Over the course of this project I have had the good fortune to work with Ralph Lewis (CT DEP, Geological and Natural History Survey) and Larry Poppe (USGS, Woods Hole, MA) who made considerable contributions my understanding of the sea floor environment of Long Island Sound. Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen (CT DEP, Long Island Sound Resource Center) provided her GIS and mapping expertise at several stages of GIS development in my lab. The extensive collection of information, re-analysis and GIS development by several graduate students at the University of New Haven made this work possible. These included: Anne Asterita, Yuan S. Chen, Joanna Dowgialo, Susan Wilson Farquanson, Ed King, and Kevin Zawoy. I extend a special thanks to Peter Pellegrino and Bill Hubbard for so kindly providing me with the raw data from their survey. Finally, many thanks, as always, to Fran, Julia and Katya.

This work was supported by grant CWF - 221 - R from the Long Island Sound Research Fund, Office of Long Island Sound Programs, Department of Environmental Protection, State of Connecticut.

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