG002 none McGrath Meta Tcf Felsite Conglomerate Oligocene and Miocene Thick-bedded, poorly indurated, orange-weathered, light brown granule, cobble conglomerate with clasts of felsic igneous rocks. MG002 200 McGrath Sed 500 Tsu Tcg Coal-bearing sandstone, shale, and conglomerate Late Paleocene (?) to Oligocene Thin- to thick-bedded, poorly to moderately indurated, buff-weathered, gray-brown, granule to cobble conglomerate, minor sandstone, and interbedded dark gray carbonaceous shale and coal. Correlated with Ts MG002 205 McGrath Sed 640 Tcb Ts Sandstone and shale pre-Middle Eocene Thin- to thick-bedded, moderately indurated, red-brown weathered, buff, medium-grained, lithoquartzose sandstone interbedded with poorly indurated, laminated, fissile, carbonaceous shale and fine sandstone. Correlated with Tcg MG002 210 McGrath Sed 500 Tsu Tcl Limestone conglomerate Late Paleocene (?) to Oligocene Thick- to thin-bedded, moderately indurated, green-gray granule conglomerate exposed in fault sliver near Khuchaynik Creek. Although it is compositionally distinct, it crops out near Ts and Tcg, and is correlated with them MG002 215 McGrath Sed 500 Tsu Tvs Volcaniclastic sandstone and lacustrine silt Eocene Brown to gray, medium- to fine-grained volcaniclastic sandstone that has a distinctive 50 ft thick section of flora-rich paleosols and finely laminated, varved shales of probable lacustrine origin aqsscoiated with the Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields Metasequoia cuneata and Glyptostrobus europaeus (plant fossils) MG002 220 McGrath Sed 880 Tfv Tva Andesite flows and lapilli tuff Paleocene and Eocene Dark-gray to green-gray andesite flows and locally banded (red, green, purple, bleached) lapilli tuff. Groundmass is aphanitic to fine-grained of Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields Whole-rock K/Ar age of 37.1 Ma from Windy Fork volcanic field MG002 230 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvvd Vent facies dacite Eocene and Oligocene Very distinctive, light gray, distinctively tan weathering, hornblende and potassium-feldspar-rich, propylitically altered dacite containing very abundant angular clasts of sedimentary rocks of Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields; MG002 245 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvlr Lapilli rhyodacite Eocene and Oligocene Light- to medium-gray, porphyro-aphanitic, potassium-feldspar-rich rhyodacite flows containing conspicuous layers of purple, green, and red lapilli tuff beds. Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields MG002 255 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvgt Green tuff Oligocene Distinctly mid- to dark-green, fine to medium grained ash flow (?) tuff containing very minor blocks of darker green, altered agglomerate composed of rounded clasts. Marker bed for Terra Cotta volcanic field. Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields; MG002 260 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvl Lahar deposits Eocene Medium- to dark-green-gray, very coarse grained lahar deposit. Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields MG002 265 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvf Felsic tuff and flows Eocene and Oligocene Bleached to light-gray, locally banded, hypocrystalline rhyolite tuff and flows. Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields MG002 270 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvm Basalt and basaltic andesite Paleocene and Eocene Dark gray to maroon, locally porphyritic, columnar jointed, olivine bearing, augite basalt and basaltic andesite flows. Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields; Four K/Ar ages ranging from 41.3 Ma to 48.9 Ma from the Ship Creek volcanic field MG002 275 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tid Undifferentiated sills and dikes Eocene to Miocene Undifferentiated sills and dikes of mafic and felsic composition MG002 435 McGrath Ign 1010 Thf Tia Andesite-trachyandesite sills and dikes Eocene to Miocene Green-gray, fine-grained, hypidiomorphic-granular, porphyritic andesite dikes less than 65 ft thick. Local variety-granodiorite Five K/Ar ages from 20.9 to 39.3 Ma MG002 420 McGrath Ign 1011 Thf Tif Felsic sills and dikes Eocene to Miocene Felsic (light pinkish tan to white), aphanitic- to fne-grained, dikes and sills up to 16 ft thick MG002 425 McGrath 1011 Thf Tim Mafic sills and dikes Paleocene and Eocene Mafic (dark brown), pandiomorphic-granular, sills and dikes up to 34 ft thick. Locally porphyritic basalt, gabbro, and diabase K/Ar mineral ages ranging from 45.5 to 55.0 Ma MG002 430 McGrath Ign 1012 Thm Tvld Lapilli tuff Eocene and Oligocene Light gray to bleached white with yellowish staining, locally banded (purple, white), lapilli dacite and tuff of Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields MG002 240 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvd Massive dacite Oligocene Light- to medium-gray, porphyro-aphanitic, hornblende-bearing massive dacite of Terra Cotta volcanic field of Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields Whole-rock Ar/Ar age of 31.3 from Terra Cotta volcanic field MG002 235 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvt Intermediate to felsic air-fall tuff Eocene Composite unit of light- to medium-green-gray, well laminated medium to very coarse grained, crystal-rich, air-fall tuff of Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields Petrified wood, dicotyledon, and Metasequoia MG002 225 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Tvab Andesite breccia Eocene Medium-gray, purple-hued weathering, porphyritic, pyroxene andesite containing distinctive zones of pyroclastic breccia consisting of in situ andesite fragments. Groundmass is aphanitic to interstitcial. Ship Creek, Windy Fork, and Terra Cotta Volcanic Fields Ar/Ar age of 41.1 Ma from hornblende of Terra Cotta volcanic field MG002 250 McGrath Ign 1081 Tvb Twg Windy Fork granite Oligocene White to pink and locally blue-gray, medium- to coarse-grained, peralkaline arfvedsonite granite of Windy Fork pluton K/Ar ages of 23.4 Ma from pyroxene, 30.1 Ma from biotite, and 29.0 Ma from hornblende MG002 445 McGrath Ign 1270 Togr Tgd Hartman pluton granodiorite Eocene Medium- to coarse-grained, equigranular, hornblende-biotite granodiorite with a strong hornfels aureole. (Not equivalent in age to Hartman plutons of Lime Hilles quadrangle.) K/Ar age of 37.9 Ma from biotite MG002 450 McGrath Ign 1300 Tegr Tqm Quartz monzonite, monzonite breccia, and quartz porphyry Paleocene and Eocene Composite unit of light gray, fine- to medium-grained hypidiomorphic to equigranular, biotite quartz monzonite, aegirine-rich monzonite, and altered biotite quartz porphyry Nine K/Ar ages range from 51.1 to 61.8 Ma MG002 455 McGrath Ign 1307 Tgdp Tgr South Fork granite Paleocene and Eocene Light gray, pink, medium- to coarse-grained, equigranular, biotite (muscovite) granite K/Ar age of 58.8 Ma from biotite MG002 460 McGrath Ign 1320 Tpgr Tgqm Middle Fork Plutonic Complex; granite, quartz monzonite, and monzodiorite Paleocene and Eocene Fine- to medium-grained, biotite- and hornblende-bearing plutonic rocks with variable quartz contents and feldspar ratios Three K/Ar mineral ages of 56.1, 56.6, and 57.2 Ma from quartz monzonite. Two K/Ar ages of 57.7 and 55.6 Ma MG002 470 McGrath Ign 1320 Tpgr Tgsy Middle Fork Plutonic Complex; granite to quartz syenite Paleocene and Eocene Fine- to medium-grained, granite to quartz syenite MG002 480 McGrath Ign 1320 Tpgr Tsy Middle Fork Plutonic Complex; syenite Paleocene and Eocene Green-gray, white-gray weathering, medium- to coarse-grained, olivine-clinopyroxene syenite. Locally iron stained MG002 485 McGrath Ign 1320 Tpgr TKqm Mount Estelle granodiorite Cretaceous and Paleocene Fresh, medium-gray, medium-grained, equigranular, hornblende-biotite granodiorite. Ar/Ar age of 79.0 Ma from biotite MG002 490 McGrath Ign 1350 Thgd Tgb Middle Fork Plutonic Complex; alkali gabbro Paleocene and Eocene Dark green-brown, fine- to medium-grained, biotite-olivine-pyroxene gabbro MG002 475 McGrath Ign 1380 Tgl TKvt Air-fall tuff of intermediate composition Cretaceous and Paleocene Light- to medium-green-gray, well-laminated, crystal tuff. Veleska Lake Volcanic Field 'rich in undated plant fossils' MG002 295 McGrath Ign 1600 TKv TKm Gabbro-granodiorite Cretaceous Heterogeneous dike swarms consisting of augite gabbro, hornblende granodiorite, and monzodiorite K/Ar ages of 69.7 Ma from biotite and 79.0 Ma from hornblende MG002 495 McGrath Ign 1601 TKd TKvf Rhyolite tuff Cretaceous and Paleocene White- to light-gray, locally banded, hypocrystalline rhyolite. Veleska Lake Volcanic Field MG002 285 McGrath Ign 1603 TKvr TKvd Dacite flows and dikes Cretaceous and Paleocene Light- to medium-gray, aphanitic to porphyro-aphanitic, chloritized hornblende dacite flows. Veleska Lake Volcanic Field K/Ar age of 65.8 Ma MG002 280 McGrath Ign 1604 TKvd TKvm Basalt andesite Cretaceous and Paleocene Medium-gray-green, fine-grained, augite-rich basaltic andesite and minor andesite flow breccia. Veleska Lake Volcanic Field MG002 290 McGrath Ign 1605 TKvi KJsh Flyschoid sandstone and shale Jurassic and Cretaceous Medium- to very dark-gray, fine-grained, lithic sandstone, siltstone, and shale. Kahiltna Terrane Inoceramus murgalensis and Inoceramus peltiformis pochialaynen (Early Cretaceous) MG002 300 McGrath Sed 2850 KJf KJs Coarse sandstone and minor siltstone Jurassic and Cretaceous Medium-gray to distinctly tan-weathered, lithic sandstone containing clasts of volcanic rocks, sandstone and shale, granitic rocks, quartz, and lime-rich sediments. Flute clasts and ripple marks common. Kahiltna Terrane Early Cretaceous pelecypods MG002 305 McGrath Sed 2850 KJf KJc Pebble to boulder conglomerate and minor sandstone Jurassic and Cretaceous Light-gray, tan weathered, pebble to boulder conglomerate. Kahiltna Terrane Inoceramus murgalensis (Early Cretaceous) MG002 310 McGrath Sed 2850 KJf KJg Gabbro and diorite Jurassic and Cretaceous Buff-weathered, dark green-gray gabbro and diorite. Unit may be equivalent to Jurassic-Cretaceous gabbro-diorite swarm that intrudes along a major suture separating the Pingston Terrane from the Yukon-Tanana terrane in Denali National Park MG002 505 McGrath Ign 2920 Jmu KJm Slate and metasiltstone Jurassic and Cretaceous Very thin-bedded, fissile, rusty-brown-weathered, black slate, metasiltstone, micaceous metasandstone, and rare silty limestone turbidite. McKinley Terrane Mesozoic radiolaria and megafossils from Talkeetna quad MG002 315 McGrath Meta 2852 KJfn lJs Tatina River Volcanics; phosphatic shale and green volcaniclastic sandstone Jurassic Medium- to very-dark-gray, distinctly bleached bluish-white, phosphatic shale; green, medium grained, concretion-rich, volcaniclastic sandstone; and minor tan chert-cobble pebble conglomerate. Farewell Composite Terrane Entolium sp. and Eopecten (?) sp. of Jurassic age MG002 335 McGrath Sed 3210 JTrtv Trls Limestone and shale Triassic Thin-bedded, medium gray quartzitic limestone; gray, silty limestone, and shale. Basal beds mainly fine-grained, gray sandstone and siltstone and subordinate cherty limestone. Pingston Terrane Monotis sp. (Late Triassic) pelecypod MG002 320 McGrath Sed 4033 Trcs Trs Tatina River Volcanics; shale, coarse volcaniclastic sandstone, and chert Triassic Tan to greenish-gray, buff to orange weathered, pebble rich, immature conglomerate, coarse volcaniclastic sandstone, distinctly brown silty shale, and light gray, green, and black chert. Farewell Composite Terrane Monotis subcircularis and Halobia cf. fallax late-Early-to-early Late Norian of the Late Triassic MG002 345 McGrath Sed 4050 Trcg Trab Tatina River Volcanics; pillow basalt and gabbro Triassic Dark green-gray, massive, aphanitic to medium-grained, olivine-clinopyroxene rich, pillow basalt, olivine diabase and gabbro sills, and mafic agglomerate. Locally well developed pillow structure. Farewell Composite Terrane MG002 340 McGrath Ign 4215 JTrtv Trum Ultramafic to diorite sills Late Triassic Dark green-gray, fine- to coarse-grained, ultramafic sills, olivine gabbro, and diorite, 50 to 66 ft thick MG002 510 McGrath Ign 4320 Trgb MzPzi Gabbro and diorite sills and dikes Early Paleozoic Brownish weathered, dark green-gray, very fine- to medium-grained phaneritic, locally micropegmatoidal, olivine, aegirine-augite, gabbro, diorite, and uncommonly alkali syenite MG002 515 McGrath Ign 5180 MzPzi uPzs Volcanogenic phyllite Permian Dark gray-green to distinctly maroon, pyrite-rich volcanogenic phyllite cut by thin quartz-carbonate veins. Yukon-Tanana Terrane MG002 325 McGrath Ign 5545 PMpc uPzc Phyllitic chert and siliceous phyllite Mississippian to Permian White-weathered, gray-green, banded phyllitic ribbon chert. Yukon-Tanana Terrane Pennsylvanian through Permian radiolaria; Mississippian through Permian Radiolaria and conodonts MG002 330 McGrath Sed 5545 PMpc PDs Sheep Creek Formation; sublithic sandstone, limestone-chert conglomerate, and minor limestone Middle Devonian to Permian Medium-gray, distinctly brown-red weathered, medium- to coarse-grained, sublithic sandstone and pebble conglomerate that contains clasts of limestone, chert, lithic fragments, volcanic clasts, and polycrystalline quartz. Limestone-chert conglomerate near the top of PDs probably correlative with non-marine, conglomerate-rich Mystic subterrane rocks at Mount Dall in Talkeetna Quad. Farewell Composite Terrane; Fusilinids (Late Pennsylvanian to Permian), Palmatolepis sp. and Polygnathus sp. conodonts (Frasnian(Late Devonian)), Dendrostrella sp. cf. D. trigemme (Late Eifelian and Givetian (Middle Devonian)), MG002 350 McGrath Sed 6010 PDsc mSl Terra Cotta Mountains Sandstone; argillaceous graptolitic limestone Silurian Medium- to dark-gray and brown weathered limestone containing graptolite-bearing silty sandstone intervals. Generally equivalent to Middle Limestone member of Churkin and Carter (1996). Dillinger Subterrane Pristiograptus dubious, Monograptus cf. M. ludensis, and Monograptus digitatus (Wenlockian stage of the Silurian) Also orthoconic nautiloid cephalopods, cardiolid bivalves, and ribbed atrypacean brachiopods of probably Silurian age MG002 390 McGrath Sed 6660 Stc lSl Post River Sandstone; boundary limestone Early Silurian Thin, dark gray, fetid, laminated limestone with thin silty sand layers, and thin interbeds of black cherty argillite. Dillinger Subterrane Cryptograptus centrifugus of C. centifugus zone, earliest Wenlockian stage, late Early Silurian MG002 400 McGrath Sed 7580 SCpl uSsl Terra Cotta Mountains Sandstone; thin-bedded calcareous sandstone, graptolitic shale, and silty limestone Silurian Thin-bedded, gray to tan, micaceous sandstone, silty limestone, and dark gray graptolitic shale. Local flute clasts and ripple marks. Probably equivalent of Upper Limestone member of Churkin and Carter (1996). Dillinger subterrane Monograptus cf. M. pseudodubius, Lobograptus progenitor, and Pristiograptus cf. P. tumescens from the Neodiversograptus nilssoni zone, Ludlovian stage (Late Silurian) MG002 380 McGrath Sed 6660 Stc mSvs Terra Cotta Mountains Sandstone; phyllite, volcaniclastic sandstone and chert Silurian Thin-bedded, complexly folded, maroon to green phyllite, medium-green, medium-grained volcaniclastic sandstone, and green-gray chert. Dillinger Subterrane MG002 385 McGrath Sed 6660 Stc mSs Terra Cotta Mountains Sandstone; feldspathic-lithic sandstone, limey siltstone, and argillite Silurian Medium olive gray to terra cotta, medium-to coarse-grained, thin-bedded to massive, calcareous lithic sandstone, and siltstone containing local gray shale intervals and minor pebble conglomerate beds. Sandstones have well developed oscillation ripple marks, flute clasts, and planer crossbedding. Limey beds of lower part of the unit are thought to be equivalent of Lower Limestone member of Churkin and Carter (1996). Dillinger Subterrane Monograptus aff. M. Priodon and Cryptograptus lundgreni (middle to early Wenlockian stage of Silurian) MG002 395 McGrath Sed 6660 Stc uDl St. Johns Hill Formation; massive micritic limestone Devonian Medium-gray, massive- to thck-bedded, micritic limestone that contains crypto-algal laminations, thin, black chert partings, and dolomitic nodules. Identical in age and character of unit described by Reed and Nelson (1980) near base of Mystic subterrane in Talkeetna quadrangle. Farewell Composite Terrane; Rugose corals, brachiopods, and pelecypods (Frasnian (early Late Devoian)) MG002 365 McGrath Sed 6931 DSml Dls St. Johns Hill Formation; limestone and minor siltstone Devonian Brown to terra cotta, micaceous, slightly pyritic, thinly laminated mudstone, siltstone, limestone, and medium-grained lithic sandstone. Tentatively correlative basal portion of PDs. Farewell Composite Terrane MG002 370 McGrath Sed 6931 DSml DSl Barren Ridge Limestone; calcarenite, calcareous siltstone, and laminated limestone Silurian and Devonian Thin- to thick-bedded, buff to orange-weathered, light- to medium-gray, phyllitic calcarenite, thin-bedded orange to buff siltstone, and light-gray silty limestone. Dillinger subterrane Conodonts (Late Silurian to Late Devonian) MG002 375 McGrath Sed 6952 DSca lDl Sheep Creek Formation; massive algal limestone Devonian Massive, thick-bedded, medium-gray limestone, rich in algal laminations and Amiphipora sp. Farewell Composite Terrane Ozarkodina sp. indet. or Kockelella sp. indet. (Middle Silurian-to-early Devonian) MG002 355 McGrath Sed 6931 DSml lDd Sheep Creek Formation; dolomite Devonian Light gray, dolomitized, algal (?) limestone similar in appearance to lDl. Thought to be correlative with lDl. Farewell Composite Terrane MG002 360 McGrath Sed 6931 DSml SOsh Post River Sandstone; graptolitic shale, siltstone, and chert Ordovician and Silurian Medium- to dark-gray, fetid, fissile, isoclinally folded, carbonaceous shale, siltstone, and black bioturbated, silaceous siltstone and chert. Local distinctive sulfurous plumes. One of the most complete Ordivician-Lower Silurian graptolite successions in the world. Thought to be the equivalent of Mudstone, Upper Siltstone, and Graptolite Canyon member of Churkin and Carter (1996). Also equivalent to Road River Formaion in east-central Alaska. Dillinger Subterrane 15 graptolite zones representing 5 of 6 Ordivician stages and most of the Landoverian stage of the Early Silurian MG002 405 McGrath Sed 7580 SCpl OCls Lyman Hills Formation; silty limestone and shale Cambrian and Ordovician Rhythmically layered, thin-bedded, orange to buff, light gray when fresh, limestone, silty shale, and light olive shale. Lime units have parallel and cross laminations. Shale and siltstone have ripple-laminated structures with amplitudes of 5 to 70 cm. Unit includes the lower Siltstone member of the Post River Formation of Churkin and Carter (1996). Dillinger Subterrane Adelograptus graptolite zone of the Early Ordovician, Teridontis nakamurai of the Cordylodus lindstromi zone of the Late Cambrian-to-Early Ordovician MG002 410 McGrath Sed 7580 SCpl PzpCs Metaquartzite and calcareous phyllite Precambrian to Devonian Light- to medium-gray, fine- to coarse-grained, metaquartzite, quartz-feldspar "grit", calcareous phyllite, and minor metachert. Minchumina subterrane MG002 415 McGrath Meta 8300 CZw Tids Dike swarm and hornfels Paleocene to Oligocene Large linear zones of multiple dikes of variable composition and size that create extensive hornfels aureole and include fragments of layered country rocks MG002 435 McGrath Meta 1010 Thf Qs Surficial deposits Holocene and Pleistocene Surficial deposits, undifferentiated GU002 100 Gulkana Unconsol 100 Qs Qa Alluvial deposits Holocene Alluvial deposits GU002 106 Gulkana Unconsol 100 Qs Qco Colluvial deposits Holocene Colluvial deposits, river bluff type GU002 107 Gulkana Unconsol 100 Qs Qc Conglomerate Pleistocene Conglomerate, fluvial deposits derived from Wrangell Lava and deposited on unit QTu, undifferentiated volcanic rocks and older, pre-Wrangell rocks GU002 112 Gulkana Sed 100 Qs Ql Lacustrine deposits Late Pleistocene Lacustrine deposits GU002 109 Gulkana Unconsol 100 Qs Qds Active cliff-head dune deposits Holocene Active cliff-head dune deposits GU002 105 Gulkana Unconsol 100 Qs Qnf Volcanic rocks-Nathlie Mountain eruptive center Pleistocene Flows, breccias, and sedimentary rocks GU002 127 Gulkana Sed 300 Qv Qcc Volcanic rocks-Capital Volcano Pleistocene Caldera lavas GU002 130 Gulkana Ign 300 Qv Qcs Volcanic rocks-Capital Volcano Pleistocene Shield lavas GU002 131 Gulkana Ign 300 Qv Qdf Volcanic rocks-Drum Volcano Pleistocene Cone building flows GU002 118 Gulkana Ign 301 Qw Qsf Volcanic rocks-Sanford Volcano Pleistocene Basalt, andesite, and dacite lava, undifferentiated GU002 123 Gulkana Ign 301 Qw Qsdf Sanford Debris flow deposits Quaternary Debris derived from collapse of a dome on Sanford Volcano. Flow traveled a great distance down the Sanford Glacier/River valley to confluence with the Copper River GU002 180 Gulkana Unconsol 312 Qdf Qda Volcanic rocks-Drum Volcano Pleistocene Volcanic avalanche deposits GU002 117 Gulkana Unconsol 314 Qva Qms Mineral spring and mud volcano deposits Holocene and Pleistocene Mineral Spring and mud volcano deposits GU002 108 Gulkana Unconsol 315 Qmsv Qsh Volcanic rocks-Sanford Volcano Pleistocene Hyaloclastite GU002 122 Gulkana Ign 316 Qat Qbc Cinder cones and associated flows Pleistocene Cinder cones and associated flows GU002 111 Gulkana Ign 320 Qcs Qdc Volcanic rocks-Drum Volcano Pleistocene Collapsed dome GU002 121 Gulkana Ign 400 Qi Qsi Volcanic rocks-Sanford Volcano Pleistocene Shallow plutons GU002 124 Gulkana Ign 400 Qi Qdd Volcanic rocks-Drum Volcano Pleistocene Dacite domes GU002 119 Gulkana Ign 401 Qvd Qdr Volcanic rocks-Drum Volcano Pleistocene Rhyolite domes GU002 120 Gulkana Ign 401 Qvd Qsr Volcanic rocks-Sanford Volcano Pleistocene Rhyodacite dome and flow GU002 125 Gulkana Ign 401 Qvd Qni Volcanic rocks-Nathlie Mountain eruptive center Pleistocene Dacite pluton GU002 126 Gulkana Ign 401 Qvd Qcr Volcanic rocks-Capital Volcano Pleistocene Rhyolite dikes and laccoliths GU002 128 Gulkana Ign 401 Qvd Qcd Volcanic rocks-Capital Volcano Pleistocene Radial dike swarm and plugs GU002 129 Gulkana Ign 403 Qds QTu Volcanic rocks Pleistocene and Pliocene (?) Volcanic rocks, undifferentiated GU002 110 Gulkana Ign 450 QTv Qwf Volcanic rocks-Wrangell Volcano Holocene (?) and Pleistocene Andesite flows and fragmental rocks GU002 115 Gulkana Ign 455 QTw QTi Intrusive rocks Pleistocene and Pliocene (?) Intrusive rocks GU002 113 Gulkana Ign 460 QTi Qwd Volcanic rocks-Wrangell Volcano Holocene (?) and Pleistocene Dacite flows GU002 116 Gulkana Ign 465 QTva Ts Sedimentary rocks Cenezoic Sedimentary rocks GU002 135 Gulkana Sed 500 Tsu Czab Olivine basalt and andesite Cenozoic Olivine basalt and andesite GU002 114 Gulkana Ign 1000 Tvu Ta Andesite flows; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Tertiary (?) Andesite flows GU002 158 Gulkana Ign 1000 Tvu Km Matanuska Formation Cretaceous Matanuska Formation GU002 176 Gulkana Sed 2010 Km Kg Granodiorite pluton Cretaceous (?) Granodiorite pluton, Wrangellia Terrane GU002 137 Gulkana Ign 2420 Kgd Kgd Wrangellia Terrane Cretaceous (?) Granodiorite pluton GU002 136 Gulkana Ign 2900 KJg hbqd Hornblende-biotite quartz diorite; Peninsular Terrane Jurassic or Cretaceous Hornblende-biotite quartz diorite GU002 173 Gulkana Ign 2900 KJg hbqm Hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite; Peninsular Terrane Jurassic or Cretaceous Hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite GU002 174 Gulkana Ign 2900 KJg hbgd Hornblende-biotite granodiorite; Peninsular Terrane Jurassic or Cretaceous Hornblende-biotite granodiorite GU002 175 Gulkana Ign 2900 KJg Jtrd Rhyodacite flows; Talkeetna Formation Early Jurassic Rhyodacite flows with minor sandstones and lesser dacite flows GU002 177 Gulkana Sed 3250 JTrtk Jta Hornblende andesite flows; Talkeetna Formation Early Jurassic Hornblende andesite flows GU002 178 Gulkana Ign 3250 JTrtk Jts Talkeetna Formation, sandstone Early Jurassic Sandstone with sparse volcaniclastics GU002 179 Gulkana Sed 3250 JTrtk shgb Schistose hornblende gabbro; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Jurassic or older Schistose hornblende gabbro GU002 164 Gulkana Meta 3540 Jmu scgb Schistose clinopyroxene gabbro; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Jurassic or older Schistose clinopyroxene gabbro GU002 165 Gulkana Meta 3545 Jmu sqm Schistose quartz monzonite; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Jurassic or older Schistose quartz monzonite GU002 160 Gulkana Meta 5245 JPaur sqd Schistose quartz diorite; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Jurassic or older Schistose quartz diorite GU002 161 Gulkana Meta 5245 JPaur sgd Schistose granodiorite; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Jurassic or older Schistose granodiorite GU002 162 Gulkana Meta 5245 JPaur shd Schistose hornblende diorite; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Jurassic or older Schistose hornblende diorite GU002 163 Gulkana Meta 5245 JPaur ag Amphibolite gneiss; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Jurassic or older Amphibolite gneiss GU002 166 Gulkana Meta 5245 JPaur Trg Wrangellia Terrane Late Triassic (?) Clinopyroxene-hornblende gabbro, and diabase and gabbronorite dikes GU002 138 Gulkana Ign 4320 Trgb Trcg Wrangellia Terrane Late Triassic (?) Clinopyroxene-hornblende stocks and plugs GU002 139 Gulkana Ign 4320 Trgb Trn Nikolai Greenstone Late Triassic Nikolai Greenstone GU002 155 Gulkana Sed 4420 Trn qmfs Quartz-muscovite-feldspar schist; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Paleozoic (?) or older Quartz-muscovite-feldspar schist GU002 168 Gulkana Meta 5203 PPast mmp Metamorphosed pelitic and calc-schist; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Paleozoic (?) or older Metamorphosed pelitic and calc-schist GU002 169 Gulkana Meta 5209 PPast ds Dadina schist Late Paleozoic (?) or older Coarse quartz-biotite schist, altered and cataclastic meta-andesite, over lain(?) by amphibolite schist, mica-schist, and minor meta-limestone. Intruded by unmetamorphosed coarse-grained quartz diorite dikes. Also includes sheared meta-gabbro. Dadina Schist (Mendenhall, 1905). Correlated with Klutina of Schrader (1900) or with Strelna Formation of Moffit and Mertie (1923) [probably NOT Strelna]. GU002 172 Gulkana Meta 5204 PPast mha Metamorphosed hornblende andesite; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Paleozoic (?) or older Metamorphosed hornblende andesite GU002 167 Gulkana Meta 5550 PPast PPs Slana Spur Formation Middle and Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Slana Spur Formation GU002 156 Gulkana Sed 5630 PPasc mcb Metamorphosed clinopyroxene basalt; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Paleozoic (?) or older Metamorphosed clinopyroxene basalt GU002 170 Gulkana Meta 5641 PPast am Amphibolite; Metamorphic Complex of Gulkana River Late Paleozoic (?) or older Amphibolite GU002 171 Gulkana Meta 5680 PPast PPf Ahtell Pluton Permian and Pennsylvanian Fine-grained biotite granite GU002 145 Gulkana Ign 5870 Pmgi PPp Ahtell Pluton Permian and Pennsylvanian Porphyritic hornblende granodiorite GU002 146 Gulkana Ign 5870 Pmgi PPg Ahtell Pluton Permian and Pennsylvanian Biotite-hornblende granite and granodiorite GU002 147 Gulkana Ign 5870 Pmgi PPa Diorite Complex Permian and Pennsylvanian Altered diabase and gabbronorite GU002 148 Gulkana Ign 5880 PPad PPd Diorite Complex Permian and Pennsylvanian Diorite, granodiorite, and gabbronorite GU002 149 Gulkana Ign 5880 PPad Pt Tetelna Volcanics Pennsylvanian Tetelna Volcanics GU002 157 Gulkana Ign 6220 Pat TKhf Hornfels Tertiary and Cretaceous Hornfels created from plutonic rocks described above : Km, Kmd, TKgr, TKgp, Tgd, Tqm, Tgr MG003 647 McGrath Meta 1970 Kk Q Quaternary surficial deposits, undivided Quaternary Surficial deposits MG003 100 McGrath Unconsol 100 Qs Tcg Nonmarine sedimentary rocks Eocene to Oligocene Coal-bearing sandstone, shale and conglomerate Fossil data summarized in Bundtzen MG003 605 McGrath Sed 640 Tcb Tclg Nonmarine sedimentary rocks Eocene to Oligocene Limestone-rich conglomerate MG003 606 McGrath Sed 500 Tsu Tgr Granite Tertiary Granite of Cheeneetnuk River area 38 Ma MG003 646 McGrath Ign 1300 Tegr Tqm Quartz Monzonite Tertiary Quartz monzonite of Selatna Hills area 60 Ma MG003 645 McGrath Ign 1307 Tgdp Tgd Granodiorite Tertiary Granodiorite of the Selatna and Tatlawiksuk Hills area 61 and 62 Ma MG003 644 McGrath Ign 1350 Thgd TKgr Granite of Lone Mt. Complex Tertiary and Cretaceous Granite of Lone Mt. Complex 58.5 Ma and 65 Ma MG003 642 McGrath Ign 1655 TKg TKgp Granite Porphyry Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Granite Porphyry MG003 643 McGrath Ign 1655 TKg Kcs Kuskokwim Group; Deep Water (Turbidite-Fan) Facies Late Cretaceous Coarse lithic sandstone and pebble conglomerate MG003 609 McGrath Sed 1970 Kk Kss Kuskokwim Group; Deep Water (Turbidite-Fan) Facies Late Cretaceous Fine, medium, and coarse-grained lithic conglomerate MG003 610 McGrath Sed 1970 Kk Kls Kuskokwim Group; Deep Water (Turbidite-Fan) Facies Late Cretaceous Calcareous medium to coarse-grained lithic sandstone and siltstone MG003 611 McGrath Sed 1970 Kk Kus Kuskokwim Group; Lithologies of Unknown Facies Assignment Late Cretaceous Kuskokwim Group clastic rocks- undifferentiated MG003 612 McGrath Sed 1970 Kk Ksh Kuskokwim Group; Lithologies of Unknown Facies Assignment Late Cretaceous Shale and siltstone and very minor fine-grained sandstone MG003 613 McGrath Sed 1970 Kk Kqs Kuskokwim Group; Shallow Marine to Locally Nonmarine Shoreline Facies Late Cretaceous Quartzose sublithic sandstone, siliceous shale, and siltstone; minor coal Leaf hash and nonmarine to brackish water pelecypod fauna MG003 607 McGrath Sed 1985 Kkn Kqcs Kuskokwim Group; Shallow Marine to Locally Nonmarine Shoreline Facies Late Cretaceous Coarse grained sandstone and pebble-to-cobble conglomerate. Quartz-rich sublithic to bleached white coarse facies of Kqs MG003 608 McGrath Sed 1985 Kkn Kvm Basaltic Andesite of Takotna and Candle Hills Volcanic-Plutonic Complex Cretaceous Basaltic Andesite of Takotna and Candle Hills volcanic-Plutonic Complex 74 Ma MG003 648 McGrath Ign 2270 Kvl Kvmp Porphyritic Basaltic Andesite of Candle Hills and Takotna Volcanic-Plutonic Complex Cretaceous Porphyritic Basaltic Andesite of Candle Hills and Takotna Volcanic-Plutonic Complex 73 Ma MG003 649 McGrath Ign 2270 Kvl Km Olivine Monzonite of the Candle Hills Pluton Cretaceous Olivine monzonite of the Candle Hills Pluton 70 Ma MG003 640 McGrath Ign 2470 Kg Kmd Monzonite and Monzodiorite of Takotna Pluton Cretaceous Monzonite and monzodiorite of Takotna Pluton 72 Ma MG003 641 McGrath Ign 2470 Kg Trb Tholeiitic pillow basalt Late Triassic Tholeiitic pillow basalt; Equivalent to Tatina River Volcanics of Buntzen and others, 1997 (Farewell Composite terrane, Mystic sub-terrane MG003 614 McGrath Ign 4215 JTrtv MzPzi Olivine Gabbro sills Triassic to Tertiary Olivine Gabbro sills MG003 650 McGrath Ign 5180 MzPzi uPzac Argillite and chert, equivalent to Sheep Creek Formation Late Devonian to Permian Argillite and chert; Equivalent to Sheep Creek Formation as defined by Buntzen and others, 1997 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Mystic Subterrane) Pennsylvanian fossils MG003 616 McGrath Sed 6010 PDsc uPzs Sandstone and detrital limestone Late Paleozoic Sandstone and detrital limestone (Farewell Composite Terrane; Mystic Subterrane) Contains Upper Paleozoic fossils MG003 615 McGrath Sed 6010 PDsc PDs Sheep Creek Formation, brown siltstone Late Devonian to Permian Brown siltstone of Sheep Creek Formation (Farewell Composite Terrane; Mystic Subterrane) Pennsylvanian fusilinids MG003 617 McGrath Sed 6010 PDsc SOsh Post River Formation, Graptolitic shale and chert Silurian and Ordovician Graptolitic shale and chert; Post River Formation of Churkin and Carter, 1996 and Buntzen and others, 1997 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Dillinger Subterrane) MG003 638 McGrath Sed 7580 SCpl Ssh Shale and siltstone Mid-Silurian Shale and siltstone; equivalent to Paradise Fork Formation of Dutro and Patton, 1982 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 624 McGrath Sed 6620 Spf mSs Terra Cotta Mountains sandstone; feldspathic-lithic sandstone Middle Silurian Feldspathic-lithic sandstone; Terra Cotta sandstone of Churkin and Carter, 1996 and Buntzen and others, 1997 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Dillinger Subterrane) MG003 637 McGrath Sed 6660 Stc uDl Thick bedded dark gray limestone Late Devonian (Frasnian) Thick bedded dark gray limestone (Farewell Composite Terrane; Mystic Subterrane) MG003 618 McGrath Sed 6931 DSml mDl Cheeneetnuk limestone Middle Devonian (Late Emsian to Givitian) Cheeneetnuk limestone (Farewell Composite Terrane; Mystic Subterrane) MG003 619 McGrath Sed 6931 DSml SDlw Whirlwind Creek Formation (limestone and dolomite) Middle Devonian (Late Emsian to Givitian (?)) Shallow water limestone and dolomite of Whirlwind Creek Formation as defined by Dutro and Patton, 1982 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 620 McGrath Sed 6960 DSwc DSl Barren Ridge limestone; calcarenite, calcareous siltstone, and laminated limestone Silurian and Devonian Calcarenite, calcareous siltstone, and laminated limestone; Barren Ridge limestone of Churkin and Carter, 1996 and Buntzen and others, 1997 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Dillinger Subterrane) MG003 636 McGrath Sed 6952 DSca lDd Dolomite Early Devonian Thick bedded, cream-colored dolomite (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 621 McGrath Sed 6960 DSwc lDl Gray limestone interbedded with dolomite Early Devonian Gray limestone interbedded with lDd (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 622 McGrath Sed 6960 DSwc Sla Algal limestone Mid-Silurian Algal limestone (boundstone) thick-bedded algal-rich stromatoporid-rich limestone (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) Stromatoporid MG003 623 McGrath Sed 6960 DSwc uOll Laminated limestone Late Ordovician Laminated limestone; Probably equivalent to upper part of Telsitna Formation of Dutro and Patton, 1982 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 625 McGrath Sed 7520 Ont uOl Limestone, limestone breccia, and argillite Late Ordovician Limestone, limestone breccia, and argillite; Interbedded with uOll (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) Upper Ordivician fossils MG003 626 McGrath Sed 7520 Ont mOl Thick grainstone and micritic limestone Middle Ordovician Thick grainstone and micritic limestone (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) Middle Ordivician fauna MG003 627 McGrath Sed 7520 Ont Ol Limestone and argillite Middle(?) and early Ordovician Limestone and argillite; Thought to be equivalent to Novi Mt. Formation of Dutro and Patton, 1982 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 628 McGrath Sed 7520 Ont OCls Silty limestone and shale Cambrian and Earliest Ordovician Silty limestone and shale; essentially equivalent to Lyman Hills Formation in Dillinger Subterrane (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 630 McGrath Sed 7580 SCpl OCls Lyman Hills Formation, Silty limestone and shale Ordovician and Cambrian Silty limestone and shale; Lyman Hills Formation of Churkin and Carter, 1996 and Buntzen and others, 1997 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Dillinger Subterrane) MG003 639 McGrath Sed 7580 SCpl lOlb Limestone breccia and micrite Early Ordovician Limestone breccia and micrite; Equivalent to Novi Mt. Formation of Dutro and Patton, 1982 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 629 McGrath Sed 7520 Ont OCm Banded mudstone Cambrian and Earliest Ordovician Banded mudstone; Believed by Grant Abbott, 1989, to be similar to a Middle Cambrian unit exposed near Hess River in Yukon (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 631 McGrath Sed 7520 Ont Clm Limey, striped mudstone and siltstone Middle (?) Cambrian Limey, striped mudstone and siltstone; Probably equivalent to OCm (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 634 McGrath Sed 7580 SCpl XCl Oolitic limestone Proterozoic to Early Cambrian Oolitic limestone; same unit as Khuchaynik Dolomite of Babcock and others, 1994 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 632 McGrath Sed 8350 CZds XCd Oolitic, peletoidal dolomite Proterozoic to Early Cambrian Oolitic, peletoidal dolomite; Probably Big River dolostone of Babcock and others, 1994 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 633 McGrath Sed 8350 CZds Xmso Red ferriginous shale and orthoquartzite Late Proterozoic Red ferriginous shale and orthoquartzite; Correlative with Windy Fork Formation of Babcock and others, 1994. Also been called the Redstone Unit by Buntzen in 1984 (Farewell Composite Terrane; Nixon Fork Subterrane) MG003 635 McGrath Sed 8350 CZds Kgm Volcanic graywacke and mudstone late Early Cretaceous (Albian) Dark-greenish-gray, fine-grained to gritty(?), poorly sorted graywacke composed largely of first- and second-cycle volcanic debris but locally containing abundant granitic and metamorphic rock debris. Graded bedding common, Dark gray mudstone interbeds. Some intercalated crystal tuffs. Hornfels bordering granodiorite (Kg). Age based on correlation with HU and KT quads RB004 2105 Ruby Sed 2105 Kvgm Ks Sandstone, Quartz Conglomerate, shale, and siltstone Probably Late Cretaceous Non-marine deposits of olive-green, fine- to coarse-grained, crossbedded, quartzose sandstone and grit; quartz-pebble conglomerate, and dark micaeous shale and siltstone. Ironstone lenses and concretions. Better sorted and higher % quartz than Kgm. Probabaly correlative with Upper Cretaceous, plant-bearing nonmarine strata in Kateel River quad. Abundant carbonized plant debris RB004 1941 Ruby Sed 1941 Kss Kc Igneous pebble-cobble conglomerate late Early Cretaceous (Albian) may be as young as Late Cretaceous Massive poorly sorted conglomerate with pebble to cobble sized clasts primarily of mafic intrusive and extrusive rocks and varied colored chert. Interbedded with fine-grained to gritty (?) , dark-green to green graywacke and mudstone. grades upward into sandstone, quartz conglomerate, shale, and siltstone (Ks). In part overlies and in part laterally gradational with volcanic graywacke and mudstone (Kgm) Indeterminate pelecypods RB004 2030 Ruby Sed 2030 Kcg Kv Andesitic volcanic rocks earliest Cretaceous (Neocomian) but may include Albian age strata Koyukuk River- Pillow basalt and andesitic flows; andesitic tuffs, volcanic conglomerate, and breccia; chert and fine-grained cherty tuff; coquinoidal limestone composed largely of Buchia sp. Widely altered to a hard dark green hornfels. Dulbi-Melozitna Rivers- Andesitic and dacitic tuff, breccia, volcanic conglomerate and tuffaceous graywacke. Flows and hyabyssal bodies of andesite and dacite porphyry. Dark-green hornfels near Kg. Buchia sublaevis, belemnite; Buchia cf.B. crassicollis; Buchia keyserlingi RB004 2330 Ruby Ign 2330 Kve Kg Granitic rocks Late Cretaceous? Granodiorite K-Ar date of 81.5 to 89.0 Ma from similar plutons in Melozitna quad., however later data suggests Latest Cretaceous or Early Tertiary age from Nulato quadrangle. RB004 2410 Ruby Ign 1655 TKg JPb Basalt and diabase Permian to Jurassic. Spilitic basalt and diabase largely altered to greenstone. Along contact with Km, altered to mafic hornfels. Probabaly correlative with similar rocks on strike to the NE in the Tanana and Bettles quads RB004 5140 Ruby Ign 5140 JMab JPu Ultramafics Permian to Jurassic Small bodies of serpentinized peridotite and dunite with closely associated gabbro and anorthosite. RB004 5150 Ruby Ign 5150 Jaum PzpCg Gneissic rocks Paleozoic or Precambrian Garnetiferous quartz-feldspar-biotite gneiss of almandine-amphibolite facies. Also includes some quartzitic gneiss, amphibolitic gneiss, migmatite, small bodies of marble, and a few small bodies of granitic rock. RB004 8630 Ruby Meta 8801 PzZrpg PzpCm Metamorphic rocks (Pelitic schist) Paleozoic or Precambrian Pelitic schist, quartzite, and calcareous to dolomitic marble, generally of greenschist facies. RB004 8600 Ruby Meta 9325 PzZrqs Qu Unconsolidated deposits Quaternary Silt, sand, and gravel of stream beds, flood plains, and terraces RB004 100 Ruby Unconsol 100 Qs GG Gabbroic phaciods in McHugh Complex Jurassic and Late Triassic(?) Strongly altered gabbroic phacoids that are tectonic inclusions in the McHugh Complex VA004 4890 Valdez Meta 4890 Mzum Kqs Kuskokwim Group: Quartzose sublithic sandstone Late Cretaceous Shallow marine to fluvial facies quartzose sublithic sandstone, siliceous shale, and siltstone; part of Kuskokwim Group Leaf hash, and brackish water pelecypods and minor coal LH004 1986 Lime Hills Sed 1985 Kkn Kqcs Kuskokwim Group: Sandstone and conglomerate Late Cretaceous Shallow marine to fluvial facies coarse-grained sandstone and pebble-to-cobble conglomerate; minor very coarse-grained fluvial conglomerate and sandstone; part of Kuskokwim Group LH004 1985 Lime Hills Sed 1985 Kkn Kqvs Kuskokwim Group: Sandstone Late Cretaceous Shallow marine to fluvial facies coarse-grained sandstone-conglomerate rich in volcanic clasts; part of Kuskokwim Group LH004 1987 Lime Hills Sed 1985 Kkn Kss Kuskokwim Group: Sandstone and siltstone Late Cretaceous Deep water turbidite facies fine, medium, and coarse-grained sandstone and siltstone; part of Kuskokwim Group LH004 1970 Lime Hills Sed 1970 Kk Kcs Kuskokwim Group: Turbidite facies Late Cretaceous Deep water, very coarse-grained, turbidite facies (proximal fan); part of Kuskokwim Group LH004 1971 Lime Hills Sed 1970 Kk KJs Kahiltna Assemblage: Turbidite sandstone and siltstone Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Fine-to-coarse grained turbidite sandstone and siltstone with minor fossil-rich, prismite-rich, limestone Inoceramus LH004 2850 Lime Hills Sed 2850 KJf Trb Tholeiitic pillow basalt Late Triassic age Tholeiitic pillow basalt; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Mystic subterrane and equivalent to Tatina River Volcanics of Bundtzen and others, 1997 LH004 4215 Lime Hills Ign 4215 JTrtv Trvs Volcanogenic sandstone and tuff Late Triassic Volcanogenic sandstone and tuff; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Mystic subterrane Late Triassic fossils LH004 4050 Lime Hills Sed 4050 Trcg uMl Fossiliferous limestone Late Mississippian Fossiliferous limestone with minor siltstone; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Mystic subterrane Fossiliferous limestone LH004 6335 Lime Hills Sed 6335 PMl uDl Thick bedded limestone Late Devonian (Frasnian) Thick bedded, gray, fossiliferous, limestone; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Mystic subterrane Fossiliferous (Frasnian) LH004 6931 Lime Hills Sed 6931 DSml Dsc Shale and chert Devonian (Gevitian to Frasnian) Shale and chert; contains SEDEX barite deposits; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Mystic subterrane LH004 6911 Lime Hills Sed 6911 Dsc lDl Thick bedded limestone Early Devonian (Emsian) Thick bedded, dark-gray, limestone; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Mystic subterrane LH004 6932 Lime Hills Sed 6931 DSml PDs Siltstone and sandstone Devonian to Pennsylvanian Brown siltstone and sandstone of Sheep Creek Formation after Bundtzen and others (1997) ; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Mystic subterrane Pennsylvanian fusilinids and brachiopods LH004 6010 Lime Hills Sed 6010 PDsc Pzmu Mystic Subterrane, undivided Devonian to Triassic Mystic subterrane, part of Farewell Composite terrane LH004 5375 Lime Hills Sed 5375 JDm SDlw(h) Massive micritic limestone Late Silurian to Early Devonian Massive micritic limestone karst rich and dolomitic; may be roughly equivalent to lower Whirlwind Creek Formation in Medfra and McGrath quadrangles; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Nixon Fork subterrane LH004 6960 Lime Hills Sed 6960 DSwc Pzh Holitna-Nixon Fork carbonates, undivided Paleozoic Holitna-Nixon Fork carbonates, undivided; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Nixon Fork subterrane LH004 8340 Lime Hills Sed 8340 DZn DSl Barren Ridge Limestone Silurian to Devonian Barren Ridge Limestone after Churkin and Carter (1996) and Bundtzen and others (1997); part of Farewell Composite terrane and Dillinger subterrane LH004 6952 Lime Hills Sed 6952 DSca mSs Terra Cotta Sandstone Middle Silurian Terra Cotta Sandstone after Churkin and Carter (1996) and Bundtzen and others (1997); part of Farewell Composite terrane and Dillinger subterrane LH004 6660 Lime Hills Sed 6660 Stc SOsh Post River Formation Ordovician to Silurian Post River Formation after Churkin and Carter (1996) and Bundtzen and others (1997); part of Farewell Composite terrane and Dillinger subterrane LH004 7580 Lime Hills Sed 7580 SCpl OCls Lyman Hills Formation Cambrian to Ordovician Lyman Hills Formation after Bundtzen and others (1997); a separate mappable, lime rich zone (class 7582) is shown separately; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Dillinger subterrane LH004 7581 Lime Hills Sed 7580 SCpl MzPzi Gabbro-diorite sills, dikes, and volcanics Paleozoic and Mesozoic Gabbro-diorite sills, dike swarms, and mafic volcanics; part of Farewell Composite terrane and Dillinger subterrane LH004 5180 Lime Hills Ign 5180 MzPzi Pzdu Dillinger subterrane, undivided Paleozoic Dillinger subterrane, undivided; part of Farewell Composite terrane LH004 5310 Lime Hills Sed 5310 DCd Tgr Granite Tertiary Coarse-grained granite K/Ar of 55 Ma LH004 1320 Lime Hills Ign 1320 Tpgr Tqm Quartz monzonite dikes and plutons Tertiary Quartz monzonite dikes and small plutons K/Ar of 55 Ma LH004 1307 Lime Hills Ign 1307 Tgdp Tb Basalt flows Tertiary Basalt flows K/Ar of 58 Ma LH004 1004 Lime Hills Ign 1004 Tb TKf Felsite pluton Cretaceous and Tertiary Felsite pluton, age unknown LH004 1655 Lime Hills Ign 1655 TKg TKqm Quartz monzonite and diorite pluton Tertiary and Cretaceous Quartz monzonite to diorite pluton with gold-copper skarn K/Ar of 64 Ma LH004 1656 Lime Hills Ign 1655 TKg Dsl Schwatka unit--Limestone Middle and Early Devonian Limestone CI003 703 Circle Sed 6945 Ds TKk Kichatna pluton Late Cretaceous or Tertiary Probably granite to tonalite TL002 280 Talkeetna Ign 1660 TKm Q Surficial deposits Quaternary Alluvium, colluvium, and loess RB004 100 Ruby Unconsol 100 Qs TKg Granite Cretaceous-Tertiary Medium- to coarse-grained equigranular to porphyritic biotite granite composed of anhedral quartz, anhedral to euhedral (porphyritic variety) K-feldspar, anhedral plagioclase and subhedral biotite K-Ar age of 65.5 +/- 3.3 m.y. from biotite RB004 110 Ruby Ign 1655 TKg Pzmi Intermediate to mafic intrusive rocks Paleozoic Fine- to medium-grained gabbro, subordinate quartz diorite, quartz monzonite, orthopyroxene gabbro, and pyroxenite. Commonly sill-like. Wallrocks are restricted to the Rampart Group RB004 114 Ruby Ign 5113 JPztm Pzrgs Rampart Group Paleozoic Argillaceous and arenaceous rocks, siliceous and calcareous chemical sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks. Pzrgs is of a lower metamorphic grade than Pzrgmsv and consists of gray, green, black, and tan slate and siltstone interbedded with green to gray gray-wacke and lesser white to green chert. RB004 112 Ruby Meta 5133 JMtu Pzrgmsv Rampart Group Paleozoic Argillaceous and arenaceous rocks, siliceous and calcareous chemical sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks. Pzrgmsv is of a higher metamorphic grade than Pzrgs and consists of phyllite or fine-grained quartz-muscovite-chlorite schist intercalated with metagraywacke, recrystalized chert, and greenstone. Three cleavage planes create pencil fracturing RB004 113 Ruby Meta 5133 JMtu Pzrp Ruby Phyllite Paleozoic (?) Graphitic phyllite with minor interbedded graphitic quartzite and quartzite. Locally fine-grained graphitic schist and graphitic quartz-mica schist. Hornfelsed when adjacent to TKg (not shown on map) RB004 115 Ruby Ign 5542 TrMtqp Pzrm Ruby Marble Paleozoic (?) Medium- to coarse-grained marble composed of calcite with minor musovite, pyrite, and diopside (?). Probably correlative with Tamarack Bluff limestone RB004 117 Ruby Meta 6905 Dm Pztbl Tamarack Bluff Limestone Paleozoic (?) Marble and recrystallized limestone, dominantly fine- to coarse-grained calcitic marble, with some sedimentary structures preserved. Probably correlative with Ruby Marble RB004 116 Ruby Meta 8620 Pzrm PzpCs Pelitic Schist Precambrian and/or Paleozoic Fine- to medium-grained graphitic quartz-muscovite +/- chlorite schist. Minerology consistent with greenschist facies metamorphism RB004 118 Ruby Meta 8601 PzZrqs PzpCsg Pelitic Schist and Gneiss Precambrian and/or Paleozoic Medium- to coarse-grained quartz +/- muscovite +/- chlorite +/- biotite +/- grapphite +/- garnet +/- staurolite schist, quartzofeldspathic orthogneiss, and foliated greenstone. Minerology consistant with amphibolite facies metamorphism RB004 119 Ruby Meta 8801 PzZrpg TKv Volcanic and Sedimentary rocks Tertiary (?) and/or Cretaceous (?) Porphyritic basalt, andesite, and rhyolite flows, tuffs, and breccias with minor intercalated siltstone and sandstone RB004 120 Ruby Ign 1605 TKvi Pg Graywacke, conglomerate and mudstone Permian Fine- to medium-grained graywacke, graywacke conglomerate with basalt, andesite, shale, chert, quartzite, and schist clasts, and green to gray mudstone. Possibly correlative to graywacke of Rampart Group. microfossils of probable Permian age RB004 121 Ruby Sed 5745 Pig MDc Chert and Slate Mississippian and Devonian Thin-banded grey, green, and red chert with thin interbeds of slate Chert contains radiolarians of Devonian, Mississippian(?), and Mississippian age RB004 122 Ruby Meta 6390 TrMica Qs Undifferentiated Quaternary Deposits Quaternary Undifferentiated Quaternary deposits TK003 200 Talkeetna Mountains Unconsol 100 KJs Carbonate and Sandstone Mesozoic Slightly calcareous interbedded polymictic conglomerate, lithic graywacke, siltstone and shale. Correlative with Kahiltna flysch basin (or terrane) of Jones and others (1981) and the Gravina-Nutzotin flysch belt of Richter (1976) late Jurassic fossil assemblage TK003 10121 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 2850 KJf Trl Limestone and Shale Triassic Light grey to dark grey carbonaceous limestone lenses and shale of the mafic metavolcanics and associated sediments of the Amphitheter Group Monotis sp. of Late Triassic age TK003 10145 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 4030 JTrlm Trmb Mafic Basalt Triassic Very dark green-grey to reddish-oxidized, medium- to coarse-grained, mafic metabasalt of the mafic metavolcanics and associated sediments of the Amphitheter Group TK003 10141 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 4420 Trn Trab Partial marine and subareal amygdaloidal basalt flows, basaltic and andesitic tuffs, flows, dikes, sills, and agglomerates Triassic Dark to medium green, generally altered, partial marine and subareal amygdaloidal basalt flows, basaltic and andesitic tuffs, flows, dikes, sills, and agglomerates of the mafic metavolcanics and associated sediments of the Amphitheter Group TK003 10142 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 4420 Trn Tra Pillow basalt and andesite Triassic Submarine erruptive sequence of dark green, fine- to coarse-grained, pillow metabasalt and andesite of the mafic metavolcanics and associated sediments of the Amphitheter Group TK003 10143 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 4422 Trn Pac Light grey to medium grey meta-argillite, metachert, and cherty argillite intercalated with very fine-grained siliceous aquagene tuff Permian Light grey to medium grey meta-argillite, metachert, and cherty argillite intercalated with very fine-grained siliceous aquagene tuff. Low grade regional metamorphism. Correlated with lower portions of the Tangle subterrane of Nokelberg and Fisher (1989). Section includes the Mankomen group of Richter and Dutro (1975), Richter (1976), and Richter and others (1977) TK003 10124 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5950 Pe Pvt Meta-andesite flows, tuff, and metasandstone Permian Olive green, medium-grained volcaniclastic crystal lithic tuff, pyroxene-hornblende meta-andesite flows, and metasandstone. Low grade regional metamorphism. Correlated with lower portions of the Tangle subterrane of Nokelberg and Fisher (1989). Section includes the Mankomen group of Richter and Dutro (1975), Richter (1976), and Richter and others (1977) TK003 123 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5630 PPasc lPsmv Sheared mafic volcanic rocks Permian Medium greenish-grey, sheared meta-andesite and metadacite flow rocks. Minor sheared lapilli tuff. Low grade regional metamorphism. Correlated with lower portions of the Tangle subterrane of Nokelberg and Fisher (1989). Section includes the Mankomen group of Richter and Dutro (1975), Richter (1976), and Richter and others (1977) TK003 10150 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 6120 Pat ulPla Impure somewhat recrystallized siliceous bioclastic limestone, chert and minor quartzite Permian Light grey fine- to medium-grained, impure, siliceous bioclastic limestone with quartz and argillitic angular lithic detritus. Chert and minor quartzite. Low grade regional metamorphism. Correlated with lower portions of the Tangle subterrane of Nokelberg and Fisher (1989). Section includes the Mankomen group of Richter and Dutro (1975), Richter (1976), and Richter and others (1977) Late Wolcampian to Leonardian (middle to late Early Permian) and Leonardian to Guadolupian (late Early to Early Late Permian) conodonts TK003 10129 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 5955 PPaskm Pmvs Metabasalt, meta-andesite, and metadacite Permian Undifferentiated altered volcanic flows, pyroclastics, and tuff. Metabasalt, meta-andesite, and metadacite. Low grade regional metamorphism. Correlated with lower portions of the Tangle subterrane of Nokelberg and Fisher (1989). Section includes the Mankomen group of Richter and Dutro (1975), Richter (1976), and Richter and others (1977) TK003 10125 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5630 PPasc Pat Aquagene tuff, argillite and metasandstone Permian Dark grey to black, crystal-rich aquagene tuff with interbedded dark green-grey fine-grained volcaniclastic metasandstone and cherty argillite. Low grade regional metamorphism. Correlated with lower portions of the Tangle subterrane of Nokelberg and Fisher (1989). Section includes the Mankomen group of Richter and Dutro (1975), Richter (1976), and Richter and others (1977) TK003 10126 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5630 PPasc lPls Silicious bioclastic limestone and argillite Permian Light- to medium-grey, very fine-grained, laminated siliceous bioclastic limestone composed of fine-grained carbonate, chert, angular quartz, and pelitic material. Low grade regional metamorphism. Correlated with lower portions of the Tangle subterrane of Nokelberg and Fisher (1989). Section includes the Mankomen group of Richter and Dutro (1975), Richter (1976), and Richter and others (1977) Crinoid columnal-rich carbonate layers yield late Wolfcampian conodonts TK003 10128 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 5955 PPaskm Tsk Skarn Permian Skarn formed adjacent to TKif by lPls (not likely this unit) TK003 10160 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 4030 JTrlm uPzdt Dolomite and metatuff Late Paleozoic Distinctive white dolomitic marble and tan to green metatuff. Regionally metamorphosed from prehnite-pumpellyite through lower greenschist to amphibolite metamorphic facies. Correlated with the metamorphic complex of the Gulkana River of Nokelberg and others (1989) and the Strelna Metamorphics of Plafker and others (1989) TK003 10130 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5955 PPaskm uPzfv Silicified felsic metatuffs and metarhyolite to metadacite flows Late Paleozoic Silicified felsic metatuffs and metarhyolite to metadacite flows intercalated with minor marble and dolomitic marble. Regionally metamorphosed from prehnite-pumpellyite through lower greenschist to amphibolite metamorphic facies. Correlated with the metamorphic complex of the Gulkana River of Nokelberg and others (1989) and the Strelna Metamorphics of Plafker and others (1989) TK003 10131 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5625 PPast uPzsv Mafic metabasalts, metaandesites, agglomerates, minor impure carbonates and pelitic semischists Late Paleozoic Mafic metabasalts, metaandesites, agglomerates, minor impure carbonates, and pelitic semischists. Regionally metamorphosed from prehnite-pumpellyite through lower greenschist to amphibolite metamorphic facies. Correlated with the metamorphic complex of the Gulkana River of Nokelberg and others (1989) and the Strelna Metamorphics of Plafker and others (1989) TK003 10132 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5550 PPast uPzsl Metapelites, mainly dark slate and phyllites Late Paleozoic Metapelites, mainly dark slate and phyllites. Regionally metamorphosed from prehnite-pumpellyite through lower greenschist to amphibolite metamorphic facies. Correlated with the metamorphic complex of the Gulkana River of Nokelberg and others (1989) and the Strelna Metamorphics of Plafker and others (1989) TK003 10133 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5950 Pe uPzas Pelitic and mafic metavolcanic schist and amphibolite Late Paleozoic Brown to grey, biotite-rich, quartz, feldspar, pelitic and mafic metavolcanic schist. Massive, fine-grained hornblende amphibolite. Regionally metamorphosed from prehnite-pumpellyite through lower greenschist to amphibolite metamorphic facies. Correlated with the metamorphic complex of the Gulkana River of Nokelberg and others (1989) and the Strelna Metamorphics of Plafker and others (1989) TK003 10134 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5920 PPast TKif Felsite and fine grained granite plugs Tertiary and Cretaceous Highly altered and weathered small bodies of felsite and fine grained granite plugs TK003 10112 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1655 TKg Kqm Quartz monzonite Cretaceous Medium-grained, equigranular biotite quartz monzonite Probably similar to other Late Cretaceous plutons in the region radiometrically dated by Turner and Smith (1974) TK003 10116 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 2470 Kg Tqd Medium- to coarse-grained, generally equigranular, hypidiomorphic pyroxene-hornblende diorite Cretaceous Medium- to coarse-grained, generally equigranular, hypidiomorphic pyroxene-hornblende diorite TK003 10117 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 2540 Kg Tqd-f Foliated medium- to coarse-grained, generally equigranular, hypidiomorphic pyroxene-hornblende diorite Cretaceous Foliated medium- to coarse-grained, generally equigranular, hypidiomorphic pyroxene-hornblende diorite TK003 10118 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 2540 Kg Tqd-p Porphyritic medium- to coarse-grained, generally equigranular, hypidiomorphic pyroxene-hornblende diorite Cretaceous Porphyritic medium- to coarse-grained, generally equigranular, hypidiomorphic pyroxene-hornblende diorite TK003 10140 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 2540 Kg Kgab Gabbro Cretaceous Medium to dark grey, eqigranular, pyroxene-hornblende rich gabbro TK003 10115 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 2440 Kmum Mzms Diorite, gabbro, picrite, and pyroxenite sill and dike swarm complex Mesozoic Diorite, gabbro, picrite, and pyroxenite, ultramafic sill and dike swarm complex. Also hypabyssal stocks and laccoliths TK003 10127 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 5245 JPaur KJgd Granodiorite Cretaceous and Jurassic Light to medium grey, medium-grained equigranular to gneissic biotite-hornblende granodiorite TK003 10119 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 3402 Jgd KJgd-f Foliated Granodiorite Cretaceous and Jurassic Foliated light to medium grey, medium-grained equigranular to gneissic biotite-hornblende granodiorite. Unit not distinguished on map. TK003 10120 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 3402 Jgd gossan gossan gossan TK003 110 Talkeetna Mountains Unconsol Trap Pillow basalt and andesite displaying structures Triassic Lava tubes and pillow structures of Tra, which is submarine erruptive sequence of dark green, fine- to coarse-grained, pillow metabasalt and andesite of the mafic metavolcanics and associated sediments of the Amphitheter Group TK003 10144 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 4422 Trn uPzsvh Hornfelsed mafic metabasalts, metaandesites, agglomerates, minor impure carbonates and pelitic semischists Late Paleozoic Hornfelsed mafic metabasalts, metaandesites, agglomerates, minor impure carbonates, and pelitic semischists. Regionally metamorphosed from prehnite-pumpellyite through lower greenschist to amphibolite metamorphic facies. Correlated with the metamorphic complex of the Gulkana River of Nokelberg and others (1989) and the Strelna Metamorphics of Plafker and others (1989) TK003 10136 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 25550 Hf Two outcrops within KJgd, on the southern boundary of the map. TK003 111 Talkeetna Mountains TKir Tertiary and Cretaceous May be a typo on the map. If so, this is TKif TK003 10113 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 1655 TKg Kgd-f Cretaceous In the Kqm description, a unit named Kgd is described as a quartz diorite. This may be a foliated quartz diorite. May also be a typo. If so, it may be Kqd-f or KJgd-f. TK003 10114 Talkeetna Mountains Ign 2540 Kg KJgn Cretaceous and Jurassic One outcrop on the southern boundary of the map. TK003 10122 Talkeetna Mountains 3402 Jgd uPzsm Late Paleozoic One outcrop on the southern boundary of the map. TK003 135 Talkeetna Mountains Meta 5955 PPaskm KJwc Wilber Creek and Wolverine quartzite units, undivided Cretaceous and Jurassic Wilber Creek and Wolverine quartzite units, undivided (TN003 modified, shown as southern TrPs) TN003 2812 Tanana Sed 2812 KJwc Trc Carbonatite Triassic Magnetite-rich carbonatite. TN004 3495 Tanana Ign 4340 Trc Dql Quail unit, basal limestone Late Devonian? Local biogenic limestone buildups in basal Quail unit, deposited on the Troublsome unit. Are as much as 30 m thick and have a lateral extent of several hundred meters. LG002 840 Livengood Sed 6930 DSl TKv Volcanic rock Tertiary to Late Cretaceous Indian River, Takhakhdona Hills, and Dulbi River areas- light-gray to pink rhyolite tuff, welded (?) tuff, flows, and breccia. Subordinate pumice, dark vitrophyre, and obsidian. In Takhakhdona Hills also includesdark-green to black vesicular basalt flows. Big Creek- dark-green to green dacite and andesite porphyry flows and crystal tuffs. Probabaly correlative with similar flows and tuffs in Tanana and Bettles quads. These unit are Tertiary according to Patton (1998) however large area of TKv in the northeastern part of quad. should still be mapped as TKvr Obsidian chippings and artifacts found in archeological site in NW AK may have source in obsidian occurrence north of Little Indian River. Flows in Tanana and Bettles quads have K-Ar date of 58 m.y. MZ002 210 Melozitna Ign 1603 TKvr Kg Granodiorite Late Cretaceous? Two small plutons in the se part of quadrangle. Fine- to medium-grained hornblende-biotite granodiorite with subordinate quartz monzonite and quartz diorite. Distinguished from others to the north by Bill Patton (March, 1999) K-Ar date of 82.3 and 89.0 m.y. from the Dulbatna Mountain pluton and 81.5 m.y. from the Indian Mountain pluton in adjoining Hughes quad MZ002 300 Melozitna Ign 2460 Kg Dq Quail unit, revision Late Devonian? Conglomerate, phyllite, calc-phyllite, siltstone, and sandstone. Part of unit recorrelated to Cascaden Ridge equil. LG002 844 Livengood Sed 6940 Dcb Dt Troublesome unit Devonian(?) Argillite, chert, and mafic intrusive and extrusive rocks LG002 846 Livengood Sed 6910 Dtr Mog Orthogneiss Devonian Orthogneiss U/Pb age 350 Ma, protolith(?) age LG003 6521 Livengood Ign 6521 MDyao JMr Rampart Group and associated mafic intrusive rocks, undivided Mississippian to Jurassic Rampart Group volcanic and sedimentary rock sequence, mafic rocks divided out TN003 5133 Tanana Ign 5130 JTrtmu Jsc Serpentinite and or carbonatite Jurassic? Carbonatite of unit Jsc TN003 3495 Tanana Ign 4340 Trc Kwcq Wilber Creek unit of Weber and others (1992), quartzite Early Cretaceous Brown, argillaceous, impure quartzite and graywacke sandstone; locally mappable within dominantly argillaceous and graywacke section. TN003 2118 Tanana Sed 2115 Kwcf JMr Rampart Group and associated mafic intrusive rocks, undivided Mississippian to Jurassic Rampart Group volcanic and sedimentary rock sequence, mafic rocks divided out TN003 5132 Tanana Ign 5132 JMtru PzpCsq Schist and Quartzite Paleozoic or Precambrian Quartz-muscovite-biotite schist, quartz-muscovite schist, quartzite, and amphibole schist; locally garnetiferous. Upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies. Age unknown. Unit subdivided on published OFR98-133 into PzZysa and PzZysq. BD002 451 Big Delta Meta 8630 PzZysa bc Birch Creek Schist Uncertain but believe to be early Paleozoic or Precambrian Light- to dark-gray, reddish-brown to tan-weathering schists, predominately quartz-sericite schist and micaeous quartzite. Includes mu-bio schist, garnet-mica schist, calcite-and dolomite-bearing schist, chloritic and graphitic schist, amphibolite, impure marble, and gneiss. Southern most part assigned to NSACLASS = 9322, part out in flats assigned to NSACLASS = 6511 120 m.y. to 1,170 m.y. FB002 600 Fairbanks Meta 9322 PzZaqs bc Birch Creek Schist Uncertain but believe to be early Paleozoic or Precambrian Light- to dark-gray, reddish-brown to tan-weathering schists, predominately quartz-sericite schist and micaeous quartzite. Includes mu-bio schist, garnet-mica schist, calcite-and dolomite-bearing schist, chloritic and graphitic schist, amphibolite, impure marble, and gneiss. Southern most part assigned to NSACLASS = 9322, part out in flats assigned to NSACLASS = 6511 120 m.y. to 1,170 m.y. FB002 600 Fairbanks Meta 6511 MDt? bc Birch Creek Schist Uncertain but believe to be early Paleozoic or Precambrian Light- to dark-gray, reddish-brown to tan-weathering schists, predominately quartz-sericite schist and micaeous quartzite. Includes mu-bio schist, garnet-mica schist, calcite-and dolomite-bearing schist, chloritic and graphitic schist, amphibolite, impure marble, and gneiss. Southern most part assigned to NSACLASS = 9322, part out in flats assigned to NSACLASS = 6511, part also assigned to NSACLASS = 8630 120 m.y. to 1,170 m.y. FB002 600 Fairbanks Meta 8630 PzZysa bc Birch Creek Schist Paleozoic Birch Creek Schist, part correlated with Spruce Creek sequence of Kantishna Hills from Bundtzen thesis FB002 600 Fairbanks Meta 5666 Pzsc bc Birch Creek Schist Uncertain but believe to be early Paleozoic or Precambrian Light- to dark-gray, reddish-brown to tan-weathering schists, predominately quartz-sericite schist and micaeous quartzite. Includes mu-bio schist, garnet-mica schist, calcite-and dolomite-bearing schist, chloritic and graphitic schist, amphibolite, impure marble, and gneiss. Southern most part assigned to NSACLASS = 9322, part out in flats assigned to NSACLASS = 6511. Other parts coded 5660 and 5662. 120 m.y. to 1,170 m.y. FB002 600 Fairbanks Meta 5660 Pzk bc Birch Creek Schist Uncertain but believe to be early Paleozoic or Precambrian Light- to dark-gray, reddish-brown to tan-weathering schists, predominately quartz-sericite schist and micaeous quartzite. Includes mu-bio schist, garnet-mica schist, calcite-and dolomite-bearing schist, chloritic and graphitic schist, amphibolite, impure marble, and gneiss. Southern most part assigned to NSACLASS = 9322, part out in flats assigned to NSACLASS = 6511. Other parts coded 5660 and 5662. 120 m.y. to 1,170 m.y. FB002 600 Fairbanks Meta 5662 Pzkcp MDt? Totatlanika Schist? Mississippian or Devonian Metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic rocks. Unit added based on Bundtzen and Weber KH005 6511 Kantishna River Meta 6511 MDt? Kg Granite? Late Cretaceous Unit not described on source map -- missing from legend Lead-alpha age 55-60 Ma, highly suspect. RB005 111 Ruby Ign 2460 Kg Kg Granitic rocks probably Late Cretaceous and Early Cretaceous Chiefly quartz monzonite in Kokrines Hills K-Ar date of 111 Ma in Melozitna quad. RB004 2410 Ruby Ign 2530 Kg Unk Unknown Where did this come from? RB? 0 Ruby Ign 4210 Trn mcb Metamorphic complex Precambrian or Paleozoic The younger unit, mcb, contains schist and quatzite with some crystalline limestone, slate, and greenstone. Part of unit recorrelated (D.N. Bradley, USGS, pers commun., 1998) RB002 503 Ruby Meta 7580 SCpl mca Metamorphic complex Precambrian or Paleozoic In eastern part of quad, metamorphic complex mapped as two units, mca and mcb. The older unit, mca is composed of crystalline limestone and greenstone with some schist and phyllite. RB002 504 Ruby Meta 8600 YZnm pCm Meta-quartz diorite middle Proterozoic? Sheared metamorphosed porphyritic quartz diorite K-Ar on biotite 921 +/- 25 Ma, mouscovite in border zone 663+/- 20 Ma RB007 8710 Ruby Meta 8710 Ynqd KJqa Quartzite, argilllite, conglomerate, and hornfels Cretaceous and/or Jurassic Mostly gray, fine- to medium-grained quartzite, interlayered with mostly gray, greenish-gray, reddish-gray, and tan argillite (1 northwesternmost polygon at CI-LG quad boundary CI002 400 Circle Meta 2115 Kwcf Kg Granite Cretaceous Chloritized porphyritc (hornblende) biotite monzograinte. Also includes rocks mapped as units Kgp and Kgrd, granite or granodiorite(?) porphyry and granodiorite. K-Ar ages range from 57 +/- 2Ma to 71 +/- 2 Ma; Ar-Ar studies suggest a likely age of 90 Ma CI005 2460 Circle Ign 2460 Kg Kwcf Quartzite, argilllite, conglomerate, and hornfels Cretaceous and/or Jurassic Mostly gray, fine- to medium-grained quartzite, interlayered with mostly gray, greenish-gray, reddish-gray, and tan argillite CI003 5500 Circle Sed 2115 Kwcf SOs Siltstone, dolomite, chert, and mafic igneous rocks Silurian and/or Ordovician Gray, black, or olive-gray siltstone and argillite and mudstone. Tan dolomite, gray to dark-gray fine-grained limestone, gray or dark-gray chert. Mafic igneous rocks are dikes, sills, and small lense-like bodies of dark-greenish-black gabbro and basalt. Two areas of exposure, northern contains chert, southern mafic igneous rocks. This NSAclass assignment is for the southern of the two areas. CI002 6250 Circle Ign 7610 Ofc PzZm Gabbro and diorite Paleozoic or preCambrian Gabbro and diorite and some sedimentary rocks of unknown affinity CI003 6500 Circle Ign 8450 MzZum unk Limestone Paleozoic and or preCambrian Various limestone symbol shown on Circle map in a variety of rock units. No further description in text. Includes on southern polygons of unit CI002 1900 Circle Sed 8430 ls ch Chert Paleozoic and or preCambrian Various chert symbols shown on Circle map in a variety of rock units. No further description in text. Assigned to Rampart-Tozitna sedimentary rock unit on the basis of location. CI002 1910 Circle Sed 5020 TrMts PzpCq Quartzite and quartzitic schists Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Gray or greenish-gray quartzite and quartzitic schists are dominant rock types. Minor pelitic schist, calc-silicate, mafic schist, and rare marble are interlayered with quartzite and quartzitic schists. CI002 1600 Circle Meta 9320 PzZyqs PzpCa Argillite, grit, and quartzite Paleozoic and/or Precambrian Gray, maroon, and green slaty argillite interlayered with gray and greenish-gray grit and quartzite. Minor limestone in southern part of exposure. Western exposures in part. CI002 1000 Circle Meta 8310 CZwa Kgs Graywacke sandstone and mudstone Early(?) Cretaceous Chiefly dark-greenish gray to pale-olive tuffaceous and feldspathic fine-to-very coarse-grained sandstone. Subordinate dark-gray mudstone. Many sandstone beds distinctly mottled due to partial zeolitization of volcanic material. Association and gradational(?) with units containing Buchia of earliest Cretaceous age. KT002 200 Kateel River Sed 2180 Kvm KJv Andesitic volcanic rocks - Roundabout Mountain volcanic field Cretaceous and Jurassic(?) Chiefly porphyritic pyroxene andesite and trachyandesite flows, andesitic crystal and lithic tuff, and massive andesite breccia, agglomerate, and conglomerate. Commonly altered and therefore pale green. Interbedded dark-greenish-gray tuffaceous graywacke, chert, shale, and impure limestone containing Buchia. Mildly deformed and unaltered vesicular basalt and associated pyroclastic rocks along Koyukuk River near Roundabout Mt. may be of Tertiary age. KT003 801 Kateel River Ign 1081 Tvb Knm Undifferentiated sedimentary rocks Cretaceous Undifferientiated units Km and Kn. Units on east side of quadrangle reassigned to unit Kvg (NSA 2180). KT002 212 Kateel River Sed 2180 Kvm OCls Lyman Hills Formation Cambrian to Ordovician Lime rich zone in the Lyman Hills Formation after Bundtzen and others (1997); part of Farewell Composite terrane and Dillinger subterrane LH004 7582 Lime Hills Sed 7580 SCpl Tnep Northeast Prong, Tired Pup pluton middle Tertiary Large fine- to coarse-grained seriate, biotite or biotite-amphibole granite pluton. K-Ar biotite ranging from 25.4 to 26.7 Ma LH004 902 Lime Hills Ign 1270 Togr Pzu Sedimentary rocks (limey) Paleozoic Sedimentary rocks. Undifferentiated shale, siltstone, argillite, and limestone. Fossils, chiefly grapotlites, collected from these rocks are Late Cambrian(?), Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian in age. Tentatively correlated with Dilinger sequence of sedimentary rocks. Unit description from LH003. Consists of slected polygons re-assigned to Kahiltna flysch sequence. LH002 190 Lime Hills Sed 2850 KJf TKm Diorite, monzonite, and quartz syenite Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Light to medium-gray biotite-aegerine-olivine diorite, monzonite, and subordinate quartz syenite. Forms bulk of Cripple Creek Mountains pluton. K-Ar age of 71.3 Ma MD003 1660 Medfra Ign 1660 TKm TKm Diorite, monzonite, and quartz syenite Latest Cretaceous, earliest Tertiary Light to medium-gray biotite-aegerine-olivine diorite, monzonite, and subordinate quartz syenite. Forms bulk of Cripple Creek Mountains pluton. K-Ar age of 71.3 Ma OP003 1660 Medfra Ign 1660 TKm Kcvs/Kcs Coarse-grained volcaniclastic sandstone and conglomerate earliest Cretaceous Greenish gray, poorly sorted fine- to coarse-grained lithic-volcaniclastic sandstone and pebble conglomerate composed chiefly of volcanic rock and chert detritus, and quartz. Inoceramus MD003 2180 Medfra Sed 2180 Kvm OCl Unknown Cambrian and Ordovician Unit not described. Sinlge polygon located north of coal-bearing sedimentary rocks in the southwestern McGrath quadrangle. MG003 630 McGrath Sed 7520 Ont PzpCs Greenschist and quartz mica schist early Paleozoic or preCambrian Medium-gray to medium-green, medium- to coarse-grained, schistose, foliated, actinolite-chlorite-epidote greenschist and biotite-chlorite-albite-quartz schist. MD003 8601 Medfra Meta 8601 PzZrqs TrMc Banded chert and argillite Pennsylvanian and Mississippian Medium- to dark-gray, green, and some red radiolarian chert. interbedded dark-gray argillite, and very minor tuffaceous volcanic rocks Radiolarians MD003 6080 Medfra Sed 6080 TrMica JTrt; JTrma Siliceous tuff, crystal and lithic tuffs, and metasiltstone and Mafic volcanic breccia, tuff, siltstone, chert, and agglomerate Triassic and early Jurassic Dark-greenish, very fine grained cherty tuff grading into greenish-gray radiolarian chert. Fine to coarse-grained dark greenish-gray crystal and lithic tuff. Volcanic breccia and conglomerate composed of poorly sorted clasts of mafic volcanic rocks and cherty tuff in a crystal and lithic tuff matrix. Radiolaria and conodonts reported by Patton and others, 1980 (MD002) MD003 3851 Medfra Ign 3851 JTrta TrMv; TrMcs Mafic tuff, volcaniclastic sandstone, and minor mafic flows and Calcareous, lithic pebble sandstone Triassic to Mississippian Medium- to dark-gray, coarse-grained augite-plagioclase-rich mafic tuff, volcaniclastic sandstone, and porphyritic basaltic andesite and basalt. Also, light- to medium-green-gray, medium- to coarse-grained, commonly calcareous lithic pebble sandstone and minor medium-gray siltstone containing distinctive pebbles of green-gray chert, argillite, and tuff. Veghicyclia spp., Pseudoheliodiscus spp., and Sarla spp. of Norian age and Crytostome bryozoan, brachiopod and pelmatozoan fragments of probable late Paleozoic age MD003 5021 Medfra Sed 5021 TrMis Km Augen orthogniess Early Cretaceous Gnessic phase in southern part of the Melozitna pluton now recognized as augen orthogneiss. MZ002 370 Melozitna Meta 6522 MDrao PzpCp? Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence Paleozoic and preCambrian? Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence, recoded as Wickersham on northern part of map. MM002 8631 Mount McKinley Meta 8300 CZw PzpCp Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence Paleozoic and preCambrian? Pelitic and quartzose schist sequence. Reclassified single polygon on the northeast part of map MM002 8630 Mount McKinley Meta 8300 CZw Ksu? Undifferentiated sedimentary rocks Late and Early Cretaceous Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate marine and nonmarine deltaic deposits in south and east part of quadrangle NL003 1940 Nulato Sed 2020 Kme Kg Turbidite deposits Early Cretaceous Graywacke and mudstone turbidite deposits. Polygons north of Kaltag fault on west side of quadrangle of this unit reassigned to unit Ksm NL003 2105 Nulato Sed 2101 Ksse Kg Turbidite deposits Early Cretaceous Graywacke and mudstone turbidite deposits. Polygons in extreme northwest of quadrangle of this unit reassigned to unit Kgw on DOG map, lumped back by W.W. Patton, Jr., (1999) NL003 2115 Nulato Sed 2180 Kvm TrMb Basalt, gabbro, diabase, tuff, and chert Mississippian to Triassic NL003 5130 Nulato Ign 5140 JMab TrMc Banded chert and argillite Triassic, Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian Medium- to dark-gray, green, and some red radiolarian chert, interbedded dark-gray argillite, and very minor tuffaceous volcanic rocks. Albaillella sp.(Middle and Late Mississippian), Latentibifistula sp. (Pennsylvanian and Permian), Capnodoce sp. (Triassic?) OP003 6080 Ophir Sed 5112 TrMica Kcvs/Kcs Coarse-grained volcaniclastic sandstone and conglomerate earliest Cretaceous Greenish gray, poorly sorted fine- to coarse-grained lithic-volcaniclastic sandstone and pebble conglomerate composed chiefly of volcanic rock and chert detritus, and quartz. Inoceramus OP003 2180 Ophir Sed 2180 Kvm JTrt; JTrma Siliceous tuff, crystal and lithic tuffs, and metasiltstone and Mafic volcanic breccia, tuff, siltstone, chert, and agglomerate Triassic and early Jurassic Dark-greenish, very fine grained cherty tuff grading into greenish-gray radiolarian chert. Fine to coarse-grained dark greenish-gray crystal and lithic tuff. Volcanic breccia and conglomerate composed of poorly sorted clasts of mafic volcanic rocks and cherty tuff in a crystal and lithic tuff matrix. Radiolaria and conodonts reported by Patton and others, 1980 (MD002) OP003 3851 Ophir Ign 3851 JTrta TrMv; TrMcs Mafic tuff, volcaniclastic sandstone, and minor mafic flows and Calcareous, lithic pebble sandstone Triassic to Mississippian Medium- to dark-gray, coarse-grained augite-plagioclase-rich mafic tuff, volcaniclastic sandstone, and porphyritic basaltic andesite and basalt. Also, light- to medium-green-gray, medium- to coarse-grained, commonly calcareous lithic pebble sandstone and minor medium-gray siltstone containing distinctive pebbles of green-gray chert, argillite, and tuff. Veghicyclia spp., Pseudoheliodiscus spp., and Sarla spp. of Norian age and Crytostome bryozoan, brachiopod and pelmatozoan fragments of probable late Paleozoic age OP003 5021 Ophir Sed 5021 TrMis PzpCs Schistose metamorphic rocks Early Paleozoic or Late Precambrian Schistose metamorphic rocks -- Unit on northern edge of map recorrelated based on information from Bill Patton OP002 802 Ophir Meta 5542 TrMtqp TrMs None Triassic, Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian Sandstone, grit, and argillite -- some polygons in northeast part of map reassigned to unit PzpCph, per Bundtzen and others (1997) OP003 601 Ophir Sed 8601 PzZrqs Jdr Dishna River mafic and ultramafic rocks Jurassic Dishna River mafic and ultramafic rocks extension into Ophir quadrangle OP002 600 Ophir Ign 5191 Jium TKva Basaltic andesite, basalt, and lapilli tuff Tertiary(?) and Cretaceous Medium-greenish-gray, aphanitic to fine-grained, porphyritic, hornblende-rich basaltic andesite; uncommon basalt and very fine grained lapilli tuff(?) OP003 1600 Ophir Ign 1600 TKv Ksu? Undifferentiated sedimentary rocks -- conglomerate facies Late and Early Cretaceous Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate marine and nonmarine deltaic deposits in southwest part of quadrangle. Addition of subdivision by W.W. Patton, Jr., 1999 NL004 1940 Nulato Sed 2024 Kccf QTi Intrusive rocks Pleistocene and Pliocene (?) Intrusive rocks VA002 460 Valdez Ign 460 QTi mc Metamorphic complex Precambrian or Paleozoic Schist, crystalline limestone, quartzite, greenstone, slate, and phyllite. Areas of crystalline limestone mapped separately when possible as mcl. RB002 501 Ruby Meta 9325 PzZrqs KJs Undivided marine sedimentary rocks Cretaceous and Early Jurassic Medium- to dark-gray, generally isoclinally folded, thick sequence of lithic graywacke, phyllite, and shale with local lenses of quartz-chert conglomerate. Minor fossiliferous limestone, radiolarian chert, and red ferruginous sandstone and siltstone. [Description suggests could include rocks of the Talkeetna Formation, Matanuska Formation, and Nelchina Ls. or Herendeen Fm., along with other units.] South of Denali Fault. This single polygon recoded as Chinitna Fm and Tuxedni Group, undivided based on reasonable correlation. Inoceramus, ammonites, brachiopods, and pelecypods TL002 301 Talkeetna Sed 3140 Jtxc KJs Undivided marine sedimentary rocks Cretaceous and Early Jurassic Medium- to dark-gray, generally isoclinally folded, thick sequence of lithic graywacke, phyllite, and shale with local lenses of quartz-chert conglomerate. Minor fossiliferous limestone, radiolarian chert, and red ferruginous sandstone and siltstone. [Description suggests could include rocks of the Talkeetna Formation, Matanuska Formation, and Nelchina Ls. or Herendeen Fm., along with other units.] South of Denali Fault. These polygons recoded as Tatina River volcanics, upper member based on reasonable correlation. Inoceramus, ammonites, brachiopods, and pelecypods TL002 301 Talkeetna Sed 3210 JTrtv Kag Argillite and lithic graywacke Early Cretaceous These rocks occur in a monotous, intensely deformed flyschlike turbidite sequence, probably several thousand meters thick. The rocks are highly indurated, and many are sheared and pervasively cleaved. Most cleavage is axial plane cleavage. The argillite is dark gray to black with detrital mica as much as 1 mm in diameter. Graywacke is dark to medium gray, fine to medium grained, and occurs intercalated with the argillite. poorly preserved fossils of Incoceramus sp.; a block of Buchia-bearing limestone was found in float. TK002 510 Talkeetna Mountains Sed 2850 KJf