Disposal Site Flyover

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Take a tour of the disposal site region by clicking on either of the formats listed below (QuickTime or MPEG).  QuickTime viewers are freely available and installed already on most PCs and all MACs.  The MPEG format can be viewed by an mpeg viewer.  If you don't have either QuickTime or an MPEG viewer, check out the following links for

An MPEG player for unix
An MPEG player for Windows
A variety of FLC players

After clicking on one the formats listed below, you will need to press play in the movie window to start.  The tour begins with the view looking north and proceeds  clockwise around the disposal site.  The vertical exaggeration is 27.64x.

The individual backscatter images were created by John Evans at the U.S. Geological Survey using AVS software. They were then converted into a movie using mpeg_encode.

QuickTime (4.0 MB) | MPEG (2.1 MB)

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